Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 649

"Fifty six breath."

"Only this ethnic group has 56 breath."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and looked around. He was in a dense mountain forest at this time.

The branches and leaves are luxuriant and full of strong wood smell. The mountain range is so huge that it can\'t see the edge with its own eyesight. Now, it is at the foot of the mountain. Compared with the huge mountain range, it is only the tip of the iceberg, and the size of the rest is difficult to estimate.

"Such a strong smell of wood can not be gathered in this corner."

"Obviously, there is a deep smell of wood in the whole mountain range, which leads to such a strange geographical environment."

Lin Feng soon judged it and looked full of energy.

It can be inferred from this that there is definitely more than one "Jumang juwu" ethnic group in this mountain range!

"One by one."

"First solve this\' Jumang juwu \'ethnic group."

"However, fifty-six sentences are not easy to deal with."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and fell into deep thinking.

Although Jumang giant witch is defeated by his own strength, it is a kind of relatively easy to deal with.

But there are too many!

"With my strength, five or six sentence mang giant witches can deal with it."

"But seven to eight sentence mang giant witches are difficult, especially if there are particularly powerful sentence mang giant witches."

"Once the number exceeds ten, the winning rate will not exceed twenty percent."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng stared at the distance and kept thinking about ways.

If you want to deal with this huge witch group, the first thing is——


"Try this method." Lin Feng murmured and took it into consideration.

"The distance is almost the same." Lin Feng stood slowly with his eyes shining.

At this time, there was a distance from the "Jumang giant witch" ethnic group. With their own soul, they could not feel any breath.

But it doesn\'t matter.

"Come out, wing." Lin Fengshen drank.

For a moment, the eyebrow of the left eye flashed, and strange energy emerged.

WOW! The emergence of the wing has driven a strong force and has great prestige. Follow Lin Feng to conquer the East and the West and support the war with war. Today\'s wing is really different from the past. It is already the existence of Xinghai level 10 and enters the last bottleneck of breaking through the star master level.

"Release the winged insect," Lin Feng said.

"Yes, boss." wing didn\'t hesitate. When the branches waved, thousands of winged insects drilled into the soil.

In this place where the breath of wood gathers, wing can give full play to its strongest strength!

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and waited patiently.

To complete such a demanding task at the fourth level, you must rely on the "wing".

Time goes by.


"#% ¥" the voice of great anger sounded, full of roar.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling, sharing the vision of the winged insect, and clearly seeing scenes in the Jumang giant witch group.

Jumang juwu is very angry at this time!

The bipedal insect can\'t do any damage to the Jumang giant witch. The witch clan is very sensitive to the environment, which Lin Feng knows very well. Even though the winged beetles did not have any energy fluctuation, they could not escape the induction of the Jumang giant witch. The winged beetles entering the Jumang giant witch group were soon killed one by one.


"See how long you can stand it."

Lin Feng looked calm and his eyes flashed with pure light.

Time goes by.

At this time, the anger of many Jumang juwu erupted hysterically in the Jumang juwu group.

But he was completely angered by the endless "little reptile"!

Maybe these little reptiles can\'t hurt them, but

It\'s unbearable!

"# ¥ @!" # *! & "the angry roar shocked the world.

It fell in Lin Feng\'s ear, but the corners of his mouth drew a smile. Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and breathed for a long time, "can\'t help it at last."

In the range of vision of the bipedal insects, one by one, the Jumang giant witches darted out, taking the place of the ethnic group as the center, and scattered in all directions, looking for the root of these "little reptiles". Either in groups of two, or in groups of three or five, the sentence mang giant witch was all angry.

They want to get rid of all these hateful "reptiles"!

"Here we are."

"Wait for you for a long time."

"Ready, wings?" Lin Feng smiled.

Waving the branches, the wings flashing red and green light, with a sense of war, "don\'t worry, boss, I can definitely play 200% of my strength here!"

"Good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes shot at him.

The ember magic gun clanged, and the reborn fire in his hand slowly boiled.

The killing begins!

The sentence mang juwu may be really strong.

But that\'s for giants, for other warriors.

The Jumang witch, famous for its defense and vitality, was just conquered by Lin Feng. In particular, the endless reborn fire intensifies the energy destructive power of the wood system. What\'s more, only three or five groups of sentence mang giant witches can be solved by Lin Feng alone, and now they are restrained by wings!

be a tiger with wings added!

"With you, at least it saves most of your strength." Lin Feng smiled.

The right hand grabbed the huge green blood drop, felt the powerful energy, and looked at the wing.

"That\'s right, boss." Yi said proudly, "we\'re the best partner."

Waving the branches, the wings look so beautiful. Like other wood spirits, the weakest wing is attack and the strongest is control. Lin Feng, however, is good at attack and not good at control. The two just complement each other. Every time the sentence mang giant witch attacks, Lin Feng can solve one in an instant, while the other sentence mang giant witches are all restrained by the wings.

Killing one by one is too easy for Lin Feng.

Don\'t say mang giant witch, it\'s a stronger xuanming giant witch, which can also deal with it!

"Let\'s go, wing." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Eh?" Yi was stunned. "Boss, we only killed half."

Lin Feng shook his head and looked brightly into the distance. "The other sentence mang giant witches have already sensed such violent battle fluctuations. I\'m afraid they won\'t come back in groups. Once the remaining twenty sentence mang giant witches meet, we\'ll be in trouble."

Although the killing was clean and smooth, Lin Feng was not dazzled by the victory.

"Ah." Yi was surprised, "what should I do, boss? Don\'t kill me?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and smiled, "don\'t be in a hurry. Just come back another place."

The wing suddenly smiled, "the boss is wise."

There is a mental calculation, but there is no intention.

In just two hours, Lin Feng killed a Jumang giant witch group, leaving none.

Fifty six giant "green blood drops" were harvested, and the pots were full of money.

The harvest is greater than the previous three days!

"Well, yes, these \'ancient giant witches\' are more nutritious than giant animals." Yisha said happily.

Lin Feng eats meat and drinks soup. He earns a lot.

Upgrading from Xinghai level 10 to Xingzhu level requires not only opportunity and luck, but also enough energy. It is extremely difficult for a wood spirit to ascend to a higher level, especially for a "mutated" wood spirit such as wing. But fortunately, he has a "good master".

"Absorb quickly, replenish and we\'ll continue." Lin Feng closed his eyes and nodded.

If you absorb so much at once, not only do you need to rest, but you also need some time to completely "digest" these green blood droplets.

"Don\'t worry, boss, with so much nourishment, I can recover my peak in less than three hours!" the wings swayed the branches and burst into bright light. Now it is the 10th level of Xinghai level, and the absorption speed of the wing has been greatly improved. Although this battle consumes a lot, but

But more!

What\'s more, the dense smell of wood here is twice the result with half the effort.


Three hours is the past.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang breathed and opened his eyes.

Absorbing so many huge blood drops at once is very helpful to improve your strength.

"The Lich heart absorbs most of it, but only a little bit of it penetrates, and my body has improved greatly."

"The level of strength and star weight increase rapidly, which is much faster than cultivation."

Lin Feng smiled with a rustling smile, and the corners of his mouth began to scratch lightly.

Both the strength of the God of war and the strength of the heavenly spirit division are steadily improving.

It\'s good news.

"Let\'s go, wing, let\'s continue." Lin Feng looked into the distance and his eyes were bright.

"No problem, boss!" wing said happily.

Yanling is outside the house.

"Wow, Wan Gu is catching up!"

"2 million points! Second!"

"Hey, I guessed early in the morning. How can Wangu\'s strength sink?"

In front of the championship, everyone whispered and talked.

At this time, the fourth day is more than half, and the ranking competition of the championship is more intense.

In addition to Lin Feng ranking first, Zhu zero has been completely defeated in the competition with Rumeng, and WAN Gu is worthy of being as famous as Rumeng, and is already catching up.

"Wan Gu must have entered the star realm just now."

"Yes, it\'s very similar to Lin Feng. You see, their points usually don\'t move. They jump up all at once."

"I don\'t know if Wan Gu can have a big explosion and catch up with Lin Feng."

"I think the forest wind score is too high."

The fourth day.

"Elder martial brother is really powerful," Wan Mo said with admiration.

"The appearance of the star realm is regular, especially the higher star realm." Wan Gu\'s face remained unchanged and said calmly, "the powerful is the patriarch. Everything is expected by him. The layout is perfect. I\'m just the executor."

Wan Mo smiled. "It\'s only when senior brother has strength. The blue star territory is not accessible to ordinary martial arts."

Wan Gu said faintly, "at least Rumeng and Zhu zero have the strength to enter."

"Elder martial brother is modest." Wan Mo Xiangran said, "if Rumeng and Zhu zero were not the opponents of elder martial brother, I\'m afraid they would have been left out of the sky in the first two sessions of points in order to complete the task and retain their strength. It\'s ridiculous that they still compare elder martial brother with Rumeng. It\'s too ignorant."

Wan Gu\'s eyes flashed slightly and didn\'t talk much.

Excessive modesty is pride, and what Wan Mo said is true.

His strength is far better than dream.

With his hands on his back, Wan Gu looked deep into the distance and thought, "I don\'t know what the purple star will be like if there is a legendary place to change his life against the sky..."