Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 625

Three minutes.

What a short time.

But now it\'s longer than three days and three nights.

Every second is like reincarnation for Lin Feng.

When the pain can\'t even make a sound, we can imagine how much it has reached. And suffer this pain, or endurance extremely amazing Lin Feng! How many times he was seriously injured and tortured, Lin Feng never said a word.

But now

But it\'s on the verge of death.

"No! I must not die!"

"Dad and ziyao need me. My mother, brother and sister are still waiting for me!"

"I will never give up!!!"

Lin Feng\'s heart is very firm.

Will is even stronger to the extreme, refined into steel.

The second by second pain, the test is Lin Feng\'s indomitable fighting spirit.

Perhaps, his qualification is not really top, but his state of mind, his willpower and perseverance are absolutely rare among people!

Faith determines strength.

Pop! Pop~

The body has long been broken into pieces, like fragmented porcelain. However, Lin Feng used his firm will to condense these fragments together. Perhaps it has indeed been fragmented, but this does not mean that the porcelain itself should be destroyed.

Anything, as long as you have the heart, you can find even the only vitality.

"Ding! ~" the clear voice sounded, filled with a sense of joy.

The crystal walls around are bright, and the current in the tower bell hood comes and goes quickly, disappearing in an instant.

In three minutes, Lin Feng finally survived.

"Correction completed."

"Ancient warrior comprehensive qualification, 80.3 points."

"The first test, passed."


The cold voice rang through his ears, and Lin Feng\'s consciousness was almost blurred.

But it was still supported by tenacious perseverance. In an instant, the tower light mask emitted sparkling light, with a strong breath of life, and Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"Wow!" life energy penetrated into Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who originally had strong resilience, is now the icing on the cake.

The broken body heals slowly, just like the pieces are recast. Skin, meridians and bones are broken and then stand. They have experienced a transformation process. Perhaps the ancient warrior\'s qualification has only increased from \'77.5\' to \'80.3\'.

But the distance of 2.8 points is a world of difference.

"So comfortable."

"What a strange feeling."

Lin Feng slowly closes his eyes and relaxes his body.

At this moment, Lin Feng finally understood what "comfort" was like.

The repair of the body, together with the rest of the human soul, Lin Feng\'s strength began to recover slowly, and his face turned pale and ruddy.

The crisis has passed.

Only when there is danger can we be organic. Now we have improved a lot.

"The body is much more refined and stronger."

"Conservative estimate, increase by about 20 percent."

"How strange!"

At this time, although Lin Feng could not move, he could still feel it clearly.

His strength reached his level, and his understanding and mastery of the body naturally followed his heart.

"The comprehensive qualification of ancient martial arts, 80.3 points, increased by 2.8 points."

"There should be such a huge gap."

Lin Feng felt incredible, really unexpected.

In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t know that this so-called comprehensive qualification evaluates not only the God of war, but also the God of war. Although his martial arts talent is strong and his talent is amazing, what he is scoring now is "comprehensive talent", not pure talent. His martial god and other ranks have seriously lagged behind.

But many times, there must be gains if there are losses, which may not be a bad thing.

Bit by bit, Lin Feng\'s body slowly recovered.

The energy in the tower mask is amazing. It is even better than the "curative effect" of Phoenix blood. It is a comprehensive treatment.

"Pa!" Lin Feng clenched his fists with bright eyes.

"It\'s strange. I don\'t have any sequelae. I feel the same as before." Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

Generally suffered such serious injuries, even if the physical recovery, but the mental trauma is not so easy to recover.

But now, I feel as if nothing has happened.

WOW! The tower shaped light mask turns into nothingness and disappears instantaneously.

Lin Feng, return to the crystal palace again.

Almost in an instant——

The cold voice sounded again.

"The second item is the training of ancient warriors\' attack power."

"Experimenter, you have a hundred days to smash the crystal ball in the center of the hall, and you are finished."

"Failure, death."

The clear voice seems to tell a very common thing.

A life and death experience!

There is no doubt that any star is in great danger. Death is common in the stars. In the purple realm, the probability of death is obviously much higher than any other realm!

Just like the first test just now.

The chance of Lin Feng\'s survival is only 5%!

However, Lin Feng was quite calm.

In fact, just three minutes ago, I wandered around the ghost gate for several times.

Now, with a full 100 days, what else to worry about?

"A hundred days?"

"Enough for a lot to happen."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, although he didn\'t know how difficult the second test was.

However, according to my previous calculation, the increase of strength every 100 days can be described in two words——


"Attack power training."

"In other words, it is to enhance the attack power."

Lin Feng nodded and looked at the center of the crystal hall not far away. There was a faint suspended crystal ball shining brightly. A closer look, in the crystal ball, it clearly counts down 100 days with numbers, but it is also quite humanized.

"Try it first."

"Look how hard the crystal ball is."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and the war spirit was sparkling.

Just in time, I also want to test how strong the body after being \'corrected\' is now!


The ember magic gun vibrated and brought a touch of cold light.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled, and the shadow of stoneware behind him was very ferocious.

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s body suddenly changed.

"Seven gears." Shen drank, and the reddish starlight condensed in an instant.

The left elbow is shining, and the meridians are fully open. Lin Feng\'s body enters a wonderful state, and the whole person feels much clearer. The ember magic gun in his hand was full of sparkling war spirit. Lin Feng clenched his hands fiercely, and his eyes were full of light and breath.

"Throat chakra, Yumin acupoint!" the light of his left hand flashed.

With the Lin fire shining, the red monster flame boiling.

Lin Feng\'s body is like an arrow flying off the string, and suddenly shoots away, just like a dragon going out to sea and straight into the sky.

The violent wind completely condensed on the tip of the gun, and the power of the forest wind burst out suddenly. The gun is vigorous and perfect. Lin Feng\'s gun is stronger than last time!

"Shoot with fireworks!" Lin fengleng drank.

Boiling up, the war spirit was awe inspiring, and Lin Feng stabbed a gun like the sky.

That day, I killed thousands of dead bones in one fell swoop!


Crazy explosion.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed unyielding fighting spirit, and the power of the ember magic gun was brought into full play.

"When!" the crisp voice shocked people.

Poof!!! Lin Feng vomited blood wildly. The strong reaction force directly made him hit the crystal wall at the edge. The whole person was spinning and his head roared, as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. The tiger\'s mouth cracked and his left hand pulled down. It was already a bone fracture.

Seriously injured!

However, in the center of the crystal hall, the crystal ball was safe and sound.

Even there were no tiny fragments, leaving only a tiny "scratch" mark.


"Sure enough."

It took a long time for Lin Feng to recover.

Although there is no cure of the tower bell light mask, his own Phoenix blood is enough.

Reaching out, Lin Feng stroked the shining crystal ball, feeling the dense structure and thinking in his heart.

"Much worse."

"If I want to break this crystal ball, my attack power must be increased by at least ten times."

"Even more than ten times!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear in his heart.

Although the blow just now failed, it was not without results.

At least I know how big the gap with this crystal ball is.

"A hundred days."

"Increase your attack power by more than ten times."

"It seems to be a very challenging task."

Lin Feng smiled helplessly, but he didn\'t feel panic.

Since it is a trial, since there is this task, it means that you are absolutely capable of achieving it.

But now I have to find my way.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and he immediately threw himself into the crystal wall with sparkling mirrors on all sides.

The whole crystal hall, in addition to the crystal ball in the center, is these crystal walls filled with mystery and unknown. Just now, I couldn\'t break the crystal wall with such a huge force. It\'s enough to see its wonder.

"I think the way I want to go should..."

"It\'s inside."

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth drew lightly.


Liyan gate, main hall.

"Headmaster, let\'s kill those sons of bitches in Qiyue palace!" the Dragon protector roared.

"I agree. We still regard Qiyue palace as an alliance. After several times of assistance, Yanling 10000 families failed to succeed." Qi Chang\'s old tricks smoke, "I didn\'t expect that Qiyue palace stabbed me in the back of Li Yanmen. Who can bear it or not!"

"Yes, master!" "we agree!"

In the main hall, the voice of the main battle came one after another, and all the Dharma sect leaders were excited.

Indeed, this time, the fact that Yanling Zunfu is making too much trouble!

Li Yanmen, lose face!

With his hands on his back, Ji Jin raised his head and held his chest high.

The bright light of wisdom flashed in Na Ying\'s vibrant eyes. In the face of the already boiling people, Ji Jin still maintained an ordinary heart. Looking back, Ji Jin looked at Ma Kun and said with an indifferent smile, "did little Tu Lin Feng save you?"

Ma Kun was flattered and said, "yes, yes, leader."

Ji Jin nodded, "I know."

Looking around at the crowd, Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright. "From now on, Li Yanmen is allowed to enter and not go out. Those who leave Li Yanmen without my order will be regarded as traitors!"

All of a sudden, the noisy hall became quiet. Everyone was stunned, but he didn\'t expect Ji Jin to issue this password.

"Headmaster." the second elder frowned and came forward.

"Needless to say." Ji Jin\'s voice is not heavy, but it is sonorous and definite. There is no doubt, "today I, Ji Jin, am the leader. Li Yanmen has my main business. Anyone who makes rash comments and disobeys orders will also be punished for collaborating with the enemy and put in prison! Seven elders!"

"Subordinates are here." the seven elders stepped forward.

"You are in full charge of this matter." Ji Jin\'s eyes are bright. "Is there a problem?"

Looking at Ji Jin\'s eyes, the seven elders opened and closed, arched their hands and said, "subordinates, obey."

Ji Jin nodded and glanced at the numb people in the hall. He immediately stopped talking and brushed his sleeves away.

All the Dharma protectors and sect leaders stood together and looked at each other.