Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 626

Crystal wall, there are many here.

Each crystal wall is blooming with a faint luster, but it is as smooth as a mirror and has nothing.

"A hundred days."

"I will not be allowed to practice alone in this empty place."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and knew it clearly in his heart.

Since the mysterious voice said that it was a "trial", how could the ancient warrior\'s trial not arrange anything?

If that\'s the case, it\'s more appropriate to say "survival" than trial. It\'s not easy to increase your attack power by more than ten times in 100 days. You must need the help of foreign objects. Therefore, nine times out of ten there must be secrets in this crystal palace.

Pop! Lin Feng\'s right hand pasted lightly on the crystal wall, and his eyes were bright.

The tentacles are smooth and flat. They look no different from ordinary crystals.

But how can ordinary crystal be so tough?

"Try it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

His right hand became a fist, and his Qi gathered. Lin Feng drank suddenly.

With a strong fist style, he blasted at the crystal wall. This time, he learned a lot.

Peng! The body retreated and the right fist became numb.

"Really tough." Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

The material of the crystal wall is slightly similar to the crystal ball in the center. If you want to destroy it, it is undoubtedly a dream.

"But what\'s the secret?" Lin Feng thought in his heart. His eyes flashed bright light, his figure flashed, and his right hand stuck to the crystal wall again. The red light flashes and is instilled by the strong star power.

But there was no response.

"Come again." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

A trace of soul force intruded, but it was blocked, as if it touched the light wall.

Similarly, failure!

"Neither star power nor soul power, this crystal wall..." Lin Feng\'s right hand was still attached to the crystal wall, sinking his eyebrows and thinking. But he didn\'t find it. The crystal wall suddenly flashed a faint light. Lin Feng felt a slight doubt and didn\'t react. His body suddenly lightened and rose from the ground.

The surrounding environment changed suddenly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Oh?" with a confused voice, Lin Fenghuan looked around.

At this time, I seem to enter a three-dimensional space and step on a fictional cube. Surrounded by countless cubes, forming a neat area. Just about to move, suddenly, the light appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The three positions in front of us flash bright lights, and three fictional figures appear in a flash.

As like as two peas, three men had a long gun and waved, and the body was like thunder, and the roar continued.

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantly and stood in place.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The shadow of the gun blooms, breaking the sky and moving the earth.

Every inch of the gun shadow shines with light. There is a deep ferocious light in the three gun tips. With the stabbing of the long gun, the light shines all over the sky and generates wind again and again.

"What is this?" Lin Feng was shocked.

"The star power is contained in the gun tip and fully integrated. What a powerful shot!!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he only feels incredible.

Their star control power has reached the seventh gear, and the star power can be perfectly integrated into the attack. But to completely condense the star power like this is like condensing a storm, but the gap between the realms is too big!

With such star control, I can\'t catch up with it.


"Since I can integrate the storm into the gun, why can\'t I integrate the flame into the gun?"

"On control, on power, my flame power is far better than the storm power!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and his mind suddenly began to think.

For a long time, controlling the flame by yourself is only an additional power, and has not considered the integration with gun moves.

But right now, I finally find the mistake!

"The additional flame power and the shooting method certainly complement each other."

"But the power can\'t be compared with the perfect integration of the two!"

"Just the concentrated power of the flame and blasting with the method of shooting will more than double the attack power!"

Lin Feng was shocked, and his eyes were still staring at the front.

At this time, the three lights and shadows waved their long guns and the tiger was alive. The three different shooting techniques have their own advantages, but they run through the whole like a ladder one after another.

"It should be one move and three moves."

"It\'s powerful. Compared with my shooting, it\'s even more powerful."

"But slightly inferior to \'shooting with fireworks\'."

Lin Feng nodded, his heart dark.

Although the shooting technique is good, it is useless for me now.

After a complete shot, Lin Feng suddenly returned to the Crystal Palace.

"Oh." looking at the crystal wall, Lin Feng thought.

"These crystal walls really have big secrets." his eyes were slightly bright, and Lin Feng scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled calmly.

What I just touched was only a small crystal wall.

This Crystal Palace, at least thousands of pieces!

"A hundred days."

"I think it should be enough."

Lin Feng nodded with bright eyes.

In the Crystal Palace, each crystal wall has an independent space.

Learning space, competition space, cultivation space and so on.

Here, everything.

Indeed, as Lin Feng expected, this is a "place of trial", not a desperate situation of survival that kills people. It is not impossible to pass this second test as long as you have enough qualifications and talents, as long as you work hard and choose the right way.

"That\'s the way to shoot."

"The shape of the gun is strong enough, but the intention of the gun is slightly inferior."

"If you can match the gun intention of the sixth wood carving, the power of shooting will be more than ten times higher than that of \'flower fire shooting\'!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, staring at the dancing four figures in front of him.

One shot, four moves, the shape of the gun is in it!

After searching for a long time, I finally found the most desirable shooting method.

The most important thing is that I am absolutely sure to complete this shot in 100 days!

Learning more is better than learning better.

Lin Feng felt vaguely that the wood carving seemed to contain something.

At present, in the five style shooting method, the meaning of the gun is rising and coherent, just like the same spirit. The understanding of the meaning of the gun is like walking on a ladder. Each step closer to the next ladder. It will undoubtedly take much less time than taking another step from the beginning.

"Understand the sixth shot."

"Then, perfectly control the flame of the \'shadow of stoneware\' and integrate it into the shooting method."

"The crystal ball in the center, I\'m 100% sure to break!"

Lin Feng closed his eyes slightly and sank into the world of marksmanship.

I don\'t know anything else, but my understanding of guns——

I am very confident!

Yanling is outside the house.

There are fewer and fewer martial artists who return from the failure of Yanling Zunfu.

With the passage of time, the first part of the unqualified and eliminated fighters have all left.

The rest are either elites or self-knowledge.

"Look, Lin Feng fell out of the top 20."

"What\'s the matter with him? Why doesn\'t the integral move? Is it difficult to die?"

"Who knows, care about him so much."


All the people talked and discussed.

Lin Feng\'s flash in the pan, however, makes everyone enjoy talking about it.

Every year, there are many such people. In fact, people don\'t care too much.

It\'s just fun.

On the other side of the Liyan gate, the old man\'s face is still ugly, but it is much better than before. At least, at present, the disciples of Liyan gate are injured and dead, but the frequency has been reduced a lot. Unlike just now, one came out after a while, and almost all of them were seriously injured and dying.

These are elite disciples of Liyan sect!

Seeing it with your own eyes is even more painful.

"I don\'t know how many disciples are still alive."

"I hope everything will be safe."

The elder prayed in his heart and felt powerless.

Now, he can do nothing.

The fourth day.

"Elder martial brother, it\'s gone." Zhong Bai stalled.

"Yes, the only fools who can find us are those who have radar." the golden cicada glanced.

"Well." Fei Luming\'s eyes were deep, "what a pity."

The radar is only so small in total. Fei Luming and the three of them are calculating, but they can\'t find anyone.

After all, how big is the fourth heaven? How can we find it without a map?

After half a month, turn on the radar and there are no more light spots. The disciples of Liyan sect have either been killed, fled, or abandoned the locator. The situation on the fourth day has gradually calmed down, just like the storm stopped.

Just because of one person, Lin Feng.

It was Lin Feng who saved countless disciples of Liyan gate with his own strength.

If he hadn\'t found the radar, if he hadn\'t killed thousands of dead bones, I\'m afraid it would have been another situation at this time.

And right now——

Sweep away the third heavy day, Wan Gu, and finally enter the fourth heavy day.

His thin face is dignified, but his body is slightly thin, but he is very strong. His eyes exude a strong sense of authority.

"Can you tell me what\'s going on?" Wan Gu looked calm and picked up the radar in his hand.

"Please forgive me, captain." Wan Feng knelt down on one knee, sweating.

"Tell me everything you know from the beginning." Wan Gu\'s expression was cold, and his voice didn\'t fluctuate at all, as if he were telling something irrelevant.

"Yes, yes, captain." Wanfeng company nodded, and immediately made Mo Dun fly to tell the development and process of the matter.

In half an hour

"No. 32, Lin Feng?"

"Kill thousands of withered bones and hundreds of people with the power of one person?"

Wan Gu\'s eyes tightened, slightly surprised.

"Unexpectedly, Li Yanmen still has such talents." Wan Gu smiled and said calmly, "do you say he is dead now?"

"Yes, yes." Wan Fenglian said.

Wan Gu nodded with sparkling eyes, "it\'s a pity."

With a little regret in his voice, Wan Gu slowly stretched out his hand and put it on Wan Feng\'s shoulder. Ten thousand bees said softly. It was incomprehensible. They raised their heads and looked at ten thousand orphans. Suddenly, Cha! Wan Gu\'s right hand was like a steel claw. It was powerful and powerful.

"Ah!" the ten thousand bees hissed and roared, with terrible pain.

But the next moment——

"Click." Wan Gu directly pinched Wan Feng\'s throat with his right hand, and blood splashed wildly.

There was no sound of scream and roar, only the ten thousand bees who raised their pupils and were unwilling to fall in shock, but they didn\'t know how to die.

"Waste." Wan Gu wiped the blood on his face and opened his mouth coldly.

"Let\'s go!"