Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 644

A day later.

"Peng!" Lin Feng\'s hands burst into a fiery flame.

At last, the giant beast that resisted desperately was blown to pieces and died thoroughly.

Countless corpse remains lie scattered on the ground. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are tightly screwed together and falls into deep thinking.


Failure after failure!

"One hundred and seventy-eight days, in exchange for nothing."

"I didn\'t expect to return to the starting point again. These giants are easy to kill and awe..."


Lin Feng sighed, but he couldn\'t come to a conclusion.

Logically speaking, now their strength is strong enough, not to mention one to hundreds, or one to thousands.

Although such strength can\'t compare with Lei, Lei can\'t compete with thousands of people as he does.

each one has his good points!

In terms of deterrent power alone, my own power is better than mine!

"But why do they still refuse to surrender?"

"Would rather die than surrender. Many giants fight to the end even if they are afraid. What\'s the secret?"

"How can I become the \'beast king\'?"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

Although there is still a lot of time, but one day I haven\'t solved this doubt, I am stuck in the mire all day, and sink with time.

More and more dangerous!

Three days.

Ten days.

From the time limit of 300 days, there are only the last 100 days left.

His eyes were cold, and Lin Feng\'s expression was filled with a touch of cold light. Coldly, he stepped over the corpses of giant animals, treaded blood and splashed blood flowers. His body had a strong smell of blood. However, Lin Feng was at ease and had no emotional change at all.


Ten days!

Tens of thousands of giant beasts were killed, none of them alive!

"Although I don\'t know the secret of the fourth level, but..."

"Since I have enough time and I have enough strength, it doesn\'t need to be so complicated. It\'s just a word."


Lin Feng\'s eyes were calm and his body galloped forward without hesitation.

The strong flames gather in the hands, and the forest wind is like death. Everywhere you go, there are corpses everywhere!

Burn everything!

"Although I don\'t know how to become the \'beast king\'."

"But if there is not even a giant beast in this canyon, this task will be solved easily!"

Lin Feng looked bland and decided in his heart.

the determination to win victory and the courage to surmount every difficulty!

This may seem extremely stupid, but it\'s not a \'way\'!

Kill enough first!

It\'s really a way.

But only Lin Feng and other "demons" can do it.

It has an unlimited fire of rebirth, and its power is inexhaustible. Even if it is replaced by thunder when it breaks out, although it has strong power, it does not have such continuous combat ability.

But Lin Feng is not.

How many Warcraft are slaughtered in tianwu?

In contrast, the giant animals here are not worth mentioning at all. Even if they are all killed, they are only a drop in the bucket at that time.

Soon, a month passed.

The whole Canyon is filled with a strong smell of blood, mixed with the smell of giant animals, which is very disgusting.

And all this is caused by only one person.

Lin Feng!

Galloping in the rock wall, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright.

Forty days of killing, not only did not make him tired, but aroused the desire to kill, happy gratitude and hatred in his heart.

Remembering that countless Liyan sect disciples were slaughtered in Yanling Zunfu, Lin Feng felt a strong sense of killing. He wanted to find out the behind the scenes and trample on the killing!

"There are eighty days left."

"Although the canyon is large, it will be one month fast and two months slow. All the beasts here will die and no longer exist!"

"At that time, the task will fall apart."

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s mouth was filled with a faint smile.

Although the sword takes a partial edge, the process is not important, the important thing is the result!

As long as you can complete the task of the fourth level, it is enough!

At this time——



The earth shook violently and the sky became dark.

The roar of giant animals came from the whole Canyon, which echoed in my ears one after another.

"Oh?" Lin Feng stopped.

Step! He jumped gently and landed on the rock wall. Lin Feng frowned.

"What happened?"

"The roar of the beast is different from what I hear every time. It seems..."

"Mixed with some fear and panic."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, standing on the rock wall, and he can feel bursts of violent vibration from time to time.

As if some disaster were coming.


"Maybe it\'s an opportunity."

"Go and have a look!"

Nodding, Lin Feng thought in his heart.

This is the first great change in the canyon since I left the customs.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!


"These giants... Are running away?"

Lin Feng was flying in the air with bright eyes.

As you can see, a giant beast is running, not to pursue, but to flee in panic.

When you open your hooves and four feet, the face of each giant beast is full of fear, which is panic and fear from the bottom of your heart. During this period of time, Lin Feng is very familiar with these monsters and kills countless people every day.

"Even give up."

"Even to me?"

Lin Feng smiled and felt strange.

Usually, as soon as they get close, these giants roar angrily and have a strong hostility.

But now

"Look at the others."

"This canyon is becoming more and more interesting."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows flickered and he felt a sense of hope in his heart.

Intuition tells me that this "change" is likely to be the key to solving the mystery!


Like a sharp arrow, the forest wind shuttles through.

Go straight in the opposite direction of the escape of these giants, and there is no change in their look.

"Monster fear doesn\'t mean I\'m afraid."

"I want to see what kind of existence makes them so panic."

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was lightly scratched, and his confidence was still.

But the art expert is brave!

In a quarter of an hour.

"Oh, that\'s???" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked away.

As you can see, a group of giants are holding huge maces and slaughtering a group of giants. Naked, with dense bone spurs and cold light, the giant\'s burly body is full of powerful power. Compared with giant beasts, these giants are better than others. The most important thing is——

They are very similar to humans!

"Witch clan?!" Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated.

Inexplicably, Lin Feng shook his head.

"No, they shouldn\'t be witches."

"How can the witch family have this terrible figure?"

Several kilometers high, it is known that the strong and strong witch people have become ants when they see these giants.

"These giants are very similar to the \'xuanming witch clan\' described in the classics!" Lin Feng said secretly, but he was puzzled again. Just as they thought, the giants tore dozens of giant animals into pieces, held big sticks and burst into laughter.

And the most frightening thing is——

They, unexpectedly, began to eat the corpses of giant beasts!

It\'s like hunting!

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s head exploded and his eyes widened.

"I see!"

"I see!!!"

The question in my heart is solved in an instant.

At this moment, I finally knew why these giants were so embarrassed, so afraid and ran away madly.

There is no doubt that the sound of earth shaking and mountain shaking just now must be made by these giants similar to the witch family. Their strength is better than giants. Obviously, these giants in the canyon are not opponents of giants, but just

Like food!

Very humble.

"No wonder the beasts ran away desperately."

"I\'m afraid these giants don\'t hunt once or twice."

"It is because of the remaining power that the giants are so afraid."

In my heart, it is becoming more and more clear.

Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and nodded.

But in an instant——

Thump! Thump! The heart beat faster and Lin Feng\'s look changed greatly.

"Is this?!" his right hand covered his chest, and Lin Feng felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Not afraid, not nervous, but a sense of crisis, an unusually familiar feeling.

How similar!

"Lich heart!"

"How can my Lich heart feel?!"

Lin Feng felt that he didn\'t believe it, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Since his Lich heart was integrated into his body, he rarely touched it and was\' surprised \'to wake up.

There is only one possibility that there will be such a violent reaction——

Jumangwu clan!!

"There is the existence of \'Jumang witch clan\'!"

"How is it possible!!"

Lin Feng felt his mouth dry and his heart couldn\'t believe it.

But the fact was in front of him, but he couldn\'t help but believe it. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright when he shook his fists.

Immediately ignore these giants who are eating, and gallop away at a very fast speed towards the sensing position in the heart.

Yes or no, you\'ll know when you find out!

The road is not far away.

Along the way, Lin Feng saw countless monsters running wildly and panicked.

In the canyon, there is a mess at this time!

These monsters are all in a strong panic, far more frightened and frightened than when they hunt them.

This is the instinct of survival.

"Closer and closer."

"It feels clearer and clearer."

"How could this happen? There should be a sentence about the existence of mangwu family here?!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes tightened together, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Holding his hand over his chest, he knew that the heart of the Lich would never deceive himself.

The reaction this time was more intense and throbbing than any time. Even, I vaguely felt an unusually familiar feeling, as if it had been a clear feeling, perhaps like a part of my body.

Inexplicable induction made Lin Feng feel uneasy.

It\'s hard to settle down!

"Soon, I will know the answer."

"What is it, the emergence of these giants, and this inexplicable palpitation..."

"Will it be related to the task of the fourth level?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are constantly changing, but the speed is not slow.

Galloping figures penetrated one by one, and the heart seemed to jump out of the throat.

Through a huge rock wall, the forest wind finally stopped falling and looked into the distance with wide eyes.

Myself, finally see!

(by the end of the month, at 15:00 and 21:00 every day, the third shift will be resumed from October 1 ~ the traditional style has ended and the ending has been uploaded. However, the electronic will continue. What can be revealed to you is that the second story of Yanling mansion is coming to an end, and the third story of "land of nine continents" will be opened. Back to the Lin family, Lin Feng\'s "star pupil" will begin to wake up, and the mystery of his life experience will be revealed slowly We will try our best to speed up the update ^ ^)