Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 643

"Take them as the first battle." Lin Fengdan stood on the rock wall.

His eyes looked to the distance. Although he could not see the existence of giant animals, the fine awn flashing in his eyes was fierce and perfect.

The sense of life and soul is very clear. Not far away, there are more than 300 giant animals gathering, which is obviously not a small "force". Say more, say less, but also a lot.

"Just have a try."

"You can not only see how powerful the fire spirit Master is now, but also try..."

"Can I deter the beasts?"

His eyes were shining, and Lin Feng\'s heart was filled with a strong expectation.

In this battle, no loss is allowed!

"Thunder armor!" Lin Feng drank heavily.

In an instant, the Phoenix\'s life chart was bright, and there was a golden light around her body.

Skin, bones, arms, every part of the body changes in an instant. Sharp barbs gathered behind Lin Feng\'s head. The golden single horn was fierce and ferocious, and the thunder flashed. Strength and defense are strengthened in an instant, and the body suddenly soars to two meters.

However, Lin Feng did not intend to fight with the power of the God of war.

The purpose of casting thunder armor is not to defend, but simply to "breathe".

The aura of the golden beast \'thunder\' is full of the whole armor, covering up its aura. If you want to become the \'King of beasts\'——

This process is essential.

After all, how can a human become an animal king?

Whoosh! The forest wind galloped forward.

There was a roar of great anger in Lin Feng\'s ear. In Lin Feng\'s mind, a giant beast like a unicorn appeared. His whole body was green and brown with light brown stripes. On that day, I saw this giant beast. It was one of the most "ferocious" and "hard-working" to pursue myself.

"Well, the new hatred and the old hatred are together." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

After this roar, the roars of animals came one after another, shaking the whole earth.

But there is no doubt that the strength of the other giants is no less than that of the unicorn.

"Catch the thief and the king first!"

"Kill the unicorn first!"

Lin Feng\'s expression was calm and calm, and he didn\'t show any panic at all.

Although one is against three hundred, the present self is completely different from 178 days ago!

today we are no longer as we have been!

"Step on!" hung in mid air.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the roar of animals in his ears came one after another.

Filled with smoke and dust, the charge array composed of 300 giant beasts is quite bold! Looking at it, I saw a piece of sand flying into the sky. Each giant beast was hundreds of meters small and several kilometers large. Its huge body seemed to cover the sky.

The overwhelming momentum is shocking.

Although there are only a few hundred giant beasts, I\'m afraid they have to avoid the edge even if they meet in the normal time of the day.

However, Lin Feng is different.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" two clusters of flames burst out suddenly.

Filled with strong heat, the flame blooms vigorously and the energy is extremely dense.

"Pa!" Lin Feng shook his hands and his eyes burst into sparkling light. The six star power was immediately instilled, containing a strong constellation power. Control is more into the heart, just like their left and right hands. The two fireballs suddenly seem to have vitality.

"Go!" his hands shook and Lin Feng was drinking.

The two fireballs flew straight to the largest unicorn in front.

The power of the reborn fire is increased by 50 times. The power of the reborn fireball is mixed with the power of constellations. Although the improvement is not as much as 50 times, it has increased by more than 10 times!

Power, full bloom!

Where the fireball passes, even the air is lit.

"Mumble! Mumble!! ~" the roar of anger, the crazy roar of Unicorn.

Two rebirth fireballs crossed two perfect radians. Under the control of Lin Feng\'s hands, can it be avoided by such a huge beast?

"Die!" Lin Fengmeng drank.


Boom!! Fire awns bloom.

The smell of unicorn turned into nothingness, and it was blown up without ash.

Not only it, but also the giant animals very close to it were affected. The energy of the two rebirth fireballs converged to form a violent flame aperture, affecting a large area, and more than ten giant animals were seriously injured and even died.

"Roar!" "MMM! Long!!" the beast roared hysterically and angrily.

The death of the unicorn monster affected all the giants, which not only did not deter other giants, but aroused the strong anger of all the giants.

As like as two peas, Ray!

"I knew it wasn\'t that easy." Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

His body was like a sharp arrow. He didn\'t avoid it, but dived down from the air.

The strong fire light surrounded the body. Lin Feng looked just and drank, "Yanlong shield!"

The fire of rebirth shines brightly, forming a "Dragon Shield" agglutinated by the aperture outside the body. It has a red light of fire, and the star power gathers and consumes quickly, but it is soon replenished. Today\'s Lin Feng has six stars, and the recovery speed is extremely amazing!

Boom! Boom~

The two rebirth fireballs in his hand roared again.

"Kill!" Lin Feng\'s mouth was cold and there was no mercy in his eyes.

To frighten the beasts, the first thing is——


Just like the thunder when it broke out, it\'s enough to kill, it\'s crazy, and the giant beast is scared.

This is the shock!

In nature, everything depends on strength.

"Boom ~" the sound of violent explosion.

The whole land burst wildly, and the canyon, which has been calm for a long time, suffered a strong impact again. The fire spread all over the sky, and Lin Feng killed into the herd alone. He felt familiar in his heart. Once upon a time, he was in tianwu mainland, isn\'t it so?

However, these monsters are far from being comparable to those Warcraft in tianwu continent.

They are too strong!

However, today\'s forest wind is more terrible.

Boom! Boom!!

Crazy killing, Lin Feng\'s blood red eyes.

Where you pass, it is like the God of fire coming, and the meteorites are magnificent.

A giant beast has vanished in this fire, and pieces of limestone have been burned to ashes. Be bold and determined!

"Kill!" there was no second word in Lin Feng\'s eyes.

This is not only a challenge, but also a task. I have no way back.

We must shoot like Lei Lei and fight close. The Yanlong shield is constantly hit, but few can break the regeneration fire defense. Even if there is power through the Yanlong shield, it is swallowed by thunder armor.

Lin Feng, several in and several out, all the monsters killed howled.

Corpses everywhere, blood everywhere!


The beasts are still crazy and have no sense of awe.


"All die!"

Lin Feng now has no way out.

Peng!! The eyes are bright, and the breath of Lin Feng\'s hands is roaring.

The strong fire of rebirth spread wildly around and burst out all its power.

A fiery fire set the prairie ablaze, condensing the strong star power. The flame broke out and gathered all the star power of the forest wind at this time. The shield of Yanlong has disappeared. Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly dim, but they have not lost their luster. Although the star power is consumed, the existence of the destiny chart will not dry up the star power, but slowly recover.

Hundreds of giant beasts, more than half dead and injured.

All the monsters near the center of the explosion will die.

Moderate distance, uncertain injury; And a little farther away, a little better.

But all the monsters were frightened by the blow of Lin Feng.

Too strong!!

"Surrender." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

The strong thunder breath was emitted, and at this time, it was completely incarnated into a giant beast.

This flame power is strong enough, and even he has fully demonstrated his due strength to kill all these giants!


"Roar!! ~"

"Hoo Hoo!!! MMM! ~"

The crazy animal roar sounded, filled with anger, loud and clear in the sky.

One after another, it was boiling with a strong sense of war.

It\'s a kind of death rather than surrender!

"How could this happen?" Lin Feng frowned.

Although his eyes were cold, he was hesitant.

I can fully feel the anger of these giants. They have no intention of submission!

Shock failure!

"It will fail."

"How could it fail!!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes change no matter how difficult it is to maintain the balance of his state of mind.

I tried my best to cultivate for 178 days, and my strength improved greatly, but

I still can\'t intimidate the beasts!

In his ear, the roar of a giant beast kept coming. Lin Feng\'s face was very ugly. A little uneasiness flashed in his heart, but now it was not the time to think. A giant beast came angrily. Lin Feng clenched his teeth, clenched his hands, and looked strong and firm.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

"If you refuse to surrender, then kill you until you surrender!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes show his killing intention, and his chest fluctuates.

Since these monsters refuse to surrender, kill and continue to kill! Crazy kill!!!

Kill them timidly, kill them no longer powerless!

Boom!! The fire is all over the sky.

After a cup of tea.

Lin Feng stood in place, his body trembling slightly.

His body was covered with blood, but it was not his own, but the flow of giant beasts with stumps everywhere and corpses everywhere.

There are more than 300 giant animals. Now they are all gone. No one can survive. All of them die miserably under Lin Feng.

Achievements, very brilliant!

However, Lin Feng\'s expression is somewhat lonely.

"What\'s wrong?"

"What did I make a mistake?"

"Why do they refuse to surrender even if they die!"

"What\'s the reason!"

Clenched his fists, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows frowned together.

His eyes were constantly changing. After the battle, Lin Feng\'s killing heart gradually calmed down.

But after thinking about it, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can\'t say it again.

"It\'s easy to kill, but difficult to subdue."

"These 300 beasts are just the tip of the iceberg in the canyon. There is still time, and there are a full 112 days."

"I will never give up!"

Lin Feng raised his head with a firm look in his eyes.

"There must be opportunities. This fourth level must hide secrets I don\'t know."

"In that case, I\'ll untie it layer by layer!"

"See what it is!"

Take a long breath, and Lin Feng calms his mind.

Glancing at the corpses of the beasts, Lin Feng was still confident.

I will never be defeated so easily!