Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 617

The fourth day.

Two teams of men in black galloped quietly.

There are twenty martial artists, with neat steps and no sound.

One left and one right, forming a tight formation, is to perform the task. The two men in black made eye contact and nodded. They gradually slowed down and approached. It\'s like a group of hunters, holding their breath, waiting to catch their prey.


"Where are the people?"

"What\'s going on?!"

The first two men in black were stunned and looked at each other.

The position shown by the radar is here, but the human shadow is missing, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

One of the men in black took out the radar and his eyes coagulated. At this time, the eyes of the other man in black flashed and instantly opened a piece of sheepskin cloth on the ground.

WOW! The two locators are all under the sheepskin cloth.

"Bad!" "hit the mark!" the first two men in black changed their faces.

However, it\'s too late.



Violent explosion sounds, accompanied by strong fluctuations in the source energy, and violent flames appear from all directions!

Bian Dou, Li Wensheng, Hong Zhitang and Li Yanmen appeared in the triangle. The Yellow hexagram was half suspended in the air, with golden light in his hands, eyes like thunderbolt and lightning, and a huge light ball appeared impressively in his hands. In the only empty corner, a black figure shuttled like a sharp arrow.


"Shoot with fireworks!" Lin Feng drank in a deep voice.

The shadow of stoneware in the back is shining, and fire dragons are wrapped around the ember magic gun, blooming a violent flame flower.

This move takes the second type of shooting as the shape of the gun and the fifth wood carving as the meaning of the gun. It is precisely this time that Lin Feng learned from Yanling\'s house that he named it "flower fire shooting".

In order to mourn less flowers and fierce fire, we should firmly remember——

I must avenge them!


"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!! ~"

Five people sat on the ground and laughed happily.

With five enemies and 20, he won a complete victory without losing one person. This record is very good.

"Unexpectedly, brother Lin is more than resourceful and courageous. This shooting method......" Hong Zhitang\'s eyes flashed.

"Cow!" Li Wensheng gave a thumbs up.

"It\'s really the third day of a scholar\'s leave to treat each other with admiration." Bian Dou said with a smile, "now I finally know why brother Lin and brother Ma Lin and brother Ma Kun can defeat a small group of people in black." after fighting, Bian Dou knows the depth and depth. He has seen Lin Feng\'s strength. Bian Dou is convinced.

"No, it\'s funny that the leader\'s successor ranks third?" Huang Gua laughed.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "if it weren\'t for the great help of the four senior brothers, how could we win so freely this time."

It\'s very difficult to deal with ten people with your own strength. This time, it\'s really thanks to four senior brothers. If not, even if we take advantage of the time and place and set up a game of catching turtles in a jar, it will be difficult to win the war. After all, there is a great difference between dealing with ten and dealing with twenty. The enemy is threatening. Are those who can enter Yanling\'s house ordinary people?

"The younger generation is terrible." Hong Zhitang covered his chest with his hand and said with a bitter smile, "look at us. Each of us is seriously injured, but brother Lin is like nothing."

"Yes, the four of us killed two less than younger martial brother Lin," Li Wensheng said with a smile.

In this battle, Lin Feng killed 11 enemies alone!

Lin Feng smiled coldly. "Elder martial brother, I\'m flattered. Lin Feng has to inform other fellow disciples to say goodbye. Take care, elder martial brothers."

Killing another 20 enemies has no feeling for yourself. In addition to the 40 killed in front, 60 martial artists have died in their own hands, but no one knows how many enemies are hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity.

All you can do is try your best!

"OK, goodbye." Bian Dou nodded.

"If we have a rest to recover from the injury, we will leave immediately and inform other colleagues." Hong Zhitang looked pale, but his injury was not light.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded, looked at the four senior brothers and smiled slightly.

Immediately, he turned back and walked quietly.

At present, I must seize time with those enemies hidden in the dark!

Yan Ling\'s house was in chaos.

Under the command of Wan Gu, the disciples of Liyan sect in the third heaven were slaughtered.

The fourth day, due to the emergence of Lin Feng, tore a corner of the original seamless situation and revealed a glimmer of dawn. The plan of Yanling wanzu this time is not comprehensive, but it is because of wankugu\'s dedication and the birth of Lin Feng, which disrupts the whole situation.

Many times, one piece is enough to change the whole chess game.

"Bastard, what\'s going on!" Wan withered bones and angry veins were exposed.

Wan Feng and the team leaders stood in line, looking flustered and ugly. At this time, only 13 of the 25 team leaders were left.

Compared with the previous "lineup" which was at its peak, it is now like a lack of soldiers and disabled generals, with nearly half of the casualties.

"Vice captain, I\'m afraid Li Yanmen has found it." Wan Feng hesitated.

"Hum! It must be him, the \'hundred footed insect\' with number 32!" Wan kugu\'s eyes glittered with cold luster. He is not stupid. Being able to sit in this position is enough to prove everything. Thinking before and after, the beginning of the first flaw in the whole Bureau formed a dike break and created a big pit!

"What shall we do, vice captain?" Wan Feng frowned. "After all, our twenty-five teams are not as good as the captain\'s twenty-five teams, or..."

"Shut up!" ten thousand withered bones roared angrily, and ten thousand bees turned green.

"Do you want me to ask Wan Gu for help? Are you kidding!" Wan kugu clenched his teeth, showed his fierce light in his eyes, and squeezed his fist with both hands. "Wan Feng, follow me! I don\'t believe that the fierce Yanmen is really against the sky. Contact Fei Luming immediately!"

Wan Feng was stunned and his eyes brightened in an instant, "vice captain, what do you mean..."

Ten thousand withered bones snorted coldly, and the fierce light in their eyes was revealed, "I want to make good use of this chess piece and play with those little bastards of Li Yanmen!"

"I\'d like to see how many kilograms they have!"


"Great joy!"

"What a fucking comfort!"

All the fierce Yanmen elites laughed happily.

Nothing is happier than anti annihilating the enemy. Although everyone was injured, the opponent was completely destroyed!

The corpses and blood everywhere are the enemy\'s!

"Lin Feng, you\'re too strong now?" Lei BA\'s eyes are shining and he doesn\'t dare to believe. "This time, I came back from the \'capital of sin\' and I thought my strength could be close to you. Unexpectedly, I didn\'t expect..."

"Ha ha, have you been hit, junior brother?" the speaker was a beautiful man, very handsome, and it was Lei BA\'s senior brother \'Chen Chong\'.

"What a terrible shot." the young man with short hair has bright eyes. He uses the gun as well as Lin Feng. He is also leiba\'s senior brother \'Luling\'.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t talk much.

Too modest is pride, not to mention these words I have heard many times.

"Younger martial brother Lin\'s strength is not as strong as mine now." the beautiful man \'Chen Chong\' smiled.

"True or false?" Lei Ba stared.

"I\'m afraid the difference is only one chip." Lu Ling nodded.

Lei BA was stunned. Both elder martial brothers said so. There will be no fake.

Three months ago, he could barely compete with Lin Feng. Now... It\'s like a day and a place, completely different from the same level.

Chen Chong, but Li Yanmen is a strong man!

In the last, the last Yanling Zunfu\'s standings were at the forefront.

After Zhu zero and Ji Qing, Li Yanmen ranks third in strength.

Lin Feng smiled, "my strength is not as good as elder martial brother Chen."

Chen Chong\'s strength is really strong. Compared with his second senior brother, it is estimated that there is only a line between them, which is stronger than Ji Xiu!

Today, I have not surpassed his strength.

Chen Chong smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. He didn\'t get too tangled in this regard. "Younger martial brother, next you have to ambush the enemy again?"

"If I can kill one more, I will be more safe." Lin Feng said.

Maybe I sacrificed my precious time for this, but it\'s worth it!

As long as all the disciples of Li Yanmen are safe.

"Well, you really deserve to be the third in line successor of the leader!" Chen Chong said with satisfaction. "I don\'t know if brother Lin is willing to go with Chen. Chen Chong also wants to do a little bit for Li Yanmen. You and I can hit the enemy harder by combining and echoing each other!"

Lin Feng looked at Chen Chong with burning eyes and said with a smile, "I\'d love it."

With Chen Chong\'s strength, it really helps him a lot.

"OK." Chen Chong said with a smile, his eyes fell on leiba and Luling, and said in a positive way, "it\'s troublesome for the two younger martial brothers to inform other fellow students of the task."

"No problem!" "give it to us, senior brother." Luling and leiba nodded.

"See you later." Lin Feng arched his hand.

"Don\'t die, Lin Feng." Lei BA\'s eyes sparkled. "After going back, I\'m still waiting to challenge you!"

"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng smiled and went away.

"It\'s really unexpected." Fei Luming said in a cold voice with bright eyes.

"Yes, I can\'t imagine that a good situation should be destroyed by a mere forest wind." Zhong Bai shook his head.

"Just a fluke." the golden cicada looked sad and fierce, with a strong cold light.

The locator on the left hand of the three people still flashes, and a huge number \'2\' is as clear as the eye.

However, they don\'t need to worry about Yanling wanzu. They belong to Han Lu\'s lineage. They know their identity clearly. This time they enter Yanling\'s distinguished residence, they also bear the heavy responsibility of cooperating with the elite martial artists of Yanling\'s 10000 families.

Kill the Yanmen disciples!

"I don\'t know which unlucky ghost will come to the door first?" Zhong Bai sneered.

"I hope it\'s Lin Feng. The vice captain hates him to the bone!" the corner of Jin Chan\'s mouth sank.

"Coming." Fei Luming\'s eyes were burning and looked not far away. "Everything was carried out according to the original plan! This is a great opportunity for us to make meritorious contributions, which will determine our future position in the Yanling million families. We must not be soft hearted."

"Don\'t worry, senior brother." Zhong pendulum and Jin Chan looked at each other and smiled coldly.