Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 659

The fourth day, a huge area.

Even if Lin Feng has sensors, it also has a lot of distance.

"Six star Lingbao, soul weapon, fairy fruit, and secret script..."

"This fourth day is really everything."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he galloped all the way, searching for property all the way.

It didn\'t take much effort, just by the way.

On the fourth day, many monsters, star soldiers, star generals and treasures will fall every day. They are scattered everywhere on the fourth day, and those who are destined to get them. Now the 1000 day time is coming to an end. If you look patiently, you will find the treasure.

After all, the fourth day is too big!

No warrior can dig three feet to find treasures.

There are always many fish that slip through the net.

"The harvest is not small."

"But I\'m afraid it can\'t compare with a seven star fairy fruit."

Lin Feng smiled. There were ten Seven Star fairy fruits and four eight star fairy fruits in his Jizi ring.

Precious as the Seven Star fairy fruit, they were swallowed by themselves. When they were in the coiled wood continent, they swallowed 18 Seven Star fairy fruits. If we calculate by the duel coin, it is to swallow 20 million duels. How amazing!

This is the price of rapidly increasing strength.

Gain, lose.

"If you really calculate the duel coin, you can\'t figure it out."

"Money is something outside the body. As long as you have strong enough strength, you can earn as much money as you want."

Lin Feng nodded, feeling calm.

I\'m afraid it\'s hard to estimate the value of the wooden spirit you gave to the "wings".

And the "Xingli spring water" you drink is a treasure you can\'t buy with money.

"Within one year, we should upgrade the way of God of war to the star master level."

"It\'s not easy!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, although he feels pressure.

But this is also the driving force to promote their own improvement!

"But now, let\'s put it aside."

"I\'ve waited for more than 900 days in the purple star realm and practiced for more than 900 days, just for now."

There was a sparkling light in his eyes, and the sensor in his right hand gave off a faint luster. Lin Feng felt the position of Fei Luming more and more clearly at this time. He was closer and closer to himself, and the feeling was more and more profound, close at hand!

"This time, see where you run."


Peng! Peng! Peng!!

The battle was fierce. Fei Luming and the three men clenched their teeth and drank coldly. At this time, it was a series of fierce battles.

The three men besieged a "armored man" about three meters high, covered with fine armor and holding a square sky painted halberd. Wearing a cold mask, the armored man had no expression. However, both attack and defense are quite sharp. Strong star power surrounds the body and is still comfortable in the face of the siege of three people.

Looking carefully, there is an ancient hieroglyph engraved on the bright armor.

A round \'will\'!

It\'s a star!

"Boom!" Fei Luming was red eyed and took the lead.

With seven star Lingbao, his strength is absolutely the strongest among the three. Zhong Bai and Jin Chan are assisted by containment, and he is the main attack.

"Ding, Ding ~" however, every attack was futile. The star\'s left hand shone lightly, and a small golden shield seemed to be everywhere. It was easy to resist Fei Luming\'s killing moves again and again.

Fei Luming and Lu Ming all showed greed in their eyes and wanted to take it for themselves.

Star generals, there must be treasures on them.

In front of this star general, what he has must be the Seven Star Lingbao of the defense system.

"Come on, let\'s go together. Kill the star general, and we\'ll be happy!" Fei Luming\'s eyes are full of brilliance. "He has just experienced a fierce battle. As long as we fight with all our strength, we will be able to kill him! Younger martial brother Zhong and younger martial brother Jin, you will own this seven star Lingbao at that time!"

Fei Luming\'s words immediately excited Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, and their actions were much more crazy.

No one can resist such temptation.

"What a wolf chasing tiger." a faint voice rang out and echoed in the air.

For a moment, Fei Luming\'s three faces suddenly changed, especially when Fei Luming\'s body stumbled, his face was even more ugly.

But I was thought by the Tao!

Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, as soon as they were instructed, immediately returned to their senses. The two pairs of fine eyes looked at each other and retreated back selectively. For a moment, only Fei Luming was left to resist the power of the star general. His moves were limited. He looked very embarrassed!

"Who set fire on the other bank!" Fei Luming scolded angrily.

Looking back, Fei Luming stared and roared, "younger martial brother Zhong and younger martial brother Jin, don\'t be separated by others!"

However, Fei Luming is incomparable in Hubei.

At this time, there are no Zhong Bai and Golden Cicada!!

They\'re gone.

Those who are appalled are not only ferocious deer singing.

Zhong Bai and Jin Chan looked flustered and pale. They leaned against their backs and looked around nervously.

At this time, they are in a land of snow and mist. The breath of vicissitudes has a lonely feeling. The light snowflakes in the air bring a desolate atmosphere to the tranquility of the race. The faint cold didn\'t enter the heart, and Zhong Bai and Jin Chan all trembled.


"Who is it, come out!"

Their voices changed a little and their faces were frightened.

However, no one answered, panic echoed three feet, and their faces were much more ugly.

"Don\'t play tricks!"

"Come on, come out!"

They screamed hysterically, but for a moment——

Pop! Pop~

Snowflakes suddenly become snow swords.

In the air, there was a strong smell of killing.

Snow swords fell wildly with the power of breaking the sky. It\'s like sword rain. It\'s amazing.

"Ah!" "ah!!" Zhong Bai and Jin Chan were extremely frightened. They even resisted and avoided, in a panic. One after another, the power of sword rain can\'t be underestimated. Rao is Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, who have good strength, but they are also difficult to resist.

It took a long time to burn incense.

The two men were bloody, ragged and panting.

It looked like the end of a powerful crossbow, exhausted and unable to move.

"Do you want to do it again?"

The sound of indifference and freehand brushwork sounded like Tianwei.

Such mysterious and terrible power made them pale and tremble all over.

Once more?

They don\'t know how they died.

"No, No." Zhong Bolian waved.

Flustered looking at the sky, trying to find the person who made the sound.

"You, are you a human or a ghost!" the golden cicada gnashed her teeth and looked ferocious.

But his trembling body had already betrayed his heart, but his voice and color were fierce, but he was strong outside and weak in the middle.

However, no matter how they look, they can\'t find half a person.


Pop! Pop! Pop!

In the air, snowflakes condense in an instant, and then form a sharp array of ice cones.

Pause in the sky, the cold light is sparkling, filled with a terrible smell of power, aiming at Zhong Bai and Jin Chan.

"Spare me, spare me!" Zhong Bai screamed in horror, too scared to move.

"Don\'t! What do you want to do, have something to say." the golden cicada\'s teeth giggled and had to compromise in the face of the pressure of death.

They are on the verge of collapse.

"Two roads for you." a faint voice sounded cold.

Surrounded in the sky, Zhong Bai and Jin Chan suddenly changed their complexion, and their eyes were full of vitality and hope!

Peng! An extremely powerful force appeared in an instant. In the middle of Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, a huge ice wall appeared, completely isolating them. Zhong Bai and Jin Chan all looked frightened. They were about to speak, but there was a cold voice in their ears.

"The first way, truthfully explain who instructed you and why you rebelled against Li Yanmen!"

"Say everything you know, and I\'ll let you live."

"But if there is half a lie, or there are differences between what they say..."

"Well, don\'t blame me for being ruthless."

The cold voice sounded faintly, and Zhong Bai and Jin Chan were shocked to the extreme at this time.

Looking at the huge isolated ice wall, I was confused for a time.

"The second way, if you want to be so foolish and loyal that you don\'t even want your life..."

"Then go to hell."

In the void, the forest wind floats faintly.

The body is surrounded by a dense white light, as if invisible.

The eight star Lingbao "Storm Snow area" is not ordinary. If this "area" Lingbao is used well, it is definitely a sharp weapon in the battle. The ten thousand withered bones of that day could not be fully mastered, but now Lin Feng has been able to master one or two of them.

His eyes were fixed on Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, and their expressions were constantly changing.

Lin Feng is not worried, but his mood is very flat.

"Greedy for life and afraid of death, forgetting righteousness for profit."

"People of this character can never be foolishly loyal to a certain force."

"Because for them, there is only one person who is\' loyal \', that is themselves."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and his heart was very thorough.

The "test" just now had a clear idea of their personalities.

Since they can betray Li Yanmen, they can naturally betray the master. It\'s easy to deal with such capricious people.

Behind the scenes, the layout is rigorous and thoughtful.

Those dead in black are more watertight and would rather die than surrender. It is obvious that this force has great control power.

If you want to find "evidence" from those dead in black, you can find the answer you want——

Too hard!

However, any game will have flaws, there will be no perfect existence. Because of the existence of the three "traitors" of Fei Luming, Li Yanmen\'s vitality was greatly damaged. He was even plotted against, but everything was two-sided. Traitors, as long as they make good use of it, are not necessarily bad.

At least, they know a lot of secrets.

Staring at Zhong Bai and Jin Chan, Lin Feng didn\'t worry that they wouldn\'t agree.

Pressure with force and drive with benefit!

Lin Feng said faintly, "when it\'s done, I\'ll keep today\'s affairs completely confidential. In addition, I\'ll give you a benefit. If you two speak first, I\'ll give him a seven star treasure." the voice came out slowly and fell in the ears of Zhong Bai and Jin cicada, which made their eyes bright and their hearts tremble incomparably.

Seven Star Lingbao, how precious!

"I said!" "I, I said!" Zhong Bai and Jin Chan spoke almost at the same time.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and his eyes glittered.

(the first watch and the second watch are at 15:00 ~ ~ happy National Day ^ ^)