Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 616

Like a divine soldier!

The breath is pungent and the gun is flying.

This power frightens everyone.

"So strong!" "what a terrible power!" Ma Lin and Ma Kun stared at each other, shocked.

Three months ago, they saw Lin Feng\'s strength during the annual celebration of liyanmen. At that time, Lin Feng really defeated Bian Ruyu, but the strength is not a grade compared with now! The intention of the gun alone has increased no less than ten times. Ma Kun and Ma Lin are gods of war and take the road of pure power, which is the most clear.

"It\'s the combination of senior people and guns!"

"At least \'skilled\' level!"

Looking at Lin Feng\'s back, their chests fluctuated continuously, and they only felt suffocated.

Remembering that they spoke wildly and despised Lin Feng just now, I felt a blush on my old face.

Looking at the whole Liyan gate, no warrior has the realm of "senior people and guns in one"!

Even for other weapons, few reach this level!

And how big is Lin Feng?


Lin Feng\'s gun is like a violent dragon.

Gun intention has not improved, but this time Lin Feng has no way out to save Ma Lin and Ma Kun.

The potential of the body was forced out again. Lin Feng\'s whole mind was completely integrated, and the shot in his mind was very clear. It seems to return to the time of practicing guns in the Li Yan palace. Every attack and every step are clear to the heart.

This is a skill, a deep sense of the gun.

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

In a battle, the power condenses the star power and flame in an instant——

Full burst!

"Go!" Lin Feng drank wildly.

The gun is proud, and Lin Feng\'s power is completely condensed in this gun.

One shot, covering all the attacks in front, what a domineering and powerful!

The earth was shocked by the collapse of the earth. Condensing the destructive power like a hurricane, Lin Feng inexplicably emerged in his mind the violent hurricane in the swamp that day, the extraordinary power of nature. All the momentum blooms at this moment. One person is the enemy of the crowd without fear!

Shoot the second shot!

"Report to the vice captain, Wan Ben has completed the task." Wan Feng arched his hand.

"HMM." Wan kugu nodded slowly, looking slightly satisfied.

At this time, two more light spots disappeared on the radar.

Look carefully, there are no more than \'10\'. In a short time, the Yanling ten thousand people killed countless disciples of the Liyan sect with a thunderous momentum. The high efficiency made people tongue tied. And this is just the beginning.

"Although there is a little deviation, it is roughly completed well." Wan kugu looks cold and nods.

That pair of pure and sharp eyes flashed light, and Wan kugu\'s voice was cold and hoarse, "I must finish the task before the \'Wan Gu\'! I want those old people in the family to know that my Wan kugu is the first disciple of the younger generation, not the WAN gu!"

"Vice captain, what shall we do next?" Wanfeng company asked.

Ten thousand withered bones moved their fingers, and their eyes were like electricity. "There are many strong people hidden in the team above the number \'10\' of liyanmen, which should not be underestimated. Follow the plan in advance and merge the teams. Take the two teams as a squadron, concentrate the attack power and take it slow one by one!"

"Kill them!" Wan withered bones looked ferocious.

"Sorry, Lin Feng."

"Yes, I was so sorry just now."

Ma Lin and Ma Kun face and bow their heads.

Remembering that he was so disrespectful to Lin Feng just now, Lin Feng helped them regardless of past grievances. His heart really made their cheeks hot and ashamed.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Feng nodded.

"Everyone is the same door and a big husband. Why stick to the details."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and his voice was calm. He really didn\'t put such small things in his heart.

This is not the time to be angry. We should focus on the overall situation. Ma Lin and Ma Kun\'s locators have been removed, and their positions will no longer be displayed on the radar. Counting the ten people in black, they have killed 40 enemies and paid four radars.

All kinds of property and Lingbao have harvested nearly one million Douling coins.

"Brother Lin, I\'m really ashamed to repay you for your kindness." Ma Lin sighed lightly.

"Don\'t dare to forget the kindness of saving lives." Ma Kun arched his hand.

Lin Feng smiled, "it\'s easy to lift a hand, don\'t remember. Remove the locator, your whereabouts will not be exposed. Be careful in the future."

After talking, Lin Feng turned on the radar, stared closely, and frowned slightly.

In such a short time, all the teams numbered after \'10\' have disappeared, and the enemy\'s efficiency is quite high!

Ma Lin and Ma Kun looked at each other. Ma Kun said, "I don\'t know what brother Lin plans to do next?"

Lin Feng immediately raised his head and stared at Ma Lin and Ma Kun. His eyes changed slightly and he thought deeply. Lin Feng said, "can you please do me a favor?"

Ma Lin\'s eyes were burning, "but let my two brothers go?"

Ma Kun clenched his fist hard and his fighting spirit was boiling. "As long as brother Lin said a word, he would go through fire and water!"

Although they are arrogant, they are straight and not artificial.

Lin Feng treated them with a life-saving grace and was rewarded by others as a spring.

What\'s more, everything is closed to Yanmen. They disciples have this responsibility and obligation!

Lin Feng shook his head and immediately took out a radar. He said slowly, "I still have a radar here. One of the two senior brothers, let\'s act separately and inform the other team martial artists." immediately, Lin Feng said with a bitter smile, "the two senior brothers remember to take out the radar, and then they won\'t repeat the mistakes of the junior brothers."

Just now, he forgot to take out the radar. Otherwise, Ma Lin and Ma Kun would not believe him.

"OK." Ma Lin took over the radar and smiled twice.

Ma Kun also blushed, "brother Lin, we know."

"Let\'s act separately and inform the martial brother as soon as possible. The more, the better!" Lin Feng nodded.

With the help of Ma Lin and Ma Kun, the efficiency has been doubled!

At that time, more people will be saved.

"Sure!" don\'t worry! "Ma Lin and Ma Kun looked righteous.

"Why hasn\'t the team led by Wan Ben come back?" Wan kugu frowned.

"My subordinates don\'t know. Maybe there\'s a delay?" Wanfeng hesitated and looked at the radar, frowning again. "Wanben is a small thing, but the radar display is getting more and more strange. The squadron we sent should not have reached the destination, but these light spots disappear."

Ten thousand withered bones looked unchanged. "Did you find it now?"

Wan Feng blushed, "vice captain, good eyesight."

"This matter will be known when the squadron performing the task comes back." Wan kugu said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, brother Lin, for reminding me." Bian Dou arched his hand.

"It\'s so hanging. I didn\'t expect that our every move was under the surveillance of the enemy." Huang Gua was terrified.

"You\'re welcome, senior brothers." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"By the way, brother Lin, as you said, I\'m afraid the enemy hidden in the dark is marked by the team number and eradicated from the weak." Bian Dou\'s eyes are sparkling and shining, "if you gather the strength of you and me, can you be sure to catch the enemy?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly deep and said, "I\'m afraid the probability is less than 50%

Bian Dou and Huang Gua were stunned. Bian Dou said, "but how did you and the Ma brothers capture the whole team of enemies?"

"Yes, brother Lin." Huang Gua also said, "senior brother Bian and I are only stronger than the Ma brothers. Why is the probability less than 50%?"

"Two elder martial brothers don\'t know something." Lin Feng said, "when I went to inform the tenth team just now, I was very lucky. I just got one step ahead of the enemy. This time, the number of enemies has changed from ten to twenty, and my strength has greatly increased."

Thinking of the picture not long ago, Lin Feng secretly said that he was lucky.

With our own strength, it is very reluctantly to fight one against ten, and it is simply asking for hardship to fight one against twenty.

Although he didn\'t die, he was definitely not sure of winning.

Even if Bian Dou and Huang Gua are added, the probability is equally small.

"I see." Bian Dou nodded and said solemnly, "twenty enemies are beyond the three of us."

"Damn, there\'s nothing I can do!" Huang Gua clenched his fist and twisted the tip of his nose.

Looking at Bian Dou and Huang Gua, Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Indeed, this feeling of being regarded as prey but unable to fight back is very depressed, and I can fully sympathize with it.

"It\'s not that there\'s no way." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"Seriously?!" Bian Dou and Huang Gua were delighted at the speech.

Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

Yanling is outside the house.

"Wow!" a light and shadow burst out.

"Come out!" everyone move quickly! "The elder shouted, and all the other sect leaders hesitated for preparation.

With continuous assistance, people have already formed a "habit".

However, this time is different.

"I\'ve seen the elder and senior brothers." Ma Kun arched his hands.

His body was spotless and there was no trace of injury. Li Yanmen was stunned for a moment.

"Ma Kun, you......" the elder\'s eyes were shining.

"Entrusted by brother Lin Fenglin, the disciple specially came to inform everyone." Ma Kun said surprisingly.

Lin Feng?

The crowd suddenly brightened up.

"Oh? What happened? Come quickly." the elder was overjoyed and asked.

"That\'s right." Ma Kun didn\'t hide it and soon——

Is to tray things out in detail.

"I see." the elder suddenly realized.

"Damn it, there are ghosts in my fierce Yanmen!" the Dragon Dharma protector blew his beard and stared angrily, "see if I don\'t kill him!"

"Take it easy," said the elder Ning Mei. "This matter is very involved. Don\'t frighten the snake and protect the Dharma!"

"What\'s the big elder\'s command?" Jin protector stepped forward.

"You lead the five sect leaders and Ma Kun to return to the Liyan sect immediately and tell the headmaster everything about it." the elder said solemnly. Although he was respected, he could not exceed his authority. Especially at this critical moment, we can\'t make any mistakes.

Everything is up to the leader!

"Yes, elder!" the golden Dharma protector bowed his head.

The elder patted Ma Kun on the shoulder and smiled kindly, "it\'s hard for you, child. I\'ll reward Li Yanmen after this is over."

Ma Kun said, "no, no, no, elder, the disciple just did his best." his eyes were slightly bright, and Ma Kun said with admiration, "brother Lin Fenglin is the one who should be rewarded most. If he hadn\'t ignored his past grievances and rescued me, brother Lin and I would have died in the hands of the enemy. What\'s more, brother Lin is still fighting, compared with him..."

"How can I talk about the word \'credit\'?" Ma Kunxiang smiled.

"Lin Feng." the elder\'s eyes are bright.

"That little guy, what a surprise..."

The elder shook his head, "the headmaster is worthy of being the headmaster. The sand and gravel rush for gold, but his eyes are unmatched by ordinary people such as me."