Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 636

If a hunter catches prey, strength often doesn\'t mean everything.

The current forest wind is like this. The existence of the human race stands in the fighting spirit world because people have the wisdom that other things can\'t reach.

This seems to be something that doesn\'t help strength, but sometimes——

But it plays a vital role!

"Xingli, eighth gear!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Although at this moment, the divine beast "Lei Lei" has not reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted and the lights are withered, he has to appear.

Because an hour\'s time limit is coming.

The red light shines and condenses into a bright luster. The bright color blooms in Lin Feng\'s eyes, and a white light in his hand suddenly appears. The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and a land of snow and mist replaced the environment of the rock cave, which immediately surprised Lei.

It\'s like moving it from a familiar environment to a strange area!


"Wow!" "Wow! ~"

Snowflakes fly down, and each snowflake flies down from all directions like a hexagonal thin concealed weapon.

Lei Peng\'s whole body is shining with thunder. He gnashes his teeth and uses his last strength to defend. The attack of snowflakes was overwhelming and fell on Lei Yu, just like the ringing of King Kong, making a clang sound. Although the golden armor is dim and weak, it still has some residual power and is not so easy to break.

However, more and more dim luster confirmed that Lei had no power left at this time.

It must fight hard and wait less than an hour.

Otherwise, once the defense collapses, it will die!

"Hum ho!!" facing Lin Feng\'s attack, Lei Peng trembled all over and tried his best to urge the valley and drain the last hidden power. The huge figure suddenly became blurred. It was divided into two and four. When the four was divided into eight, Lei\'s figure was blurred and flickering, but it could not be separated.

It is unsustainable.

But even so, the full three parts, together with the body, are still terrible.

"Ow!!!" thunder roared.

Instant, fast!

Occupy the absolute advantage of quantity!

The four headed thunderheads galloped up almost at the same time.

The original energy of the gold system is already running out. Lei Lei can no longer use attacks similar to energy balls.

This, however, gives Lin Feng enough opportunities.

"Master once said that separation is generally divided into two categories."

"First, the power of separation is weakened as the main body. This separation can exist independently, generally between 10% and 50%

"As like as two peas, the strength of the separation is the main body. It has 89% main parts and the same strength. It is strong. But such a separation is strong. But it is dependent on the main body. The main body is powerful, and the main body goes out, and the body is dispersed.

"Maybe there are