Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 646

"I was surprised just now."

"The number of these monsters is so large that if they are scattered and run away, how many can the three Jumang witches chase and kill?"

"And now..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, looking straight at the messy footprints on the ground.

Although it is flustered, although it is a mess, but if you observe carefully, you can see it clearly——

These monsters are all fleeing in one direction!

And this direction

"Why didn\'t I notice just now!"

"All the monsters are going in one direction!"

"If you simply run away, you should go by all means, especially in the face of death threat. How can you think so much?"

Lin Feng held his fists and looked straight at the direction. It was his own direction.

This is definitely not a coincidence!

"It was an opportunity."

"There must be a secret in the direction of the beast\'s escape!"

"Maybe that\'s what I\'ve been looking for!"

Nodding gently, Lin Feng felt happy in his heart.

This "great riot" not only absorbed three huge green blood droplets, but also exposed the secrets of the giant animals in the canyon.

Opportunity is getting closer and closer to yourself!

"It\'s not too late to start at once!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The figure is bright and gallops away in a moment.

"So it is." galloping in the air, Lin Feng affirmed his mind.

The way as like as two peas and beasts of the same team are all running away.

"What the hell is there?"

"The fourth level, what\'s the secret?"

"Why are all giants going in this direction when facing such a critical moment of life and death?"

The light flashed in his eyes, and Lin Feng thought in his heart.

Although he met other "witch giants" on the way, Lin Feng didn\'t do it again.

At this point, there is nothing like looking for the secret of the fourth level.

"From the monster\'s fear of the witch giant, it seems to have a long history."

"If it were real here, I\'m afraid these giants would have been killed by the witch giants, but they still survive in large numbers. Obviously..."

"In the direction of their escape, there is an existence that can protect them!"

His eyes were deep, and Lin Feng nodded slowly.

He followed the giant beast team without delay, and Lin Feng was as calm as dust.

The more you go in that direction, the more monsters there will be, but the whereabouts of the witch giants are becoming more and more rare, as if they are slowly disappearing.

The earth is still shaking, meaning that these witch giants are still hunting and hunting.

But it\'s quite peaceful here.

"It seems that the local witch giants are quite afraid."

"Just taste it. Although they prey on giant animals, they are unwilling to take risks."

"More and more interesting."

Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and galloped forward.

Clench your fists, and the feeling has become clearer and clearer.

"Here it is!" Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Ahead, there is a deep and majestic Canyon, flashing a light golden light, Raymond shooting, which makes people feel depressed. At present, it seems that there is a light film. Lin Feng gently touches it, but there is no half obstruction. It seems that he does not repel himself.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of giant animals have gathered in this canyon.

The scene is extremely spectacular!

Suspended in the air, Lin Feng looked ahead and felt a very special feeling in his heart.

With his left hand gently covering his chest, Lin Fengchang breathed a sigh. He clearly felt that the "golden life chart" in his body was shining at this time.

"It\'s Lei."

"Here, there is a great connection with Lei Yu!"

Bright light bloomed in his eyes. Lin Fengmeng drank and his body suddenly changed.

Muscles soar, skin and bones become extremely tough, and sharp barbs and thunder shine outside the body.

It\'s thunder armor!

"Feel deeper."

"Sure enough, I can\'t live without Lei."

"It seems that some voice is calling me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes glittered and looked straight ahead.

In that dense gathering place of giant animals, it seems that there is a "special" existence that attracts and calls itself.

However, hundreds of thousands of giant animals are "blocked" and can\'t enter at all.


Kill them all!

"Can\'t do that." Lin Feng frowned.

This place is unusual. According to my observation just now, it should be a place to shelter these giant animals.

If you kill here, I\'m afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

"But how can I enter if I don\'t defeat these monsters and kill a blood path?" Lin Feng murmured, but felt hesitant.

But it is neither advance nor retreat. It is difficult on both sides.

"Try it." Lin Feng frowned deeply.

Carefully stepping into the place surrounded by golden light, the body has a strange feeling, as if entering another layer of space, which is extremely bound. The sound of animal roar sounded inexplicably in my mind, as if it came from the deepest part of my heart, making the thunder armor on my body vibrate slightly.

It\'s a feeling of blood connection.

"Not another layer of space."

"But there is a strong force here."

"The power of shelter!"

Lin Feng has deep eyes and clear heart.

The strength of this force makes him have this illusion.

It\'s no wonder that those witch giants have not been pursued. Obviously, they already know the "weird" power here.

"Lei Lei\'s armor should still have Lei Lei\'s ownerless consciousness."

"It may have something to do with the power here."

"That day..."

Lin Feng thought in his heart. He remembered that Lei Lei was chased by tens of thousands of monsters that day. It was really difficult to see the magnificent scene.

As I\'ve seen these days, the giants here do fight, the strong fight, and the weak fight. However, Lei Lei has never been chased by so many giants like this. It feels like it has obtained something that makes the animals peep at, or

"It\'s the same experience as me." Lin Feng nodded and felt cold in his heart.

Glancing at the beasts, there were many roars. It seemed that he was still afraid of being an "uninvited guest".

But that\'s all.


"The hostility of these giants to me has faded?"

Lin Feng was puzzled.

Every time I see a giant beast, it is a little "peaceful" and roars and warns me; If it is "ferocious", it must take the lead in launching an attack.

Monster, very exclusive!

But now that they are so close, they are indifferent.

I feel that although I don\'t regard myself as the same kind, I\'m no longer so exclusive and refuse to be thousands of miles away.

"Is it the strange geographical relationship here?"


Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he didn\'t think too much.

Carefully move forward, close to the beast, and want to get closer to the mysterious place.

track down sb. by following clues!

Since the beast didn\'t resist himself, it\'s better to have a try!


"Roar!" "roar!!" "MMM!! ~" in front, a huge beast stood up with fierce light. That look, flashing anger, seemed to resist his approach, and Lin Feng\'s eyebrows couldn\'t help sinking.

Still not.

Although the hostility decreased a lot, the beasts still resisted themselves.

"If I approach again, they will attack." Lin Feng said secretly.

Lin Feng was very clear about their habits when dealing with giant animals during this period.

"It seems that they don\'t have a harmonious relationship with me because of the favorable location."

"What\'s the reason?"

A question mark popped up in my heart, but in an instant——

Sudden change!

WOW~ Bright golden light.

A huge force covers the whole area and makes all giant animals roar. It is a kind of respect and worship. For a moment, a strong golden light shone, with irresistible heavenly power, and the roar rang through.

"What a powerful force!"

"Such strong gold source energy."

"The power of Lei Yu is somewhat similar, but it is much stronger and stronger!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He looked straight at the \'mysterious place\' and thought in his heart.

This change was far beyond my expectation.

But I don\'t know what happened.

"Boom!!" thunder flashed.

In the void, where the strong golden light converged, a virtual shadow flashed, as if it were composed of air flow.

It gradually becomes clear from the blur, forming a domineering monster.

"Is that?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The sight saw that it was a giant beast like a \'red Leopard\', with black hooves and covered with golden scales. The body is very strong, the muscles are agglomerated and full of explosive force, and there is a strong white mane behind the neck and feet, which is vigorous and powerful. The most striking thing is the two-stage spiral sharp angle on its head, which condenses the anger and thunder, which is very frightening!

It is somewhat similar to Lei Yu\'s appearance. It contains powerful gold origin power. What\'s more frightening is that its tail has six tails!

"Zheng!!" the six tailed monster looked up to the sky and was full of awe inspiring domineering spirit.

The sound was like knocking on a stone, and the eyes of the six tailed strange animals were bright, looking at Lin Feng!

Pop! The four eyes were opposite, and Lin Feng\'s heart seemed to be hit hard.

His legs were as heavy as a thousand tons, and his body seemed to keep calling. Lin Feng was sweating on his forehead.

At this time, all the great beasts around were crawling on the ground and making a pious sound to show their respect. Six tailed monsters are high above, overlooking everything, like the pride of heaven. However, Lin Feng clenched his teeth and held his fists. Although his body trembled, he refused to kneel.

Pressure, very strong pressure!

"I will never give in!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were filled with tenacity.

Although the heart is very heavy, it is still tenacious resistance.

How can you kneel down!

The eyes of the six tailed monsters flickered with sparkling golden light, glanced at the forest wind with interest, and suddenly roared up to the sky. The voice was loud and clear, clanging and chirping. A golden light fell from the sky to form a golden beam, and a golden overpass was built on the top of the beast.


Pop! The phantom of the six tailed beast disappeared.

The pressure dissipated, and Lin Feng felt a slight pressure all over, as if he had returned to normal.

However, the monsters were still crawling on the ground and didn\'t dare to get up. Only the golden overpass was located in front of him, flashing with sparkling luster.