Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 640

However, the remaining eight beasts still roared.

"Ow!" "Lu!!" out of the nostrils, all the beasts were in a mess, and their emotions were very irritable.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and his heart was cold.

"These eight monsters are the monsters who just surrendered to Lei Yu."

"But now, there is not only no sense of submission, but also no fear."

"Very unusual!"

Lin Feng was puzzled when he thought in his heart.

His own breath is no different from Lei Yu now, but it has no effect at all.

"The fourth level is really not that simple."

"Anyway, first try the reaction of these giants and the power of thunder armor..."

"Plan again!"

For a moment, the cold light in Lin Feng\'s eyes shone.

The body fell down like a meteorite. With the sharp breath, two strong flames condensed from both hands in an instant, covering the scales and pieces of fists. Boom! Black fog appears. Although the body is covered by thunder armor, it does not affect any movement.

Including Lingbao and soul tools, they are all as usual.

Thunder armor, just like Lingbao, has increased existence!

"Boom!" one punch out.

Lin Feng\'s eyes shone brightly, "fist speed doubled!"

The strong flame, with the red light twined by the star power, came out at dawn. The fierce force roared straight at the huge beast with thousands of tons. In the face of the existence of such superior force, Lin Feng showed no weakness. He was just a pair of fists, and defeated it by the power of fire alone!

"It\'s hard to estimate the increase of strength, at least four times, no, five times!" Lin Feng\'s heart was cold. But the action was not slow at all. With another blow, the head of the giant beast was immediately burned to pieces by the violent flame.

Just two punches, one to break the defense and one to kill!

Today\'s Lin Feng is also powerful!

And now——

Behind him, a giant beast like a rhinoceros came crashing and crashing, with great momentum.

"Dragon\'s shield!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not dodge. The strength of this giant beast was far from his own. He could just "test" how strong the thunder armor improved. The power of the dragon\'s shield condensed by the reborn fire is even better. Originally, the reborn fire was the existence of the main defense. Now it is "making the best use of everything".

"Peng!" violent impact, the huge body hit the forest wind, just like an elephant hitting an ant. However, the result is not always the same.

烀! Almost in an instant, the hot dragon roared and spewed out.

"Devouring fire!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The strongest display of Yanlong shield is the agglutination of two kinds of flames.

Taking the reborn fire as the defense and the devouring fire as the attack is the real strength of the "Yanlong shield".

Attack and defense!

"Dong!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his body was slightly staggered.

Although most of the impact force was blocked by the Yanlong shield, less than half was borne by the body.

However, with the body of thunder armor, the defense is amazing. Especially on the back, Lei Lei\'s armor is not only integrated with the body, but also has barbs that agglutinate strong gold energy, which can resist. The residual force can\'t even break the barbs and hurt the body, just a little impact force.

"No matter how defensive these barbs are."

"Just the body\'s defense will be more than twice as strong."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that it was clear.

The power of thunder armor is far beyond your expectation.

"In addition to speed, there is a significant increase in any part of the body."

"This thunder armor increases greatly for me in the God of war state!"

The corners of his mouth drew a faint smile, and Lin Feng started very fast. In the blink of an eye, the fire of both fists splashed everywhere, and two giant beasts died miserably in a thick fire. The remaining four giants attacked the forest wind like crazy, but they were moths to the fire and had no effect.

In just ten seconds, eight monsters died miserably.

Lin Feng was dressed in thunder armor, and there was a faint golden light around his body.

The advanced level of martial god and heavenly spirit division makes Lin Feng no longer have weaknesses.

Both long-range attack and close combat have increased sharply.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Thunder armor comes fast and goes fast.

After returning to normal, Lin Feng\'s body moved freely. Lin Feng looked around with burning eyes, but shook his head.

Killing these monsters is of no help to me today.

What I want to do is to become the \'King of beasts\'!

"The fourth level is really not that easy."

"These monsters who chased and killed me not only forgot me, but also forgot Lei Lei. There was no trace."

"Is it difficult for me to accept them again?"

Lin Feng frowned, but he remembered the scene when he had just entered the canyon.

Tens of thousands of monsters chased the divine beast Lei, but Lei was badly chased and injured. If it hadn\'t been for its final explosion of strength and its strength beyond the star master level in a short time, it would have died without a place to bury.

"Now my strength can\'t even compare with the thunder when it didn\'t break out."

"Not to mention, compared with it when it broke out."

"Among the beasts that chased Lei on that day, there were many beasts with the breath of giants. Their strength was no inferior to that of me now."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold and he knew something vaguely.

To complete the experience of the fourth level, it is not so difficult to think about it carefully.

In a word, it can be summarized——

Get stronger!

If it becomes as powerful as thunder when it breaks out, it can frighten all giants again and become the king of beasts!

His thoughts were clear, and Lin Feng\'s expression changed from dignified to suddenly.

"No wonder there is a time limit of 300 days."

"Do you want me to make good use of this period of time and become strong enough? But if I want to reach the strength when thunder burst..."

"Almost impossible."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart, but he also knew himself.

At that time, the thunder, which broke out completely, was so powerful that it was far beyond its reach.

Unless you break through and become a master.

But that\'s impossible.

"Only by walking and watching, there is too little practice to be sure." Lin Feng nodded and his eyes were burning.

"Try again."

Ten days later.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head.

At this time, there was blood around me, and the remains of the giant beast were in a mess.

"Even if the weight of my soul star has reached the fifth weight, it is easy to kill and difficult to deter."

"To become the king of all beasts, as the name suggests, we must subdue all beasts, let them sincerely admire and respect me as the king. Just like Lei Lei, who broke out on that day, let all beasts bow down and become ministers with real unparalleled strength, and can\'t resist at all."

"Deterrence and killing are completely different things."

Lin Feng sighed. After ten days of killing practice, he fully understood it in his heart.

The strong in nature are respected, especially these uncivilized giants, only understand one truth——

Be king with strength!

"There is no need to waste energy."

"Make good use of the remaining 290 days and make yourself strong enough as much as possible!"

"Only in this way can we frighten all giants and become the king of beasts!"

There was a sparkling luster in Lin Feng\'s eyes, and there was no doubt in Lin Feng\'s heart.

There is no second way to go.

"Noumenon, God of war strength, one-on-one ability is strong enough."

"Two hundred and ninety days is neither long nor short, but even if I try my best, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for me to step into the next level, regardless of the level of strength or the number of stars."

"The only hope lies in the newly advanced \'Phoenix chart\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was clear.

The qualifications of his martial god and heavenly spirit Master are far better than the God of war!

"The key is to enhance the fire of rebirth!"

"If you are far away, you can give full play to the director of the heavenly spirit division and greatly improve the group warfare ability."

"If you are near, you will be attached to the ember magic gun to enhance your absolute attack power. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

"Moreover, the fire of chongtian is good at defense, and it is perfectly applied to the \'dragon shield\', which is the most comprehensive improvement of my strength, which is unmatched by the fire of swallowing."

After several days of practice, experiment and repeated consideration.

At this time, Lin Feng is fully sure of the road he has taken, which is the most direct, the most effective, and at the same time——

The most successful way.

"Before, the fire of rebirth was promoted slowly, but now the bottleneck is gone and there is no obstacle."

"During this period of time, apart from the increase of the weight of noumenon and secret separation stars, the fire of rebirth will have an earth shaking change."

"I want to return to the chart of destiny, return to the gathering place of Phoenix and practice again!"

"Extreme Road Phoenix world!"

The heart is light, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

This is my only hope!


Yan Ling respects the mansion.

"Elder martial brother, we have not seen Li Yanmen\'s disciples for a long time." Wan Mo arched his hand.

Because of Wan kugu\'s death, Wan Mo, who was originally directly under Wan Gu, was promoted to vice captain.

Although his strength is not as good as Wan kugu, Wan Mo is cautious and careful. He is wan Gu\'s younger martial brother and confidant. His loyalty is very high, and only wan Gu\'s horse takes the lead.

"They are hiding in the cloud." Wan Gu carried his hands and looked flat. "Wan withered bones are not enough to accomplish things, but more than defeat. Beat grass and scare snakes. Those cowards of the fierce Yanmen won\'t come out for the time being."

"What about the task assigned by the patriarch himself?" Wan Mo hesitated.

"Don\'t worry." Wan Gu\'s eyes sparkled. "They can\'t hide for too long. Soon, the biggest difference between zongmen and the family will break out."

"Elder martial brother, what do you mean?" Wan Mo said "Oh" lightly, if he realized something.

Wan Gu smiled calmly, and his eyes showed a sparkling killing intention. He said coldly, "we just need to wait for the rabbit and wait patiently for the last 100 days of the fourth heavy day. At that time, I will arrange the most luxurious feast for the cowards of Li Yanmen and let them enjoy it!"

His eyes were deep and bright. Wan Gu held his fists, and the surging breath could not stop venting.

It was an extremely terrible and powerful murderous spirit!
