Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 630

Comprehensive combat effectiveness test!

In other words, it is actual test.

Attack, defense, and even talent are the same.

The strength of a warrior depends on combat effectiveness in the end!

Perhaps some fighters have strong qualifications and some have excellent attack power, but they have no place to play in the real battle and the test of life and death. What\'s the use of such a warrior? As a warrior, we must face the challenge and death calmly!

"Coming." Lin Feng stepped away.

In the darkness ahead, there are also a pair of Eagle like eyes.

Staring at himself, full of sparkling luster, a red awn magnified in an instant.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s head shook.

The picture in front of me suddenly changed, and the thick smell of killing came madly. I seemed to be in boundless hell, and the cold awn of blood red filled every corner. The boiling murderous spirit attacked the body, as if it wanted to arouse the deepest murderous intention in people\'s hearts, like lighting a flame.


"Broken!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Almost in an instant, everything in front of me broke up like a mirror.

All of a sudden, everything returned to peace, and I entered the darkness again.

Disillusionment, disillusionment.

Lin Feng was not surprised that his sharp eyes had disappeared. Since it is the final test, it will not be easy. I\'m afraid the dreamland just now is just a foreplay, and the real main meal is still behind.

One step, one step.

Lin Fengji is cautious.

At this moment, the induction becomes extremely sensitive.

Once a mistake becomes eternal hatred, for 300 days, the four ancient martial arts have been tempered and fought for so long, how can they fall here?

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Like the shaking of an earthquake, a giant seems to appear in the dark.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his body was like electricity, galloping out. The giant in front of us is full of a heavy breath like Mount Tai, a sense of heavy pressure. Pull out the ember magic gun, Lin Feng didn\'t stay for half a minute, and the star power broke out suddenly.

"Eighth gear!" the red star shines.

Lin Feng\'s left hand is shining. Although there is no orifices, today\'s Lin Feng is different from before.

The strength of Xinghai level 9 is the "mastery level" of the combination of high-level people and guns.

This shot is far more than the one against thousands of dead bones that day.

"Whew!" as bright as stars.

I saw a bright light and shadow. It seemed to cut the layer in the dark. The attack of Lin Feng broke out amazing power, like thousands of flowers in full bloom. Where light and shadow go, they destroy everything, and exert their power to the maximum with unparalleled speed.

"Peng!" the giant burst open in the dark.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were faint and bright, and his body did not stay, but continued to step out.

Twice in a row!

In front of me, there seems to be a bright light.

Make this originally dark place, transmit a hope.

Holding an ember magic gun, Lin Feng didn\'t change his mood. He told himself countless battles——

Stick to your heart.

We must not be influenced by the outside world.

Suddenly, the roar was loud. In the distance, there was a light feast, and a violent flame appeared in an instant. It gathered from all directions. People couldn\'t avoid the indiscriminate attack. In this narrow space, even if you have a heart, you are powerless.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are very bright.

The eight levels of star power burst out in an instant, creating a thick layer of red light outside the body.

At the back, the shadow of stoneware is highlighted. It is weird and ferocious. It brings a sparkling fire light. Lin Feng\'s body seems to be burned by fire.

"Dragon shield!" Lin Fengshen drank.

Around the body, a huge jagged shield was formed and roared.

The moment the giant shield appeared, it contacted the boundless flame and made a clang sound.

Lin Feng\'s control is perfect and the timing is right. The flame of the giant shield is boiling, constantly offsetting the density of the light flame.

The two forces do not give way.

It seems to be a test of defense.


"Something\'s wrong!" Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed, his eyes flashed strong light and drank fiercely, "Yanlong!"

In front of the Yanlong shield, a fire dragon rushed out fiercely and broke through the light and shadow.

Counter defense for attack, in an instant.

"Peng!" a loud burst.

The noisy environment suddenly became much lighter, and the incomparably bright light also slowly disappeared and returned to calm.

The third level, pass!

Plain look, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

"Consume again and again."

"If you don\'t hurry up, the star power will be exhausted. I\'m afraid this test will be troublesome."

Lin Feng breathed heavily, and his heart was frozen.

If you just resist the flame, I\'m afraid the consumption will be great at the moment——

Will be the biggest failure!

Because of it, I\'m afraid the test is not their own defense.

The third item of defense training has already passed, and there will be no second test at all.

This is obviously misleading!

"Really cunning." Lin Feng murmured.

Almost, he fell into a trap.

The figure gallops, and Lin Feng is not afraid of any danger at this time. Compared with the outcome of trial failure, what else should he care about?

Now, we must hurry!

Gallop up.

Facts have proved that Lin Feng\'s guess is correct.

Once time and strength are wasted, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to pass this last test.

"In addition to strength, I\'m afraid this last test will also test wisdom and judgment."

"It really deserves to be a \'comprehensive combat effectiveness test\'."

Lin Feng\'s heart was cold and deeply understood.

The light in front of me was more and more brilliant, and I seemed to slowly break the dawn clouds from a dark cave.

But is it so easy?

"Wow!" the light blooms, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I seem to have left a place, a space and entered a wonderful area.

Stepping in the void, there is no other existence around except simple lines. Everything is like nothingness, falling into chaos. In front of me, there are two lonely and different figures. It\'s just standing quietly, that look

"It should be the gatekeeper."

"As I expected, yes, they are the final test!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his war intention was boiling for a moment.

Two figures, two different kinds of lonely breath, one is strong and full of power, while the other is strong and bright.

deja vu!

Isn\'t it the two statues that I saw when I was faced with "choice" when I entered the second level that day? The shape is as like as two peas, but the air is similar.

Now, become your own enemy!


The ember magic gun vibrated.

Lin Feng did not hesitate to fight one against two. He had no advantage.

You must start first!

At the moment of Lin Feng\'s war, the two light men were also launching an offensive at the same time. The ancient warrior, the light man, galloped forward, while the ancient god, the light man, galloped back, and cooperated very skillfully. Obviously, two light people are not stupid and know how to make use of their "advantages".

The best match!

The fire is dense, and the light man of the ancient god bursts into flame power in an instant.

In front of the ancient god light man, there is also a gun. The gun shadow is like electricity, containing deep fire.

Their strength is very strong!

No matter which one, compared with the previous ten thousand withered bones, it still has a victory.

But today\'s Lin Feng is not Wu Xia Amun.

Is it in vain to practice for 300 days?

"Dragon shield!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The body shape and ancient martial arts light and man crisscross, and the forest wind does not attack but defends in an instant.

The cracked flame seemed to block the power of the ancient warrior, but in an instant, the wind vortex at the right foot of Lin Feng was shining.

"Whoosh!" whoosh! "The figure changes rapidly.

Lin Feng made a contrast for a long time. With the power of wind vortex, he was incredible to avoid the long gun of the ancient warrior Guangren. However, the reaction of the ancient warrior Guangren was very fast. The long gun was vigorous and did not stay for half a minute. At this time, the fireball of the ancient god light man, such as the meteorite in the sky, has condensed intensively in the sky.

Lin Feng is like a great enemy in an instant.


But there was no panic.

Lin Feng\'s expression was natural, as if everything followed his heart.

Peng!! The ember magic gun and the gun of the ancient warrior light man burst into bloom. The powerful force made Lin Feng and the ancient warrior light man gallop back. At this time, the remaining power blasted on the Yanlong shield, which not only did not cause damage to the Yanlong shield, but also stimulated the Yanlong to bite back.

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

A hot dragon galloped forward at great speed.

Strong with the power of fire, it thunders straight towards the retrogressive ancient warrior Guangren.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s right foot flashed again, and the wind vortex changed for two consecutive segments in an instant. Lin Feng\'s backward figure still galloped, and the speed did not decrease by half. However, the direction of his body changed from the opposite side to the front side, and attacked the ancient god Guangren with the potential of breaking the air!

In a short move, Lin Feng broke open and the two people joined hands.

Not only that, but also create a great opportunity. The ember magic gun in his hand clangs and vibrates, and the war spirit is boiling.

At this time, the ancient warrior Guangren not only didn\'t stop, but also had to face the attack of the hot dragon. At this time, the ancient god Guangren had no help.


In terms of speed, Lin Feng is far superior.

Boom! Boom!!

The meteorite in the sky burst wildly and rushed to the forest wind.

However, now it\'s too late to show it again. What Lin Feng is best at is the explosion of speed and power!

"Wind vortex!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Thousands of small holes are shining, giving the wind vortex the strongest power.

The star power condenses on the legs, the black fog diffuses outside the body, and the speed of Lin Feng blooms in an instant.

"Throat wheel, Yumin point!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The left hand shines brightly, and Lin Feng\'s orifices burst out, showing the strongest move.

Today is the best opportunity!

Must grasp!

"Shoot by light and shadow!" the ember magic gun in his hand turned into a bright light and directed at the unsustainable ancient god. The latter\'s eyes were shining with a fierce light. The attack power of the heavenly soul division was dying, eager to create miracles and counter attack the Jedi.

However, what it faces is Lin Feng.

"Boom!" the soul of Lin Feng\'s life is fused with the astrolabe of heaven. Can it be shaken by the attack of ordinary souls.

On the contrary, the ancient gods were shocked by the light human body, but they were violently shocked.

And when it came back to God, it was too late.

"Die." Lin Fengshen drank.

The ember magic gun, with the speed of light and shadow, destroys the light man of the ancient god.
