Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 663

Lin Feng and Rumeng go together.

Galloping day and night in a row, their relationship has obviously increased a lot and is no longer so strange.

And this is exactly what Lin Feng wants.

"Qiyue palace, what\'s wrong?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yes, it\'s true that I don\'t hide from brother Lin." Rumeng\'s eyes reflect a faint worry. Now she has a good relationship with Lin Feng, and there are no more Taboos between each other, and she is also a straightforward person. "Qiyue palace has fallen into a state of civil strife since her father disappeared inexplicably."

"Can\'t anyone else take the place of the palace?" Lin Fengwei wondered.

"Yes, uncle Qianjun, the Deputy palace leader." Rumeng smiled and showed a dimple. "Uncle Qianjun is gentle and gentle. Although he doesn\'t handle palace affairs as well as his father, he is also watertight and careful, but those ignorant people in the Presbyterian courtyard always block their hands and feet." after talking, Rumeng turned his mouth and seemed very dissatisfied.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and nodded.

As the dream said, it is not difficult to understand that now there are no heads in Qiyue palace, and the two factions are obviously fighting openly and secretly.

Power struggle!

Where there are people, there will naturally be all kinds of fights.

"There are three pillars of Yanling, liyanmen and Qiyue palace."

"For tens of thousands of years, it has maintained a delicate balance, and now the Yanling 10000 people are suddenly in trouble..."

"Is it related to the civil strife in Qiyue palace?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and thought of many things for a moment.

Once Qiyue palace falls into civil strife, it is too busy for itself. The alliance with Li Yanmen is a major event in the palace. It must be decided by the powerful leader of the imperial clan, such as the palace leader. Now that there is no leader in the palace, how can the Deputy palace leader Qian Jun make a decision beyond the Presbyterian court?

It\'s dangerous!

"No wonder the Yanling 10000 clans are sneaky."

"Obviously, I want to be caught off guard when Qiyue palace is too busy to attack Yanmen!"

"It seems that the plan has been made for a long time. Maybe..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with cold light. "The disappearance of the leader of Qiyue Palace \'Xingqi cliff\' has something to do with Yanling 10000 families!"

"I must inform Shifu about this as soon as possible. One more point will be one more variable."

"But I don\'t know how the fierce wild goose gate is outside."

Lin Feng\'s heart flashed a little worried, but he didn\'t intend to calculate. What\'s more, Li Yanmen, who lacks the support of Qiyue palace, is really inferior to all Yanling families in terms of power. It can be seen from the actions of Yanling\'s distinguished residence that the situation under the Yanling\'s ten thousand families is tight and seamless. It is obvious that the plan has been long!

Holding the sensor in his right hand, Lin Feng was immersed in it.

At this time, countless light spots around the fourth heavy day are rushing towards the center at a crazy speed!

The purple light is a sign of the unearthed treasure!

"No matter what the external situation is, we must try our best to prevent any more casualties among the disciples of Liyan gate."

"Never let the Yanling wanzu plot succeed!"

Lin Feng was awe inspiring and looked firm.

I tried my best to cultivate in the purple star realm for 900 days——

This is the moment!

The fourth heaven is in the center.

Here, the purple fog is the most intense.

The sign of treasure unearthed!

"Has the treasure been unearthed?"

"I don\'t know. Let\'s look around."

"God, the purple fog covers a little too much, isn\'t it?"


The warrior who took the lead in entering the purple fog entered it with excitement in his heart.

But it was like falling into a maze position. It was difficult to distinguish the direction, not to mention looking for the purple treasure, just like headless flies flying around in a mess. Most of them don\'t understand the "rules" of Yanling\'s house. As Wan Gu said, they just take a chance.

However, can purple treasures be obtained by luck alone?

"Elder martial brother, shall we hurry at full speed?" Wan Mo was a little anxious.

"Need?" Wan Gu looked bland, but his speed was not urgent or slow, walking in front of the brigade.

"This..." Wan Mo hesitated. "Although our goal is to be a disciple of Liyan gate, it is a rare purple treasure after all. If we can get it together, it will undoubtedly be icing on the cake."

Wan Gu\'s face was calm: "the treasure will not be unearthed. Don\'t worry."

Wan Mo was stunned and looked at Wan Gu.

Wan Gu said faintly: "starting from the green sign, there are traces of blue and indigo signs. For example, the green sign, only 20% of the martial artists on the fourth day step into the green fog, and the treasure will be unearthed; the blue sign needs 40%, the indigo sign needs 60%, and according to the law, the purple sign needs --"

"80%." Wan Gu\'s eyes flickered.

"So that is what it is." ten thousand ink see light suddenly, the old face is red.

In terms of knowledge and experience, he is really far from Wan Gu.

No wonder Wan Gu is not in a hurry. Now the total number of the fourth heavy tianwu will never exceed 1000, of which there are more than 300 people of Yanling Wan family alone, accounting for more than 30%. How can the purple treasure be unearthed if the three martial artists of Yanling wanzu don\'t arrive?

"Keep your energy, and there will be a fierce battle when you enter the purple fog range."

"At that time, we don\'t need to hide our identity, we can kill openly!"

"When a treasure is unearthed, it needs to be sacrificed with blood. The more top-level treasure, the more blood it needs -"

"The more!"

Wan Gu\'s eyes sparkled with light, and his killing intention was blooming.

"Yes, I see, elder martial brother." Wan Mo bowed his hands and said respectfully.

Three days later.

"Finally arrived." Zhu zero\'s eyes were shining.

In front of me is a purple fog, which condenses strong power.

Here is the sign of the purple treasure unearthed.

Behind Zhu zero, there are 29 martial arts masters. The remaining 60 disciples of liyanmen are divided into two groups. Zhu zero\'s group is based on the first team, with 10 members added. Ji Xiu, leiba and Qin Baobao are all in the Zhu zero group.

"Second senior brother, in fact, we shouldn\'t take such a risk." he sighed gently. He was talking to a thin young man with a wise light in his eyes.

Qian Xin, former vice captain of the first team. He is also a disciple of Ji Jin sect, but unlike Zhu zero and Lin Feng, Qian Xin is a candidate disciple and has not become a formal disciple. In terms of wisdom, money and heart are quite good in terms of the overall situation, but in terms of strength, qualification and talent, they are a little poor.

"Why do I want to wade in this muddy water?" Zhu zero\'s eyes twinkled and shook his head.

Qian Xin is silent and no longer speaks. He has cooperated with Zhu zero for so long. How can he not understand?

Ji Qing\'s group had already entered the purple fog area, and all the 30 elite disciples of Li Yanmen were among them. If you ignore it and let it take risks, as the second successor of the leader, Zhu zero can\'t bear it.

Both prosperity and loss.

Looking back, Zhu zero looked at the crowd and said, "listen, if you encounter great danger, leave immediately."

Qian Xin also echoed, "there are wolves before and tigers after. Now there is a big crisis in liyanmen. Don\'t fight your life for a treasure."

"Yes!" a neat voice came from below.

The cohesion of this group composed of the original members of the first team is indeed quite strong.

Even the ten team members who joined later tended to support Zhu zero and were very positive about his action.

"OK." Zhu zero\'s eyes are bright, "let\'s go."

A thick purple fog area.

Without reaching out for ten fingers, even the breath detection can not spread and spread, but can only reluctantly see the object.

I wish zero move forward carefully and have already put away that cynical attitude. Today, he is the second in line successor of the real leader.

He must be responsible to the whole group!

There must be no mistake.

"I heard that the master once mentioned the blue treasure unearthed. The fog doesn\'t seem so strong."

"The purple treasure unearthed is really extraordinary."

Wish zero thought in his heart and looked dignified.

Although he has experienced the excavation of red treasures, yellow treasures and even green treasures.

But the purple treasure is the big girl on the sedan chair——

First time!

"Safety first, and then protect elder martial sister Ji\'s group as much as possible."

"Later, see if you have a chance to seize the purple treasure."

I wish zero mind clear, not greedy for work.

Maybe the purple treasure is very attractive, but he knows that now is not the time.

I have discussed with Qian Xin more than once. At present, a certain force in Yanling noble mansion is extending sharp teeth to Li Yanmen in the dark. If you are not careful, there are no bones.

"Anyway, find elder martial sister Ji first."

"When the two groups meet, no matter what they do, they get twice the result with half the effort."

Time goes by slowly.

With the two groups of people entering liyanmen, the purple fog area is becoming more and more lively.

All the people are patiently looking for the trace of the "Purple treasure". However, most martial artists do not know the "rules", because the red, orange and yellow treasures will be unearthed as soon as the signs appear, but there are not as many "conditions" as the purple treasures.


"In another hour or so."

Lin Feng held the sensor tightly and closed his eyes slightly.

At this time, he had already left Rumeng and walked alone to the purple fog area.

Although Rumeng\'s strength is strong, there is still a great gap in speed compared with him.

If at ordinary times, Lin Feng doesn\'t matter.

But right now

"At this speed, I should be able to catch up with the Yanling ten thousand nationality army."

"We must stop them and gather more than 300 martial artists. If the senior brothers and sisters of Li Yanmen encounter them, I\'m afraid -"

"It will be a near death."

Clenching his fists, Lin Feng ran like a strong wind.

I don\'t want to see my classmates killed again!

"Finally arrived." Wan Gu\'s eyes were cold and bright.

More than three hundred Yanling warriors of ten thousand families behind him are ready to go, and their morale is high.

They keep their usual speed while driving continuously, which is like a "warm-up" for them.

Now, the momentum is at its peak!

"Pa!" turn on the radar.

Wan Gu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and a flashing light spot was displayed on the radar.

If Zhu zero sees it, I\'m afraid he must be frightened. Among the remaining 60 Liyan sect disciples, there is still a "traitor"!

Just one, but enough to subvert the overall situation.

Send the people of Li Yanmen to hell!

"Let\'s go!" Wan Gu\'s voice was sonorous.

There was no second sentence, only three words came out of my mouth.

With an unquestionable tone, Wan Gu, like a great general in battle, took the lead in stepping into the purple fog area.

With a strong sense of killing, Peng ran clangs.

(the first one arrives ~ ~ there are two later.)