Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 655

It is a huge tree in the sky, ten thousand meters high and luxuriant to the extreme.

Dark green colors and tangled branches form wonderful shapes. This huge tree has been for many years, firmly rooted in the soil of this "coiled wood continent", like a patron saint.

The rest of the wood spirits are nothing compared with them.

The gap is far!

"How huge!"

"I\'m afraid this breath is not inferior to the star master level."

The forest wind is suspended in the air, with bright eyes.

Overlooking the huge tree in the sky, I felt a little surprised.

Far beyond their own strength!

"Any piece of terrain, a continent, has its strongest place, proud of everything!"

"This giant tree should be the \'King\' of the panmu continent."

The heart is dark and Lin Feng carefully floats in the air and keeps a distance.

If you fall into the attack range of this huge tree, your own fire spirit Master\'s meager defense is not enough to resist.

This huge tree is beyond the top ten levels of the star sea level of Mu Ling.


"Unknown realm."

"Maybe like the human God of war, you can reach the 11th and 12th levels of Xinghai level."

"Just because there is no star power, it can\'t degenerate."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and did not hesitate.

No matter how big the giant tree came from, now——

It\'s just its own prey!


烀! 烀~

The flame is burning, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

The fierce fireball fell, and Lin Feng\'s attack was launched in an instant.

Hurry up!

"Boom!" the fireball fell.

However, the sudden change, I saw that the dark green giant tree seemed to have spirit, accompanied by the swing of its branches, forming an empty cold awn in the sky. All of a sudden, the energy of heaven and earth gathered, and the annular gaps flashing electric light appeared one by one. The falling of the fireball fell into the gap and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Dark green giant tree, not hurt at all.

It\'s weird!

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were fierce.

The cold light flickered, the forest wind moved very fast, and two fireballs fell suddenly.

Then the dark green giant tree still resisted unhurriedly, and the gap between the two lightning lights appeared again. Although the casting speed was not fast, it flashed at the moment when the fireball fell, just swallowing the fireball completely. It\'s like being prepared. I don\'t feel reluctant at all, but I have a kind of freehand brushwork.

"It\'s\' space \'energy."

"This giant tree controls\' space \'and can create small space cracks."

"My fireball can\'t hurt it."

Lin Feng frowned and felt a little trouble.

Space energy, like time energy, belongs to the energy existing between heaven and earth. Like the original energy, it can be recovered and made up here.

Looking at the relaxed performance of this giant tree, it is obviously too easy for it to create this small space crack!

"There are two ways to hurt it." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"First, consume, consume its space energy."

"Second, close range attack makes it too late to create space cracks."

In his heart, Lin Feng hesitated. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages.

First, I don\'t know how much space energy it takes to display this small gap and how much the resilience of the giant tree is. Second, how close should this close attack be? Because too close, the giant tree is likely to attack, and the flying branches are not kidding.

"Try it first