Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 665

However, Ji Qing is not alone.

"Sister!" "sister!!" Ji Jing and Ji Yingying arrive at once.

In their wrists, a bright light flashed and condensed into a huge golden dragon shrouded in golden light. Unexpectedly, they rushed out of the light.

Hiss~ The Golden Dragon opened its mouth and tore wildly.

However, what they are facing is the strongest of the younger generation in Yanling mansion——

Wan gu!

"Zheng!" his hands became claws, and WAN Gu\'s eyes shot fiercely.

The cold and strong star power formed a sharp blade in the claws. Wan Gu\'s claws flashed an "X" shaped light, and the golden dragon was instantly split and slaughtered. Ji Jing and Ji Yingying vomited blood and retreated, falling behind, looking pale.

Gather the strength of two people, but only block Wan Gu for a moment.

How can an ant shake a tree?

"Sister!!" Ji Qing\'s eyes are red.

At this time, she was already regretful, but she paid a heavy price for her confidence in strength.

Up to now, she doesn\'t even know who her opponent is!

Gritting his teeth, Ji Qing immediately got up.

"Double orifices burst!" Ji Qing\'s eyes were shining, and his right hand and right foot bloomed almost instantaneously, with great power.

The power of martial god is full of explosive.

The strong starlight condenses in Ji Qing\'s hands and blows out the strongest move in the face of Wan Gu\'s sudden attack.


Peng! Peng! Peng! Successive collisions.

Even if the power of orifices and acupoints breaks out, Ji Qing still has no upper hand.

The competition between sword and claw, the change of pace and the sharpness of action disappeared with the outbreak of orifices and acupoints, and Ji Qing was no longer able to resist. A sharp ice light appeared on his chest, and a sharp cone pierced his chest. Ji Qing snorted miserably, and was instantly repulsed, and his chest was dyed red.

"Death!" Wan Gu waved his sharp claw with strong star power.

Ji Qingfei rose in mid air and fell straight behind. His pretty face had no life force.

Dong! After landing heavily, Ji Qing fainted.

"Huh?" Wan Gu\'s eyes burned.

"There is still a breath and something to protect your life."

The corners of his mouth began to scratch coldly, but wan Gu was just a thought. With the change of his hands, the cold ice spikes in the air suddenly condensed, one after another, dense and solid. In an instant, hundreds of spikes condensed in the sky, and it took no effort in the blink of an eye.

Wu Shen!

Wan Gu, extremely powerful!

"Go." Wan Gu\'s eyes were cold.

Determined by the mind, hundreds of Ice Spikes fell at an amazing speed to Ji Qing, who had passed out.

To kill, kill decisively and thoroughly!

Wan Gu has no mercy.

Ji Qing was about to die here, and suddenly changed suddenly.

A sharp electric light flashed, forming an electrode magnetic ring, which appeared three meters in front of Ji Qing. Suddenly, those Ice Spikes fell on the magnetic ring of the electrode and made a harsh sound of "Zizi". Wan Gu\'s eyes were cold and looked not far away, "I wish you zero?"

Whoosh! A yellow figure galloped in.

There is no cynicism on his face, but only calm and righteousness.

Wish zero!

Zhu Ling was followed by the first group of strong men. They gathered together to form a sharp knife and pierced into the heart of the Yanling army, giving the defeated disciples of Liyan clan a chance to breathe. Qian Xin, Ji Xiu and leiba are ahead in the sprint, with good strength.

However, Wan Gu is not afraid to laugh.

"Well come." Wan Gu\'s eyes were faint, "I\'m afraid you won\'t come."

"Sure enough, it\'s you, Wan gu!" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed silently before Ji Qing. At this time, the ice spike had already been dissipated by the electrode magnetic ring. However, the collision of breath was still strong. Ji Qingzhen woke up and said slightly, "come on, go!"

Wish zero eyes a change, zhijiqing is for him.

If Ji Qing can say these words, it shows how powerful Wan Gu is!

He is not in the same level as rumor and Rumeng and Ji Qing!!!

"Can you go?" Wan Gu\'s voice was calm.

Maybe Ji Qing\'s groaning voice is very light, but who is wan Gu, and how can he hide it from his ears?

Scold! The body is like a shuttle. Wan Gu moves very fast.

The sharp ice under your feet breaks, making Wan Gu\'s speed increase by another point.

I wish zero heart a strong shock, but the reaction is not slow. The electric light goes with me and goes straight to Wangu.


He still underestimated Wan Gu\'s strength.

"Peng!!" "Chi! Chi! ~" with simple impact and moving steps again and again, Wan Gu is like a sensitive poisonous snake, breaking the zero defense in an instant. Zhu zero\'s arm cuts a blood hole, which has not yet slowed down. The strong ice sharp blade runs through instantly, adding injury to injury.

Give up one arm first!

The action is concise and practical!

"Boom!" Zhu zero gritted his teeth and retreated.

Looking at Wan Gu, I wish zero full of horror.

Only after a real face-to-face contest can we know that Wan Gu\'s strength is terrible!

Attack, sharp to the extreme.

"No wonder Ji Qing lost so miserably."

"The strength of Wan Gu is bottomless!!"

I wish zero looks ugly and has a clear heart.

His strength is between Ji Qing and Bozhong. If he is stronger than Ji Qing, maybe he has better Lingbao quality and richer combat experience. You know, the strength of Zhu zero last year was not as good as Ji Qing. Even if the progress is greater in just one year, it can be estimated.

With a cold smile, Wan Gu was calm.

The figure galloped out again, and the killing intention in his eyes flashed away.

He has absolute confidence!

More than zero.

The first group of warriors were completely suppressed at this time.

Maybe you can be caught off guard at the beginning, but strength is strength in the end, not a chance to win.

You know, there are more than 300 warriors among the ten thousand families of Yanling.

And how many are there in liyanmen?

There are only 60 people, and one of them is a traitor.

For this layout, Yanling wanzu sent out real killers to complete the task. Unlike Li Yanmen, it is available at all ages and comes purely for training. There is a gap between the two sides, not to mention the difference in the number of fighters is five times. How can we fight this war?

Boom! Boom~

One by one, the disciples of the Liyan sect were seriously injured and many were killed.

For fear of accidental injury, the heavenly spirit masters of Yanling 10000 families no longer attack blindly, but only half of the war gods and martial gods are enough to clean up the people of liyanmen.

Except Ji Xiu, almost all the disciples of Liyan sect were injured.

The worst is the most powerful among the people——

I wish you zero.

"Peng!!" Zhu zero fell behind.

His hands covered his chest, his face was pale, his body was stained with blood, but he was seriously injured.

The eyes are a little blurred. Zhu zero\'s breathing is aggravated. The heartbreaking wound on his chest is shocking. The virtual hanging of his right arm has long been abandoned by Wan Gu. The defensive Lingbao on the body is fragmented, completely falling into the disadvantage, and has no power to fight back.

Step! Step! Wan Gu stepped forward calmly.

At present, Wan Gu takes the absolute initiative. Wan Gu is like a cat playing with a mouse.

Every step, heavy and powerful, is like stepping on the wish of zero heart.

"Poof!" spit out a mouthful of blood, wish zero to exude blood, and stubbornly want to stand up.

However, his body stumbled, but he didn\'t have any strength. He stepped back a few steps, fell and sat on the ground again, panting.

Beside him was Ji Qing with a regretful face. He was also seriously injured. Looking at Zhu zero Jiqing, her heart is full of guilt. If she hadn\'t insisted on her own way, she wouldn\'t have made such a situation at present. This time, she really saw who was behind the scenes of secretly harming Li Yanmen!

But what\'s the use?

Can\'t leave here, just die with the answer.

"Yes, I\'m sorry," Ji Qing whispered weakly, clenching his lips.

If she had another chance, she would never be so proud and willful.

But is it possible?

Zhu zero smiled reluctantly. Although he was facing death, he was open-minded and had no regret and fear. He did what he should do. Maybe it was like a mantis beating a cart, but this was what he should do and the only thing he could do.

As a man, he can\'t escape many things!

Must face!

What\'s the fear of death!

"What a pair of mandarin ducks with the same life." Wan Gu said calmly.

"I\'ll help you, go to hell!" the voice fell, and WAN Gu\'s eyes were full of sparkling killing intention.

The strong Ice Spikes appeared again, stronger and more terrible than the last time. The cold light burst and appeared in the sky.

In this moment, the Ice Spikes fell madly.

Like a poisonous snake opening its fangs!

I wish zero a calm smile on his face, but he is calm in the face of death and is waiting to close his eyes

Suddenly, there was a sudden change!

烀! 烀!

Two surprisingly powerful fireballs galloped from the rear.

Very fast!

With the power of amazing terror and the power of arrogance, he went straight to the ice spike. For a moment, Zhu zero and Ji Qing opened his eyes, Wan Gu frowned tightly, and a touch of cold appeared in his eyes. Boom! Boom~ The fire burst and directly blasted the ice spike into nothingness.

And instant——

Whoosh! A black figure, with a terrible speed, crossed like a meteor.

It\'s amazing power, terrible speed. The black light condensed the bright stars. Zhu zero opened his mouth as if he had seen it somewhere, but he saw his figure quickly penetrate everything. The bright cold light seemed to fall from the sky, and his amazing power would pierce the sky.

He watched the brilliant move.

Standing up all over!

It\'s terrible!

"Boom!!" roared violently.

Between heaven and earth, all sounds seem to stop.

I wish I could hold my breath and stare at the front without saying a word.

Wan Gu, who was still alive and powerful just now, is now opening his eyes with disbelief. In front of him, a long gun penetrated the defense and his heart, and blood dripping down. How harsh the sound was.

It\'s irony!

"No, it\'s impossible." his voice was hoarse.

Wan Gu seemed to use up all his strength and looked at the figure in front of him with astonishment.

But he has no more time.

"Jiong!" a flame burned his body.

The fire filled the air, reflecting a black figure, standing tall with a long gun in hand.

Lin Feng finally arrived.

(third watch!)