Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 660

Yanling Wan clan!

"I didn\'t expect it was really them!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly deep.

For a long time, the object I suspected was Yanling wanzu and Qiyue palace.

If you can set up a net in Yanling Zunfu, except for Li Yanmen itself, Yanling wanzu and Qiyue Palace are the biggest suspects.

And now it\'s finally clear.

"What two people say is eight, nine and ten."

"It seems that what you said is true."

Lin Feng nodded gently and asked Zhong Bai and Jin Chan respectively.

Sure enough, they sold their dignity again in order to protect their lives and interests. Not only did they release their master Han Lu, but they also released the black hand "Yanling wanzu" who manipulated everything behind the scenes.

No matter how big the game is, there are loopholes!

Traitors, of course, play a great role, but the two sides of the blade are the same.

"Although it is ninety-nine percent, but..." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"I want 100% certainty!"

This, after all, is not a trivial matter.

Peng! Peng~

There was only one person left. Fei Luming was frustrated and embarrassed by the star general.

But with the Seven Star Lingbao, Fei Luming\'s strength is still strong. Even if he is defeated, it is not easy for Xing Jiang to want his life. Fei Luming\'s face was solemn. While Youzhan was dealing with the star general, he searched everywhere for the whereabouts of Zhong Bai and Jin Chan. Their sudden disappearance made him inexplicably worried.

Vaguely, there is a bad feeling!

"Boom!!" a blazing flame came.

Condensing the amazing power of fire, he rushed straight to Fei Luming\'s back, which suddenly changed his face.

Scold! Passing through, Fei Luming was scared into a cold sweat.

The dangerous and dangerous is to avoid.

However, he was still not calm. Another flame came across a fast arc at an amazing speed and flew straight to his foothold. Fei Luming looked surprised and even wanted to avoid, but at this time, the star general\'s attack had come, so he couldn\'t make any change.

"Peng!" he resisted hard, and Fei Luming vomited blood.

There was a roar behind him, and the fireball rubbed his waist, a tingling burning feeling.

"Shit!" Fei Luming was angry and wanted to scold his mother. His defense was not bad, but the fireball seemed to penetrate everything without restriction. Just scolded, but there were bursts of fire shining behind. With the attack of the star general, Fei Luming was forced into a desperate situation again!

"Which bastard is it?"

"Kind of stand up!"

Fei Luming\'s complexion changed dramatically and clenched his teeth.

However, the fireball behind one after another, without any intention to stop.

If he goes on like this, he will die!

"Bastard!" Fei Luming scolded angrily. Although he was reluctant to give up, he made a quick decision. He even galloped back and gave up the star general. On the fourth day, it was normal to rob "prey". He fought openly and secretly. He Fei Luming himself had done it many times.

But this time it\'s different.

"What\'s going on!"

"Why are you still staring at me!!"

Fei Luming\'s face was very ugly, even though he had tried his best to escape and quit the battle with the star general.

But the fireball, still half unforgiving, flew straight at him. That feeling, the goal is not the star general, but


"Who! Who is it!"

"If you have seed, come out to me. What\'s sneaking!"

Fei Lu\'s neck was red and roared.


Boom! Boom!!

Boom ~ ~

The sky was like a meteorite fire shower. With the meteor like fireballs falling madly, a cold and penetrating voice suddenly sounded, "you know too much, die." it was a little hoarse. There was a strong sense of killing in his voice, which made Fei Luming look ugly.

"Are you?" Fei Luming trembled, as if he understood something.

"Yan Ling, you are treacherous!" roared Fei Luming, shouting hysterically.

That look comes from the heart. At this time, Fei Luming\'s body has long been dominated by fear.

Li Yanmen is by no means the one who wants to take his life in Yanling Zunfu.

There is only one possibility!!!

"So what." the meteorite rain flew down, and the cold voice was freehand.

Fei Luming runs away crazily, his complexion is pale to the extreme, and he scolds crazily, but what else can he do?

The fire and rain of the meteorite came like a natural disaster, and Fei Luming clenched his teeth and rushed forward. But it was suddenly found that not far away, a black figure was standing tall and plain. As the distance gets closer, the face becomes clearer and clearer.

deja vu!

"Lin, Lin Feng?!" Fei Luming\'s eyes were bulging.

How could Lin Feng, who was already dead, appear here?


"Long time no see." Lin Feng said faintly.

Deliberately lower the voice, but it makes Fei Luming\'s eyes instantly dull.

The voice is as like as two peas!

No, no?!

Peng! My mind vibrated in an instant.

At this moment, Fei Luming woke up completely.

His face was as thin as paper. Fei Luming felt the world spinning and completely confused, "yes, it\'s you..."

"Yes, it\'s me." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"I came back alive."

The sound fell softly, and two clusters of flames condensed in their hands.

烀! 烀~

The fireball is hot and the color is deepening.

That amazing and powerful power made Fei Luming\'s heart sink to the bottom of the valley. The closer he was, the more terrible he felt.

Heart, beating violently.

"You, aren\'t you the God of war?" Fei Luming said in a trembling voice.

"Yes," Lin Feng replied with a faint smile, but the fireball in his hand was more shining and violent. The red star power is intertwined and instilled. Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of extremely bright light. The nine star control power controls the fireball at will. The power of the constellation makes the fireball full of vitality.

Strength, accumulated to the extreme.

Fei Luming stumbled and looked frightened.

The forest wind in front of him frightened him like a devil.

That\'s the feeling of death!

"No, no!" murmured Fei Luming. He couldn\'t stop retreating. Suddenly, he roared like crazy and ran away.

But can you escape?

"Die." Lin Feng\'s eyes shone coldly.

The fireball in the hand is like a continuous ball of shells, one left and one right, controlling freely.

Bang Fei Luming!

Even the feiluming in its heyday may not be able to stop this amazing fireball, not to mention that it is already exhausted after a long hard struggle with the star. The power of fireball is brought into full play in the forest wind, accompanied by the falling of meteorite rain in the air.

Lin Feng crossed his hands fiercely and drank heavily.

Boom! Boom

Fire and rain enveloped us.

In the light of the fire, there came the sound of Fei deer\'s neighing.

But in an instant, it was covered by the strong fire light, and there was no more sound.

The terrible flame burns everything.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are like the cold wind in winter, cold and extreme.

How many Li Yanmen disciples died directly or indirectly in the hands of Fei Luming. It\'s not enough to kill such people ten times and a hundred times!

"Scum." Lin Feng shook his head.

Behind the back, Zhong Bai and Jin Chan were too frightened to move.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s power with his own eyes, he looked pale and his eyes were full of fear.

The Lin Feng in front of me is different from 900 days ago!

It\'s terrible!

Better than the roar of a deer, it will be ashes and smoke between the fingers.

The two of them are not half as strong as Fei Luming. How can they be Lin Feng\'s opponent?


Can you escape!

"Pa!" Lin Feng took the Seven Star treasure left by Fei Luming after his death and put it into his bag.

Such people don\'t deserve the treasures of Li Yanmen.

Standing calmly, Lin Feng looked back at Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, with a dull color in his eyes, "come with me." soon he didn\'t talk much, but he walked forward. Zhong Bai and Jin Chan looked at each other, a little fear and horror flashed in their eyes, but they didn\'t dare to disobey, and nervously followed up.

Slowly forward, Lin Feng still looks.

"Don\'t worry, since I said to let you live."

"I won\'t kill you."

Lin Feng said faintly that they were just small minions under Fei Luming, and their importance was not high.

Since I have promised them, it doesn\'t matter if I don\'t kill them.

Zhong Bai and Jin Chan were delighted to hear the amnesty.


The star in front of us will stand majestic and upright.

It was the star who fought three hundred rounds with Fei Luming.

"Zizi, Zizi ~ ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The strong rebirth fireball converges in the hands and condenses the powerful energy of heaven and earth.

The red stars twined and Lin Feng drank suddenly. In an instant, the rebirth fireball flew to the star. The light, color and power were far better than the fireball roaring at Fei deer. The star weighs eight times, and has more star control power than the ninth gear. Lin Feng\'s fire spirit Master strength is not what it used to be.

It\'s easy to kill a star general with extreme strength.

Boom~ The star will be in the sea of fire, but he is seriously injured and not dead.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright. He did it deliberately.

"With the power of you two, it shouldn\'t be difficult to kill it." Lin Feng said faintly.

"The Seven Star treasure I promised you just now is on it. You... Distribute it yourself." Lin Feng\'s voice was flat. Lin Feng ignored Zhong Bai and Jin Chan. Their body shape was blurred. In a moment, they galloped away, leaving their eyes full of greedy light.

"In order to compete for this seven star Lingbao, the two must fight."

"Either you die or I die."

Lin Feng walked in the air with a calm look.

Although commitment is important, I won\'t let them go so easily,

The merit is not worth the mistake. Since they made a mistake, they must bear the consequences.

Holding the sensor, Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. Because of the big noise just made by myself, at this time, taking this as the central point, at least three teams are coming at a gallop. Calculated by their speed, they should arrive at the moment before and after the star is about to die.

Time, just right.

"Whether you can live depends on your own creation."

"However, even if you are lucky enough to avoid this disaster, there will be no future."

Lin Feng\'s look was faint, and his eyes were shining.

No matter Li Yanmen or Yanling wanzu, there is no place for them.

If you make a mistake, you must bear the consequences.

I will never be kind.

(21:00 p.m. on the second watch and the third watch ~)