Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 635

"This way?" Lin Feng scratched faintly at the corner of his mouth.

In the land of sand and stone, the traces of giant animals are very clear.

Especially where large beasts pass by, the huge footprints are very messy.

Looking straight into the distance, in addition to the tens of thousands of giant beasts chasing themselves, there is also a "small" trace. It is estimated that there are only about a hundred giant animals. They are insignificant in this large area of messy sand, but they can\'t escape their own eyes.

"Whoosh!" the forest wind is very fast.

The galloping figure looked directly at his feet and became more and more sure of his guess.

This golden beast "Lei Lei", if there is no "ghost" in his heart, why should he hide like this!

"Hurry up."

"I\'m afraid this hour is not just the time when Lei Lei came after me."

"It\'s the time limit for the second killing!"

"Once this hour has passed, Lei Lu is likely to recover his strength, or have a life-saving method. If he wants to kill it at that time, it will be more difficult than now."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold and he immediately accelerated.

If you are right as you expected, this is definitely the best chance to kill Lei Yu at present!

After a incense burning time.

"Sure enough, it didn\'t go far." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

After the outbreak of thunder, there must be a weak period. He needs to rest and can\'t go.

Lurking behind a huge rock wall, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with bright light and glanced not far away.

I saw a deep canyon in front, with sparkling cold wind and unique geographical environment. Dozens of giant beasts guard in the canyon, either crawling and resting, or looking around on guard. Behind them, there is a huge rock cave, which transmits the threat as if there were nothing.

"Very good!" Lin Feng scratched at the corner of his mouth.

Confirm your guess again. It\'s eight or nine.

If Lei Lei was not injured, how could he sneak into the cave?

"Only nearly a hundred giant beasts were escorted."

"Obviously, it still doesn\'t believe in these new \'subordinates\'."

Lin Feng said in his heart that he knew Lei Peng\'s concerns.

Put yourself in the same position. If you bring too many subordinates, what if you beat them when you are weak?

Don\'t you carry a stone and hit yourself in the foot.

"This nearly 100 giant beast guard should be the limit it can bear."

"The divine beast is a divine beast. Although the injury is not light, the strength still exists. I can\'t match it now."

Lin Feng said secretly, you can guess how strong Lei Peng is now.

It must be one point better than the nearly 100 monster guards!

But I can\'t match these giants.

"If you can\'t even kill the weak Lei, once you let it recover its strength..."

"My chance will become more slim."

In his heart, Lin Feng frowned.

Time is becoming more and more urgent.

"The second time \'kill\', if you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!" Lin Feng shook his right fist and thought thousands of things in his mind. Staring at the whole environment with bright eyes, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed brilliantly, looked directly at the hole and thought a little in his heart.

"Lei Lei is very careful, releasing his pressure and curbing these giants."

"Obviously, Lei Lei doesn\'t trust them."

"Maybe I can take advantage of that."

There was a wise light in his eyes, and Lin Feng nodded gently.

I can\'t break into this dragon\'s pool and tiger\'s den.

Once you enter the rock cave, you can\'t choose whether to go or escape.

There, after all, is a closed place.

"Wow!" the forest wind galloped back.

The body shape is momentarily far away from the canyon, and the forest wind\'s eyes are sparkling, looking for the place of mud and stone.

Although it is a canyon, mostly sand and stone, there are still many plant creatures. For example, under the huge tree where he hid just now, there was a large piece of soil, pregnant with all kinds of wood spirit life. And this is exactly what they need at present.

"Yes." Lin Feng stepped down to the ground.

Although the land of soil is rare, it is not difficult to find.

Here, not far from the canyon, the location is just right.

Although there is not much soil, it only needs a little to be enough.

"Come out, wing." Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow flickered.

The red and green light shines brightly, and the emergence of wings brings branches to wave, which is full of a strong wood spirit power.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes a Jiong, "wing you..."

"Hey, boss, I have reached the bottleneck of Xinghai level, only one step away from the star master level." Yi saran smiled with a deep joy. Although it didn\'t take long to follow the forest wind, the wing was also a series of adventures. It absorbed so much nutrients and really reached the wall.

"Yes, it\'s good." Lin Feng smiled, really from his heart.

If the wing can be upgraded to the same level and become a star master, its strength will be reborn and will be of great help to itself.

But right now

"Do me a favor, wing." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

"Boss, just tell me!"

A huge rock cave.


"MMM!" "MMM roar!! ~" the roar of surprise came at once.

It was the furious voice of Lei. The whole earth was shaking. It was completely clear how angry it was.

All the monsters outside the door were surprised and looked at each other. They felt the anger of the \'King\', and they didn\'t know what to do. In an instant, as the first giant beast swarmed into the rock, the rest rushed into it.

A mess!

"Very good." behind the rock wall, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Sharing the vision of the winged insect, I have no more concerns.

The mythical beast "Lei Lei" was indeed in a weak period. The golden armor was extremely dim, and the golden unicorn on its head had no luster, as if it had lost all its energy. Half lying down, Lei\'s breath was very rapid, but he was seriously injured.

Boom! Boom!!

Monsters poured into the cave.

Lei Lei, who was already bitten by the winged insect, was even more fierce, and fell into crazy anger and hysteria.

"Roar!!" open your mouth, a huge golden ball of light, straight to the hole.


Long Dong!! The rock cave roared violently.

Running in the front, all the beasts eager to protect the LORD were blown to pieces.

But the behemoths behind them are one after another, running faster for fear that the enemy will hurt their master.

However, he was even more angry when he fell into Lei\'s eyes.

In his opinion, these "unfaithful" men want to kill him while he is ill!

In addition, the endless biting of the winged insect makes it anxious and restless. The bleak one horn emerged a violent thunder, which roared at those who dared to challenge its authority, in an attempt to make an example of others and stop their rebellion.


What it did not expect was that these giants had only the lowest wisdom.

Loyal to their Lord, they did not know that it was Lei Lei, their new master, who attacked them, but thought they had broken into the enemy in the cave.

The battle began because of a "misunderstanding".

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Warcraft, after all, is just Warcraft."

"Even if Lei Lei is a divine beast, it is still too young after all."

"In terms of IQ, how can we clearly distinguish children who are only equivalent to seven or eight years old?"

From the strength of Lei, we can see its age.

Maybe it\'s not weak at all, but it\'s because of the gathering of aura here, not because it grew up.

This can be seen from the giant animals here.


"The more intense the fight, the better."

"I\'d like to see how much power is hidden in the thunder."

Lin Feng smiled quietly, but he jumped out of the rock wall and fell in front of the rock cave.

There was a fine light in his eyes and a slight scratch in the corners of his mouth.

Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Time goes by.

The time limit of one hour is not much.

The battle in the rock cave became more and more fierce. Thunder roared and attacked again and again angrily. At the moment, these monsters are seriously killed and injured. They are basically dead before Lei Lei. Although the rock cave is large, it is also relatively speaking. You know, how exaggerated the body shape of these giant beasts is, and how huge the body shape of Lei Yu is!

Attack in a limited range depends on the maximum intensity of the attack.

How can those monsters be compared with Lei.

A thin camel is bigger than a horse!


"Boom! ~"

Lei Lei continued to attack, but his face became more and more ugly.

The golden single horn on his head was dim, and the scales on his body were soft. It seemed that he lost all his strength, and even the roaring voice became much weaker.

It has done its best.

However, Lei Peng did not lose confidence in his eyes.

Because it is very clear that it is about to recover its strength, although not 100%, but it is also enough.

The time of weakness is approaching.

"Peng!" the last attack, Lei Lei killed the last beast.

At the moment, it has almost collapsed to the ground, and its strength is less than one hundred, but the good news is——

The danger alarm has been cleared.

There was a sense of relief in his eyes. Lei Lei was breathing fast, but the dim light of his body began to shine slightly.

For an hour, there was little left.

It is about to be "reborn".


Is it that easy?

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze~

At the mouth of the cave, countless branches extended in an instant, like poisonous snakes attacking.

Lei Lei, who had been tired and almost collapsed to the ground, immediately opened his eyes, but he was extremely angry. He never thought that the danger had not been relieved! The thunder light was strong, and then the lightning light ball blew out, and the branches were immediately blown out of debris. However, almost in an instant, countless branches came flying.

Attack, wave after wave, very fast!

"Boom!" "boom!!" the furious Lei Yu broke out with all his strength.

The lightning light ball is full of extreme pressure and blows out the difficult branches again and again, but each attack squeezes Lei\'s last strength.

It\'s like a sponge without water, which is pressed to squeeze out the last bit of water.


Peng! The sound of fierce awning.

A dense fire, condensing countless branches, waving behind.

A faint black figure, holding an ember magic gun, came slowly. There was plenty of fire around the body. The Yanlong shield was completely guarded and dazzling.

Lin Feng, come.