Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 622

At the bottom of the Black Lake.

Flickering light, not dark winter.

Here is full of green algae, water plants, mud and stones. The most striking thing is the place where the light blooms——

Tiny pearls.

The whole body is bright, and you can see that it is not an ordinary bead at a glance.

These small pearls have played a great role in making the dull lake bottom shiny.

The "giant fish" in the middle of the lake doesn\'t even have one at the bottom of the lake. It\'s very strange, but I don\'t know why. And in that water and grass dense place, a black and blue figure was lying, as if the dead were hibernating, without half consciousness.

Lin Feng.

Even though the strength is strong, Lin Feng is still strongly affected in the center of the magnetic explosion.

Most importantly, Lin Feng doesn\'t have star power to protect his body. Otherwise, he won\'t be hurt so badly. Even the Seven Star Lingbao \'Moon glass\' is broken, which shows the power of the magnetic explosion. Lin Feng didn\'t dare to take such risks unless he had an almost immortal body.

Repair damaged skin slowly.

The painful wound had already stopped bleeding and the scar had faded away.

Lin Feng\'s body is like tempered steel. There are countless injuries.

I\'m afraid it\'s not enough for others to die several times.

I don\'t know how long it took

"Oh." the sound of subtle groans, Lin Feng woke up leisurely.

The fatigue of the body will also affect the human soul. Although Lin Feng has two souls, the life soul was seriously damaged in the battle with ten thousand withered bones and needs to rest. Therefore, when I first entered the "Purple Star realm", I was shocked by the strong impact and fainted directly.

At that time, it was the end of a powerful crossbow.

But because of this, Lin Feng passed the first level by mistake.

If not, how can he withstand the cruel test with his\' broken body \'

In the astral realm, you can\'t take the initiative to leave, either complete the task, or die in the astral realm.

So, many things are doomed.

"Where is this?" Lin Feng opened his eyes, still a little weak.

Although the body has healed, the weakness of the human soul can not be recovered in a moment. Similarly, the body is not in its best state.

"In the water?"

"Is this... Lake algae?"

Lin Feng pushes away the lake algae on his body, and if he knows something in his heart.

No matter where you are, what matters is what you do now. It\'s quiet around. There seems to be no danger here.


"What heavy water." Lin Feng was surprised.

Growing up in Linjia village, he is no stranger to water, forest and wind.

The body feels strong water pressure. At the bottom of the lake, the movement obviously becomes much slower.

"How did I get here?"

"After entering the purple star realm, I was in a coma."

Lin Feng vaguely remembers the light at the last moment, and then he has no memory.

"It is reasonable to say that every star territory will have experience missions or levels."

"Did I miss it because of my coma?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and frowned.

If you miss the experience prompt because of coma, you will have some trouble.

Indeed, Lin Feng missed the hint of the first level.

But it doesn\'t matter.

Because he had completed the training task in a muddle.

"Forget it, it\'s no use thinking too much."

"Be at ease when you come. Since you\'re here, look around first."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and his eyes flashed.

But I don\'t know. At the moment, his integrator has added a full 100000 points.

Reward for the first experience level.

Yanling is outside the house.

The people in liyanmen are busy, and the elder\'s eyebrows are almost screwed together.

Seeing his disciples come out one by one, almost all of them were seriously injured and in a mess.

Although he has sent someone to inform the leader of Han Lu\'s last words, he can\'t do anything at present.

Glancing at the scoreboard, there were many exclamations.

"Wow, the forest wind is coming up!"

"Really, I\'ve never seen that name before. Who is he?"

"I don\'t know. It may be a lucky newcomer."


The people waiting outside Yanling\'s house also had nothing to do, staring at the championship and commenting again and again.

Once there is a change in the ranking of new fighters, it is a fuss.

"How can the bottom of the lake be so strange?"

"Although the lake water is heavy, it has no heavy water pressure, which makes people suffocate."

Lin Fengxing galloped at the bottom of the lake, thinking again and again.

Pick up two pearls with a faint light. The material is very special, but you can\'t see why.

"Oh, yes!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, as if he thought of something. He immediately took out the "identity token" of Yanling\'s house, which is also an "integrator". Sure enough, the moment the Pearl touched, it was swallowed, the token glittered, and Lin Fengmeng was surprised.

"10000 points?!"

The growth of numbers makes Lin Feng\'s heart beat again and again.

On the fourth day, I spent nine cattle and two tigers, but also earned 270000 points, but now, 10000 points will be added in the blink of an eye!

"Wait." Lin Feng was stunned.

Adding 10000 points should be 280000, but now it is——


"What\'s going on?"

"Why did you add 100000 points for no reason?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he didn\'t understand.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but he still had no clue. Lin Feng nodded immediately.

"It should have something to do with the purple star territory."

"Forget it. It\'s better to pick up all these pearls than how to get them."

Lin Feng smiled with joy in his eyes.

A pearl is 10000 points. At present, there are at least dozens of pearls at the bottom of the lake!

Big money!

"Look, look! Great!"

In front of the championship, all the fighters stared at the rapidly changing ranking.

I saw the name of "Lin Feng" rush forward all the way, and the number of points is increasing.

Very fast!




People exclaimed one after another.

Just in a short time, Lin Feng has reached the top ten in the championship. It\'s too fast to hide his ears!

You know, those who can rank in the top ten are the best of the three thousand martial arts. Each of them entered the fourth heaven at the first time through the "ladder war". For example, the strong man "Rumeng" in Qiyue palace, which ranked first, came second last year and first the year before last; Another example is Li Yanmen\'s Ji Qing, which ranked second. Last year and the year before last, it was third.

Lin Feng, because he led the team, spent a long time in the ladder battle, wasting valuable time.

But many things are doomed.

The lost mulberry and elm are collected in the east corner.

"Still improving!"

"My God, this is to send ~"

"Has Lin Feng entered Jinshan?"


Everyone\'s eyes were tongue tied and looked at Lin Feng\'s points rising. In the blink of an eye, it was more than 600000.

Top five in the championship!!

How amazing.

"L!" "l!!"

The people\'s eyes were bright and shouted in unison.

The original bland waiting suddenly became lively.




Lin Feng pushed his fellow senior sister "Ji Qing" in the second place, just a short distance from the first "Rumeng", less than 20000 points.

However, Lin Feng stopped \'chasing\' at this time.

Points: 695569.

WOW! A sigh.

They could not hide their disappointment. Seeing that Lin Feng was about to counter attack, they fell short of success. It seemed that something was hanging in their heart, which was very uncomfortable.

In Yanling Zunfu, there are many Yanling wanzu, liyanmen and Qiyue palace. The sum of the three forces accounts for nearly half of the people entering Yanling Zunfu. But outside Yanling\'s house, most of the martial artists are brothers and sisters, fellow martial brothers and so on.

On the contrary, there are only two or three kittens in the three forces, and they won\'t be as boring as staring at the scoreboard.

Because they know very well that in the end, those who can be listed in the top of the championship must be the fighters of their three forces!

"What\'s the matter?" Wan jinghun opened his eyes and his essence was shining.

"My Lord, a newcomer suddenly jumped to the second place in the championship." Wan Jiawu told me truthfully.

"Oh, really." Wan startled faintly, and immediately closed his eyes again.

For him, for Yanling wanzu, the championship has no effect in this session.

They have only one goal——

Li Yanmen.

"Elder, we have disciples in the top three again!" said Li Yanmen disciple Xi.

"HMM." the elder nodded calmly and glanced at the championship.

How could he not hear so many people cheering and bustling?

Originally, it was really a happy thing, but now it\'s not happy. It\'s because I\'ve been worried about something in my heart. What the elder wants at this time is not how high points the disciples of Li Yanmen can get. The important thing is that they are safe. That\'s enough.

"Don\'t worry, Lin Feng."

"Be careful."

The elder thought in his heart and whispered.

31 pearls.

Lin Feng picked up a bowl full of overflow and was very satisfied.

A full increase of 310000 points, and now the points are close to 700000.

But it was completely unexpected in advance.


"There is no light in the lake. The Pearl should be picked up."

Lin Feng looked around, and a pair of sparkling pupils were not hindered by the darkness.

"The bottom of the lake seems very big. It\'s hard to finish all at once."

"Go up first and see what\'s going on in the lake."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, with a little curiosity.

Being at the bottom of the lake, I can\'t feel the water pressure, which itself is a very strange thing.

Slowly floating up, Lin Feng looked indifferent. In this strange environment, Lin Feng was very cautious and didn\'t dare to be careless. The speed is not fast, and the bottom of the lake is indeed deep enough, but the more it is, the more Lin Feng feels frightened.

You know, the deeper the lake is, the more terrible the water pressure will be.

The power of nature is terrible!

But right now

It\'s just so strange..

A little, a little up.

In the darkness, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

It seems that he is about to leave the bottom of the lake and has seen a faint light.


"What\'s this?!"

The higher he went, the more frightened Lin Feng became.

The body is inexplicably trembling, and the hair is upright.

It was a warning of danger, a warrior\'s instinctive fear of great power.

Even if you overcome it in your heart, it does not mean that the danger does not exist!

"Hiss!" the forest wind broke through the water.

At present, the light is gradually bright, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are shocked and bright.
