Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 634

Roar! Roar! ~!

The roar of rage resounded through Lin Feng again. Lin Feng still kept running fast.

Although it took some time to delay by relying on the secret part, it was only a moment of brilliance. The giant beast army galloped towards itself again, and the speed was one point faster! They seem to know that they are teased or completely angered. Today\'s giant animal army is undoubtedly more terrible!

"There is too much aura here."

"So my breath becomes strong."

"So. They can easily tell where I am."

Lin Feng thought to himself.

Fleeing in the valley covered with mountains and stones, sand and stones are all over the sky, which is like a wilderness.

There is nothing but stone, but it has a wide range of things. It looks like a vast continent with no end in sight.

"It can\'t be done again."

"I\'m afraid it won\'t work the second time."

"Now it\'s only a incense burning time. It\'s still a long time before an hour. We must think of a long-term method."

Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart, and the light flashed in his eyes.

Although the smell of the behemoth behind him is stronger and stronger, and the pursuit speed is faster and faster, the more so, the more calm you want to be!

Panic, fear, these negative emotions have no effect!

"What if I hide my breath?" Lin Feng moved in his heart.

Even if she shook her head, she immediately rejected the idea.

Too dangerous!

Once you are seen through the "hidden interest", once you are found, you will fall into a herd of giant animals. You will only have a dead end and there is no place to escape. Unless there is really nothing to do at that time, it will be a bad idea to use this move.

The real best policy is not to put all your eggs in one basket.

But even if there is an unexpected situation, there is also a glimmer of vitality.

"This is the canyon. These giants don\'t seem to be able to fly." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and thought in his heart.

"If I fly into the sky, they can no longer pursue."


Lin Feng hesitated and frowned.

"If this level is so simple, it can be cracked. There must be some flaws." Lin Feng was chilly in his heart and looked at the sky.

The Reiki density here is very high. Not only on land, but also in the sky, you will be subjected to greater air pressure, and I\'m afraid you will be more slow to respond. But this is only a small matter. The most important thing is that the sky will be more dangerous than the land!

"On land, I may be able to think of other ways."

"But to die in the air, there is a vast sky, and I have no place to help."

"If the strength is not enough, it will be a dead end!"

Lin Feng knew very well that he had experienced it as early as the adventure of tianwu mainland.

The sky seems calm and safe, but it is much more dangerous than land!

"This is the best policy and there is still great danger."

"There must be a best policy!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and he doesn\'t give up in his heart.

The distance just opened has been gradually pulled back. Among the giant beast army, many giant beasts are very fast and better than themselves.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The wind vortex at the right foot flickered, and the forest wind changed direction for two consecutive times, passing through the obstruction of a layer of boulder.

The direction changes 90 degrees.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes burst brightly.


"Yes, that\'s it!"

"This is the best policy!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, the corners of his mouth are slightly curved, and his heart is slowly clear.

I\'ve been looking for the best policy, and now I\'ve finally found it!


The figure changes in many sections, and the forest wind skillfully uses the wind vortex to shuttle constantly.

In this canyon, there are many huge rock communities, which form a thick existence like a mountain wall. The small ones are thousands of meters long and wide and hundreds of meters high; It is tens of thousands of meters long, wide and thousands of meters high, which is better than the shape of a giant beast.

Shuttling through the rock walls, the forest wind is extremely flexible.

Other Warcraft may need to slow down to turn, but Lin Feng doesn\'t.

The power of the wind vortex is fully displayed.

Although the distance between Lin Feng and the giants has not been opened, it has not been closer. After continuous turning and turning again, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and confident.

I, of course, don\'t rely on the stone wall to get rid of the beast.

Facts have proved that it is useless to get rid of it.

What you want is one-time. Leave them far away!

Once, the outcome will be decided!



Lin Feng looked firm and kept the fastest speed.

The roar of the giant beast behind him was more intense and louder, but it was better than many just now.

After chasing and turning again and again, if you look down from the air, Lin Feng and the giant animals behind him seem to be quickly condensed into a big circle.

Lin Feng, at this time, galloped to the tail of the beast army!!

How amazing!

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened in an instant.

"Moon glass!" "Yanlong shield!"

The light red crystal ball flashed and wrapped his body. The shining fire red light formed a fire dragon shield to guard Lin Feng firmly. Gathering the greatest defense strength, Lin Feng jumped up in a moment, led the "head" of the giant beast army behind him and hit the "tail" of the giant beast army!


A mess!

Roar ~! Lu!!! Whoa, whoa~

In the giant beast array, sand and stones are overflowing and people turn upside down.

These giant beasts are different from human warriors. Their small bodies are hundreds of meters long and wide, and the large ones are thousands of kilometers. Their huge shapes collide and it is impossible to avoid. Especially those giant beasts falling at the tail of the giant beast army are all giant beasts with strong defense but very slow speed.

It\'s like a natural shield to block the fast chasing beasts in front.

It\'s very lively!

Poof! Lin Feng vomited a mouthful of blood.

He walked quickly through the army of giant beasts, but he was inevitably attacked several times.

But as I expected, the strength of the behemoths at the tail of the behemoth army is not too strong. With their own strength, with the help of Yueli and Yanlong\'s shield, they can really survive. Most importantly, these slow beasts can\'t chase themselves at all, but——

Can help yourself!

At this moment, Lin Feng seems to have transferred from the head to the tail of the giant beast army.

"Finally safe." Lin Feng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and his chest fluctuated slightly.

The body is only slightly injured and can recover in the blink of an eye. At this time, the herd is in a mess, and it is difficult to pose a threat to yourself in a short time.

There are still scattered monsters chasing after them, but these monsters can\'t match their speed at all, and the distance will only get bigger and bigger.

It can be said that more than half of the battle of pursuit has been successful.

It\'s not too difficult to spend an hour.

The greater the distance.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but he was cautious

Half the time has passed, and the giant animals behind have long disappeared.

Get rid of yourself!

"Even if you get rid of these monsters, there is still a thunder." Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and didn\'t dare to be careless.

"If you fail to kill for the first time, you will be chased and killed by the violent golden beast \'Lei Lei\' for an hour." Lin Feng remembered this sentence very clearly. He knew how strong the violent Lei was. I\'m afraid it would be difficult to deal with it alone.

"But it\'s a little strange why it hasn\'t moved for so long."

"Did it give up chasing me?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly deep and he felt strange in his heart.

The breath sent out, and I really didn\'t feel the location of Lei, but I didn\'t know where it was at the moment.


"Just to subdue the beasts, it is the time to establish power."

"Even if I have no deep hatred with it, it will never let me go."

Lin Feng felt cold in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

The breath induction of the divine beast is far better than that of the human warrior. It fits with the heaven and earth. There is no doubt that its own location can not hide the thunder induction.

But it did not appear, there must be something strange!

"Could it be..."

"It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to come, but that he can\'t come!"

Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated slightly. The idea came to mind and shook in his heart.

Very likely!

"Lei Lei\'s strength just broke out. As the voice said, it was in a \'violent\' state."

"Human Warriors also have similar secret skills to stimulate potential and even burst out the power they could not have, but the consequences are quite serious!"

"Equivalent exchange, what you get will pay!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and his fists were clenched fiercely.

Great possibility!

However, once you guess wrong, the result will be quite serious.

It\'s like sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger!

Fight or not?

"Kill, the third level is\' kill \'." Lin Feng tightened his eyebrows and gently bit his teeth.

"As I expected, if it\'s right, I\'m afraid it means me and the golden beast \'Lei\', either you die or I live."

"That\'s what killing means!"

"Fight!!" Lin Feng nodded heavily.

Since there is only one life between himself and Lei, there is no need to hesitate.

Either he killed Lei, or he was killed by Lei!!!

Danger, own opportunity!

Now, when it seems most dangerous, I\'m afraid it will also be the time when I have the greatest opportunity.

Kill Lei!

Returning the same way, Lin Feng was extremely cautious.

This is a real gamble. The gamble is whether you guessed right.

"This hour should be the second \'killing\'. If I lose it, the third time will be more difficult!" Lin Feng nodded and thought clearly. After thinking about it, I really missed a good opportunity, that is, when all the giants were shocked, if I attacked Lei, maybe

At this point, it is a completely different situation.

Not again!

"The difficulty will only get higher and higher."

"There is less than half an hour left. I\'ll make good use of it."

"But where is it?"

Lin Feng twinkled between his eyebrows and searched everywhere for Lei Yu.

But I got nothing.

It has already left the place where it just erupted.

However, the corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth were lightly scratched, with a confident smile.

"Sure enough, he was guilty."

"I guessed right!"

There was a faint light in his eyes. Lin Feng clenched his right fist and felt a touch of hope.

I almost missed this opportunity.

And now

"I see where you\'re hiding, Lei Lei!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, staring around, flashing a wise look.