Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 666

Staring at the figure in front of me, Zhu zero opened his mouth and didn\'t close for a long time.

Is he right?

"Teacher, younger martial brother?" Zhu zero shook his head and thought he was dreaming.

On that side, Ji Qing was no better. His dull face seemed petrified. He didn\'t return to his mind for a long time. Wan Gu, that powerful Wan Gu is dead? One shot, only one shot was killed, and was killed in the front!!!

Are you kidding?

However, the facts are in front of us.

That shocking shot is still in Ji Qing\'s mind.

It\'s terrible!

It\'s like piercing the sky.

Regardless of the gun type and intention, she reached the peak, which was beyond her reach.

With the strength of the body, vigorous Qi and star power, the power of this gun is so strong that it is creepy.


"Too strong!"

Ji Qing\'s eyes twinkled and shocked.

"Sorry, I\'m late, Second Senior brother." Lin Feng put away his gun and smiled apologetically.

At that moment, I almost thought I couldn\'t catch up. Fortunately, the purple fog fantasy changed its position instantly, like a chessboard, and reset the position of the pieces. But is it extremely lucky? At least I finally catch up with the last moment. If not, I\'m afraid I\'ll regret it all my life!

I don\'t want to see a tragedy like fierce fire and less flowers happen in front of me.

"Really, really you, younger martial brother..." Zhu zero finally closed his mouth and his heart beat very fast.

Seeing Lin Feng kill Wan Gu, the gun seemed to pierce into his heart, and the lingering power burst out!

"Second elder martial brother." the light of Lin Feng\'s right hand flashed, and a six-star fairy fruit "xiaoshuiling" was thrown to Zhu zero with two life fruits.

"Hmm?" Zhu zero took over and looked bright. How could you not recognize the \'special water Ling\', and gave a light wow. Zhu zero looked at Lin Feng as if he didn\'t know him, and laughed in an uproar. "Younger martial brother, younger martial brother, it\'s really a three-day leave. No wonder the master was so eccentric at that time!"

After saying that, I wish you zero, but I\'m not polite. I put xiaoshuiling in my mouth and swallowed it in a moment.

The martial brothers feel the same as their relatives, but they seem to be outspoken.

"Elder martial sister." Lin Feng smiled slightly, but he was not eccentric.

The same \'xiaoshuiling\' and two fruits of life were thrown to Jiqing.

Money is an extraneous thing, not to mention the six-star fairy fruit. There are many on him, but it\'s important to save people now.

Ji Qing took it, but his beautiful eyes twinkled, but he bit his lips. He just took a small bite and was about to put away the "special water Ling". The beautiful eyes closed slightly and felt the strange and powerful energy of heaven and earth gathering in the body. The injuries healed a lot in an instant, and Ji Qing\'s pretty face was ruddy.

"Thank you." Ji Qing nodded to Lin Feng and stood up. He was still a little weak.

But she endured the discomfort. Even she went back. Not far away, her two sisters were seriously injured.

"He is wan Gu?" Lin Feng said softly.

"Yes, the young generation of Yanling mansion is the strongest, and the Yanling family is the strongest newcomer." Zhu zero\'s eyes twinkle and looks straight at Lin Feng.

Such a strong man can easily kill him and Ji Qing, but under Lin Feng, he can\'t even stop a move!

How amazing!

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he was not too surprised.

Before entering Yanling mansion, the name of "ten thousand orphans" of Yanling\'s ten thousand families was as loud as thunder.

But right now, there are no bones.

"Not that he is too weak, but that I am now..."

"Too strong."

His eyes moved sharply, and Lin Feng understood in his heart.

There must be gains if there is a loss. In the purple star realm, I have risked death and life several times. I spend almost every 900 days in dire straits.

One pay, one harvest, the strength is growing rapidly.

"Second elder martial brother, wait for me here." Lin Feng raised his head and stared around.

Although Wan Gu died, more than three hundred martial arts of Yanling Wan family still survived. The number was quite terrible and completely suppressed the disciples of Liyan clan.

Your \'task\' has not been completed!

"Younger martial brother, you?" Zhu zero responded very quickly. He immediately felt the flames of war not far away and frowned. "Your fists are difficult to defeat four hands. Younger martial brother, although you have made great progress now, the number of our Liyan sect disciples is too different from the other party. Don\'t be brave. Just a few can be saved."

In Zhu zero\'s opinion, Lin Feng is going to save people.

After all, it\'s fantastic to let a god of war deal with 300 star sea level strong men.

Even the Heavenly Master who is good at group attack is impossible.

"Don\'t worry, second elder martial brother." Lin Feng smiled slightly. "Take good care of elder martial sister Ji."

Although Zhu Ling took the six star fairy fruit "xiaoshuiling", his body\'s injury and vitality did not recover so quickly. His body is as strong as Lin Feng\'s abnormal body, which needs a period of precipitation. What\'s more, the three women of Ji Qing share a "small water Ling", and their injuries can only recover 20% to 30%, which needs to be protected.

"OK, be careful," Zhu zero told me.

But I also understand that even if he goes now, it is a burden.

I couldn\'t help smiling at the thought of this. I remembered that my strength was far from leaving younger martial brother not long ago. I can beat him easily.

I don\'t want to think that now, he is so "small" in front of Lin Feng, and the gap is unimaginable.

Wan Gu, you can kill him in three moves.

Lin Feng kills thousands of orphans with one move!

What\'s the concept?

In other words, Lin Feng\'s strength, I\'m afraid it\'s as easy to kill him as killing an ant.

"It\'s really envious." looking at Lin Feng\'s back, Zhu zero flashed a different light in his eyes and shook his head. But in his heart, he was glad. After all, Lin Feng was his own man. His strength was the pride of Li Yanmen, the pride of his master and his senior brother!

Wish zero, nature is not a stingy person.


Purple fog area.

In the murderous black fog, a bloody storm was unfolding at this time.

The sound of fighting kept on, and blood light scattered everywhere.

More than 300 warriors of Yanling wanzu encircled and suppressed less than 60 disciples of Li Yanmen. The situation had already fallen on one side and completely biased towards Yanling wanzu. In fact, if the natural barrier of purple fog had not hindered the sight, the martial artists of Yanling 10000 families often lost their position. At the moment, liyanmen had already been completely destroyed.

But even so, at present, nearly half of the disciples of Liyan gate have died.

Everyone alive was injured, even Ji Xiu, the most powerful one, was also decorated.

Two fists can\'t beat four hands!

"Shit, fight with those sons of bitches!" roared a big man in the crowd.

"Ha ha, let\'s have a competition, green bull. Look who killed us more!" Lei Ba laughed wildly, but his murderous spirit dispersed. The strong body is full of scars and blood. The injury is not light. However, leiba\'s eyes were full of persistence and didn\'t care at all.

"Just compare, I\'m afraid you won\'t!" roared the big man "green bull", and the huge axe in his hand suddenly roared.

"Say less and do more. Leave some strength to kill." the cold and arrogant man stabbed out a snow sword with a sharp cold light in his eyes.

"Yushou sword, don\'t put on that cool face. Do you think others don\'t know you\'re pretending?" Lei Ba laughed, flashing the thunder roaring silver fist. Each fist is powerful, so that the enemy can\'t get close.

The cold and arrogant man\'s "imperial sword" snorted coldly, but he stopped talking.

The rise and fall of the sword seem to be very consistent, but the action is 30% slower than just now.

The killing is tired and the injury is very serious.

But no one retreated.

Kill one and earn one.

All the martial artists of the liyanmen fight with all their strength, especially Ji Xiu. One sword, with Gu Bo\'s cold face, rushes into the Yanling army of ten thousand families. Although the body was stained with blood, the movement was still not deformed at all.

That sword, too strong!

The meaning of sword has reached a realm beyond our reach.

Under his command, there were at least dozens of dead Yanling wanzu warriors.

fight a bloody battle!

With the passage of time, the martial arts of liyanmen are no matter how strong they are, they are also difficult to support.

"Ha, ha ha... I won, green bull. I killed nine." Lei BA\'s mouth exuded blood, his hands trembled and his voice was weak.

"Boom!!" a huge axe was vigorous and angry, but the tall body of the green bull stumbled a few steps and his face was pale. "Are you kidding? I still have strength. I\'m just one of you!" they stumbled and collided with each other, and their painful eyebrows were tightly screwed together.

The injury was quite serious. In this unfair group war, he killed 10000 enemies and lost 5000 himself.

It\'s not easy for them to stick to it until now.

"Ha, to tell you the truth, qingmanniu, I have no strength." leiba grinned and sat down on the ground.

"Dong!" the big axe fell, and the green bull sighed bitterly, "it\'s better than me. I can\'t even take the green dragon axe."

Back to back, they laughed for a while.

Life is no joy, death is no pain!

Peng!! A violent roar sounded.

Leiba and qingmanniu blinked, but they saw a figure falling beside them, bleeding all over the ground, quite miserable.

The cold and arrogant man\'s "imperial sword" breathed heavily, and his bloody arms supported the ground hard. It seemed that he wanted to get up, but his hands were powerless, as if they were hairy. Trembling his arms, the imperial sword was no longer able to support his body. He was about to fall down, but his body suddenly lightened, and the complexion of the imperial sword changed.

One left and one right, two strong but trembling arms put up his body.

"Don\'t fall down, good brother!" Lei BA\'s eyes flickered.

"Yes, good, stand up!" said the young man Niu Hao.

There was a touch in the eyes of the imperial sword, and his feet stood straight: "thank you."

Even if they lost all their strength, even if they no longer had the ability to fight, but the three were not discouraged by more than half.

Even if they die, they will die standing like a man!

Never flinch!

In my ears, the sound of fighting is deafening.

The strong murderous spirit is getting closer and closer. It is faintly visible that the martial artists of Yanling 10000 families are coming straight. The purple fog had dispersed a lot in the battle. Seeing the more than a dozen black figures in front, the three people were full of expression and died resolutely and generously.

But suddenly——

烀! 烀~ A strong flame fell from the sky.

Break the silence and burn the whole earth!!

(first change to ~ ~)