Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 623

"What a big fish!"

"A lot of fish..."

Lin Feng was shocked and his eyes were bright.

A layer of light wall blocks above, separating yourself from these strange fish.

But even if there is a light wall, you can still clearly feel the strength and breath of these "fish". The shape alone is frightening. The size of 100 meters is regarded as "small fish", most of which are thousands of meters away, not to mention the existence of giant fish.

Across the light wall, you can see big fish eating small fish from time to time. The sharp teeth and big mouth are heartbreaking!

"If I go out like this, I\'m afraid I\'ll become their food."

"Even if some fish are not better than me, there are too many, not to mention..."

"In the water, my strength is difficult to play."

Lin Feng secretly observed.

On top of this light wall, it seems to be a barrier separating the two worlds.

"No wonder there is no water pressure at the bottom of the lake."

"As I expected, I\'m afraid the real \'lake bottom\' is above the light wall."

"But above is the bottom of the lake. Where am I now?"

Lin Feng shook his head and felt helpless in his heart.

At present, the "Purple Star territory" does not have any experience Task Tips, but also blocks its own way out. There is really nothing to do.

"There is no road to heaven, not to mention the star territory."

"If you can\'t cross the real bottom of the lake above by strength, here..."

"There must be a secret!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is bright.

Immediately without hesitation, he turned around and left without stopping.

Since this road is impassable, change another way!

Day and night.

Lin Fengcai visited every inch of land at the bottom of the lake without any omission.

Very careful, very careful.

"An aperture entrance, a small lake cave, and a deeper vortex at the bottom of the lake!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and fell into heavy thinking.

Where I am now is really not a dead end.

No matter up, middle or down, there is a way to go. There are three opportunities.


"Not as good as an opportunity." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

If there is only one way to go, nine times out of ten it will be the way to live.

But now there are three ways, which means that two are likely to be dead ends!

Many choices are not a good thing.

"The first road, the aperture entrance, is close to the most corner of the light wall." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and thought, "this road seems to be the most normal and the most \'shortcut\'. If it\'s not bad as I expected, it should be able to directly penetrate the Black Lake and reach the outside world."

It seems that this road is the fastest, most convenient and most normal way out.

But, vaguely, I always feel rippling in my heart and seem to be a little afraid.

"The second road, a very ordinary small lake cave." Lin Feng nodded.

This lake cave was discovered by chance. It was blocked by big stones, and the top was filled with silt and lake algae. It seems that it has been for a long time.

I don\'t know whether there is a road in the lake cave, and I don\'t know what\'s in it.

"The third way, go down!" Lin Fengxin said fiercely.

The entrance like a vortex makes me feel deeply attracted, and there seems to be some treasure calling me below.

The most profound feeling!

"As I expected, if it\'s right, there should be, no, there must be treasures below!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Moreover, this treasure is likely to be very unusual and powerful.


"The baby\'s\' Bei \'and the greedy\' greedy \'are just a difference of mind."

"Opportunity always coexists with danger."

"The more the mood rippling, the more beautiful and attractive things, sometimes..."

"The more dangerous!"

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes.

Even if there is really a hole under the vortex at the bottom of the lake and has great treasure, so what?

Can\'t get out, everything is a mirror.

If you go down, you will only deviate more and more.

Not my original intention.

What\'s more, in this strange lake, once there is any irresistible danger, it\'s really catching a turtle in a jar. I even have nowhere to escape.

"My strength is not enough. Reluctantly entering does more harm than good."

"The first of the three roads is the vortex at the bottom of the lake, which is not suitable for me now."

"There are two other ways!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and nodded slightly.

After careful consideration, if you take a wrong step now, you may be doomed!

"One is the most \'direct\' road."

"The other one is unknown."


Lin Feng fell into meditation and thought thousands of things.

Worst of all, I\'m at the bottom of the lake and I can\'t help. If not, it would be much easier to release a large number of winged insects to explore the way. Now, all we can rely on is our own judgment and choice, which requires intuition and experience, but also——

Courage and determination!

"Just it." Lin Feng nodded.

In my heart, I soon made a final decision.

Believe in your heart.

Outside the small lake cave.

Lin Fengzheng stood upright, his eyes burning.

There seems to be nothing special here. This small lake cave is more like the day after tomorrow. It is very ordinary.

But the more ordinary, the more not simple!

"Why is there only one lake cave?"

"Existence must have its meaning."

Instead of going straight through the light wall path, go straight up.

Lin Feng\'s last choice is to enter this lake cave full of unknown and mystery.

The most mediocre, the least impressive, but

Intuition tells you to choose it.

"Peng!" the fist is as powerful as a mountain avalanche.

As soon as Lin Feng vomited his strong Qi, the huge stone outside the lake cave was split in an instant, and the lake algae were broken.

Entrance, appear in front of you.

The breath cannot be detected, and the water of Black Lake is filled with strange power.

But Lin Feng still stepped out and entered the lake cave.

Since it is a decision, there is no need to hesitate.

In a secluded valley.

"The task is finished?" the voice was cold and old. It was a man in a cloak who couldn\'t see his face.

"Han Lu didn\'t live up to the Lord\'s trust." Han Lu arched his hands and said. At this time, he was already alive and well. How could he be half injured and dying.

"Very good." the cloak man nodded. "If you can cheat the elder this time, you should remember the first skill."

"Thank you, Lord." Han Lu was surprised.

"Don\'t be happy too early." the Cape man\'s eyes were sparkling, and his hoarse and cold voice directly extinguished the heat in Han Lu\'s heart. "It\'s easy to cheat the elder, but it\'s not easy to cheat Ji Jin. I don\'t know what he\'s thinking when I\'m around him every day. No wonder the patriarch regards him as the greatest threat."

"That......" Han Lu Lian said, "I don\'t know what else my subordinates can do?"

"Yes, keep an eye on the forest wind for me!" the cloak man said in a cold voice.

"Lin Feng?!" Han Lu was stunned.

"Don\'t underestimate him." the cloaked man said coldly, "Ji Jin is careful and careful. What\'s his identity? He personally taught Lin Feng for a full month and carefully arranged everything. Did Ji Rushan and Zhu zero ever have such treatment? The whole thing seems ordinary, but there is a mystery. In my opinion, the biggest variable in the Yanling mansion this time is Lin Feng!"

"This little rabbit." Han Lu grinded his teeth and showed his fierce light in his eyes.

He hated Lin Feng for a long time. He was worried that he had no chance to kill him. Now it\'s better to kill two birds with one stone!

"If Lin Feng dies in Yanling\'s mansion, it will be all over." the cloak man has deep eyes, immersed in the darkness, and his voice is cold and without any emotion, "but if he comes out alive unharmed..."

"You know what to do?" the cloaked man said coldly.

"Lord, don\'t worry, my subordinates will do their best." Han Lu knelt on one knee and showed his killing intention in his eyes.

Yanling is outside the house.

In front of the championship, people sighed again and again.

Lin Feng, who just jumped to the second place in the championship, has fallen rapidly at this time. Not only the second place is not guaranteed, but also quickly fell out of the top five.

"Is this new man \'Lin Feng\' really lucky?"

"It must be. Look at him. He hasn\'t even increased his points for so long."

"Such a person has every session. The scenery has won a moment. If the scenery can\'t last a lifetime, I\'m afraid it\'s over."


When you and I speak, they are the grass on the wall. The wind blows on either side and falls on the other side.

In fact, they just watch the excitement and play time. After all, the top ten of the 3000 martial artists who enter Yanling\'s house each year are almost invariably arranged by the three forces of Yanling wanzu, liyanmen and Qiyue palace.

This is exactly the origin of the "tripartite confrontation" of Yanling mansion.

"What a long lake cave." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I thought it was just a small lake cave, but I didn\'t expect that the deeper it entered, the deeper it became.

It looks like a bottomless cave. The opening is only three meters wide and two meters high. But up to now, it has become clear that it is hundreds of meters high and more than kilometers wide.

"The purple star is really unusual."

"I just don\'t know what\'s special about this lake cave?"

Lin Feng looked gentle and looked at everything around him carefully

The lake water at the mouth of the cave overflowed the whole lake cave, but here, the lake water was only a limited drop at the foot.

"This is a sloping Lake Cave."

"No, it should be said to be an upward ladder."

Lin Feng has bright eyes and bright heart.

Where it settled, there were still drops of lake water, and then there was a dry land of mud and stones.

It\'s like entering a new region.

"Step!" Lin Feng stepped away.

That feeling is like crossing an obstacle, a different level of solitude.

In my heart, I have a feeling of shock, and at this time——

Boom! A sudden shock to the head.

It was a powerful impact force that shocked Lin Feng\'s mind.

"Again?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but it was the second time.

For the first time, I was stunned by the impact force, but this time, I could stand it. Although the life soul has not been recovered, his human soul has been well. Moreover, although this force is powerful, it seems to be high above the world, but it has no intention to attack.

Or, it\'s just pure deterrence.

"The second level, choose." the shocked voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened.