Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 633

Thunder is everywhere, and its power is boundless.

Lin Feng\'s eyes saw that the eyes of the golden horned beast "Lei Lei" had completely changed, and the most painful thing was undoubtedly its golden unicorn.

The root of the Golden Horn became larger and larger, and Lei\'s head expanded a lot. His look was full of ferocity. If we say that the original appearance of "Lei Lei" was powerful and majestic, now it is completely different. Even the golden armor behind it condenses a point and is full of deep metallic luster.

"I don\'t know whether it\'s mutation or evolution."

"But there is no doubt that its strength has been greatly enhanced."


Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and looked straight at the roar of thunder.

Falling into the dense giant beasts behind, it is no longer a single thunder, but a continuous thunder ring.

Chi long!!

Dong! Dong Dong~

The earth was shaking, accompanied by the fierce roar of the herd.

In the place full of gray stones, Lei Mang in a strong beast turned directly into ashes.

Among them, the slightly weak giant animals, even if they are wiped by Lei Mang\'s lightning, can not escape the fate of death and disappear.

Ray, complete change!

"It\'s powerful. It really deserves to be a divine beast."

"Blessed by heaven, it\'s really not so easy to die."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that the bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger.


"Even if it\'s powerful, it\'s reasonable to say that there should be no chance of winning with an enemy of 10000." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and stared at the battlefield. At present, whether the task is completed or not is still the second. The most important thing is whether you can hunt this golden beast and take its life chart!

This is very important for yourself!

"When the two sides fight each other to the death, this is the end of Lei Fuqiang\'s crossbow."

"I will have a chance to kill it!"

Now for myself, there is only one thing to do——

Wait patiently.

But is it that simple?

Peng! Lei\'s body shape soared several times.

As the angry thunder came down one after another, Lei\'s one horn became longer and longer, more and more terrible.

Strength is gathering, breath is boiling.

Ten times more than just now!

Even the bleeding tail has healed.

Compared with the heaven, the blood of the divine beast is like awakening.

Lei Peng\'s eyes were filled with cold light. He looked straight at Lin Feng. Lin Feng felt a heart tremor inexplicably, and the feeling of danger became stronger and stronger. Intuition tells me that the "thunder" in front of me has become extremely terrible, and——

It seems to hate itself!

"Too close."

"Stay away."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold, although experience told him that Lei Lei was difficult to defeat tens of thousands of enemies.

But be careful!

"Lord\'s breath power."

"This is not the power of the \'thunder\' itself. It seems to borrow something."

It is not uncommon for human warriors to stimulate their potential and enhance their strength in a short time.

Lin Feng retreated cautiously. The impact of the battle is still second. The most important thing is that he feels the danger inexplicably and is uneasy.

Lei Lei didn\'t chase him, but roared up to the sky.

The golden single horn is sparkling, and the roar of angry thunder is even louder.

And now——

"Wow!" at Lei\'s neck, a golden light bloomed like the scorching sun.

The ripples spread out and the light shines on everything around. Strong gold series elements completely cover the other four series elements. Lei Lei\'s expression became very ferocious. Suddenly, his body trembled violently. One was divided into two, two into four, four into eight!

There\'s a lot of separation!

Boom! Boom! Boom~

Thunder roared, and all the people agreed.

Just like a wolf, he led all thunder into the beast array.

Ray, start fighting back!


"That\'s tough."

Lin Feng hid far behind with bright eyes.

Such separation is totally different from your own secret separation.

Lei\'s separation completely integrates all the powers of the noumenon, including the separation.

His strength soared ten times. Lei Lei ran like a tiger into a flock of sheep. There was a river of blood and fighting all over the sky. No giant beast can stand its grasp and bite. Even a sharp stab and arch on its back are extremely sharp and invincible.

This is the power of the beast!

Golden beast, especially good at close combat!

In an instant——

Boom! Boom~

The thunder is louder and the world is shaking.

Lei Yu\'s one horn blooms a strong light, and the thunder falls.

With one\'s own strength, you can challenge tens of thousands of giant animals. Thunder is like entering a no man\'s land. How powerful!

"Mmm, roar!!!" yelled at the sky.

The roar of the tremor covered up all other sounds.

With the amazing pressure of thunder, Lei\'s power and prestige were pushed to the highest peak.

It was quiet.

In an instant, the giant animals roared.

Bang! Bang~ All the beasts fell to the ground as if they were kneeling down to the king, full of respect and admiration. At this time, the whole earth could hear no other sound except the roar of the statue.

Lei Lei, proudly carrying his head, was like a high emperor.

Look down on the animals and become famous in the first World War!

"Monster, did you surrender?!"

"The divine beast \'Lei Lei\' is so domineering and powerful."

Lin Feng felt a huge earthquake in his heart. He just felt incredible.

I was shocked to see Lei Lu show his domineering spirit, command the giant beast and become the king of the giant beast.

But now

"No, it\'s not good!" Lin Feng\'s face was frightened in an instant.

At this moment, I finally knew what I was afraid of.


"Go!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

Almost immediately, Lin Feng ran away without looking back.

At this time, a familiar and calm voice sounded leisurely in my mind.
