Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 639

"Hoo ~ ~"

"Cultivation speed is so fast."

Standing on a rock wall, Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Although I didn\'t deliberately practice at the moment, the chart of destiny absorbs strong astral power and is improving all the time. The improvement of star power brings rich heaven and earth energy, and the life soul is constantly increasing, but it kills two birds with one stone.

"The divine beast power and the chart of destiny are really unusual."

"The improvement of the strength of the heavenly spirit division is too fast compared with the God of war!"

"One point of qualification and one point of cultivation speed are right."

Lin Feng said in his heart that he integrated the blood of the Phoenix and had the Phoenix life chart. His qualification of the heavenly spirit Master and the martial god is really unmatched by the God of war.

The difference between the two is more than one chip!

"However, it is also related to the environment here."

"With such a strong and dense aura, how can the cultivation speed be compared with the outside world."

"The fourth level, 300 days, if I can spare half, even one-third of the time, my strength can be greatly improved!"

Lin Feng thought secretly, but he didn\'t dare to be too careless.

Purple Star territory is not a joke. If you can\'t pass the level test, what\'s the use even if your cultivation strength is strong?

Draw water in a bamboo basket.

Only like the second level, with 100% confidence, can we make rational use of time.

Enhance strength!


"Although I can\'t practice 100 percent, I can at least take some space." Lin Feng smiled lightly, and his eyes changed greatly. He drank suddenly, "secret body!" his body became mysterious and blurred. One was divided into two, and two Lin Feng appeared immediately.

"Now the secret separation has also reached Xinghai level and has certain strength."

"The noumenon absorbs and cultivates\' Star Crystal \'to detect secretly!"

Lin Feng nodded, and the flame in his hand suddenly appeared. With a touch of star power, he suddenly blasted a big hole in the rock wall.

The caves dug in this huge rock wall are in the middle of the air, which is difficult for the giant animals in the canyon to climb. Most importantly, under this rock wall, there is a small piece of mud and stone land with wing protection, which is safe and carefree.

Whoosh! The body Lin Feng immediately entered and devoted himself to repair.

In the canyon, the forest wind walked cautiously.

Although it is only a secret part, it is also controlled by one\'s own consciousness, which is not much different.

"This canyon is very big. First try to find the giants just now."

"See how they react to me."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and thought clearly.

It seems simple for me to become the king of beasts, but in fact it is full of difficulties. I don\'t have a clue.

Only practice bit by bit and accumulate experience.

Fortunately, 300 days is enough.

Star power, constantly absorbing and enhancing the star power ball in the life soul. Even if you don\'t take the initiative to cultivate, the cultivation speed is very considerable. Lin Feng only felt a dark sigh. He remembered that he had many difficulties in cultivating human soul star power ball. At present, it\'s like a meteor flying, and the cultivation speed is very fast.

"In less than a day, tianlingshi\'s star weight can reach the fourth weight."

"On the strength of the \'star power ball\', it can definitely compare with the fifth weight of the God of war!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. He is the master of heaven. He not only cultivates, but also surpasses the God of war.

The "upper limit" of strength is even more explosive! Although there is only one gap, the star sea level exists. After reaching the seventh level, the gap between each level is great!

"There\'s a lot of turbulence here."

"The footprints are uneven. They should be close."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and carefully looked for the giant animals that had just chased him.

It\'s not difficult to turn back along the original road.

A little, a little, close.


"Yes!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Now the breath sensing range of life soul has been expanded several times.

The sensitivity of divine beasts to the environment is naturally unmatched by human beings. With the Phoenix chart, Lin Feng\'s soul was more sensitive than the human soul at the Xinghe level when it was still at the Xinghai level. Now, it is far away from the human soul. Before he could see it, he had clearly sensed that groups of giant animals were resting not far away.

"The third level is over. An hour\'s time limit has arrived. They won\'t come after me again."

"It would be troublesome to get together. It\'s just right now."

"Try it!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he galloped forward slowly.

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded with a hint of warning.

"Didn\'t catch up, they really \'forgot\' me." Lin Feng\'s eyes were a Jiong, and the corners of his mouth drew calmly.

This proves that these giants have only instinctive reaction and no wisdom.

"There are eighteen giant beasts nearby."

"The strongest, I can win it steadily. Don\'t worry."

Think of it and do it. Lin Feng seems to shuttle like a sharp arrow. In an instant, he steps on the rock wall.

I saw that the appearance of the eighteen giant beasts was becoming clear, and at this time, they roared and looked at themselves vigilantly, full of hostility.

Quite exclusive!

"Come!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

His hands instantly condensed the fire of rebirth, and the original bright flame was ferocious with a bright red light.

The instillation of the limit of star power is full of fire. Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright. He felt the difference of star power, which seemed to contain a power he didn\'t know, but it made the fire of rebirth very dazzling, as if it was permeated with strong vitality.

"Go!" Lin Fengmeng drank.

But I didn\'t think too much. I blew out two rebirth fireballs with both hands, very fast!

But although those giants were heavy, they were not stupid. Seeing the fireball roaring and roaring, they hurried to avoid.

"Can you hide?" Lin Feng scratched faintly at the corner of his mouth.

Their star power, condensed in the fireball, is like a pair of hands controlling the fireball.

WOW! WOW! When the two fireballs landed on the ground, they turned quickly, without being affected by the powerful energy, and blasted at the slowest two giants with almost impossible high-speed changes. Peng! Peng! Fierce flames sprang up, and the two huge beasts turned into ashes in an instant.

"Roar!" "roar!!!" the roar of anger, with a hoarse fear, the remaining 16 giants roared.

In fact, Lin Feng was not only shocked by them, but also very surprised.

"Why is it so powerful?"

"Even if there is an increase in star power, there is not much star power indoctrination, and -"

"My rebirth fire has not improved at all."

"What\'s going on?"

Lin Feng frowned, but he doubted his strength.

The control of star power is not unexpected. It is like a shadow at your heart and let yourself control it.

But the power was unexpected.

"Could it be..."

"Is it the strange energy I felt just now?"

"Is it what master said that I can feel the \'existence\' when the star control force reaches the ninth gear?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and thought in his heart.

At this time, the sound of Peng Ran\'s impact sounded, and I saw that those giant animals suddenly hit the rock wall where they were, shaking an earthquake mountain. The rock wall could not withstand such impact. Large rocks fell and wanted to collapse. The forest wind was suspended in the sky, but suddenly felt a huge suction coming from below.

More than that, two light bombs, one left and one right, ejected.

Sixteen beasts, attack!

"Try again!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling.

Suddenly changed the original plan, easily avoided the two huge light bombs, and gathered two clusters of rebirth fire in his hand. With the instilling of astral force, that powerful force, as the essence of the star power, gives these two clusters of reborn fire life and condensed into two flame photospheric balls.

Control, do whatever you want.

"Go!" Lin fengleng drank.

Two fireballs directed at the two giants that shot light bombs at themselves.

Any threat must be eradicated as soon as possible!

Boom! Boom!!

The sound of two explosions in a row turned the two giants into nothingness.

"It\'s stronger than the two giants just now, but it can\'t stop my fireball." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

For their own rebirth fireball power, is a clear point.

Now their own strength, everything is a mystery.

At this time, the roaring voice of the giants was even more bleak, but less confident. With Lin Feng\'s killing again and again, soon, there were only the last eight of the 18 giant beasts left in the blink of an eye, but they had little ability to attack the air. They roared angrily, but there was no way to take Lin Feng.

Anxious to turn around, I want to tear Lin Feng to pieces.


"If you kill them again, I\'m afraid you\'ll escape."

Lin Feng\'s heart was dark and his eyes twinkled.

"Oh?" in the induction, the star power of his life soul is recovering rapidly.

The quadruple star power used to consume nearly half, but now it has recovered a lot in such a short moment.

"For Xinghai level warriors, the most troublesome thing is undoubtedly to exhaust the star power, such as breaking an arm." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright, "but my star power is not absorbed by heaven, but through the \'destiny chart\', with extremely fast speed and amazing recovery."

"At that time, with the increase of star weight, the resilience can be improved sharply."

"Even if I face more enemies, as long as I recover more star power than I consume, I have nothing to fear!"

Feeling joy in his heart, Lin Feng nodded.

Such a surprising discovery is good for you, but now is not the time to consider it, but

Staring at the eight giant beasts, Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into light.

"Try them!"


The body was blurred, and the two Lin Feng suddenly coagulated together.

Suddenly, Lin Fengmeng drank, the golden life chart glittered, and his body changed in an instant.

The physique soared, Lin Feng\'s expression became ferocious and fierce, and his breath changed slowly. The skin becomes tough, the limbs become very strong, and the scales proliferate one by one. The most frightening thing is the barbs on the back, filled with cold light and fierce.

The golden single horn on his head condenses the power of thunder and light.

Lin Feng\'s body grew to two meters, and his whole body was covered with a thick layer of scales.

Thunder armor!

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

At this time, the breath has completely changed, and Lei is no better than you.

It looks like a human monster, and its frightening body is full of strong domineering spirit!