Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 654

"Here, I can\'t feel the star force."

"No wonder these wood spirits have reached Xinghai level 10 one by one, but they can no longer improve their strength."

Lin Feng suddenly found the strangeness of the coiled wood continent.

Unable to sense the star power, not only the wood spirit cannot be promoted to the star master level, but also humans and giant beasts.

Even, it consumes star power here and can\'t be replenished.

Like water, it depends on the outside world.


"For a normal human warrior, this time may be like a dead end." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Ordinary human warriors consume star power through the energy of heaven and earth, so is their God of war power.

But his fire spirit power is completely different.

Supplement the star power with the chart of destiny!

provide for oneself.

"Unexpectedly, my natural advantage has become the key to completing the fifth level." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is secretly happy. Xinghai level martial arts, with and without star power are completely different strengths.

Master Ji Jin, if he doesn\'t use star power, he can barely tie with him.

Once you use the star power, you can\'t even take a move from the master.

This is the gap!

"Secret separation!" Lin Feng drank softly.

The body was in a trance and split in two.

Here, the power of the God of war is useless. Without the star power, it is like breaking an arm, and the strength can\'t be brought into play at all.

Let alone reclaiming wasteland, it is unknown whether one-on-one can defeat those powerful Muling.

But the fire spirit\'s power is different.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" his eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s hands suddenly condensed two clusters of flames.

Nine levels of star power instilled in them, and the two fireballs seemed to have vitality. The power increased sharply in an instant and the power was everywhere. Floating in the air, Lin Feng drew a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. Maybe his fire spirit Master\'s defense is very weak, but so what?

Starsea level wood spirit, air attack power, equal to zero.

As long as he stands high enough in the air, Mu Ling can\'t \'hit\' himself at all.

Hard bullying!


"Boom!! ~"

Two clusters of crazy fireballs fell like meteorites.

In the land of wood spirit, the wood spirit company tries its best to defend, or condenses into a tree shield, or builds a solid defense.

However, the fire attack is spreading and persistent.

烀! Fire set the prairie ablaze.

Fire is naturally restrained against wood.

What\'s more, the fire of Lin Feng\'s rebirth has reached the 58th weight, which is not what it used to be.

Is it an ordinary power to instill nine levels of star power?

Suspended in the air, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. His hands didn\'t stop for a moment. Clusters of fireballs didn\'t need to aim at all, and fell madly. The power of the fireball blooms and does not need to be controlled at all, because the Xinghai level wood spirit must live in the soil, rely on the origin of the wood and cannot move.

The roar moved, and a fire spread all over the sky.

Lin Feng, finish abusing Mu Ling!

It has to be said that this hidden fifth level is extremely difficult, especially for human warriors.

It is a big problem that there is no star power. Moreover, wood spirits are famous for defense and vitality. There are countless wood spirits here, which are quite dense and United. Ordinary human warriors have no chance at all, even other fire spirit masters.

The star power is not infinite. Once exhausted, it is difficult to kill with ordinary fire source power alone.

There is only one way to open up wasteland——

Only by leading many monsters to a large-scale war can we slowly occupy the panmu continent.

And this is a great project.

easier said than done!

In terms of security, this is definitely the safest of all five levels, because as long as the warrior does not violate the wooden spirit territory, the Xinghai wooden spirit will not move at all and take the initiative to attack the human warrior. As long as you practice here for 300 days, you will finish the task as soon as the time limit comes.

It\'s a big deal. The completion of the task is 0%. There is no reward.

Even if you launch an attack, you can attack and defend. There\'s nothing to worry about.

The weakest part of wood spirit is attack ability!

But in terms of difficulty, it really deserves the name of "hidden level". The difficulty is more than ten times harder than the fourth level! In particular, it is even more difficult to get enough task percentage and enough rewards!

But Lin Feng is special.

Many times, we really have to say that it is "chance".

Opportunity is reserved for those who are willing and prepared. If Lin Feng doesn\'t kill Lei Yu at the third level and devour his life chart, he can\'t open the golden life chart and improve the level of fire spirit Master; If Lin Feng fails to practice well in the fourth level and raises the fire spirit Master\'s strength to such a situation, he will sigh at the same time.

Everything is doomed.

How much you pay, how much you get.

Less than half a incense burning time.

All the ground seen by the eyes has become a wasteland without any breath of life.

Lin Feng\'s killing speed is amazing!

Scorched earth was everywhere. The scene looked very scary. Countless Mu Ling died miserably in Lin Feng\'s hands and had no power to fight back. But at this time, Lin Feng\'s face suspended in the air was filled with deep excitement, clenched his fists, and his eyes burst into hot light.

Countless\' heart of wood spirit \'!

Dense, twinkling light reflects the whole scorched earth as if it were Heaven on earth.


"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Lin Feng burst into laughter and the pressure in his heart was completely released.

I have always wanted to get enough "wood spirit heart" to prepare for entering the land of wood spirit again.

Now, I finally get what I want!

The heart of wood spirit is the key. The higher the level of wood spirit heart, the more energy it contains. At that time, the higher the efficiency of self-cultivation in the land of wood spirit, and the faster the absorption of wood life astrolabe! This area alone has so many wooden spirits. Looking at the whole "coiled wood continent", how amazing it should be?!

I\'m afraid this quantity is far beyond my estimation and unimaginable!

This time, I made a lot of money!

The hardest hidden level?

Lin Feng smiled. Here, for himself, it can be met but not asked.

The random prey wood spirit heart is inexhaustible. This "task" is really too easy. The secret part of himself takes the fairy fruit, absorbs the \'Star Crystal\' and cultivates, attacks on both sides, and his strength is steadily improving.

Three hundred days is enough to take you to another level.

In particular, the strength of the God of war will be closer to the "star master level"!

"I don\'t know how much land can be reclaimed, how many tasks can be completed, and what kind of reward will there be?"

"It should be more than the hearts of these wooden spirits. The other levels have never mentioned \'reward\'. Only this hidden fifth level is the last level. I\'m afraid this reward will be extremely amazing."

The corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth were scratched and his eyes were bright.

Just the fourth level, the reward has been abundant to the extreme.

I\'m afraid I\'ll be shocked by this fifth "hidden" level.

"Three hundred days, nine hundred days into the purple star. When I go out, the fourth day has not been closed, and there are still a full hundred days."

"At that time, I will find out who is behind the scenes."

"Take revenge for the fierce fire and flowers!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep, but he had never forgotten his deep hatred.

Fierce fire and less flowers were killed in front of themselves!

Day after day.

The days of cultivation fly by.

"What a \'Xingli spring\', it\'s amazing to increase and supplement Xingli." Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and the corners of his mouth scratched faintly.

A section runs through a section and is connected.

Even if your fire spirit Master can\'t restore the star power, taking this "star power spring" can replenish it.

However, the efficiency is much worse.

After all, the star power supplement of spring water still needs to be absorbed and refined by itself.

Moreover, the amount of spring water is not large enough to maintain the 300 day time limit.

But it\'s good to just use it to increase star power.

"Master said that to be promoted to the star master level, the first condition is that the star weight must reach ten and the star control force must reach ten!"

"Only in this way can we have the opportunity to get \'constellation power\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his mind was firm.

Their own strength is enough. What they lack is these two basic conditions.

"Star control is not difficult for me to achieve."

"The most difficult thing is the number of stars. You need to accumulate over time and continue to practice."

Lin Feng knows very well that it takes quite a lot of star power from the ninth to the tenth.

How many star sea level warriors are trapped in this level, even if they run out of life. Even his master Tianzong\'s talent and unparalleled qualification are still limited by the star weight of nine, and there is still a long distance from ten.

"This\' Xingli spring \'is timely rain."

"My fire spirit Master, you don\'t need to worry about the star weight. What you worry about is the power of the God of war."

Take another sip of "Xingli spring water", and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Feel the surging of the \'original star power\' in the body, slowly absorb and refine, and feel more comfortable.

All the time, the star power is rising rapidly.

"It\'s almost ten days since the last time I took it, and the effect is gradually weakening."

"It is similar to elder martial brother\'s\' seven orifices rolling curtain wine \'."

"The effect of taking the same natural material and earth treasure for many times decreases."

Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

He is not greedy, but already satisfied.

This effect is useful enough for yourself.

"Once every ten days, almost one-third of the \'Xingli spring water\' will be absorbed, and my body will be saturated."

"Not counting anything else, just this\' star power spring \', the star power required for the number of star weights from the ninth to the tenth has accumulated more than half, which is quite good."

"Leave the rest of the \'Xingli spring water\' to Shifu, senior brother and second senior brother."

Lin Feng smiled and had a plan in his heart.

Reciprocity. Shifu and the two elder martial brothers treat themselves sincerely, which I always remember in my heart.

Even if the value of this "Xingli spring" is higher, it can not be higher than a point of "love".

What\'s more, are you short of money?

With a slight smile, Lin Feng collected the "Xingli spring" and was waiting to continue his cultivation.


"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s face was very surprised.

His eyes changed instantly, and Lin Feng felt a huge shock in his heart.

My secret part, I have made a great discovery!