Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 650

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

This sentence is the best embodiment of Lin Feng.

Defeating the first "Jumang juwu" clan is the most dangerous and troublesome.

With the first experience and method, it is much simpler.

half a month later.

"Pa!" pick up a five-star fairy fruit and put it directly into your mouth.

Lin Feng sat on a towering tree with a freehand gloss in his eyes.

In this huge mountain range, there is such a strong smell of wood that fairy fruit will not be lacking. Everywhere, there are too many three-star and four-star fairy fruits, and five-star and six-star fairy fruits are sparse and common here. At the top of the mountain, where the smell of wood is most intense and dense, there are even seven or even eight star fairy fruits.

"How\'s it going, wing?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

"The mountain is empty, boss." Yi Ying said.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

After half a month\'s killing, I cleared all eight "Jumang juwu" families here.

With the Jumang giant witch hunted before, now the heart of the Lich has absorbed enough 375 huge \'green blood drops\'.

However, 625 are still missing from 1000 targets.

"Extend and explore again, wings." Lin Feng said slowly.

His eyes twinkled at the distance, the boundless land of mountains.

If you explore it yourself, it is not only dangerous, but also far less efficient than "wing".

Since there are a large number of "Jumang juwu" tribes on this huge mountain range, they must also exist on other mountains!

"No problem, boss." the wings swayed the branches and sprinkled them.

Absorb so many words. This time it absorbs enough energy.

Benefit a lot.

Pop! Patter!

Lin Feng picked the fairy fruit at will, or put it into his mouth or into his bag.

The galloping figure has not stopped at all, and can earn a lot of income every once in a while. Lin Feng didn\'t feel any pity for swallowing all kinds of fairy fruits. Maybe these fairy fruits have other functions, but they have a single function for himself at present.

Or strengthen your body and enhance your strength.

Or enhance the star power and increase the star weight.

Just the two.

Fairy fruits with other functions are all included in Jizi ring.

Now, strength is everything!

"The purple star territory is indeed a purple star territory. How can such benefits be compared with other places?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and sighed in his heart. At this time, in the Jizi ring, do not mention the five-star and six-star fairy fruit. Just the Seven Star fairy fruit will harvest eight and one eight star fairy fruit!

In terms of value, it is more than 20 million fighting coins!

"I was thinking about how to earn 10 million fighting coins to buy the heart of Mu Ling. Now..."

"It\'s easy."

Lin Feng smiled and felt calm.

As Shifu said, any property or treasure is a thing of the past for martial artists.

As long as you have enough strength, power and wealth, everything can be easily obtained!

"Just absorbed almost, come again." Lin Feng nodded.

The right hand shows a fairy fruit in the shape of peach, shining with strong luster and fragrance. A six-star fairy fruit "can be a peach" suddenly falls into the wind of the forest. It is swallowed directly without chewing. This way of eating is shocking and luxurious.

The market price of a peach is 120000 fighting spirit coins.

If you put it in Lvyan City, the Fang and LV families on that day can\'t earn so much in a year.

But Lin Feng set it at ease.

"At this speed, the star weight of Ares will soon break through the ninth weight."

"This reward is really rich and incomparable."

Lin Feng\'s mouth is drawn, and his heart is full of energy.

Wing exploration, careful.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry.

There are still a full 60 days, which is theoretically enough.

While collecting fairy fruits, Lin Feng is patiently waiting for the news of the wings. The mountains are huge and there are treasures or adventures everywhere, but Lin Feng\'s mind is obviously no longer this. Anyway, I\'m already satisfied that I can get a lot of fairy fruits on this trip.

It\'s not necessarily a good thing that people don\'t have enough, snakes swallow elephants, and greed is much.

What\'s more, taking Xianguo quickly enhances its strength, which is the most efficient and practical today!

"Yes!" felt a distracted touch, and Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

After spending four hours, a piece of good news finally came from the wing, sharing the vision of the winged insect, and Lin Feng saw a familiar picture. The bird has a human face and huge wings behind it, as if it were a bird man. The dark green pupils flash with strange luster and make strange sounds from time to time.

It\'s a giant witch group!

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Half a minute did not hesitate, and his body rushed out like electricity.

Compared with fairy fruit, killing enough giant witches is the top priority!

Task first.


"It\'s 403 short."

Lin Feng nodded and thought.

This mountain range is much smaller than the first one.

But it\'s not a bad thing. At least the "Jumang giant witch" on this mountain is much weaker. For myself, the harvest is no different. The same star sea level, the same huge "green blood droplets", and the same "number of heads".

Whether strong or weak, each sentence is 0.1% admiration.

"There are 56 days left."

"It\'s too late!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and he takes the time to walk.

Youdeyi explored everywhere and picked all kinds of fairy fruits.

"Unfortunately, there is no wood spirit here."

"If not, there must be quite a lot of wood spirit hearts."

Lin Feng said softly, but he also understood.

One mountain can\'t accommodate two tigers. Wood spirit is also a kind of "living spirit". It\'s obvious that Jumang juwu can\'t accommodate them.

"I didn\'t expect that there was a group of xuanming giant witches on the nearby mountain. It\'s strange." Lin Feng smiled.

This large area of wood has a strong smell. It should be the place where the Jumang giant witch settled, but the xuanming giant witch also came to join the fun and seize the territory.

"Don\'t mess with them unless it\'s necessary."

"There\'s still plenty of time anyway."

Lin Feng nodded, clear in his heart.

Now is not the time to be brave. There is no need to take too much risks.

The strength of the great dark witch is beyond your ability to cope.

Galloping in large mountains and forests, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and picking all kinds of fairy fruits. The two-star and three-star fairy fruits that can be seen everywhere are not worth mentioning here. Soon, Lin Feng reaped a lot. It was in the process of picking, suddenly——

"Wow!" his eyes lit up.

"What a majestic mountain!" the forest wind stopped at the same place.

Sharing the vision of the winged beetle, the forest wind sees a huge forest cover.

Several times bigger than the first mountain!

"There must be a large number of \'Jumang giant witches\' here."


Lin Feng\'s heart beat again and again, his body shape was fast, and he disappeared in a moment.

By contrast, this small mountain range is no longer attractive.

A month later.

"Oh, yes!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.

Originally, he wanted to attract Jumang giant witches in batches, but in an instant, all Jumang giant witches gathered to form an encirclement.

From all directions, it is like a huge circle shrinking slowly.

And I am in the center of the circle!

"No, boss." Yi shouted anxiously.

Controlling an endless number of winged insects, the vision of the wing is very broad.

Chi!! The ember magic gun vibrated.

Condensing the thick black fog, Lin Feng killed a sentence mang giant witch again, and his eyebrows tightened together.

Around, the feeling of breath became more and more intense, and the heart of the Lich kept beating. The most urgent sound of "warning" was never heard!

"At least hundreds."

"Once surrounded, there is a dead end!"

"These sentences must be commanded by the \'leader\'."

Lin Feng clenched his teeth, and his heart was clear at this time.

I calculate these sentences, and these sentences are not calculating myself!

This mountain range is too vast!

"I still underestimate them."

"But don\'t think you want to kill me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. At this time, the three sentence mang giant witches launched the most fierce attack on the left, right and rear. As soon as Lin Feng drank, the strong rebirth fire formed a ferocious dragon shield, but the violent strength still went straight into his body through the dragon shield and thunder armor.

Boom!! If the body is hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Lin Feng spits out a mouthful of blood, reacts quickly, and his eyes are cold and bright.

"Wind vortex!" Lin Fengshen drank.

The body suddenly changed into a ghost. Lin Feng endured his injury and ran straight forward.

Ju mang juwu, who is in charge of this direction, just died in his own hands. The defense here is the most empty!

Whoosh! Very fast.

Even if he was defeated, Lin Feng was ready.

The figure of the wing disappeared immediately. Lin Feng had completely given up the attack and would not leave the wing to break the back.

Boom! Boom!!

Another two sentences stand in the way.

But Lin Feng suddenly drank, "Yueli!!"

The strong light bloomed, and Lin Feng could only defend but not attack. He just blocked the strongest attack of Jumang giant witch. Even if the injury was even worse, it didn\'t matter at present. The most important thing is that you must not stop and allow the huge witches around to form an encirclement. At that time, even if you have the power of heaven, it is difficult to escape.

a sure catch!

"Come on!"

"Must be fast!"

Lin Feng\'s heart is clear and transparent.

At this time, there is only one way to go!

Must escape!!!

"Whew!" Lin Feng broke out with all his strength.

The more we face difficulties, the more we can force out all forces.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s heart was as quiet as dust, and the feeling of life soul was very clear. Nothing around him could hide from his heart.

"The way out is ahead!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Lei Lei\'s armor flickered thick, and Lin Feng\'s hands transmitted a strong fire.

Dense, scary and full of coercion!

Dong! Dong!!

The sound of violent vibration.

Countless sentence mang giant witches attacked madly and angrily.

Perhaps their attack power is not strong, but the number is enough. In addition, once they are entangled by the Jumang witch, it is difficult to escape. The sky, a dark color, Lin Feng\'s heart is silent to the deepest, but his eyes are more and more clear.

The only chance I\'m waiting for——

Right now!