Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 637

Time, little by little.

It is really not so easy to swallow the "thunder life chart".

Had it not been for Lei Lei\'s death, there would only be a single ownerless "Lei Lei\'s life chart". With Lin Feng\'s current strength, he could not swallow this huge energy thing at all.

No matter what, it all exists at the star sea level!

The Phoenix chart is just a star level peak.

"If the chart of destiny had not been opened, it would not have been possible to merge." Lin Feng clenched his teeth and said that he was lucky.

The existence of the destiny chart is like a force, a way of heaven, which "proves" the prestige of the Phoenix chart in its body and makes it awe Lei\'s chart. If not, how can Lei\'s chart merge with the Phoenix\'s chart?

It should be noted that both the natural world and the human world are the same.

This principle will never change.

"However, the existence of the chart of destiny can only deter one order at most."

"If this\' thunder \'really has the strength of the star master, I\'m afraid I will be swallowed up by it now."

Lin Feng thought to himself that the "thunder" in the battle does have the strength of the star master, but it is because of this "land of aura". Just like these giant beasts, they are all huge, but their wisdom is not high, only instinctive consciousness.

Rich aura can strengthen their power and make them stronger, but it can not change their essence.

Some things are always difficult to change.

"It should be Lei Lei, who was just born."

"If not, I wouldn\'t have such a good chance."

Lin Feng put on a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. No matter what kind of beast is born, it is the "star sea level", and when it reaches its infancy, it becomes the star master level.

At present, although the shape of this thunder is young and even adult, it is a real star sea level.

This can be judged only by "wisdom".

"Hmm?" Lin Feng frowned.

Suddenly feel that your body has begun to change.

With the constant "matching" of Phoenix\'s chart, Lei\'s chart has been integrated with his own "golden chart".

Enter the last moment!

"Hold it!" Lin Feng clenched his fists, bearing a touch of heart wrenching pain.

Lin Feng\'s will is unusually firm, the fusion state has begun, and his body has been slowly felt.

It\'s a feeling of getting stronger!

"What a strong power."

"Awesome, it\'s really the power of the divine beast!"

Lin Feng\'s heart was dark and awed.

At this time, his body is undergoing changes, and the chart of destiny is shining.

Life soul, human soul and body are all changing violently!

The whole body is moved by one hair. The integration of Lei Yu\'s life chart completely improves the Phoenix life chart. After waiting for a long time, I can finally upgrade the martial god and heavenly spirit division to the existence of Xinghai level. This is a qualitative change, an ultimate transformation!

On that day, the God of war and other levels were upgraded from Xinghe level to Xinghai level, and he had already tried.

And now,