Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 629

"Sure enough."

"I really misunderstood."

With a wry smile, Lin Feng came out of a crystal wall again. Lin Feng shook his head.

As I expected, the third test does have the third and fourth methods, and this method is described in detail in the crystal wall.

"Form a shield with original power."

"Cultivate secret skills, use vigorous Qi to penetrate into muscles and enhance defense ability."

Lin Feng thought in his heart.

This is the third and fourth way for ancient warriors to enhance their defense.

In fact, most of the records in the crystal walls are similar, and can not escape these two themes.

"This ancient warrior gathers the strength and skills of the God of war and the God of war."

"If what I expected is right, the ancient warrior may be the double cultivation God of war and the God of war like me!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and a trace of joy was rising in his heart.

This test of ancient martial arts is like tailor-made for yourself.

Very useful!

"Cultivating secret skills and vigorous Qi into the body is the method of the God of war."

"It is the law of the martial god to use the original power to condense outside the body and form a shield."

"For me, the latter should be easier to cultivate and exert its power." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and thought in his heart. Anyway, I\'m best at flame control after all. Maybe the reborn fire and devoured fire are a little backward now, but the shadow of stoneware can make up for it for the time being.

Once the flame shield is formed, as long as the flame does not go out, the shield will last forever.

It is very suitable for those who are good at protracted war.

As for vigorous Qi entering the body

Their own body is strong enough compared with martial artists of the same level.

Whether vigorous Qi enters the body or not is not very important.

"That\'s it."

"Choose one of the \'shield skills\' to practice."

"Most importantly, my secret body can also control the flame, and the body can absorb refined star stones."

Kill two birds with one stone!

Lin Feng smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth.

Don\'t put all your eggs in the same basket. If you have enough time, you can go hand in hand.

In this way, the efficiency is doubled.

There\'s plenty of time.

After a hundred days of trial, there are still eighty days left.

For Lin Feng, 80 days is a quite long cycle, which is strong enough to take a big step.

"So this is the skill of shield." Lin Feng smiled calmly, the flame rose in his hand, and the light arrangement immediately condensed the regular ranking to form an indestructible diamond flame shield. This may seem a very difficult process, but for myself who can control the flame freely——

Too simple, too easy.

It only took three days.

"There should be a more difficult and profound \'shield skill\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I have known this in the second attack power training. There are various shooting techniques, including simple and easy to understand, complex and difficult to sound, which are suitable for all types of martial artists.

The second test is like this. Does the third test change?

Naturally impossible.

"One, one, take your time."

"Anyway, I have more time."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, not in a hurry.

I have learned one of the "shield skills" at the moment. Maybe it\'s not much to increase my defense.

However, it is not difficult to raise the score from 925 to more than 1000.

Don\'t try, you can be 100% sure.

Day and night.

Lin Feng \'probed\' all the crystal walls.

"That\'s it." with a bright light in his eyes, Lin Feng calmly scratched at the corners of his mouth.

"The Yanlong shield has great power, but it needs very strong flame control power and huge original power as backing." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and said faintly, "moreover, it also has one of the biggest characteristics. If it can control two kinds of flames, it can give full play to the strongest power of the \'Yanlong shield\'!"

Just for yourself!

"Warning, this\' shield skill \'is very difficult to practice."

"Don\'t try if you\'re not sure."

Thinking of entering the crystal wall and warning words, Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling calmly.

I\'m afraid it\'s not difficult enough and challenging enough!

"Even if I haven\'t learned it in the remaining 77 days, I can still continue to practice after I leave."

"Anyway, I can pass the third test now."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear in his heart.

The most important thing is whether it helps you.

If so, it\'s worth more time!

The fourth day.

Fighting all over the sky, everyone tried their best to compete for treasures.

If only Yanling wanzu and liyanmen fought in the past 100 days, now it involves all the 3000 martial artists who entered Yanling\'s house. There is no face to give. Whoever has a big fist and a thick hand is the boss.

People die for wealth, birds die for food.

Here, serious injury and death are normal.

If you want to get a treasure, how can there be no price?

There is nothing to gain without work.

Everyone has a life.


"The more chaos the better."

"Then no one will doubt their death."

Wan Gu\'s eyes were cold and sparkling.

Floating in the air, seeing dozens of people competing for a seven star treasure, Wan Gu drew a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Just like a high king, overlooking the people below, Wan Gu\'s strength is extremely arrogant. He really has this qualification.

He was not involved in the struggle.

Even if it\'s just a treasure at hand.

Because for WAN Gu, this is not his goal, his goal is——

He, Wu Song!

Li Yanmen is a strong man.

Vice captain of the fifth team, now ranked 50th in the championship!

"Peng!" "Peng!" there was a big scuffle. Although Wu Song was strong, other martial artists were not weak. In the joint attack, wu song was difficult to resist, and even withdrew from the competition temporarily. But in an instant, there was a voice like the dark behind him, and the wolf howled in his ear.

"What!" Wu Song was stunned and his face changed greatly.

He, at the moment, has fallen into the independent space of domain Lingbao.

In front of me, an indifferent figure came out slowly, with a cold face.

"Wan, Wan Gu?!" Wu Song was completely stunned.

It won\'t take ten seconds.

WOW! The cold light was bright, and WAN Gu disappeared in a moment.

A strong man who can count the number of Li Yanmen has died thoroughly.

Like Wan kugu, Wan Gu also has the eight star "domain" Lingbao - Canglang territory.

However, there is a great difference between the two. Wan kugu\'s eight star "domain" Lingbao was borrowed, but wan Gu completely belongs to himself.

Because he deserves it.

Time, day by day.

In Wan Gu\'s slow sniping, the number of disciples of Liyan gate is decreasing bit by bit, which has not attracted any attention.

This method takes a long time and is slow. It must be done by himself. If it is put on WAN withered bones, he will not be killed. But wan Gu carried out it again and again calmly, just like a calm hunter, carefully preying on his prey and having strong patience.

Such as Yugong moving mountains, but the efficiency is very high!

Moreover, the mission is completely confidential without any flaws!

Under Wan Gu\'s command, no one can escape as long as they are watched by him.

This is the top hunter!

Compared with thousands of dead bones and thousands of orphans, the gap is more than thousands of miles.

He deserved his death.

In the purple star.

Lin Feng is still tested.

He passed the third "ancient warrior defense training" smoothly. At the moment, Lin Feng is preparing for the fourth test. Each trial seems extremely difficult, but for those who have a heart, it is a step by step, and it will not be too outrageous.

Of course, Lin Feng\'s talent is also enough.

If not, how can the strength increase so fast?

One after another, it\'s like walking a ladder. Lin Feng plays steadily. Each trial takes a full 100 days to improve his strength to the limit.

Be well prepared for the next test.

There is no shortcut to success.

Starsea level nine.

Star control force eighth gear!

In the realm of marksmanship, senior people have a "mastery level" of gun integration.

Light and shadow shooting, Yanlong shield!

Today\'s Lin Feng is completely different from before entering the "Purple Star realm".

Strength greatly improved!

Although the star realm is full of crises, there are dangers from the organic. Seize this "opportunity" and Lin Feng will completely turn over. Now, if he kills tens of thousands of dead bones, I\'m afraid he can kill him without effort! This is the progress of strength.

"It\'s almost 100 days."

"It\'s not difficult to pass the fourth test."

"Now I have greatly improved my strength. I\'m afraid I can get the upper hand even if I repaired last season."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and very sure.

Now their own strength has changed dramatically.

Maybe Ji Xiu can surpass himself in the realm of swordsmanship, but he is better than him in everything else!

Comprehensive strength, complete victory!


"My opponent is not him." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"If the enemy doesn\'t have an accident, it must be one of Yanling wanzu and Qiyue palace."

"Only they have so many warriors!"

"They are the only ones who have motive for me!"

Lin Feng nodded and thought clearly.

During this time, I thought a lot, thought a lot, and finally came to a conclusion.

"The wild goose plume is ten thousand orphans of ten thousand families, and the Qiyue palace is like a dream."

"My opponent is them."

Lin Feng clenched his fists and said, "when I come out of this\' Purple Star territory \', I will be stronger than them!"

"All grievances, one-time settlement!"

Another hundred days passed.

Step! Lin Feng slowly stepped out of a huge cone-shaped aperture.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Feng passed the fourth test perfectly without any scars.

"Wow!" everything around suddenly changed.

No longer like a crystal palace, the crystal walls disappear.

It was dark, like falling into a black fog, like a thick silent night.

However, Lin Feng was calm.

"Pa!" his eyes opened, flashing a burning light, and Lin Feng was still confident.

"Ancient martial arts test, the last item."
