Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 638

"Two astral forces, two selves."

"If I use the secret part again, my strength will more than double."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he only felt happy.

If two self cooperate, the strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

But only if

"My heavenly spirit Master is of the same rank and must be promoted!"

"The fire of swallowing can be slowed down, but the fire of rebirth must speed up cultivation as soon as possible!"

Lin Feng knew it very well.

The promotion of Phoenix\'s life chart, his martial god and heavenly spirit Master are all stepping into the star sea level.

However, life soul controls the "fire of rebirth" and human soul controls the "fire of swallowing". The strength of tianlingshi and Wushen are not in common. At the same time, cultivation is possible, but now the God of war is strong enough in his human soul state. When he needs combat power most at present, he must save time as much as possible.

Therefore, cultivating the rebirth fire and enhancing the strength of the heavenly spirit Master is the right way.

As for the fire of swallowing, it\'s not too late to practice when it\'s stable and there are no worries and future troubles.

"It\'s just a little strange. When the heavenly spirit Master was promoted to Xinghai level, there was\' primitive star power \'in the soul, which is the symbol of Xinghai level."

"While the martial god has been promoted to Xinghai level, the human soul has not changed much. Is it because the martial god and the heavenly spirit division are controlled by the \'Phoenix chart\'? Or..."

"In the human soul, there is already the reason for the existence of \'primitive astral force\'?"

In his heart, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"One mountain can\'t accommodate two tigers. If there were two \'primitive star forces\', my human soul would be confused." Lin Feng smiled calmly and shook his head. "The power of ancient martial arts also has only one star force, so there should be no deviation in my cultivation direction now."

Having experienced the "test of ancient martial arts", Lin Feng knows a lot in his heart.

"But I\'m both an ancient martial artist and a heavenly spirit Master. I\'m afraid it\'s rare."

"In the battle, the enemy will be overwhelmed."

"Give play to extremely strong combat effectiveness!"

Lin Feng smiled and was quite satisfied with his transformation this time.

With all-round development of strength, I will no longer be subject to the God of war alone.

In particular, the development of the fire spirit division filled in the weakest group war disadvantage of the God of war. Like the hundreds of millions of animal tides fighting in tianwu mainland that day, facing countless enemies in a hundred waterfalls, only with the strength of a powerful fire spirit Master can we suppress them!

Transformation is complete.

Integration seems to be coming to an end.

With the rapid brightness of Phoenix\'s chart, below the chart of destiny, the second \'golden chart\' glows.

Lin Feng suddenly hit the head, and instantly saw the appearance of the "golden life star", the shadow of Lei, if the shadow is present, it will turn into a gray shadow bubble in a flash. A moment later, an inexplicable strange text appeared in my mind, and I seemed to understand it better.

Ignorant, the golden life chart turned into thunder, but the light spot looked again in an instant.

How strange!

"This, this is?!" Lin Feng looked surprised.

Memorizing these words in your heart is like a pithy formula and a strange secret skill.

The familiar feeling seems to be closely related to the golden life chart.

Close your eyes, Lin Feng calms down and recites the formula silently. For a moment, the golden life chart glittered, and the strong golden power was immediately released from the golden life chart and circulated the meridians of the whole body. Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt a violent heart shock.

Patter! Click!!

The skin is extremely tough in a short time, and the muscles swell.

The arms become thicker, the legs become stronger, and sharp barbs appear on the back. The thunder aura gathered and condensed into a faint golden light. Lin Feng seemed to be covered with a layer of armor, which was very powerful.

The most remarkable is the golden single horn on the head, which condenses the power of thunder and light.

When the body grows to two meters, both strength and defense are greatly improved.

In particular, the increase of the original energy of the gold system has greatly increased the strength of the body.

"Powerful, too powerful!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The body is covered with a scale, which is very similar to Lei.

However, his mind is still alive, and his body is controlled freely. It seems that it is just an energy explosion and does not affect himself.

"Boom!" a punch hit the chest "armor" and made a clang sound. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and his hands ignite a flame for a moment, but it does not damage his strength. This armor provides him with maximum defense and strength enhancement!

"Call it thunder armor." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In my heart, there was joy——

"Dong!" his head shook slightly, and a familiar force suddenly appeared.

"The third level is the end of killing. The experimenter assimilates the divine beast \'Lei\' and enters the fourth level, the beast king."

"Instead of Lei Lei, he became the king of beasts within a time limit of 300 days."

The voice was calm, but full of no doubt.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but his heart was surprised, even a little funny.

The fourth level is to become the beast king?

How can you be a human being?

"Since this is the fourth level, it must be possible to complete it."

"Wait! Is it because of the change I just made, having \'thunder armor\' is related to this?"

"I have the breath of thunder. Even if I am human, those giants have no wisdom. In their instinct, what they sense is only the breath of thunder."

"But if so, didn\'t Lei Lei have convinced the beasts just now?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and fell into deep thinking.

There must be something strange about it.

"Three hundred days as like as two peas", "second."

"No hurry, step by step."

Lin Feng nodded and stood up.

Although he has benefited a lot, he is still in the purple star realm and has not been out of danger.

Be careful about everything.

Yanling is outside the house.

There was silence, and all were stunned.


"Am I right?" a warrior rubbed his eyes.

"Three, three hundred and sixty-nine thousand?!" one of the big men opened his mouth and slapped himself fiercely. With a slap, he was in pain and shouted, "no, it\'s not a dream, mom!"

With a cry of surprise from the rough and fierce man, the people all slowed down and burst into a hot discussion.

"Shit, true or false, more than three million!"

"The forest wind is really a blockbuster. Isn\'t it abnormal?"

"Get rid of the second place \'Rumeng\' by more than two million!"

"Who the hell is Lin Feng!!!"


Everyone whispered and listened to the origin of this "Lin Feng".

Once can be luck, twice can be good luck, but the third time, the whole third time, will not be luck again!

It is rare to get more than three million points and look at the whole Yanling mansion.

It can be said that it has ranked first in this championship!

Lin Feng, who scored 3695569 points, ranked No. 1 in Yanling mansion and No. 3 under Qiyue Palace\'s super genius Qian Jun. Refresh the highest score of Liyan sect disciples in recent 100 years - 1.78 million.

Double that!

Most importantly, Lin Feng\'s score is still likely to rise.

At this time, the 1000 day time of the fourth heavy day has not passed by more than half.

"What a monster." Ji Xia shook her head with a bitter smile.

"We\'re in a team with a monster." Bai Yi sighed, feeling incredible.

Lin Feng\'s sudden rise made Li Yanmen, who had fallen into a sad silence, suddenly active. Together with the elder, he also showed a gratifying smile, and the sadness in the corners of his eyes decreased a lot. Many Dharma guardians and sect leaders talked about Lin Feng with relish, talking about what they knew about the dispute between the outer gates of the nine districts.

There is no doubt that Lin Feng is really famous.

Even if his score doesn\'t rise again, it will refresh the best score of Li Yanmen in the past century, which is enough for him to record the history of Li Yanmen.

Even Lin Feng is in the top 50 in the ten thousand year championship.

Three lists!

Li Yanmen, how long has it been since it became so famous!

Indeed, it has been silent for too long.

"You say, can this forest wind break through again?"

"It\'s hard to say. There\'s still so much time. I think the 4.75 million points of 10000 patriarchs are a little hanging on the centennial and 10000 year standings."

"I think so. Lin Feng really has unpredictable power!"


The heated discussion among the people was surprised by Lin Feng\'s amazing skills.

They would have fallen with the wind. Once upon a time, they despised Lin Feng. At this time, they respected Lin Feng very much.

The whole Yanling house was full of praise.

But the Yan Ling was angry with all the martial arts of the ten thousand families.

"Fart! The Lin Feng should be able to surpass the record of the patriarch, and my startled name should be written upside down!" the roar sounded, and the man in black had bright eyes, but he was angry. Wan Mochou is not only his master, but also the pride of the whole Yanling family!

Any disrespectful and insulting words are tantamount to provoking his soul!

The strongest heavenly soul master in Yanling mansion!

"Yes, what is Lin Feng!"

"A garbage newcomer, bah, dare to talk to our elders!"

Boom! The rest of the Yanling respected the martial arts of the house, all of them took a step forward, and the cold light in their eyes was fierce.

Momentum, vigorous and scattered.

For a moment, everyone was shocked. They glanced, but they didn\'t dare to talk any more.

Not everyone can offend Yanling wanzu, and the martial arts are not fools. They have nothing to offend them.


"Then you can write your name upside down. The soul is shocked." the elder sneered with a faint smile.

Others are afraid of wading in muddy waters, but he is not afraid.

Anyone who insults Li Yanmen disciple is insulting him.

"That is to say, look at you, you are guilty."

"Ha ha, what is the strongest person in Yanling mansion? The position is going to be lost!"

"And the ten thousand orphans, aren\'t they the genius of the ten thousand families of Yanling? Where are the people and where are they?"


All the people in liyanmen fought back and fought with each other.

In terms of the number of people, the number of disciples of Liyan clan is far more than that of Yanling 10000 families.

The two forces are incompatible. Not to mention the war of words, the actual combat with real guns breaks out from time to time and is not allowed.

All the people of Yanling\'s ten thousand families look iron blue, but their mouths are not as large as Li Yanmen\'s.

Wan jinghun stared at the elder coldly, with a cold light in his eyes. He waved angrily, "hum, let\'s go!"

After talking, he slowly disappeared in the roaring laughter of the people in Li Yanmen.