Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 658

Yanling million families.

"Lin Feng, the score exceeds 8 million?" Wan Mochou said in a rare surprise.

"Yes, clan leader." Wan jinghun arched his hands and his eyes shot two sharp lights, "now there has been a quarrel outside Yanling\'s house. The momentum of Liyan gate originally fell to the bottom of the valley, and the reputation of Liyan gate has been greatly damaged because of the clan leader\'s perfect layout, but now..."

Don\'t worry, with your hands on your back, a little calm flashed in your eyes.

He never thought that an elaborate game should have been perfect, but somehow a "different kind" appeared——

Lin Feng!

"Ji Jin, Ji Jin, it seems that I really underestimated you." Wan Mochou ran said.

"Silence gave me such a big surprise."

"8.69 million points, tut tut..."

Wan Mo Chou\'s expression is bitter and smiling, but it makes people feel what he thinks in his heart.

The full score of 8.69 million is the highest single score of Yanling Zunfu in 10000 years!

It\'s really shocking.

"Clan leader." Wan jinghun\'s eyes burst with cold light, "as you can see, Lin Feng must be eliminated. Otherwise, it will become a big trouble for our Yanling family to unify Yanling house."

Wan Mochou\'s eyebrows were light. "I checked after I heard the news last time, but the data showed that Lin Feng\'s strength was still ordinary three months ago. It was impossible to make rapid progress in only three months. Is... The data false?" Wan Mochou\'s eyes were cold and bright. "If this is the case, Ji Jin\'s old fox\'s plan is too deep."

"If you cross the river," said Wan jinghun coldly, "this son is too dangerous."

"It seems that the original plan has to be changed." Wan Mochou whispered, "in the long years when I was led by the Yanling family, the Yanling family could rank in the top five with 8 million points. On that day, the ancestors of the Yanling family who passed the test of ancient gods had only 15 million points."

"It is recorded in the classics that once it is found that a single score exceeds tens of millions, it must be killed by all means!"

"Although Lin Feng has only 8 million, this is an extraordinary period. We must not allow him to harm us."

Don\'t worry about the calm and relaxed expression, and the slowly dignified and divine.

Those cold and sharp eyes were filled with a strong sense of killing, like cold winter frost.

He is the head of Yanling Wan clan!


Yanling is outside the house.

"Look, dreamlike points are catching up."

"Wow, come on, come on! Look, Wan Gu is crazy!"

"3.5 million, 4 million, 4.5 million... My God, the growth rate of 10000 points is a little scary!"

"He doesn\'t want Lin Feng to be more beautiful than before."


Everyone talked and whispered.

With more than half of the thousand days of the fourth day passing and approaching the end, the competition for the championship is becoming more and more intense.

Especially in the second and third places, Rumeng was about to catch up with Wan Gu\'s old opponent, but unexpectedly, Wan Gu\'s points suddenly rose rapidly and threw her away in an instant. With a full score of 4.5 million, I\'m afraid everyone would be shocked if Lin Feng was not in the front.

Not only ranked third in the Centennial table, but also ranked third in the 10000 year table!

Second only to Wan Mochou, the strongest person in Yanling mansion, and Lin Feng.

"Do you think Wan Gu can catch up with Lin Feng?"

"Don\'t be kidding. Lin Feng has more than 8 million points, nearly double that of Wan Gu."

"I\'m not sure. Wan Gu\'s points have been promoted so fiercely. It\'s not sure who loses and who wins before the last minute!"

"Yes, Wan Gu is famous..."

A young warrior shouted, obviously supporting Wan Gu. However, his voice was interrupted by a terrible breath. The young warrior looked around suspiciously and saw a pair of dull eyes. At this time, they all looked at the championship.

"Hmm? Could it be..." the young martial artist turned his head when he was happy.

But when I saw the high position in the top row in the championship and the shocking points, my eyes were almost protruding, my legs were soft, and I immediately sat down on the ground. However, no one would laugh at him, because everyone was stunned at this time.


Lin Feng\'s points are crazy.

Many martial artists are still blankly counting numbers, and their eyes are very dry.

Eight digits!

What does that mean?

"Ten, eighteen million?!"

"My God! It\'s so, so awesome!"

"No, it\'s impossible. Where did Lin Feng come from!!"


There was a roar in the field.

Like a bomb exploding in an instant, everyone\'s eyes are full of surprise and can\'t believe it.

Indeed, it\'s incredible!

Whether it\'s the Centennial championship or the 10000 year championship.

Over the past ten thousand years, the highest score is only 4.75 million created by Wan Mochou.

Lin Feng, who just broke the monopoly of wanmochou with 8695569 points not long ago, has now increased his points by 10 million points! Wan Gu, who has just risen to a point, is far behind. The gap is too big.

Eighteen million points!

The forest wind suspended over the fourth heavy day.

"Wow, am I right?" Lin Feng looked at the integral token, but was startled.

The figures flashing above are really amazing.

The 18 million points made Lin Feng\'s eyes blink and blink, as if he was afraid of reading wrong. But no matter how many blinks, it\'s a fact. There\'s no doubt that his chest fluctuates, Lin Feng\'s mouth draws a faint smile, and his right fist is suddenly clenched.

An excellent piece of news.

I entered Yanling\'s house to earn points.

10 million points, seemingly difficult to achieve, but now, close to 20 million points, double!

"Can exchange 10 million points to enter \'dayanzhou\'."

"Enter the southern region \'land of nine continents\' that all martial artists in Yanling mansion yearn for."

"But I don\'t seem too happy."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and smiled.

Indeed, it\'s like water to the canal. I don\'t have any emotional fluctuations.

"Here, I have experienced too much in a short time."

"Breaking through the purple star territory, the strength has been rapidly improved, and the \'blood inheritance\' of the ancient divine beast Lei ferocious has been obtained..."

"In comparison, this 10 million points is really nothing."

His eyes flickered slightly, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking of the picture just now.

I have accepted the "inheritance of blood".

"In ancient times, only a drop of blood could turn into a divine beast \'Lei Lei\'."

"What amazing strength should it be?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart that he was shocked and revered by the power of Lei ferocious.

Real power!

"The God of war, the God of martial arts, the heavenly spirit Master and the heavenly soul master, my weakest is the God of war, with ordinary qualification."

"But according to Lei ferocious, if I accept the inheritance of blood and inherit its power, my God of war qualification will rise to a new level, a situation that I can hardly reach forever!"

"Unfortunately, my Phoenix blood and Lei ferocious\'s\' blood inheritance \'are not compatible. There is only one way to exist at the same time..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a firm light and looked burning.

I must upgrade the way of God of war to star master level within one year!

Entering Yanling Zunfu next year is the time for inheritance!

"It\'s only one year. It\'s not easy."

"But the ancient beast Lei ferocious was unreasonable and took it as an additional test."

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, but there was no way.

The meat is on the chopping board and can\'t be eaten by yourself.

"Try this\' sensor \'." Lin Feng took out a strange object in the shape of water droplets.

The blood red light luster, the sensor has a strange power, Lin Feng\'s right hand is slightly grasped, and his mind is immediately immersed in it.

In an instant——

WOW! The picture is very clear.

It\'s like a map, dotted with light spots everywhere.

"This is the fourth day." Lin Feng thought secretly, quite surprised.

Immersed in the mind, it is like entering the world in the mind. Each light spot has a unique energy induction, which is very different.

"This is the \'Cloud State\'." Lin Feng gently identified, "and this kind of light spot is the \'Star State\'." the light spots in my mind are very clear. Every place seems to be close in front of me and I can touch it with my hand. Including all kinds of monsters, star soldiers and star generals.

"And these light spots, with the breath of life, should be the martial artists entering the fourth heaven." Lin Feng points to take your head.

But they can master it very quickly, and soon they can simply use the "sensor".

It\'s not difficult for me.

"What Lei ferocious said is really true. I\'m afraid the Yanling house belongs to it."

"Although it can no longer control the \'thunder ferocious star territory\', it still has considerable \'privileges\'."

"With this sensor, there is no secret in Yanling\'s house!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was chilly and full of excitement.

With this sensor, I can easily master every change here!

Kill star soldiers and generals, find all kinds of treasures, and even find the behind the scenes person who killed fierce fire and less flowers!

In a quarter of an hour.

"Oh? It can be explored continuously."

"You can not only know whether there are martial artists in Lianyun and Xingjing, but also further sense these light spots..."

"Even the breath and appearance are very clear!"

Lin Feng felt a little excited, but he kept sensing light spots.

If you want to find the crystal stone of heaven or the fragment of earth, you can get it soon. Even if it is a variety of rare treasures, rare Lingbao, they can also easily get it. But after going through the purple star territory and obtaining a large amount of property, are these still useful to yourself?

It has little effect.

What I need now is time.

We need enough time to find the behind the scenes, avenge fierce fire and Huashao, and avenge the innocent disciples of Li Yanmen!



"What\'s this?!"

Close your eyes tightly and Lin Fengmeng opens them.

The expression was very dignified. For a moment, the cold light was fierce, emitting two strong killing thoughts.

Just now, I found three familiar and incomparable breath. My mind sank into the light spot and felt it carefully. What emerged in my mind was the three faces that made me hate and pain!

Fei Luming, Zhong Bai, Golden Cicada!


"Sure enough, it\'s not that friends don\'t gather."

"The design plotted against me that day and betrayed Li Yanmen. Meet me again this time..."

"Bad luck for you."

Lin Feng smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth.

Whoosh! In an instant, it galloped away and disappeared.

(the third watch ~ ~ the first day of the busy National Day is very tiring. If there is no accident tomorrow, the first watch will be around 9 a.m.)