Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 618

Yanling is outside the house.

"Ghost, who is the ghost?" the elder\'s eyes were bright.

"There are only seven elders and ten Dharma protectors who can do tricks on the locator. In other words, in addition to me, six elders and Ling Dharma protectors, the other 14 people are suspicious." the elder nodded thoughtfully and frowned, "who is it?"

It was in my thoughts that I suddenly——

"Good news, elder, good news!" in the distance, Li Yanmen disciples galloped with joy.

"Oh, but find Han Dharma protector?" the elder looked at him and said happily.

Finding Han Lu means that the true face of the enemy is likely to be revealed.

Because Han Lu is the only one who survived!

"Yes." Li Yanmen disciple Lian nodded, but said, "but Han protector was seriously injured. I\'m afraid..."

The elder changed his face and said in a deep voice, "go, take me immediately."


The fourth day.


"Really or not, we were ambushed?"

Fei Luming and others were stunned and looked straight at Lin Feng and Chen Chong.

"Yes." Chen Chong said positively, and immediately took out the radar. "You see, this radar is the best proof."

Lin Feng didn\'t speak. With Chen Chong\'s status in Li Yanmen, what he said was more credible and deterrent than himself. Looking at Fei Luming, Lin Feng has no emotional fluctuations in his heart. Maybe they are all Han Lu\'s disciples, but now is not the time to calculate personal gratitude and resentment.

Must be consistent with the outside world!


"Along the way, I always feel something wrong."

"I should have found something, but I can\'t remember what\'s wrong."

Lin Feng\'s heart was dark and his eyes were wrinkled.

I always feel a little uneasy. It seems that there is something I haven\'t figured out.

But I can\'t say.

"Maybe I\'m worried."

"In any case, soldiers will block it, and water and earth cover it!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and full of war.

The tragic situation of fierce fire and Huashao\'s death continued to emerge in my mind, repressing strong anger.

"I will find the murderer!"

"Avenge you!"

Soon, the five were hiding.

If you repeat the old skills, you won\'t be afraid of being old, as long as it works.

Lin Feng and Chen Chong\'s eyes were sparkling, quietly waiting for the enemy to come, but they didn\'t notice the sharp eyes of Fei Luming behind them.

It takes patience to wait.

"It\'s strange that the \'golden cicada\' didn\'t say a word." Lin Feng suddenly moved in his heart.

I had "read" the memory of Wucha and knew all the disciples of Hanlu very well, regardless of character, strength and even all kinds of small habits. The golden cicada is the same age as himself. He once beat Ji Xia seriously. He is impatient and cruel, and he has the biggest bad habit——

I can\'t stop!

The golden cicada is an acute child.

But now, after waiting so long, he didn\'t respond.

"More than that, even Fei Luming and Zhong Bai are a little strange." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright. "It\'s reasonable to say that Han Lu and I are as deep as the sea, and they can\'t know. But just now they met at the first sight as if nothing had happened. Then they were so enthusiastic about me, just like old friends they haven\'t seen for a long time."

"Strange! Very strange!" the more Lin Feng thought, the more confused he was.

At this time, my mind is as calm as dust, so I can concentrate on thinking.


Lin Feng\'s face changed in a flash and his hands squeezed his fist fiercely.

"I know what\'s wrong!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened for a moment.

"Since there is an internal ghost in liyanmen, there will not be only one person!" Lin Feng suddenly realized, "there are countless disciples of the seven elders and the ten Dharma protectors. If any of them is an internal ghost, I\'m afraid their disciples must have accomplices and enter Yanling\'s house this time..."

The heart is like a yoke open, has been immersed in the heart of the haze, remove the clouds.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, but in an instant——

"Coming!" Lin Feng\'s face changed.

After waiting for a long time, the rabbit he was waiting for finally came.


The foreboding in my heart is getting deeper and deeper, the cold sweat on my forehead drips, and Lin Feng seems to understand something.

"Not good!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.

The star force suddenly burst, forming a solid aperture around the body.

At that moment, the three of Fei Luming finally exposed their nature behind them. The two daggers were almost close at hand, quenching the green cold awn, stabbing Lin Feng and Chen Chong\'s back from left to right, straight to the heart!

Wheeze! Wheeze!

As fast as the wind, as fast as lightning.

It\'s impossible to stop. The distance between us is as soon as we get there.

"Peng!" the dagger just stabbed Lin Feng\'s skin, but it couldn\'t enter even one point. The red stars are dense, and the star control force of the seventh gear makes Lin Feng defend instantly and block this fatal blow at the most critical moment. But it\'s still a little slow.

Slow down, slow down!

The golden cicada and the pendulum react very fast and kill again in an instant!

How can Lin Feng resist the attack from the stars!

"Peng!!" "Zheng!! ~" he can\'t resist the first attack, but he can\'t resist the second attack. Lin Feng\'s head roars in an instant, and his lower abdomen is hit hard, and the whole man flies backwards. The corrosive star force goes straight into the chest, and at this time, the cyan light on the tip of the dagger behind blooms its power.

Poof! Lin Fengmeng vomited blood and instantly paralyzed his back.

"It\'s poison!" Lin Feng was so cold that the fire of swallowing rose in the body and swallowed all kinds of toxins quickly.

I am never afraid of poison.

Although the body is injured at the moment, it is not fatal!

But I woke up a minute earlier.

However, Chen Chong is not so lucky.

The handsome face was filled with anger and unwilling, but the body was unable to move. Fei Luming, the strongest of the three, stabbed Chen Chong\'s back and chest with a dagger. He showed a sharp blade in his hand and wiped Chen Chong\'s neck without effort!

"No!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bloodshot and his voice was sad.

This is the second time that I witnessed my companion die in front of me!

But I can\'t save him!

Heart, as if torn to pieces.

"Han Lu!" Lin Feng roared angrily, and the red starlight burst out.

At this moment, all the doubts have been solved, and there is no more confusion.

Insider, it\'s Han Lu!!

Lin Feng was knocked back, and the surrounding pressure crazily eroded his body. It was a powerful force like breaking the sky. Countless people in black walked quickly and gathered in a "U" shape. The leader was amazing and far better than other martial arts.

A near death situation.

At present, Lin Feng has only one way to go.

Leave Yanling\'s house immediately!

Otherwise, when the enemy forms a siege, there will be only a dead end and there will be no escape.

However, Lin Feng did not leave.

"If I leave, the Liyan sect disciples of Yanling Zunfu will be lifeless." Lin Feng only had an idea in his mind and made a decision.


I can\'t go!

I can\'t be so selfish.

If we don\'t expose Fei Luming, how many disciples of Liyan gate will die in their hands!

At the moment, I must not leave.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha!"

The sound of laughter came, accompanied by a bright light like the road of heaven, like the landing of stars, which was very brilliant. Lin Feng\'s eyes changed, and suddenly the surrounding changing environment, a land of snow and mist, filled with cold breath, seemed to be in a dream.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

Not a fantasy, but a real regional existence!

"Little bastard, I\'ll see where you\'re going this time!" Jie\'s cold laughter sounded. In the white mist, a man in black stepped down from the sky.

He is as thin as a log and has no meat. He looks like a skeleton.

As like as two peas in black, the whole face is immersed in darkness, such as ghost and ghost.

Ten thousand withered bones!

"The \'domain\' Lingbao." Lin Feng\'s eyes coagulated.

"You should be happy, boy." Wan kugu said hoarsely and proudly, "my eight star Lingbao \'storm snow region\' is the first time to drink blood."

Eight star Lingbao!

Lin Feng\'s heart jumped fiercely.

That is a transcendent existence worth more than ten million doling coins.

There are only a handful of Yanling mansion. There is a price but no market!

But the man in front of him has.

"The eight star Lingbao is in a snowy area." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly burning and his mind is full of thoughts.

The more precious the existence is, the more detailed records it has. Especially for Lingbao at this level, the identity of the owner must be well known.

"If I can spread this news, Shifu will probably know the identity of the enemy!"

"At that time, everything will come out!"

Lin Feng clearly understood that this was his real opportunity.

But it\'s not easy.

In front of him, the man in black had a strong breath. Although his eyes were hidden in black, they were dazzling. At a glance, he knew they were not ordinary people. Most importantly, since he told himself without scruples, he must be absolutely sure——

Kill yourself!

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and observed the whole terrain.

This is no longer the fourth heaven, but an independent \'domain\'.

"Yu" Lingbao not only has the ability to change the environment, but also has the ability to dominate the environment. It is quite powerful.

Especially the unheard of eight star Lingbao!

"Don\'t look." Wan kugu\'s "Jie" sneered, "this is no longer the Yanling house, you can\'t escape."

"Did I say I wanted to escape?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were faint.

Losing without fighting is never your own style.

"Ha ha, what an arrogant boy." Wan kugu\'s eyes hidden in black clothes flashed a bright light. "You don\'t think you can win me just because of your three legged cat\'s strength?" he laughed, and Wan kugu\'s voice was full of crazy disdain.

"He is a heavenly soul master."

"No, he is also a Heavenly Master."

Lin Feng understood the strength of the other party through instant contact.

I\'m afraid this man in black is no less than his second senior brother.

Very strong!

"My strength is a little inferior to him."

"It\'s hard to beat him."

Lin Feng thought in his heart. There were thousands of withered and ugly laughter in his ears. Lin Feng looked at him and his eyes brightened for a moment.

"Try this."

"Maybe it will work!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes changed and his heart was suddenly cold.