Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 648

Three days later.

Sitting quietly on the rock wall, the forest wind looks into the distance.

The corners of his mouth wore a faint smile and looked calm.

The body was stained with blood, and many wounds were heartbreaking. However, it was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. There is a deep bone blood mark on his cheek, but Lin Feng obviously doesn\'t care. This injury has experienced too much in these three days.

"Jumang juwu is good at defense and has strong vitality."

"The dark giant witch is good at attacking and has a very fast attack speed."

"Zhu Rong is a giant witch. He is good at fire and is almost completely immune to any fire attack."

His eyes were burning, and Lin Feng\'s mouth began to smile helplessly.

In these three days, I have gained a lot, but my "injury" is not small.

There were only three "giant witches" who attacked the canyon giant beast group this time, including Jumang giant witches, xuanming giant witches and zhurong giant witches. Among them, the only thing they can deal with is the "Jumang giant witch".

"Zhu Rong juwu is immune to fire, but I\'m not immune to fire." Lin Feng sighed.

In the face of Zhu Rong juwu, he was quite passive and could only fight with him by relying on the strength of the God of war. However, Zhu Rong\'s giant witches can be close and far, especially when three or four Zhu Rong\'s giant witches cooperate, it is difficult for them to take half the advantage, and they return in vain every time.

"And the dark giant witch......" Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

Most of the injuries on his body are due to these "mysterious and dark giant witches".

"The attack is not only rapid, but also proficient in encirclement."

"Most importantly, the number of people is about ten, which is quite a headache."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart that although after three days of "practical training", his strength has increased a lot, several challenges to the "mysterious giant witch" have all ended in failure. At the moment, the injury on my body comes from this.

The only harvest is "Jumang juwu".

"Kill 33 Jumang witches in three days."

"In the heart of the lich, the huge green blood drop is a rich point."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. This was the biggest harvest this time. Although he didn\'t know how these huge green blood droplets worked, this energy alone could not be underestimated. Without the existence of the heart of the lich, it is possible to devour this huge green blood drop and die.

"Unfortunately, it\'s over."

"The giant witches have almost finished their prey and have gone back seven or eight."

"I\'m afraid that\'s all."

Lin Feng, with bright eyes, looked into the distance.

The shaking of the earth almost stopped and the land of the canyon returned to calm.

With the "triumphant return" of those great wizards, it is obvious that the giants have passed another crisis.

"It\'s hard to find \'Jumang juwu\' again. It\'s time to go back." Lin Feng nodded.

In fact, the third day, his harvest was very little. Most of the 33 sentence mang giant witches were hunted and killed two days ago. On the third day, because it was the end, for ten hours, I only found a group of sentences, which was very inefficient.

"I don\'t know what the secret of the Lich heart is."

"It seems that all the scales and light walls in the body must be dyed green before they can degenerate."

"For quite a long time."

Thinking in my heart, the forest wind galloped.

His eyes flashed with strange brilliance and went to the place where giant animals gathered.


"Now, first complete the experience task of the fourth level."

"Others will be counted later."

Soon, Lin Feng will return.

The familiar golden light flashed in front of me, and many giant beasts piled up like a mountain, with an extremely large number.

Here, gather more than 90% of the giant animals in the Canyon!

"There are hundreds of thousands of heads. It\'s not easy to become the \'King of beasts\'."

"At least at present, my breath is no different from Lei. Maybe it will be easier to frighten."

"However, all this can only be implemented after the \'crisis\' is lifted and the witch giants leave."

"There are 76 days left, which should be enough."

His eyes were shining, and Lin Feng stepped slowly into the golden halo.

This time, however, it was completely unexpected.

"Peng!" in his mind, a familiar voice sounded, and Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes. The familiar pressure came again, shaking inexplicably in his heart. "The experimenter killed more than ten ancient giant witches and won the worship of giant animals, with a degree of admiration of 3.6%."

The voice is still cold, but Lin Feng is the vibration of his heart.

Ancient giant witch? Monster worship? Admiration 3.6%?!

"This is!" Lin Feng\'s face changed constantly.

At present, the golden light has disappeared. Lin Feng looks at the front and feels hot eyes staring at himself.

There is not only no hostility, but also a lot of "admiration".

These monsters are convinced of themselves!

"Peng!" his head exploded, and Lin Feng suddenly saw it.

"I see."

"I see!"

It was as if a door had been opened in his heart, and Lin fengcha suddenly realized the time.

The secret of the fourth level mission I\'ve been looking for has finally been revealed.

The key is those witch giants!

"No, it\'s the ancient giant witch." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

"Killing more than ten ancient giant wizards will stimulate the experience task process."

"The admiration is 3.6%. As I expected, it\'s right. It\'s the thirty-six sentence mang giant witches I killed."

"According to this ratio, if I kill 1000 Jumang wizards, wouldn\'t my admiration reach 100%?"

Lin Fengmeng\'s heart was shocked and his eyes were shining.

The road ahead was suddenly clear.

To respect is to surrender!

"In other words, as long as I can kill a thousand ancient wizards and reach 100% admiration..."

"You can get the obedience of all giants, so as to complete the fourth level task!"

Clenching his fists, Lin Feng\'s heart trembled.

I finally found my way!

"It\'s not too late, hurry up!" Lin Feng\'s sparkling eyes galloped out quickly.

In the revered eyes of the giants, Lin Feng did not miss it at all, and rushed to the canyon as fast as possible.

At present, time is too precious!

Seventy six days left!

In the canyon.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and his speed is completely explosive.

At present, the ancient giant witch has finished hunting and returned in triumph.

It\'s not easy to kill a thousand or find a hundred.

"Very troublesome, no, quite troublesome."

"Whether I can kill them or not, it\'s not easy to find them."

"I can only walk and see what I can think of."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows twisted slightly, and he looked right.

How can we easily give up the task of the fourth level?

Feeling the slight vibration of the earth, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and rushed away in the direction of the earthquake.

An hour later.

"Good luck, there are three sentences."

"As I expected, killing them can increase the admiration by 0.3%

Following behind the three sentence mang giant witches, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The killing intention is contained in it. These three sentences are too easy for the giant witch to kill.


"It\'s not cost-effective to kill a chicken and lay an egg."

"It\'s better to..."

"Let them go."

Lin Feng\'s mouth started with a faint smile and followed him with light steps.

What I have to do is go deep into the tiger\'s den!

"They must have a place to settle."

"The witches have ethnic groups, and these ancient giant witches must also have ethnic groups."

"There must be more ancient wizards there!"

In his heart, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed away.

Kill a thousand ancient wizards!

easier said than done!

Only let go.

If not, there are only 76 days left, which is too short.

Follow closely. Lin fengsha is cautious and doesn\'t dare to be half careless.

At present, the vibration of the earth has stopped. It can be seen that almost all the ancient giant witches have left the canyon. The three sentence mang giant witches they are tracking are likely to be the last. If they find out that they have to fight, things will become even more troublesome.

"Whew!" whew! "Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep.

Far behind, only rely on life soul induction to maintain contact.

But it is also luck. If human soul induction is used to determine the distance and position of each other, I\'m afraid it has already been discovered by juwu.


Through the dense Canyon, through the huge gap.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, and followed the sentence mang giant witch to the endless huge mountains.

"I didn\'t think there was such a terrain outside the canyon." Lin Feng was amazed and felt a little incredible. Suddenly I didn\'t know that day, because he was unconscious, he was attracted by the big gap in the middle of the canyon. If not, how can we not know the existence of these huge mountains and ancient witch families?

I was lucky to finish the first level that day.

But getting a point will lose a point, which makes the later level much more difficult.

"Pa!" followed by three sentences, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

As if stepping into a different field, the body feels very heavy for no reason.

This is a powerful force, a powerful existence, as if staring at yourself in an inexplicable place!

"I\'m afraid it\'s no worse than the six tailed beast."

"However, there must be a lot of restrictions here for this extremely terrible power."

Lin Feng thought in his heart. Although he was cautious, he didn\'t care.

Just as I saw the "six tailed beast", its power was limited to the place covered by the golden halo. I think so is the existence of terror here.

As long as you don\'t \'disturb\' it, there should be no danger.

Otherwise, the fourth level cannot be completed at all.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It seems that a dialogue voice of mang juwu came from the front, accompanied by a roaring sound, and the mood seems to be very good.

Following the footsteps of the three sentence mang giant witches, the forest wind soon stepped into a huge mountain, with a strong smell of wood, lush and prosperous trees, and a strong breath of life in the air. This kind of environment is most suitable for the jumangwu people to live in.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

The chest fluctuates faster and faster, and the heartbeat feels deeper and deeper.

The closer you get, the more dangerous you feel.

"A lot!"

"A large number of sentence mang juwu!"

Lightly pursed his lips, Lin Feng\'s strong killing intention was deeply hidden in his eyes.

Although there are many crises here, there are also many opportunities hidden!

(I\'m about to break the pass and kill the four sides! It was originally scheduled to end the second chapter \'Yanling mansion\' in 2 million words. It seems to be a little more... But the purple star realm is really important. Khan, anyway, we must speed up the pace.)