Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 662

Like a dream, although she is a woman.

But he is a true God of war, taking the road of strength.

A woman who thinks highly of herself.

Rumeng never disdains to form a team with others. She only believes in her own strength. Born in a famous family, Qiyue palace has 3000 gold. Rumeng has the cultivation conditions that everyone envies, all kinds of top-grade fairy fruits, excellent soul tools, rare Lingbao, endless skill scripts and so on.

Growth is smooth sailing, like a dream, never fall.

And now, finally frustrated.

"When!" when!! "almost numb wrist.

The body is extremely weak, and the dreamlike complexion is extremely ugly.

Bleeding in many places, the injury was not light, but Rumeng still endured the pain and clenched her lips.

She doesn\'t want to give up!

There was a mess around. There were monster bodies everywhere, bleeding all over the ground. Rumeng is fighting with the only star at this time. As like as two peas, the stars are shining with strength, and they are powerful, and have the illusion of secret skills. They split the same illusion and split into the same dream.

Hard to resist!

God of war, the weakest is group warfare.

Moreover, at this time, such a dream is already the end of a powerful crossbow.

Bad luck.

Rumeng has just experienced a terrible star territory experience and exhausted her strength, but she didn\'t expect to be attacked by a wave of monsters as soon as she came out of the star territory. This is more than that. Then I met a team of martial artists who took advantage of the chaos and robbed. They fought miserably. It was like a dream that the house leaked and rained every night.

She is not only strong enough, but also has few treasures.

But it was not easy to solve the problem after exhausting our strength. Somehow, a star general fell from the sky, and he was a star general with great strength.

But God wants people to die, people have to die!

"Poof!" spit out a mouthful of blood, like a dream sword breaking people flying.

The star power has long been exhausted, and it is not easy to support up to now.

He fell miserably to the ground, like a dream, his eyes were red, his body trembled, but he could no longer move.

Seeing that the star will blur, ten separate bodies form a fan and attack her directly, but they are unable to fight back at all. The beautiful eyes are unwilling, like a dream, biting the cherry lips, and the pretty face is pale. In a desperate situation, like a dream, his chest fluctuates violently.

But in an instant——

Boom! Boom~

Two clusters of fireballs flew by.

With strong star power, it seems to have vitality.

Straight to where the star will be separated, there is a violent sound of explosion.

The fireball is powerful. The explosion of the two fireballs is to blow up the star\'s body to pieces. Such a split generated out of thin air is not strong in strength and defense, and is simply unable to counter the power of the fireball. In an instant, two more fireballs flew out and fell directly around the star.

Peng!! Violent explosion.

With the red starlight, the power of fireball is brought into full play.

Like a dream, she opened her beautiful eyes and witnessed it with a startled voice. She wanted to turn her head and look at it as soon as she returned to her mind.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in front of me, very fast. If the dream looked ahead, there was a thick light in the beautiful eyes, and a figure appeared impressively in front of her, blocking the star in front of her. Although the back is not tall and strong, it has an inexplicable sense of security.

"Boom!!" the fire burst.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and he uses his fists to unite the rebirth fire and the star will collide.

WOW! Stroke back.

Lin Feng felt a slight tremor in his heart and was not hurt.

In his hand, he immediately took out a six star fairy fruit for healing and three life fruits. Lin Feng looked back and looked at the dream that didn\'t return to his mind, "then." his wrist shook slightly, like a dream, and the conditional launch took it over. At this time, Lin Feng flashed and died, and had met the star general again.

"Six star fairy fruit, special water Ling?!" Rumeng\'s eyes lit up.

The six star fairy fruit "xiaoshuiling" used for treatment has no market, and its value is equal to that of the ordinary three six star fairy fruits.

Extremely expensive!

But the man didn\'t care at all.

"Who is he?" Rumeng was very curious.

烀! 烀~

Lin Feng calmly suspended in the air, his eyes shining.

The fire of rebirth in his hand kept on, and the star power was inexhaustible. Lin Feng looked very calm.

How can a mere star be his opponent?

His illusory body is nothing to the fire spirit Master. As long as it is stained with a little fire, the defense will completely collapse. Just now, in order to save such a dream, we had to "touch" the following. However, once it is settled, the star will be purely a living target and can\'t get close to itself at all.

He, too weak.



One fireball after another blooms like fireworks.

No matter how fast the star general is and how strong the attack is, he can\'t get close to Lin Feng, but it\'s a useless place.

In less than half the incense burning time, it was blown into pieces and turned into nothingness.

Too easy~

Like a dream, she gently covered her mouth, and there was a startling light in her beautiful eyes.

The strength of the man in black shocked her. She has always regarded Wan Gu as her opponent. No matter this session, last session or last session, no one is worthy of her opponent except Wan Gu. However, at this time, Rumeng found that she had been just watching the sky.

"How strong!"

"What a terrible strength."

"Besides, he seems younger than me!"

Like a dream, she bites her lips and feels deeply unwilling in her heart.

All along, she thought she was the charming girl of heaven, with incomparable talent.

But right now, it\'s hard!

Put yourself in the position, the terrible power of the black figure emerges in your mind, and you can experience the amazing power of the fireball and control it freely. Rumeng looks ugly. With her strength, I\'m afraid it\'s a fantasy to get close to the man in black!

It\'s bound to fail.

"Are you all right?" Lin Feng suddenly appeared and looked like a dream.

Seeing her eyes changing, I thought she was seriously injured.

"No, it\'s all right." Rumeng suddenly regained his mind when he heard the sound, and his pretty face ran up with a polite smile, "thank you for your help."

"It\'s a piece of cake." Lin Fengwei smiled.

Originally, I heard that Hua Shao once said that Rumeng is arrogant and difficult to get along with.

But for now, it doesn\'t seem so.

"By the way, this is what the star general left just now. A seven star spirit instrument is yours." Lin Feng smiled and handed the flashing spirit instrument to Rumeng.

I don\'t want to take advantage of this small bargain.

"Ah." Rumeng was surprised and even refused. "Never, the star will be a benefactor. You defeat it and it belongs to you." Meimu looked at Lin Feng and said, "dare you ask your name. Today\'s help is gracious. You have to leave Yanling\'s house. Rumeng will repay you well."

"It\'s a trivial matter. Don\'t worry about it." Lin Feng smiled slightly. "My name is Lin Feng, a disciple of Liyan gate."

Seeing Rumeng\'s resolute attitude, he refused to accept the Seven Star spirit instrument, and Lin Feng was not reluctant.

In her capacity, she really doesn\'t care much about the money.

"Li Yanmen?" Rumeng looked slightly changed and nodded.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly. Seeing that Rumeng looked abnormal, he was slightly suspicious in his heart.

"There seems to be something wrong." Lin Feng thought secretly, but he didn\'t ask again. I met Rumeng at the beginning. Although I saved her life, the relationship was still very strange. She was a little wary of herself. Even if I ask her now, it\'s in vain.

They have their own thoughts in their hearts, at this time——

Suddenly, the change began.

"Wow!" a bright purple light flashed in the sky, shining on the whole sky. The purple light is vivid and full of strong energy. It feels like the only thing in heaven and earth. The strong energy shocks the people\'s hearts.

"Purple?!" it\'s purple!! "Lin Feng and Rumeng are all surprised.

"Elder martial brother, really, really appeared!" Wan Mo\'s eyes were straight.

At this time, all the martial artists of Yanling 10000 families were stunned at the purple sky.


The sign of purple treasure unearthed!

It means the emergence of the strongest treasure in history. Of course, it is the strongest treasure "allowed" by the fourth heavy day!

"How could it be purple?" Wan Gu frowned, puzzled.

"I should have broken through the blue and indigo star territory. Indigo treasures should appear."

In his heart, Wan Gu couldn\'t understand for a moment.

The unearthed purple treasure is a little strange.

"Did someone break through the purple star realm?" Wan Gu thought in an instant, but he rejected it directly.


It should be said that it is impossible!

Purple Star territory, with his strength, will die.

Not to mention other fighters?

"Maybe it\'s because I\'ve broken through the relationship between blue and indigo at the same time." Wan Gu thought.

"Well, that\'s a great possibility."

Nodding, Wan Gu looked up at the sky.

Looking at the purple light blooming, a faint smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth.

"Unearthed purple treasures are better."

"I think it should be the same as the \'rules\' of indigo treasures."

Wan Gu\'s eyes are bright and his fists are clenched.

The long-awaited opportunity has finally come!

This time, it\'s the best chance!

"Wan Mo!" Wan Gu drank coldly.

"Yes, captain." Wan Mo said positively.

Wan Gu\'s eyes shot two fierce lights, and his fighting spirit was awe inspiring: "send the order, after a incense burning time, we --"

"Let\'s go!"

The whole fourth day was crazy.

The news that the purple treasure was unearthed shocked all martial artists.


Such a treasure is absolutely effective against heaven.

If anyone can get it, I\'m afraid it\'s shocking to improve their strength.

"Come on, we must be one step ahead!"

"Shit, if I fight, it doesn\'t matter if I offend the three forces!"

"That is to say, if you can get such an unnatural treasure, the whole Yanling mansion will not walk sideways!"


Everywhere, all fighters are crazy about it.

The signs of the unearthed purple treasures spread all over the fourth heaven, making people boiling.

Yanling wanzu, liyanmen, Qiyue palace, all martial arts alliances. All martial arts in the fourth heavy day gallop to the place where the purple sign appears. One by one, with blood red eyes and excited look, is that birds die for food and people die for money.

A battle and conspiracy, at the same time, opened impressively.

Who can laugh last?

(plus watch, fourth watch ~ ~)