Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 653

WOW! Golden light shines.

The familiar feeling pervaded the whole body again.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, and he felt an extremely powerful force, which made him unable to move. He could destroy himself with just one thought. The palpitation of the heart, Lei Guang\'s body, and Lin Feng\'s heartbeat inexplicably accelerated.


"Peng!" his mind shook slightly, and Lin Feng\'s face was slightly cold.

Powerful power completely bound his body, and the golden light went straight to the bottom of his heart.

"Entering the \'thunder ferocious star realm\', testing..." a familiar voice came from his ear. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. The six tailed strange beast with the strongest breath suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes looked directly at himself, and his look had changed.

It is not only freehand brushwork and playfulness, but also a little more "fun".

Just look at yourself in your spare time.

"These six strange beasts should be the source of this power."

"But where did it come from?"

Thinking lightly in his heart, Lin Feng was full of doubts.

The feeling is very clear. The scene that the six strange beasts "gave" their thunder light and activated their thunder armor on that day is still fresh in my memory.

There is no doubt that everything is inseparable from this mysterious six tailed beast.

"Hidden fifth level."

"I don\'t know what kind of task it contains."

"Will it have anything to do with these six tailed monsters?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and he did not avoid the eyes of the six tailed monsters.

In fact, the body is completely bound, even if they want to avoid it, they are powerless.

The four eyes were opposite. Lin Feng seemed to see feelings from the eyes of the six tailed animals, just like human feelings, which was very vivid. However, suddenly, Lin Feng opened his eyes, but there was no sign of the six tailed beast.

Just now, it was like a dream.


"The comprehensive qualification of those who test and ancient martial arts is 80.3 points, which meets the minimum standard."

"The experimenter successfully passes the second level \'ancient martial arts test\' within a limited time, meeting the minimum standard."

"The experimenter assimilates the golden beast \'Lei\', and the fusion degree exceeds 10%, meeting the minimum standard."

"The experimenter kills 1000 \'ancient giant wizards\' and reaches 100% admiration, meeting the medium standard."

"Detection completed."


The sound fell on Lin Feng\'s ear and his heart vibrated.

"Three minimum standards, one medium standard, that\'s all the hidden conditions?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and thought.

In fact, the ancient warrior\'s comprehensive qualification is not qualified. It is only after "correction" that he barely exceeds 80 points; As for the second level, "the test of ancient martial arts", it is much simpler. After all, what I am best at is fighting; The third hurdle was originally said to be "degree of integration", but it was never known.

"10%, it should be the thunder light." Lin Feng was chilly in his heart.

It is precisely because the thunder light activates the thunder armor that I can successfully complete the fourth task.

"Kill the ancient giant witch, reach 100% admiration, and even meet the \'medium standard\'." Lin Feng smiled.

"If it\'s right as I expected, it\'s probably the \'minimum standard\' to frighten the giants like Lei Lei."

"It\'s a mistake, but are there any differences between the two?"

In my heart, I was confused, and the familiar voice in my ear sounded again.

This time, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"Open the fifth hidden level, new life."

"In the name of the beast king, he led the remaining 1000876 ancient beasts into the \'coiled wood continent\' to open up wasteland."

"The time limit is 300 days. You can get rewards based on the completion of the task!"


The voice fell, but Lin Feng was shocked.

Freshmen? Beast king?!

Panmu continent!

The mind is unclear, and Lin Feng is immersed in the thick earthquake Hubei.

Suddenly, his body moved inexplicably. Lin Feng suddenly regained consciousness, and the golden light in front of him slowly disappeared, as if he had never appeared. A strong energy gathering suddenly appeared in front of him. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and felt the extraordinary power. The originally calm cave was filled with an extremely terrible destructive power.

"What amazing power!"

"What\'s this?!"

Lin fengsha was shocked, and a flashing gold ring flashed in front of him.

Slowly expand and the energy becomes stable.

In an instant——

The golden ring expanded rapidly, from one meter in diameter to ten meters, from ten meters to one hundred meters, and then to kilometers.

The light is bright, and the gold ring is like a hollow sphere with great energy convergence. The energy of the surrounding space has become stable. The golden ring exudes an amazing breath of power. Lin Feng\'s eyes flash with thick luster, "it\'s a space channel!"

"It\'s so powerful that it can forcibly open the \'space channel\'."

"What a terrible existence this master of thunder ferocious star territory should be!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly cold, and Lin Feng had an inexplicable picture of the "six tailed beast" in his mind, with bright eyes.

Its\' suspicion \'is the biggest!

"It\'s no use thinking so much."

"Right now, I should be asked to enter this\' space channel \'."

"It\'s a blessing, not a disaster. I can\'t hide it. It seems that I can\'t hide it at the last level."

"Spell it!"

The eyes are persistent and strong. Lin fengshu clenched his fist and his confidence is still strong!

No matter good or bad times, no matter what happens, the first thing is to be firm and confident, and never lose before fighting.

I will succeed!!

"Three hundred days, good." Lin Feng\'s heart is firm.

Immediately, without hesitation, he stepped into the golden "space channel".

WOW! The figure disappeared.

At present, the light is bright.

Lin Feng\'s heart gradually calmed down.

His eyebrows were slightly raised, but he seemed to have "ignored" something just now.

"In the name of the beast king, he led the remaining 1000876 ancient beasts into the \'coiled wood continent\' to open up wasteland..."

"If you want to come to the destination of this space channel, it is\' panmu continent \'. Undoubtedly, I can understand the name of the beast king, but what does it mean to lead many ancient giants?"

"Can I control them at will and fight for me?"

Lin Feng felt a bitter smile in his heart.

His head seemed too confused just now, and he suddenly forgot this.

"I\'m used to fighting alone, but I\'m not used to it." Lin Feng shakes his head.

"Forget it. Anyway, I don\'t understand the language of ancient beasts. I\'m afraid it\'s not easy to dominate them."

"Anyway, let\'s go to panmu land first."

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s heart gradually calmed down.

The mysterious voice just made it clear that the "task completion" determines the reward control.

In other words——

"The possibility of failure of this hidden task is very small." Lin Feng is dark.

After so much experience, I can\'t be more clear about these simple deliberations.

"It may be very difficult, but it\'s much better to fail and die than the first four levels. At least it\'s safe enough."

"Also, since it is a hidden level, it does not belong to the original Star setting."

"The degree of safety is naturally greatly improved."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, and at this moment, his body already felt a heavy pressure.

The surrounding space binds the body, and the golden light wrapped in the body slowly disappears, just like exhausting energy. Lin Feng\'s heart beat a little faster, and the white light burst in front of him, suddenly——

Suddenly, the light reappears!

WOW! The forest wind is suspended in the air.

"Oh, what a strange terrain." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and looked around.

At this time, I was in mid air, and I saw a vast expanse of green around me, filled with a strong smell of wood.

There is plenty of aura. You can see a lot of powerful breath!

"It\'s wood spirit." Lin Feng thought clearly.

Feeling, very clear.

The smell of wood spirit is very easy to distinguish.

What\'s more, when I looked at it, I saw countless wooden spirits.

"But here, I always feel a little strange."

"There is an unspeakable sense of depression, as if it is controlled by others."

Lin Feng frowned and clenched his fist, but it was nothing different.

It feels quite strange.

"Forget it, it\'s no use thinking more."

"The most important thing now is how to use the 300 day time limit to complete the task."

Lin Feng nodded and looked around, but there was no "space channel", and he was obviously "lost" here.


"The fifth level, freshmen."

"You want me to lead all the beasts to \'open up wasteland\' here, so it\'s..."

The heart moved slightly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. You can see a hundred from the literal meaning.

"There is no wood spirit in the purple star territory."

"That is to say, there is no harmony between the ancient giant beast and the wood spirit. There can only be one of the two."

"The meaning of opening up wasteland, in short, should be to eradicate all known creatures in this\' panmu continent \'

"Then, living in the canyon and being bullied by ancient witches all year round, the giant animals that are prey can move through the space channel to get real \'rebirth\'."

"Indeed, this is the responsibility of being the \'beast king\'."

When you think about it, the wind in the forest is swirling.

In this purple star territory, each level is connected with the next level.

When you think about it, it\'s very simple.

"The amount of land reclamation should be the so-called \'task completion\'. It seems that..."

"This flat wood continent is quite large."

Lin Feng nodded, "it\'s not too late. First take a look at what\'s going on here."

The time limit of 300 days is related to the completion of the task.

Naturally, we should seize the time.

"Hoo ~" the forest wind suspended in the air and looked down.

"What a big \'land of wood spirits\'. There seems to be no other creatures here except wood spirits."

The life soul sensor spreads and leaves, and Lin Feng\'s eyes converge.

In a short moment, I found tens of thousands of wood spirits. In this huge coiled wood continent, how many wood spirits can\'t be counted. But strangely, most of the wood spirits here are Xinghai level, but there is no star master level.

"More and more strange." Lin Feng said secretly.

Nevertheless, we should not take it lightly.

Wood spirits are the most united, especially the combination of many star sea level wood spirits of level 9 and level 10 is even more powerful.

"Anyway, let\'s start." Lin Feng\'s eyes burst. "Try their strength first."

In his heart, Lin Feng clenched his fists and was about to start.


"How could this happen?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed and his eyes were surprised.

Looking at his hands in horror, Lin Feng finally realized at this moment.

"So it is."

"No wonder!"