Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 657

"Go." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Wing is almost no different from other starsea level wood spirits. It depends on the source energy and can\'t move.

The difference is that he is his own contract spirit!

In other words, you can control the wings!

"Wow!" in the dark green light column, the light burst out in an instant.

Lin Feng looked calm, but he completed his final mission——

Send the wing into the beam.

Watching the wings tremble violently in the light column, the red and green light is bright and dark, and the trembling of branches and leaves is full of horror. It\'s like going through a tribulation and stepping in the boundless prison, full of pain and danger, but

"I can only help you here, wing." Lin Feng said softly.

"The rest is up to you."

Looking at the wings is like looking at yourself who has been baptized by the blood of the Phoenix.

The same pain, but it is a real big opportunity!

Wash the marrow, cut the pulse and change yourself.

"Integrate the \'panmuyuan species\' and be reborn from the essence."

"What will happen after the integration of you, who were originally changed?"

"What will change?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked forward to it.

The strength of this coiled wood is indeed worthy of one of the top wood spirit lineages and deserves its reputation.

As long as the wings can devour and integrate its\' yuan species\', future achievements will be unlimited like carp leaping over the dragon\'s gate!

"Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa! ~"

Lin Feng kept throwing his hands. One after another, the "heart of wood spirit" was thrown into the dark green light column, and he didn\'t give up. This time I killed for nearly 300 days, and the "heart of wood spirit" I obtained is far beyond my needs. Instead of pressing in the Jizi ring, I\'d better make the best use of everything to help the wings.

One, another!

The heart of wood spirit is countless.

After tossing for an hour, Lin Feng stopped.

"Almost one third, enough to absorb in the coming year." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The wing will stay here for a full year, absorb and integrate the "panmuyuan species" and transform perfectly. This process is very important to him. According to local conditions, we can produce "panmu". This panmu continent has its own mystery. Although I don\'t understand it, it doesn\'t matter. As long as this decision is correct.

Maybe I won\'t have the help of wing in the next year.

But it\'s worth it!

"One year later, I will have a helper ten times and a hundred times stronger." Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

No matter for the wings or for yourself, you must look far.

Yanling mansion is not the end.

Time goes by.

The time limit of 300 days is approaching.

At this time——

"Wow!" in the light column, the color of dark green finally changed, red and green, flashing bright colors.

"Is it going to be swallowed up at last?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, and he felt a little hope and tension in his heart. This step is particularly important for wing. As long as he can successfully swallow the "panmuyuan seed" without exploding and dying, he will be half successful.


Zi ~ PA~

The light column changes constantly, and even strong space energy appears.

The release of energy is extremely powerful. Lin Feng can fully feel the state of the wing at this time——

Do your best!

One after another wood spirit heart absorbs and replenishes energy. Perhaps the wing has many shortcomings compared with other wood spirits, such as the blood is not pure enough, for example, the strength is not strong, but he also has an indomitable will. More importantly, the wing has the help of Lin Feng.

Other wood spirits, how can there be so many "wood spirit heart" subsidies.

The heart of these wood spirits is placed in Yanling mansion, which is enough to be worth a large sect gate.

Unimaginable value!

However, Lin Feng is willing.

"Come on, wing."

"You can do it!"

Lin Feng meditated in his heart and looked straight at the light column.

Gradually, the red and green light finally bit by bit over the dark green light and took the initiative.

The corners of his mouth began to scratch slightly, and Lin Feng\'s heart was full of joy, but it was no less than a major breakthrough in his strength.

For wing, at this time, he has taken a major step forward.

The rest only needs time to integrate and transform.

No more danger.

"There is still half an hour, and the time limit of 300 days will arrive." Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling.

Casually glancing at the light column that has gradually turned into red and green light, Lin Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth, but he felt the violent change of his wings. For a moment, the pillar of light burst into a boundless light. At this time, the red and green light was completely shining, representing that the wings completely swallowed up the "panmuyuan seed". When Lin Feng stood up, a happy smile appeared on his face.

But in an instant, Lin Feng was stunned.

"Zi ~ Zi ~ ~" powerful energy converges in the sky.

It\'s a very familiar energy, like tearing space.

Too familiar!

"It\'s the giant tree, no, the space energy of the coiled wood?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

In a flash of time, the energy like lightning and thunder gathered fiercely. Unexpectedly, it tore a gap in the half air of the light column. The intense space energy converges and breaks continuously with electric light, with a diameter of two meters.

Enough for one person to enter!

"Is this?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

Feel this amazing space energy, and there are bursts of heart attraction at the entrance where the electric light converges.

In an instant, Lin Feng understood everything.

"I see."

"This is the real task."

Lin Feng began to smile at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly.

Looking at the frozen wing, Lin Feng brightened his eyes and nodded, "take care, wing."

Soon, he stepped into the "space channel".

"Peng!" my mind shook slightly.

At the moment of returning, Lin Feng heard the familiar voice again.

"The fifth hidden level, freshmen, the task is completed."

"The reclamation degree of panmu continent is\' 100% \', and the perfect task reward."

"1000876 ancient beasts, no death, perfect task reward."

"Within 300 days, open up a \'space channel\' to return and reward the perfect task."

Three consecutive "perfect task rewards" made Lin Feng\'s eyes bright and matchless.

For a long time, the "degree of completion of the task" that I think is only a narrow "degree of reclamation of the panmu continent", but I don\'t want to have the other two.

But it was a mistake. I was very lucky.

"Wow!" the fierce light flashed in front of me.

"The experimenter completes the fifth hidden level perfectly and obtains the highest reward -"

"The inheritance of the ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\' blood!"

The cold voice, with dignity, fell in Lin Feng\'s ears, no doubt lightning and thunder.

Lin Feng completely shook Hubei and couldn\'t react at all for a time.

Ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\'?

Blood inheritance?!

The heart beat very fast, and the picture changed rapidly.

"Pa!" all the lights disappeared in an instant, and Lin Feng returned to the thunder ferocious star realm, feeling very clear. This time, the space seemed to be blocked, all the senses disappeared, and there was nothing around. It was as if you were in a chaotic space. In front of you, there was only one existence.

That six tailed beast!

It is shaped like a \'red Leopard\', with black iron hooves and covered with golden scales; The six tailed monster\'s body is full of explosive power, and the white mane behind the neck and foot is rich; Overhead, two-stage spiral sharp corners condense the thunder light of anger, which is very frightening!

"Zheng!!" the six tailed monster looked up to the sky and was full of awe inspiring domineering spirit.

Ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocity\'?!

Lin Feng felt a deep shock and pressure.

But he didn\'t give in and looked straight at the six tailed beast.

The four eyes were opposite, and the eyes of the six tailed beast were sharp and sharp, like a sharp blade stabbing Lin Feng\'s eyes. Lin Feng felt a shudder in his heart. It was like being seen through. There was no secret all over his body.

"Interesting." the six tailed monster squinted and opened his mouth.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, but was stunned.

The six tailed beasts speak the language of the fighting spirit world?!

It can\'t be true!

"The blood of the Phoenix, the pupil of the star dome, eh? And..." a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the six tailed monster and said with a smile, "the little guy is really not simple. In these endless years, how many witch, ancient and demon families have broken into our thunder ferocious star territory. The perfect reward has never been spent in anyone\'s house. I didn\'t expect you to get it."

"Younger Lin Feng, I\'ve seen the elder." Lin Feng woke up at this time, and even bowed his hands and said.

This is etiquette. The six tailed animals in front of us are by no means ordinary.

"Well, little guy, he\'s polite." the six tailed monster seemed to be in a good mood and nodded, "well... Although his qualification is not good, his talent is good, his character is good, and his luck is OK." as if he thought of something, the six tailed monster smiled, "that\'s you."

Just me?

Lin Feng hesitated, "what do you mean?"

The six tailed monster slowly said, "you guessed right. I am the owner of the \'thunder ferocious star territory\' and the ancient divine beast \'thunder ferocious\'. Let\'s say that the\' Yanling house \'you are now in is actually a part of the\' thunder ferocious star territory \', but..."

"Now I can no longer control the thunder ferocious star territory."

In his voice, he sighed, but it fell in Lin Feng\'s ears like a bolt from the blue.

The Yanling mansion is controlled by the thunder ferocious in front of us?!

What a shock!

"Lin Feng!" the ancient divine beast "Lei ferocious" suddenly had cold eyes, and a strong thunder light bloomed around the body, sparkling and startling, "I ask you, are you willing to accept the inheritance of blood and take over the" Lei ferocious star territory "instead of me!"

Totally shocked.

At this moment, Lin Feng finally understood what the so-called "perfect reward" was.


Accept the "inheritance of blood" and control the "thunder ferocious star territory"!

Lin Feng\'s expression is constantly changing, and his eyes are flickering.

Although I don\'t know the origin of the ancient divine beast "thunder ferocity", it is obviously not ordinary. Its strength has reached a position beyond its own reach.

Great chance!

In any case, it has all its advantages and no disadvantages.

Moreover, with its strength, it is easy to take your own life. There is no need to deceive yourself!

The heart beat very fast. Lin Feng clenched his fists with a firm determination.

"Elder, I\'d like to." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not hesitate for too long.

The opportunity is never lost, and it will never come again. I am willing to try any way to enhance my strength. For ziyao, for his father and for Duoduo, he has seen clearly in the fighting spirit world. If he wants to live, control his destiny and achieve his wishes, he must——

Stand on top of everyone!

(at the end of episode 32, the second watch will be sent to ~ ~ little relatives. The third watch will be late. We have to wait for the evening. Tomorrow is the fourth watch.)