Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 642


At the moment of entering, Lin Feng\'s eyes widened sharply.

Terrible smell of fire!

He seemed to be in a stove, and every inch of his skin seemed to be roasted. The amazing fire element disappeared into the body at a terrible speed. Lin Feng seemed to have a spasm, and his body trembled violently, as if he were going to be burned to ashes.

In an instant, the reborn fire is in contact with the fire element and integrates violently.

The voice of "Zizi" was unusually harsh. Lin Feng clenched his teeth and distorted his face.

"It\'s just consciousness!"

"Even if the fire burns, it\'s just pain!"

"Not true!!!"

Intense burning heart, but Lin Feng\'s consciousness is still clear.

Such pain and suffering, I experienced more than once or twice!

Since I can get through it by will before, I can do it this time!!

Clenched his fists, Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of stubbornness. Since it was his own choice, he had to go to the end without regret.

More will not shrink back!

"Come on!!"

"See how painful it is!"

The corner of his mouth was a little stubborn, but Lin Feng was full of fighting spirit.

I have not tried such extreme cultivation for a long time, and I am close to the limit of will.

The more difficult, the more challenging!

The flames roared.

In this passage of fire, only Lin Feng is alone.

The test of willpower and the exercise of the body are a test and a harvest.

The fire of rebirth enters the furnace like steel and is tempered, assimilated and integrated. It\'s a process to integrate with the strong fire elements around and match and adapt to the body. At present, it\'s accelerating with the bearing limit of forest wind!


"Really fast!"

I\'m afraid ordinary martial artists can\'t bear the pain.

However, Lin Feng was excited.

"The fire of rebirth, from the 52nd to the 53rd, has been tempered for more than half, and it took me two months."

"But now, in less than two days, it\'s the 53rd weight..."

The heart is thinking, suddenly——

"Jiong!!" the flame of the body burst and roared.

It is a joyful power, a heart uplifting power. Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of sparkling luster. At this time, even if the pain is more and more intense, he can\'t resist the excitement and joy in his heart. In less than two days, his rebirth fire entered the 53rd weight!

How amazing!

"On that day, it took three months to cultivate the rebirth fire from the fortieth to the fiftieth. Then, the cultivation stayed in place and was difficult to enter."

"From the 50th to the 51st, it took a full month; from the 51st to the 52nd, it took nearly two months; and from the 52nd to the 53rd, it took two months to practice, just over half; now..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is jubilant.

Now this cultivation speed is the real cultivation!

"My guess is right!"

"It is the level of strength that hinders the cultivation speed of rebirth fire!"

"Every ten weights is a span, not only the span of energy, but also the span of cultivation!"

Lin Feng\'s heart suddenly opened up and there was no doubt.

In less than two days, the power of your rebirth fire has doubled.

And this is just the beginning!

"Continue!" Lin Feng clenched his hands.

The pain is even worse. Every moment, the body is burning violently.

It\'s like being in a hell of fire, like being in a cruel sea of fire. The green veins on his forehead are exposed, and his face has become distorted because of forced patience. However, Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of pure light, shining light, high morale and no intention of giving up.

One pay, one harvest!

On the ninth day, the fire of rebirth reached the 54th.

On the 22nd day, the fire of rebirth reached the 55th.

Although the speed of ascension has slowed down a lot, it is still steadily improving.

In this flame passage, the more forward the flame, the more intense the pain, but the better the effect!


"Come again!"

Lin Feng burned himself like a fire, which was very scary.

Gradually adapt to the pain, with a firm goal in mind, Lin Feng walked forward without flinching.

One step, one step!

Walk slowly in this "extreme road".

The pace is heavy, but there is no half shaking. The will is extremely amazing!

"The fourth level."

"I will never lose here!"

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and didn\'t give up.

The spirit remains!

The cultivation speed starts to slow down.

On the 46th day, the fire of rebirth reached the 56th.

On the 91st day, the fire of rebirth reached the 57th.

On the 178th day, the fire of rebirth reached the 58th day!

"Peng!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Outside the body, the strong fire of rebirth burst and bloomed.

Crazy and ferocious, like the flame in the extreme Phoenix world, full of power and power!

"Increase more than 50 times!" Lin Feng felt the power of the rebirth fire, and his heart trembled. This power is really too powerful!

And the original rebirth fire is basically a flame of two levels.

Today\'s power, even myself, is appalling.

The cultivation speed is amazing!

"Unfortunately, it will take at least 150 days to upgrade from the 58th weight to the 59th weight."

"The remaining 112 days are not enough even if I try my best. What\'s more, I need enough time to complete the \'beast king\' task of the fourth level."

Lin Feng thought to himself, saying only a pity.

Even if the cultivation speed is faster in the extreme Phoenix world, there is still not enough time at present.

If we had enough time, we could even raise the fire of rebirth from the 59th to the 60th, how powerful it would be!!

It\'s ten times advanced. Its power is immeasurable!


"You should be satisfied."

"At present, I\'m afraid the strength has far exceeded my expectations."

"How strong will it be?" Lin Feng smiled, his eyes shining, and his hands\' Peng \'clasped.

The two clusters of rebirth flames disappeared instantly. Although the flame has completely changed, it is still as easy as your heart!

"The pure fire of rebirth has infinite power."

"If you use six levels of star gravity, nine levels of star control force, and give the constellation power to exert all its strength, I\'m afraid..."

"I\'m almost the same as the Ares state one hundred and seventy-eight days ago!"

"But the fire spirit Master can defeat ten thousand with one!"

Lin Feng drew a confident smile at the corner of his mouth and was very happy in his heart.

Prove that his 178 days of hard work and extremely painful torture were not in vain!

And although there is no half training, but only the body\'s independent absorption, now I am also a sixth level fire spirit Master at Xinghai level!

The harvest is very abundant!

"However, in terms of one-to-one ability, Ares strength is still irreplaceable."

"The Ninth Heaven on the second floor of Emperor Shun\'s strategy, and the seventh heaven after its power, I don\'t know what the legendary tenth heaven will be like."

His eyes are bright, and Lin Feng\'s heart is full of expectation.

In these 178 days, the cultivation of one\'s own noumenon also did not fall.

Not only does it limit the absorption and refining of "star crystals" and strive to increase the number of stars to the ninth, but it also constantly understands the Emperor Shun\'s strategy and enhances its strength. Shun Huanggang Qi can not only strengthen muscles, strength and defense, but also perfect and increase attacks. The Ninth Heaven and the seventh heaven are in the same class, but they are powerful——

But it\'s far away.

"Both the strength of the God of war and the strength of the heavenly spirit division have fallen into a bottleneck."

"I\'m afraid it will be difficult to improve sharply in a short time. There are 112 days left. It\'s time to complete the task."

"This time, I think I should have enough strength to frighten the beasts!"

His eyes are bright, Lin Feng\'s mouth is slightly scratched, and he is full of confidence.

Now I am completely different from 178 days ago!


Yanling is outside the house.

"What\'s the situation, thrilling?" he sat on his legs in freehand brushwork, with a relaxed and natural look in his eyes.

I can\'t see that this is an owl who wants to destroy Li Yanmen and unify the whole Yanling house. Those plain eyes, with a smiling face, are better like a young martial artist. Where does he look like the patriarch of Yanling million.

"Master, there seems to be a deviation from the original plan." Wan jinghun arched his hands.

For WAN Mochou, Wan jinghun\'s respect from the bottom of his heart is not only because he is the first strong person in Yanling mansion and the head of Yanling Wan family, but also because Wan Mochou has cultivated him.

He can become the strongest heavenly soul master in Yanling mansion, which is inseparable from the careful cultivation of Wan Mochou.

"Oh, even your apprentice, my grandson \'Wan Gu\' can\'t make it?" Wan Mochou showed a curiosity in his eyes.

"Yes, it\'s a long story." Wan startled slowly.

Ten thousand Mo Chou\'s eyes flashed a pure light, and immediately sat up straight, "tell me."

"So it is." Wan Mo Chou nodded.

"Yes, although Wan kugu is derelict in his duty, it is obvious that Li Yanmen has been on guard for a long time, and this little guy named \'Lin Feng\' is haunted and hidden deeply." Wan jinghun frowned. Although he despised Lin Feng outside, he actually attached great importance to it in his heart.

It is enough to prove his strength to get such a high score of 3.69 million and rank third in the Centennial table!

Luck alone will never get such high points.

"Really?" Wan Mochou narrowed his eyes. "Ji Jin, the new little apprentice of the old fox?"

"It doesn\'t seem simple."

Wan Mochou nodded thoughtfully and said, "although I don\'t know what trick Ji Jin\'s old fox did, they don\'t come out so well now that they have entered Yanling\'s house. I \'Wangu\', a genius of Yanling\'s thousands of families, is young but thoughtful, and the task completion rate is 100%

"HMM." Wan startled and smiled slightly.

Wan Gu was trained by him.

"Keep watching. Don\'t worry. We still have time to play with Ji Jin\'s old fox." Wan Mochou scratched at the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly.

"Yes, master." Wan jinghun arched his hands.