Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 631

Ancient gods light people and die in an instant.

Lin Feng either doesn\'t make a move, but when he makes a move, he is thunderous and powerful.

"There\'s one left." Lin Feng smiled calmly and was in a good mood.

One-on-one and one-on-two are totally two different things. With their own combat experience and strength, how can they lose to a light man without wisdom? The most difficult part of this "comprehensive combat effectiveness test" is the past. What remains is just a battle without suspense.

There is no difficulty.

Boom! Power burst.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and stood upright.

The light man of ancient martial arts burst into pieces and "death" was thorough.

Without the assistance of the ancient gods and light people, compared with the forest wind, the ancient martial light people are too inferior in terms of strength and combat experience.


"Wow!" everything around is changing.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a faint luster, and the ember magic gun sounded softly, all with him.

"Ding ~ ~" a clear voice sounded in my mind.

"Congratulations to the experimenter. He has gained 1 million points by tempering all five ancient martial arts."

"Please select your reward."

The voice sounded slowly, Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly open, and a smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth.

In addition to getting 1 million points, there are rewards?

Purple Star territory is really unusual.

"Wow!" the light flickered in front of him, and the forest wind entered a magical area.

Looking at everything around him, Lin Feng couldn\'t help taking a breath and felt very surprised.

Here, it seems to be a huge treasure house!

Mental skill, secret script, Lingbao, soul weapon, soul weapon, property, fairy fruit, etc.

In this huge treasure house, there are everything, and the value is completely incalculable. His eyes twinkled. Lin Feng looked around and looked at this and that for a while, but he was dazzled. After all, everything here is too precious!

Very valuable.

"The second level, choose." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"I think I finally understand what it means."

Shaking his head, Lin Feng felt a smile.

The level starts with "choice" and ends with "choice".

Although there are many treasures here, it is obvious that you can only choose only one of them.

It\'s also quite a headache.


What Lin Feng didn\'t know was that the flowers had already exploded outside the Yanling house.

In front of the championship, the warriors stared at Lin Feng, who suddenly ranked first, and their hearts were shocked.

a new force suddenly rises!

Originally, Rumeng and Zhu zero vied with each other to occupy the first position.

But in an instant, the first position is to change the master, which is firmly occupied by Lin Feng, and the score is ridiculously high!


Rumeng, who surpassed the second place, was as much as 500000.

"Are you kidding?"

"I have no eyes, nearly 1.7 million?"

"Mom, Lin Feng is a man or a ghost..."

Everyone was full of hot discussions, and their eyes were tongue tied.

These 1.7 million points can almost lock the final champion in many sessions.

It\'s terrible!

"Powerful, Lin Feng has a long face." Ji Xia admires him.

"Hahaha, nearly 1.7 million, brother Lin is really a cow." Bai Yi also gave a thumbs up.

Both of them were in good condition. They didn\'t leave, but waited patiently with Li Yanmen.

The elder nodded and looked brightly. "In the past hundred years, the best achievement of my Liyan sect disciple is only 1.78 million. I\'m afraid the dusty record for decades will be broken by Lin Feng." after a pause, the elder smiled kindly, "but I\'m most happy that Lin Feng is still alive."

Ji Xia and Bai Yi also nodded with sparkling eyes.

There was a time when Lin Feng didn\'t move. They thought Lin Feng was dead and were very worried.

Now, worry is gone.

"I don\'t lack all kinds of mental cultivation methods."

"Even if you can get more precious, it\'s only better than Li Yanmen."

"As for Lingbao, Horcruxes and soul weapons, they are all external objects. At present, they do little to improve my strength."

Auxiliary combat items are expensive, but not much.

Lin Feng nodded slowly and his eyes were bright. He already had a seven star Lingbao \'Yueli\' that could be controlled and defended. Killing Wan kugu gained an eight star \'domain\' Lingbao. At present, the two Lingbao are enough for your own use. I\'m afraid you can\'t use any more.

Or, it\'s not a good thing to rely too much on Lingbao.

The power of martial arts is really based on their own strength!

"Don\'t rely too much on foreign things."

"Believe in your own strength, which is the most useful at any time!"

Master\'s instruction came to mind and Lin Feng kept it in mind.

His eyes swept over all the treasures in the hall again and again. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and thoughtful.

"Or various ancient books recording secret skills, or immortal fruits that can increase strength."

"It should be the most useful for me at present."

Lin Fengwei hesitated, but it was difficult to choose for a time.

At present, we should choose what is most suitable for ourselves and can improve our strength in a short time, not the most valuable.

"Or immortal fruit." Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

Compared with the demand for secret skills, I have a greater demand for the improvement of noumenon power.

Just waiting to choose a kind of fairy fruit, Lin Feng glanced at it, but saw a bright crystal flashing next to a greatly refined star stone. It was bright and shiny, but it was covered by the light source. Just now I missed my eyes.

"What is this?!" Lin Feng felt a slight movement in his heart.

The body moves suddenly, and Lin Feng falls beside the crystal and looks at its introduction.

"Second grade star crystal." Lin Feng murmured, his eyes brightened, and a faint smile came from the corners of his mouth.

Perhaps this crystal is bright and beautiful, and its help to combat strength is almost zero.

However, it is the most suitable for yourself at present!

More suitable than fairy fruit.

"Xingjing is similar to Xingshi. It can absorb and directly improve the strength of martial artists."

"However, the star stone is mainly to improve the body strength, supplemented by the star power; while the star crystal is just the opposite. The absorption energy can greatly improve the original star power, which is very precious for Xinghai martial arts."

"But no star crystal has ever been found in Yanling mansion."

Lin Feng remembered what the master said that day, but he recognized this beautiful crystal and knew how to use it.

Star stones are rare in Yanling mansion, but there are still many.

But Xingjing doesn\'t produce at all in Yanling mansion.

Rare is precious.

"That\'s it." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and directly took off the crystal.

From the first grade to the ninth grade, the value of the second grade star crystal is only below the first grade Star Crystal, which is extremely expensive.

This is the reward for the second level of the purple star.

WOW~ There was a sudden change.

The dark color has disappeared, and the huge Crystal Palace no longer exists.

In front of me, there is a long passage, plain and light. It looks no different from the ordinary path, but it looks like the last road to the end.

"The second level was successfully completed."

"What will happen at the third level..."

Walking in the passage, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his heart was full of curiosity and expectation.

There is no doubt that this third level is definitely the most difficult and dangerous.

But again, once passed, help yourself——

And the biggest!

"One pay, one gain."

"After the second level, my strength is no longer comparable."

"As I expected, the second level should exist for the third level. Each test requires a \'basic value\'. Obviously, this is a line and a mark."

"It means that you can enter the third level only after you fully meet the requirements!"

"No, it should be said that you are qualified to break through the third level!"

Lin Feng looked calm. During this time, he had already understood it in his heart.

The purple star territory is buckled one by one, and the law is very obvious!

It exists for trial and improvement.

Not a desperate situation!

The fourth day.

"Interesting, really interesting." Wan Gu\'s eyes were shining with cold light, and the corners of his mouth began to scratch coldly.

"Zhu zero really deserves to be Zhu zero. If you have a teacher, you must have a disciple. Shifu is right. This guy is not strong, but he is as cunning as a fox." Wan Gu looks cold and has a killing intention. "Hide, I see how long you can hide and endure!"

"Hum, would you have a chance to hide if the fool didn\'t make a mistake?"

"If I were you, the first person to enter the fourth Heaven -"

"It\'s you!"

In Wan Gu\'s eyes, the killing intention was revealed, and the momentum was magnificent.

He, with absolute confidence, kills Zhu zero!

In a cloud.

"What the master said is true. This time, the Yanling house is really dangerous."

"These people in black are ruthless, well-trained and have clear gradients. They are more than 70% and less than 80%."

"It must be the Yanling million families, no doubt."

"Shifu should have received the message from me. I don\'t know how Li Yanmen is now."

I wish zero was practicing cross legged and looked calm, but his eyebrows were slightly twisted.

Beside him, the first group of people, including Ji Xiu, leiba and Ji Qing, gathered.

The more dangerous it is, the more we must unite together. There are many people and great strength.

"You have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder."

"Wan Gu, don\'t think I don\'t know. Only you can beat me."

"But like a dream, she is a woman."

I wish zero a faint stroke at the corners of his mouth. Maybe his strength is not the strongest.

But in terms of wisdom and strain, he is by no means inferior to ten thousand orphans.

Whether outside or inside the Yanling mansion, the Yanling wanzu and the liyanmen have launched an open and secret struggle.

But I don\'t know who will laugh last.

At this time, Lin Feng walked slowly for a quarter of an hour.

The channel in front of us gradually becomes spacious, and the brightness is also gradually enhanced.

In the path of Yangchang, you can vaguely feel the penetration of a trace of aura, giving people a very fresh feeling.

"It seems to be here."

"Came out of the Black Lake."

"This should be the third level."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and a faint feeling of excitement was reflected in his heart.

I finally entered the \'core zone\' of the purple star.

A wall of light appeared in front of him. Lin Feng looked straight ahead. The bright color was as dazzling as the sunrise, but it gave people a new life and hope. With a long breath, Lin Feng immediately stepped out of the path and disappeared into it.


(I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival ~ people and months get together. Brothers and sisters outside don\'t forget to call their parents ^ ^)