Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 624

Finally, here we are!

Since entering the purple star realm, it has finally ushered in an opportunity.

That cangran\'s voice had a subduing sense of authority, but Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and showed a smile.

After groping for so long, I finally reaped!

"The second pass, choose!" Lin Feng thought silently in his heart.

But suddenly, I was stunned. I didn\'t know why. I couldn\'t figure it out.

"The second level? Why not the first level?" although Lin Feng was confused, he didn\'t think too much.

At present, the most important thing is not to pass the first level, but——


"Choice? What does choice mean?" Lin Feng thought in his heart, frowning slightly.

However, the cangran voice didn\'t ring again. The experience task of the second level only had two words, nothing else.

"Go forward, maybe you can find the answer." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Soon Lin Feng understood what the so-called "choice" was all about.

At this time, the lake cave in front of us has two bifurcations, and in front of this bifurcation, there are two statues. On the left is a strong man, tall and strong, and his muscles seem to burst; On the right is a thin man with a thin body and a split aura in his eyes.

Two statues seem to mean something.

"It\'s the heavenly warrior and the Heavenly God." Lin Feng said in his heart.

It feels strange. The answer seems to have existed in my mind.

Although the two sculptures do not look special, they seem to be different from the present tianwu and Tianshen.

"What\'s the difference?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Well... I can\'t tell the feeling." Lin Feng stared at the two statues carefully, but he still couldn\'t see what happened.

It seems to contain some secrets that you don\'t know.

But right now, I don\'t know.

"Do you want to choose?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The two sculptures seem to have an inexplicable connection with themselves.

Lin Feng knew that it was because of the relationship between his fellow practitioners of heavenly martial arts and heavenly gods.

Among them, the feeling of the warrior on the left is closer.

"On the left." Lin Feng nodded.

Follow your intuition. It\'s not very useful to make false judgments at the moment.

Because I don\'t know what result this choice will bring, or what will happen later.

Anyway, I\'m the strongest at the moment——

It\'s the God of war.

WOW! Step into the passage.

It\'s like entering a huge crystal palace.

The surrounding area is bright, and the glass like lenses around reflect the light, which is alternating and changeable. It is very beautiful.

"Here is?!" Lin Feng was a little unexpected, but he didn\'t expect this change.

It was clearly a lake cave, but it became like this in an instant.

It\'s really strange!

And now——

"Boom!" the head suddenly shook, and the familiar sense of authority came again.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his chest jumped fiercely. He felt a strong pressure and was better than before.

"The trial of ancient martial arts begins."

"First, the ancient warrior qualification test."

Cold voice, no feelings.

Lin Feng was a little confused. He still didn\'t react. He didn\'t understand what the so-called "ancient warrior" was.

However, he can no longer think about it.

Ho! Ho~~

Around the crystal hall, countless lights came from all directions.

There are tens of thousands of people, and there is no way to avoid them. In fact, the speed of light is much faster than the reaction speed of forest wind, covering the whole space.

Pop! Pop! PA!!

Lin Feng\'s body was penetrated by tens of thousands of light.

"This?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously.

At this time, he finally reacted, but he was weak all over.

The light completely fixed his body and couldn\'t move.

In the light, there is a strange energy transmitting, connecting the four sides of the crystal wall. A lot of light came out, and a lot of light came in at once. Lin Feng only felt that every inch of his skin and even every cell were bare.

That feeling is like spreading your whole body and mind completely.

No secrets!

As time passed, Lin Feng\'s heart gradually calmed down.

These lights seem scary, dangerous, and even penetrate their own bodies.

But in fact, he was not hurt. It\'s just that some crisp energy bodies flow in the body, as if there were something more in the cells. I have a sense of inexplicable heartbeat, which seems to be a part of my body.

"Ancient warrior, what is ancient warrior?"

"What\'s the relationship between ancient martial arts and heavenly martial arts?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt a little confused.

At present, it is a blessing, not a disaster. It is a disaster that cannot be avoided. Only adversity can be accepted.

"First, the ancient warrior qualification test."

"In other words, there are two, three."

"It seems that the test of ancient martial arts is the real second level."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

At this time——


The light receded and came and went like the wind.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of light disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the walls around the Crystal Palace are shining, just like a mirror emitting brilliant light. Lin Feng still didn\'t react. There was a "roar" above his head, and a light shield in the shape of a tower bell fell down, completely covering his body.

"This time is?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly deep and felt helpless.

He didn\'t resist. In fact, he couldn\'t resist, just like a bird in a cage.

"Ancient warrior\'s comprehensive qualification, 77.5 points." a calm and powerful voice sounded.

"If it does not reach 80 points, it is unqualified."

"Correction started..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes widened and his heart beat faster.

Unqualified qualification?


What the hell is going on!!!

In an instant, Lin Feng understood what the so-called "correction" was.

"Zizi! Zizi!! ~" in the light shield of the tower bell, intense light shines, and clusters of electric currents blow to Lin Feng\'s body. Every inch of his skin is like lightning, and Lin Feng\'s body trembles. The real pain hits the heart, the skin seems to be torn, and the cells disappear at the moment of differentiation.

Bones seem to be divided into pieces, and the internal organs seem to be twisted.

It was a near destructive way, a limiting \'correction\'.

Inhuman, like torture in torture!

"Ah!!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes opened greatly.

His face was twisted, but his hands became claws because he couldn\'t hold his fist.

The green veins burst, and the Lin Feng\'s face was as pale as death.

The trembling body was almost on the edge of collapse, but there was no blood, because the blood light turned into nothingness at the moment of bursting out. This is definitely the biggest pain Lin Feng has ever suffered, inhuman torture. Such pain can even directly kill people.

"Correction success rate 5%."

"Correction time, three minutes."


The cold voice was still ringing, but Lin Feng could not hear any sound.

Falling into a complete death threat, Lin Feng is facing the most severe test of life and death.

a close call!

Qiyue palace.

"Brother Jun, I\'m all right." a faint voice sounded above the hall.

The man who was buried in reading the books suddenly raised his head and showed a slight smile. "I don\'t know if senior brother is coming, he\'s far away." he was graceful, with a bit of heroism between his eyebrows and a soft appearance. He was the "Qianjun" of the Deputy palace leader of Qiyue palace.

In the middle of the hall, a short haired man stood calmly, but he didn\'t know how to appear.

The leader of Yanling Wan clan, and the first strongman of Yanling mansion——

Don\'t worry!

"Well, don\'t be polite." Wan Mo Chou said with a smile and scolded. His eyes were suddenly cold. "What\'s the situation now?"

"Very well." Qian Jun nodded. "All the pieces that elder martial brother buried in Qiyue palace that day are coming out now, which helps me get the position of palace master as soon as possible and fully control Qiyue palace, but..." Qian Jun paused and said, "the palace master suddenly didn\'t ask about the affairs of the sect and closed the door for latent cultivation. Those old people in the palace are suspicious."

"How about suspicion?" Wan Mo said calmly. "Can those old guys find a dead man who turns into ashes?"

Qianjun smiled and shook his head, "elder martial brother, he works with great speed and will not leave any flaws, but..."

"Well, don\'t just, can you change your mother-in-law\'s character?" Wan Mo Chou said silently, "if you have something to say!"

Qian Jun smiled apologetically and said, "those old guys are too much in the way. If they are there, there will be more obstacles. Elder martial brother, we might as well find someone to fake the palace leader. Isn\'t that more straightforward?"

"Do you think those old guys are blind?" don\'t worry about squinting. "The risk is too great. Once we fail, our carefully arranged situation will be in vain. I\'d rather you take control of Qiyue palace step by step, and you can\'t eat hot tofu. What\'s more, there\'s a good opportunity now."

"Oh?" Qian Jun\'s eyes lit up.

"I\'m provoking the contradiction between liyanmen and Qiyue palace." Wan Mo worries about Ning\'s eyebrows. "Once it succeeds, liyanmen will look covetously at that time. Qiyue palace must protect itself and need a leader. At that time, brother Jun, you will be in charge, which is in line with the time, the place and the people."

"Elder martial brother\'s clever plan." Qian Jun thumbed up, "I know what to do."

Wan Mochou raised his head and his eyes were bright. "I\'m afraid Ji Jin\'s old fox won\'t be fooled."

Qian Jun also nodded. He knew very well that his senior brother was a dragon and Phoenix among people, and no one in the whole Yanling mansion could be better than him. But if you really want to choose a person who can compete with Wan Mochou, that person must be Ji Jin!

"I don\'t have much time. I\'ll leave here soon." don\'t worry.

"Elder martial brother is going to break through?" Qian Jun said in surprise.

"It should be said that you can break through at any time, and you can\'t hold it down." Wan Mochou shrugged. "The witch clan won\'t allow Yanling mansion to have a star master level. I want to finish this before I leave. If I don\'t leave, there will be no successors for Yanling wanzu at that time..."

Qianjun and wanmochou sighed.

Indeed, there are no successors among the ten thousand families of Yanling, and the surname of Qianjun is not "ten thousand".

"In those days, my ancestors of Yanling family passed the test of \'ancient god\' in Yanling house and commanded the whole Yanling house. How majestic!"

"But now, the Yanling family has declined so much."

Don\'t worry, carry your hands and look sad in your eyes.