Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 661

Yan Ling respects the mansion.

The fourth day has a thousand days.

Every day, a star will come or a treasure, as well as many star soldiers, monsters and so on, containing earth fragments and many treasures.

At the beginning, it was not easy to find all over the world. But with the passage of time, more and more stars and treasures will be accumulated, and it is more and more convenient to find them. The most important thing is that in the last 100 days, the coming stars or treasures will show "signs".

Auspicious light from the sky, attached to the star or treasure.

Bonus orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. The more advanced the color, the more rare and precious it is.

As for which color appears, it is pure luck, and there seems to be no rule to find.

Often the last 100 days are the most competitive and cruel 100 days.

This has been the case all previous years.

"Luck?" Wan Gu smiled calmly.

"Everything in heaven and earth has its laws, but we can\'t find them."

"Therefore, we call those things beyond our understanding \'miracles\' and\' luck \', but in fact..."

"Not necessarily."

Wan Gu\'s eyes twinkled with sparkling luster.

"Congratulations to elder martial brother for successfully passing the indigo star territory." Wan Mo congratulated, "elder martial brother, now the score has reached 4.5 million. At this time, I\'m afraid the score list outside Yanling\'s house has been boiling." Wan Mo smiled. "They don\'t know that elder martial brother has always hidden his strength and doesn\'t want to make it public."

"Now, there is no need to hide." Wan Gu said faintly.

"This point is not obtained by me alone, but the experience accumulated by the strong of our family over the ages."

"And I just happen to meet."

Wan Gu\'s voice was calm and did not take credit for it.

As a survivor of Yanling clan, Yanling Wan clan has a long history than other forces.

Only the ancient books of Zongdian left behind are valuable. I know many secrets about Yanling\'s house.

"Senior brother, my subordinates have spread the news that \'indigo treasure\' will be unearthed soon according to your instructions." Wan Mo arched his hand. "All the remaining strong people of Yanling 10000 families are gathered and hesitated for the last battle."

"Very good." Wan Gu carried his hands and was very satisfied.

With sparkling eyes, Wan Gu looked into the distance and felt thoughtful in his heart.

Others didn\'t know, but he knew very well that the appearance of the treasure in the last hundred days of the fourth heaven was "traceable".

In these 900 days, as many stars are pierced, so many "color treasures" will appear. For example, in the last 100 days, a "blue treasure" will appear in the blue star territory he pierced; When you go through the indigo star realm, an "Indigo treasure" will appear.

Simple, very simple.

It\'s hard to say, but it\'s really hard to find.

"Indigo treasure, I want to see if those people in Liyan gate are moved."

"This time, I will catch them all!"

The cold light in Wan Gu\'s eyes was fierce, and his killing intention was exposed.

In the cloud.

"No, I can\'t go out!" Zhu zero\'s anxious eyebrows tightened.

"Listen to what elder martial brother Zhu said. It\'s too dangerous outside now." Lei Ba stood beside Zhu zero, looking calm.

Including Ji Xiu, many fighters in the first team stood aside and agreed to wish zero.

However, on the other side stood nearly twice as many martial artists.

"Joke, where there is no danger, how can a warrior be timid." a young man with thick eyebrows said coldly, with a strong suit and a big knife behind him. It is Han Jin, the vice captain of the sixth team, who is firmly in the top ten among these Liyan sect disciples.

"Yes, it\'s not a way to hide all the time. We entered Yanling\'s house to look for treasure."

"That is to say, there is nothing to be afraid of for so many of us!"


Everyone, you say a word to me, as opposed to Zhu zero.

The longer you stay in the cloud, the more impatient you are. Zhu zero can no longer restrain your emotions.

The biggest difference between clan and family——

That is the "rules".

The rules of the family are very strict, with clear superiors and subordinates. If you do not obey the rules, you will be dealt with according to the family rules, and even expelled from the family in serious cases. Relatively speaking, the religious doctrine is much simpler and more arbitrary. Generally speaking, the religious sect implements loose management and does not advocate the control of martial arts.

Unless the sect level is much higher, it is difficult to control.

For example, this is the case with Zhu zero now, even if he is the second in line successor of the leader.

In terms of rights, Zhu zero is equal to the level of Dharma protector or even higher, but in terms of status, he is only in the column of sect leader.

Those who can enter the Yanling mansion are the best in the Liyan gate. Who is willing to convince people?

I wish you zero. I can\'t hold it.

As time went by, the quarrel between the two sides intensified.

There was a lot of noise, but the public said that the public was reasonable and the woman said that the woman was reasonable. No one could convince anyone. The situation became very hot.

"All right, shut up." the sonorous female voice sounded, and everyone stopped.

It was a beautiful woman with long hair and a charming oval face, which showed her ability. It was obviously quite authoritative among the martial brothers. Ji Qing, one of the top ten beauties of liyanmen, ranked third in the championship in the last and last sessions!

Behind her stood two beautiful women who were lovely and young.

Ji Jing, one of the top ten beauties, and Ji Yingying, who is 16 years old, are like Ji Yingying, whose flower buds have just sprung up.

The third team, the three sisters of the Ji family.

"I\'m in favor of leaving Yunjing." Ji Qing slowly opened his mouth and expressed his position.

For a moment, all the people on Zhu zero\'s side looked gloomy. Zhu zero sighed and stopped talking.

Here, Ji Qing\'s prestige is no less than that of him. Even Ji Qing agrees. His family\'s words are difficult to convince the public. A little depression flashed in my heart, but the idea of Zhu zero didn\'t appear on my face. If my husband didn\'t show off his temporary anger, he wouldn\'t be so small.

"In that case, let\'s break up." Zhu zero said slowly in a calm voice.

"Senior brother!" "Captain!" the disciples who supported Zhu zero shouted.

On the other side, all the fierce Yanmen disciples smiled and clenched their fists.

"Everybody listen to me." Zhu zero opened his mouth quickly, and the people immediately became quiet. Looking around at the crowd, Zhu zero said, "one thing is one thing. For the sake of safety, I suggest regrouping. Divide 30 people into one group. We have 60 people here, just divided into two groups. Elder martial sister Ji and I take one group each. What\'s your intention?"

After talking, I wish zero\'s eyes fell on Ji Qing.

"I have no problem." Ji Qing did not hesitate and looked calm.

All of a sudden, people were talking and whispering, but they were measuring gains and losses.

The voice of people\'s discussion continued to come to my ears. I wish zero\'s eyes twinkled. Then I said, "gather the strength of people, we not only increase our security, but also have a much greater chance of seizing the treasure. Here I propose to compete for the treasure by group, and then draw lots in the group."

"Those who draw the treasure will take out a duel coin equal to 20% of the value of the treasure and give it to other team members."

"If you abstain, you will be re drawn. What do you think?"

I wish the voice of zero fell. This time, everyone nodded and agreed in an endless stream.

Indeed, this proposal is good for everyone.

Only the strongest suffer a little.

However, whether I wish zero or Ji Qing, I won\'t mind.

Holding the sensor in his hand, Lin Feng galloped forward with a calm look.

"I didn\'t expect that the second elder martial brother and his disciples were divided into two teams with 30 people in each group."

"It\'s even more difficult to leave the cloud realm. Tut, these things become troublesome again."

"I must inform them as soon as possible."

Lin Feng slightly twisted his eyebrows and flashed a trace of worry.

Now, the Yanling ten thousand families have gathered and have strong strength.

Maybe the team of 30 people led by the second senior brother is already very strong, but it is still far from the team of Yanling 10000 families! Once caught in a trap, I\'m afraid I\'ll be trapped in a land of near death. After all, just looking at the "actions" of the ten thousand Yanling families, we know that they are prepared.

"Second elder martial brother, they are not in the same direction as Yanling wanzu, and their position is very far away."

"Moreover, the Yanling wanzu lost their \'radar\' and their traitors. It\'s not easy to find the second senior brothers in this vast fourth heavy day."

"It may take me a few days to catch up, but it should be in time."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and calculating in his heart.

Since we know who is behind the scenes, it will be much easier.

There is only one thing to do——


Protect the remaining Liyan sect disciples.

Each of them is the elite and pillar of liyanmen in the future.

Never die innocent here!

"Wait for me, Second Senior brother."

"Don\'t act rashly."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that his galloping body would soar to the highest speed.

And then——

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows.

His eyes suddenly looked 30 degrees obliquely ahead, and the soul vaguely felt the strong fluctuation of breath, more than one. His eyes were slightly bright. The sensor held by Lin Feng\'s right hand was immersed in a moment, and a shining light spot fell into his eyes.

Instant zoom in!

What appeared in front of us was a woman with short hair and strong clothes. Although her hair was short, it was difficult to hide her dreamlike appearance and perfect facial features.

"Is that her?"

"Qiyue palace is like a dream."

Lin Feng opened his eyes and thought in his heart.

Although he didn\'t know Rumeng, he heard his teammates mention it.

Top appearance, proud strength, and more importantly, her identity——

Qiyue palace master 3000 gold!

In the ranking list, he keeps pace with Wan Gu and has strong strength. Among the martial arts of Yanling Zunfu, he is the top three transcendent existence.

But now, I\'m in danger!

"Anyway, as a man, when he sees a woman in trouble and can do everything in time, he should give a helping hand."

"What\'s more, now that Li Yanmen and Yanling wanzu fight openly and secretly and have another dispute, I should hold Qiyue palace and stick to the alliance. As a member of Li Yanmen and the third successor of the leader, I must think about the interests of the sect."

"Saving is like a dream. There are all advantages but no disadvantages."

All kinds of thoughts appeared in his heart, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright for a moment.

His body was like a shuttle. He immediately moved slightly and galloped away.