Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 645

A giant with the same burly figure!

It\'s thousands of meters tall. It\'s very similar to the giant I just saw!

Similar to human form, but not human.

The whole body is dark green, the bird body and human face, and the thin face seems to be a person who has been hungry for a long time. There are huge wings behind it, like a big bird. The feet are huge, like stepping on two dragons. The light is ferocious, the claws are sharp as sharp blades, and the cold light is dazzling.

Isn\'t it just

"Jumangwu clan."

"It\'s a Mantu. That\'s right."

Lin Feng has bright eyes and no doubt.

Just now those giants are similar to the "xuanming witch clan", but I have never seen the xuanming witch clan, but I have seen the Jumang witch clan!

There have been several conflicts, which are still fresh in my memory!

"What a tall body."

"Such a physique is like a giant beast."

"But the flavor of the Jumang witch family will not change at all."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and felt very deeply.

With a strong smell of wood, the jumangwu people are naturally close to wood. They use the original energy of wood to harden their body and strengthen their strength.

"I don\'t know how the jumangwu family here is different from the jumangwu family in the fighting spirit world?"

"Or what is the connection between the two?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he saw that the three sentence mang witch families were crazy killing all the giants at this time. Dozens of giant beasts ran around, but they didn\'t even dare to attack. They ran away frantically and didn\'t dare to resist. They were like "slaves", a little inexplicable.

Just as when they surrendered to Lei Lei on that day, these giants obviously had the ability, but they dared not attack.

Acting by instinct, they lack a little \'wisdom\'.

"Thump!" "thump!" the feeling of heartbeat hit again, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed thick luster.

"Thunder armor!" Lin Feng drank heavily.

The body shape changed suddenly. This time, in the face of three sentence mang witch families, there was no carelessness.

These three are much better than those giants. On the same day, the Jumang witch family, who chased and killed themselves twice in the chaotic swamp, was like a mole ant compared with these three. But now I am also different!

Starsea level nine.

Star control force eighth gear!

Lin Feng\'s God of war strength is quite strong.

Most importantly, with thunder armor, Lin Feng\'s strength soared again.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" two hot fireballs, condensing the power of strong starlight, Lin Fengmeng drank.

Boom!! A thrilling burst of sound.

The two fireballs are like meteorites falling from the sky and are powerful.

Bang the heads of the yumang witch clan to the left and right, very fast.

And now——

"Shun Huang Gang Qi!" Lin Feng\'s hands were cold, and the breath of heaven and earth was strong and extreme. The golden light of thunder armor bloomed. The ember magic gun in Lin Feng\'s hand flashed a fierce luster, the violent black fog condensed around, and the wind vortex on his right foot suddenly burst out.

Wheeze! Attack at a gallop.

Target, directly point to the strongest Jumang witch in the center.

Come on!

Go to the extreme!

On the ninth day, the Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi bloomed into a cracking brilliance.

The crazy gathering breath of heaven and earth is combined with the star power, and the power is greatly improved. The spiral air flow turns into light and shadow, and the power of forest wind bursts at this moment.

"Light and shadow shot!" Lin Feng went all out.

The extremely fast speed and powerful shooting method were not comparable to those 178 days ago.

The eyes of the Jumang witch family are bright, and the strong smell of wood breaks out. The wolf tooth stick in their hand swings towards the forest wind, and the power of breaking the sky is irresistible. Compared with the huge body shape, Lin Feng is insignificant, but the attack momentum of Lin Feng completely overwhelms the jumangwu family. In fact, the jumangwu family is never famous for its attack power.

Boom~ The mace was instantly destroyed.

Lin Feng\'s coming speed is too fast and fierce!

"#%#@" the angry voice roared up to the sky, and the Jumang witch family was angry.

The green body condensed into a huge brilliance to block Lin Feng\'s shot, but it relied too much on its own defense.

"The fire of rebirth!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed, and the strong fire of rebirth burst out instantly.

The same original energy, but Lin Feng\'s rebirth fire has become a big killer!


"Die." Lin Fengshen drank.

"Boom!!" the sentence mang Wu family roared.

But in an instant——

The sound stops suddenly.

The ember magic gun, together with Lin Feng\'s figure, completely broke the defense, and the terrible explosion sound resounded in an instant.

Lin Feng, it\'s very cruel!

Boom!! The breath broke out, and the fire of rebirth was wildly lit.

The huge body of the Jumang witch family burst into countless pieces, and even Lin Feng couldn\'t resist it.

The gap is huge!

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Where the eyes were gathered, a huge "green blood drop" flashed out in the burst land.

How similar!

"It\'s the \'green blood drop\' in the palace!"

"For the first time, it aroused the transcendent existence of the Lich heart."

Lin Feng immediately remembered all of it. Was it not this huge "green blood drop" that he found in the fall of the Jumang witch family in the chaotic swamp that day?

As like as two peas!

Abundant energy, mysterious breath.

This is the most brilliant part and existence of the manu witches.

"Pa!" took the green blood drop and instantly fused with the heart of the Lich.

A violent atmospheric force came into the body, and Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster and faster, as if his blood melted into water, filled with an unspeakable wonderful taste. However, Lin Feng has no time to waste, because at the same time, the huge maces on the left and right sides have arrived in an instant.

"Dragon shield!" Lin Feng drank softly.

The strong fire of rebirth rises in an instant with the powerful constellation power.

Never give up your vigilance at any time.

Because the battle is not over.

"Peng!" "Peng!" power, quite terrible.

Break through the shield of the hot dragon, and a small part of the power still blows to the body through the thunder armor.

Lin Feng\'s body stumbled violently, and his chest was like thunder. He felt the terror of these two sentences.

But only once!

"Boom!!" the flame burst.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are as bright as stars, and his war intention is bright again.

One against two, even the giant Jumang witch clan will not be their own opponent.

They have no choice but to die!

Killing again!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling, and the huge green blood drops are very important to him!

Scold! The ember magic gun penetrates the body of the last sentence mang witch family and produces a violent explosion. There was an ugly hissing sound in his ears, but the giant of the Jumang witch family was very unwilling to die. But this is the world of nature. The strong are respected, and the losers have only a dead end.

Beast, that\'s it.

"Pa!" his right hand grabbed the green blood drop, and Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

Another one!

This time, I got as many as three.

The huge green blood drops are filled with rich and extreme energy, and Lin Feng is very happy in his heart.

There is no doubt that his Lich heart will be able to eat.


"Peng!" Lin Feng was stunned when his head exploded.

He seemed to enter a wonderful state. The heart of the Lich absorbed huge green blood drops, showing a sub excited state, and his chest kept beating.

In my mind, scenes emerge inexplicably. Lin Feng opened his eyes fiercely and saw the existence of the huge "Jumang witch clan", the real existence! The monstrous eyes have the domineering spirit overlooking the heaven and earth. The huge wings transmit the emerald green light. The Jiaolong at the foot seems to surrender. It is a living existence!

How similar!

I saw it when I first absorbed green blood droplets.

And this time, the feeling is deeper! Closer!

"This is the energy of \'green blood drop\', which was transmitted to my mind through the heart of the Lich."

"Really great!"

Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart. The energy contained in the green blood drop made him marvel.

It is definitely not just a "star sea" existence, but a force similar to the "origin".

Has great potential!

"Look inside!" Lin Feng closed his eyes.

I once entered the world of "Lich heart", and it\'s much easier to enter again.

Immersed in his mind and feeling the power of the Lich\'s heart, Lin Feng quickly immersed himself in his body and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wow!" his eyes brightened, and Lin Feng felt the powerful power of life.

When you look at it, the picture in front of you becomes clear, and a beautiful heart with exquisite luster is beating like a pulse. Like the heart, but not the heart. The unique energy breath is emitted, but it is a strong smell of wood.

Lich heart!

At the edge of the Lich\'s heart, there are green light spots, which are very subtle. Compared with the Lich\'s heart, they seem to be different from the fluorescent light and the bright moon.

The number is 35.

"It\'s the blood essence of mangwu clan I absorbed." Lin Feng said in his heart.

I benefited a lot from several confrontations with the Jumang witch family, especially in the last battle in the chaotic swamp.

At this time, the Lich\'s heart was wrapped by the thick green light, the greedy mouth moved, and the slightest mist entered the center of the Lich\'s heart from every gap, as if absorbing and refining something. Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and his heart was light, and his state of consciousness immediately penetrated into him.


WOW! Enter the heart of the Lich.

A transparent, bright, shiny, but Lin Feng looked directly at the center.

It was a light wall like a scale, and the other light walls were all transparent and milky white. Only one scale light wall was dark green and had a strong smell. At this time, another light wall is constantly absorbing changes, showing a gradually green color.

"I see."

"The huge \'green blood drops\' absorbed are actually here."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and his heart thought.

Curiosity about the heart of the Lich is growing.

However, seeing the green blood drop forming and turning into a part of the Lich\'s heart, I can\'t see why.

"I\'m afraid we have to wait until all the light walls here are filled, maybe..."

"To solve the mystery."

Lin Feng nodded and stopped guessing.

Everything will come out naturally on that day.

The figure gradually disappeared, and Lin Fengxuan returned. Staring at the mess, the corners of his mouth scratched faintly.

Looking around, the monsters had already run away without a trace.

"Run fast."

"It was only a short time before there was no head."

Lin Feng smiled and felt funny.

Just now it was "lively". Countless monsters gathered, but now they scattered in a crowd.

Who says giant animals are not afraid of death?

Run faster than anyone!!


"Wait!" Lin Feng\'s face changed and his eyes suddenly changed.

His eyes stared at the miscellaneous footprints on the ground, and then turned to the direction in which these giants fled.

Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster and his fists clenched instantaneously.