Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 664

Pop! Pop! PA~

The purple fog area burst into intense light in an instant.

At the moment when all the warriors of Yanling 10000 families entered, the fourth heavy day exceeded 80%. No, 90% of the warriors should have entered it!

According to Wan Gu\'s words, this is the first condition for touching the excavation of \'Purple treasure\'!

Blood sacrifice!

Sacrifice with blood.

Wake up the excavation of the \'Purple treasure\'.

"Sure enough, like indigo treasures, there is a blood sacrifice." Wan Gu\'s eyes are bright.

Others don\'t know, but the ancient books of the Yanling Wan nationality clearly record that the first thing to make indigo treasures unearthed is "blood sacrifice". It is said that the treasure has a spirit. Only enough blood can awaken the "spirit" of the treasure and make it break through the earth.

"Hmm?" Wan Gu\'s face changed slightly and stretched out his right hand.

Grasping a purple fog, Wan Gu\'s eyes felt the energy in the purple fog and thought deeply.

"There is really a difference between purple treasures and indigo treasures."

"There is a murderous energy in the purple fog. It\'s strange."

"The longer you stay in the purple fog area, the more purple fog you absorb, and the more heart killing you will be."

Wan Gu nodded slowly, but his face did not change.

The mind is firm, as if he will not be affected by the purple fog, but others may not.

"It\'s good."

"At least, there is another blatant excuse."

Wan Gu\'s eyes were burning, glanced at the flashing light spot on the radar, and looked straight ahead.

The distance is getting closer and closer.

In the purple fog area.

"No, this purple fog area can be a mirage!"

"Both directions and paths exist in another independent space. Strictly speaking, they do not belong to the fourth heaven."

Lin Feng\'s face was very dignified and his eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.

He and Yanling wanzu almost arrived with front and rear feet, with a difference of only half a incense burning time, but they were in different positions as soon as they entered the purple fog area. The purple fog area changes its position and space every once in a while, and I just pass by with Yanling wanzu.

A time difference, the gap is great.

"What a thick purple fog."

"There is a surge of killing intention."

"It\'s not easy here!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and galloped forward.

Although the sensor in hand is powerful, it is only a "map" and can\'t change anything.

"Wow!" my mind was immersed in it.

Lin Feng soon felt the martial brothers of Li Yanmen.

"Divide into two groups."

"The second senior brother\'s group is heading towards the other group, and will meet soon."

The suspended heart was just put down for a minute, and Lin Fengchang breathed.

But in an instant, the heart is fierce to mention!

"What\'s that?!"

"The Yanling ten thousand families are so fast!"

Lin Feng was shocked and felt very clear in his heart.

At this time, the Yanling ten thousand clan team of more than 300 people was galloping to another group of Liyan sect disciples at a very fast speed.

It seems that you have sensors like yourself, and the approaching speed is very fast!


Peng! Lin Feng\'s head seemed to explode.

"I see!"

"It\'s locator and radar!"

"There are traitors in the Li Yan gate!"

Trembling in his heart, Lin Feng felt a chill in his spine.

I\'m still far away at the moment. At this speed, when I arrive, I\'m afraid

All the people of liyanmen have been slaughtered!


"This is trouble!"

Lin Feng\'s face was pale.

"What\'s the matter? My body is so strange."

"Me too. I have a feeling of mania in my heart. I really want to vent."

"Shit, I really want to fight!"

A group of Liyan sect disciples led by Ji Qing were in turmoil at this time.

Affected by the purple fog, more and more martial artists who are not determined inhale. At this time, their eyes are blurred and they are about to lose control of their killing intention.

Only Ji Qing and other mental strength can be unaffected.

"Sister, something\'s wrong." Ji Jing blushed and said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, sister, I\'m so flustered that I\'m not comfortable." Ji Yingying\'s voice trembled slightly.

Ji Qing\'s eyes were positive: "stick to your will and stabilize your mind."

Ji Jing and Ji Yingying trembled in their hearts and suddenly recovered a little clarity, "yes, sister."

Ji Qing bit his lips and looked a little ugly. But she was not affected by the purple fog. With her strength and willpower, she would not be affected by these meaningless influences. She just felt a sense of uneasiness and distraction, as if some danger was coming.

The heart beats fast!

Dense purple fog, almost invisible.

Ji Qing naturally didn\'t know that in the twenty-nine shadows behind her, a young man with a thick eyebrow took a locator on his left hand!!!

Vice captain of the sixth team, Han Jin!

On that day, it was he who aroused people\'s emotions and divided Li Yanmen.

It\'s this humble mouse shit that broke a whole pot of good soup!

"What\'s going on?"

"Why do you feel this way!"

Ji Qing\'s pretty face is a little white, her eyebrows are tight, and her steps are a little staggering.

It seems to feel something, but I can\'t say it again.

In an instant——

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The fierce sound of breaking the air, accompanied by the amazing murderous spirit, came straight.

It was like the sky suddenly fell dry thunder, a startling sound, and suddenly the rain fell madly. Ji Qingmei\'s eyes were shocked.

"No!" Ji Qing shuddered all over. At this time, she finally woke up.

But it\'s too late.


The killing intention broke out in an instant!

More than 300 warriors of Yanling Wan clan launched a death like impact. Wan Gu took the lead and his eyes were filled with sparkling cold light.


Wait a full 900 days.

After a long tug of war, he finally pulled back the disadvantage completely!

This move of chess, he will destroy Li Yanmen in one fell swoop!

"You\'re all going to die."

"Take it as a sacrifice unearthed from the \'Purple treasure\'."

Wan Gu scratched a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the cold luster in his eyes had no emotion.

He is a ruthless killer!


"Everybody run!"

Ji Qing clenched his teeth and drank loudly.

At this time, there is no face. Only saving your life is the most important thing.

Although Ji Qing is proud of herself, she has a good heart. From her willingness to be the team leader, she knows that she has a strong sense of responsibility.

However, one mountain is higher than another.

Wan Gu carefully arranged the game. Could she dismantle it?

There is a mental calculation, but there is no intention.

"What\'s going on!"

"Why can\'t you leave!"

"Why can\'t I go!!!"

Behind him came the panic voice of the disciples of Li Yanmen. Ji Qing\'s heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley and his face was pale. Among them, there are the voices of her two sisters. They are flustered and frightened. All kinds of emotions are mixed in the voices. Ji Qing is shaky.

She\'s in the trap!


The most violent attack came in an instant.

Ji Qing\'s heart trembled fiercely, and the conditioned reflex was to resist.


Peng! The powerful attack is like a huge meteorite falling!

"Dong!!!" Ji Qingxiu\'s eyes widened, but her defense collapsed instantly.

Ji Qing, who had already lost his will and was severely impacted, was badly hit. Terrible power runs through her body. Just one blow will destroy her power in an instant! Like a mantis, he is not an opponent at all. He is as powerful as Ji Qing. He was defeated miserably under one move!

It was a proud man with a strong figure and a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

Wan Gu, come here!

"Bad!!" Lin Feng\'s heart shook.

In the sensor, Yanling wanzu has "blended" with one group of Liyan sect disciples.

Although I can\'t see it, I can fully imagine what happened.

A life and death encounter!

"In time."

"At least half an hour\'s way!"

"Unable to return to heaven!"

Lin Feng was burning with anxiety. The big sweat drops from his forehead.

Then he "watched" his fellow disciples being killed, and the depression in his heart that was beyond his power made Lin Feng\'s fists and nails deep into the flesh.

And now——

WOW! The picture in the sensor changes suddenly.

The road and direction in front of him suddenly changed. The place that was originally far away was like a piece of paper folded. Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. His eyes opened wide and his heart beat very fast. A long lost smile appeared on Lin Feng\'s face.

But I was surprised and happy!

"So close!"

"Much closer!"

Lin Feng\'s clenched fists suddenly loosened, and he was very happy.

The change of the fairyland makes it possible to get there in half an hour. At present, it only takes half an hour to get there!


"Second elder martial brother, they have arrived!"

"It should last for a while."

"Hold on, everyone. I\'ll be right there!!!"

His eyes were sparkling. Lin Feng clenched his teeth and his speed completely exploded.

Boom! Boom~

With the strike of Wangu thunder, the prelude to the war was opened.

Countless Yanling warriors rushed to the house, and all kinds of fireballs, water bombs and gold arrows flashed with strong star power. All the disciples of Li Yanmen screamed. Because their eyesight was limited, they could not accurately estimate the direction of attack. Therefore, many disciples were injured.

Under the bombing sound of long-range attack, countless gods of war and martial arts rushed in.

The breath is majestic and the morale is high. The number of people is far beyond the group of 30 people of Li Yanmen.

Among them, Wan Gu takes the lead.

"Boom!" "boom!!" Wan Gu\'s eyes ran fiercely.

His hands became claws, flashing a strange luster, and the accompanying figure brought a fierce vigorous wind.

In an instant, it turned into a fierce wind, and the two Li Yan sect disciples who were in the way were instantly torn to pieces.


Not far away, Ji Qing\'s weak body just landed!

Wan Gu, come very fast.

Whether the opponent is male or female, or always young, it is no different to Wan Gu. Since childhood, he has been cultivated by instilling the family model. For him, the family is everything, and the task is everything. As for other family affection and kindness

In Wan Gu\'s belief, it doesn\'t exist at all.

No one can stop the people he wants to kill.

"Die!!" Wan Gu looked cold.

The cold and solidified breath is like a steel knife, cutting through all the constraints.

Ji Qing\'s pale face was close at hand.

With one blow, it will become a bloody corpse.

(second shift ~ ~ third shift 0:00)