Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 615

On the fourth day, a figure galloped.

Staring at the radar, the forest wind observed carefully, his eyes were burning. At this time, Lin Feng still took a locator on his left hand.

The number \'32\' flashes brightly.

It is the art expert who is brave!

"The top ten teams are all right."

"But from the 11th team, it was intermittent."

"As I expected, they should be killed by the weak, from low to high."

Lin Feng nodded and thought in his heart.

"The second elder martial brother belongs to the first team. There is no danger for the time being."

"I don\'t need to meet the second elder martial brother right now, and my position is far from that of the second elder martial brother."

In his heart, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"Damn it." Lin Feng shook his left fist again. In a short time, two more disciples of Liyan gate disappeared. But I don\'t know whether I was killed or fled, but anyway, there is no doubt. The enemy is hiding in the dark. This time, he is definitely coming to drive away the fierce Yanmen!

"Shifu is as kind to me as a mountain. Besides, I\'m a member of Li Yanmen now. I must not stand idly by."

"Everyone is the same door. One can save one!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and went straight to the nearest light spot.

On the left hand, the number \'32\' still flashes faintly.

"Sure enough."

"It\'s coming so fast."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he had already sensed it when he galloped.

No matter how strong these people in black have the ability to hide their breath, they can\'t escape their life and soul induction.

Compared with the martial arts who sense with breath, the divine beast senses heaven and earth, everything and the change of air flow. It is completely different.

"A team of ten."

"The distribution is quite even."

"The strength of each team is not much different."

"I see how many people you have!" Lin Feng said coldly in his eyes, "I\'ll kill one team if I come, and I\'ll kill one team if I come!"

In an instant, draw out the ember magic gun behind you.

Rolling with a strong killing intention, Lin Feng immediately stopped his pace and his eyes were filled with a sparkling cold light. "Just come to try my gun and be my free practice opponent!" the corners of his mouth were light. Lin Feng was not afraid at all. Facing the tail of the ten martial artists behind him, he didn\'t avoid, but went up head-on.

Don\'t fight!

"I really didn\'t pay much attention to defense before."

"Thanks to master, we can make such remarkable progress this time."

"My physique and my speed can only release their power in a wide space!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and the blood of the ember magic gun in his hand was bright.

The first time I was forced to fight in the cave, I was seriously injured, but the second time I was unharmed, and this time

"A little injury."

"It\'s a pity that I don\'t feel like fighting for the second time."

Lin Feng sighed. The feeling at that time is still fresh in his memory until now.

However, there was no shop in that village. This battle was far inferior to the second battle in terms of the level of shooting and the shape of the gun.

Indeed, many things are a special opportunity.

"Practice slowly."

"Always find that feeling again."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and confident.

As long as you keep fighting, fight again and force your potential.

So since you can do it for the first time, you can do it for the second and third time!

Until fully mastered!

"Want to kill me?" Lin Feng looked at the locator on his left hand and smiled deeply.

"Is it that easy?"

"Bastard!" Wan kugu scolded angrily.

The withered hands held up like steel bars.

"Even \'wanjiu\' failed..." Wanfeng looked flustered and his eyes changed. "He is the strongest of the 25 team captains who can be ranked in the top three. He also ranked in the top 100 of the championship last year. How could he fail?"

"It\'s very simple. We were put together." Wan kugu\'s eyes were cold and bright. "This 32 bastard pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger!"

"Well, what shall we do?" Wan Feng\'s head was a little confused.

"What to do?" Wan kugu sneered. "If you can\'t bear it, you\'ll make a big plan. There\'s no need to break our plan for him. Let him live for the time being. Don\'t pay attention to him!"

"Yes, vice captain." Wan Feng arched his hand.

"Quite cunning."

"Once you have suffered a loss, you won\'t come again."

Lin Feng shook his head and felt a pity.

The opponent is too cautious. Otherwise, every time he kills a team, Li Yanmen disciples will be safe.

"Less practice."

"There are also many less fighting spirit coins."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. "Do you think I\'ll let you go if you don\'t come to me?"

"There\'s still a lot of time. Let\'s play slowly!"

His eyes were filled with strong anger, and Lin Feng\'s killing intention was revealed.

In any case, I will not let go of those behind the killing of fierce fire and less flowers!

"What are you talking about?"

"Someone assassinated my Liyan sect disciple everywhere?"

Ma Lin and Ma Kun of the 11th team looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Are you kidding me? Who can kill my Liyan disciple?" Ma Lin straightened his chest and said proudly.

"That is to say, unless you eat bear heart and leopard courage," Ma Kun smiled.

Looking at them, Lin Feng didn\'t change his look, "what I said is true."

Ma Lin and Ma Kun stared at Lin Feng. Seeing that he looked firm and didn\'t seem to be lying, they couldn\'t help looking at each other.

"Even so, my two brothers are not losers." Ma Lin said proudly.

"Yes, even the 32nd team of Lin Feng can beat them. Are we weaker than you?" Ma Kun patted the left locator with a SA meaning. The number of \'11\' above is like their two brothers. He is very proud.

Lin Feng frowned, not angry at their words.

It\'s about miscalculating your influence.

"We respect you as the third successor of the leader, not your strength." Ma Lin said calmly.

"Yes, don\'t mention my brother, even I can easily beat you." Ma Kun raised his head and said proudly, "go back, Lin Feng, our brothers don\'t need you to worry about it."

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded, "OK, I know."

Besides, there is no intention. Many things will not change with their own will.

Everyone is a different individual.

"Huh?" Wan Feng frowned.

"What\'s up?" Wan kugu\'s voice was cold to the bone.

Looking at the radar, Wanfeng hesitated, "why is the number 32 missing?"

"Oh?" Wan kugu squinted and disdained, "it should be that he found the existence of radar and turned off the locator."

"It\'s estimated." Wan Feng nodded. "He\'s not so stupid. He likes to expose his position."

Wan kugu Leng hummed, "he knows the best. Don\'t say he doesn\'t want me to chew this hard bone, just send it to the door. Do I want to chew it or go back to it!"

"That\'s right." Wan Feng Liu must pat the horse, "with the strength of the vice captain, it\'s only a small effort to kill the boy."

With a sneer, Wan withered bones are not modest.

He is full of confidence in his strength!

Lin Feng did turn off the locator.

Since we can\'t dissuade Ma Lin and Ma Kun, there is only one way left.

Lead the snake out of the hole!

"If you don\'t fall, how can you know to get up?"

"If you don\'t wake them up, it will be difficult for them to escape as soon as I leave."

Lin Feng followed behind them, keeping a certain distance.

Maybe they don\'t trust themselves and even sneer at themselves, but as a man, they don\'t need to be angry about this kind of thing.

"At present, the enemy hidden in the dark is very wary of me."

"This\' lead the snake out of the hole \'can not only help their two brothers, but also weaken the opponent\'s strength."

"Kill two birds with one stone!"

Lin Feng thought secretly.

The more the opponent\'s strength weakens, the safer the Liyan sect disciples will be.

In any case, there is a big limit here, no matter who the enemy is.

Because the total number of Yanling Zunfu is fixed.

"Brother, Lin Feng is still behind us." Ma Kun frowned.

"What the hell is this boy doing?" Ma Lin\'s eyes were deep and said in a deep voice, "ignore him. We\'ll be ours."

"Elder brother, do you think what he said is true?" Ma Kun hesitated.

"Is it important whether it\'s true or false?" Ma Lin said positively. "We only come to the Yanling house once a year. We won\'t be able to enter in a few years. How can we not cherish the opportunity? Even if there are enemies? I believe with our strength, we can escape even if we can\'t fight."

Ma Kun nodded. "What big brother said is that our strength is much stronger than that Lin Feng."

Ma Lin said with a smile, "that\'s needless to say."

They looked at each other and smiled. They were about to set off——

Peng!! A startling explosion sounded.

A thick fog boils.


"Be careful, brother!!"

Ma Lin and Ma Kun\'s complexion changed suddenly, but the reaction was not slow.

The star power suddenly exploded, the weapon was drawn out, and the powerful breath suddenly burst.

However, the strong explosion sound, combined with the smoke, completely distracted the two people\'s attention. Several murderous Qi were awe inspiring, and the original energy roared. In front of them, countless breath came, overwhelming and unstoppable.

Only when you really fight can you know the depth!

Ma Lin and Ma Kun\'s complexion changed continuously. At this moment, they realized that what Lin Feng said was true.

But for now, it is too late to change.

The enemy\'s attack is coming in an instant!

And the most terrible thing is——

Wheeze! Wheeze!

Two tendrils rose in the smoke and tied their legs in an instant.

Attention was completely attracted by the vigorous murderous Qi. Ma Lin and Ma Kun didn\'t notice the fluctuation of the original energy of the wood system at all. In fact, not only the wood system, soil system, water system and fire system, but also the four original energy burst together, but no wonder they were deceived.

"Bad!" "it\'s over!" they looked pale.

Even wanted to break away from the vine, but it was too late.

Even if they say "leave" in their hearts at the moment, they can\'t leave in an instant.

The little time that their bodies disappear is enough for them to die countless times!

At this time, they regret that they didn\'t listen to Lin Feng at that time.

If not, how could it end up like this!!

However, there is no regret medicine.

There are just... People!

At the moment when they were ready to close their eyes and wait for death, suddenly——

Whoosh! A violent hurricane swept up, lighting and shadow. The forest wind in black rushed out from the rear like a ghost, boiling with a strong black fog, and the red starlight condensed into an entity. One person, one shot, facing the challenge alone, not afraid at all!

Lin Feng, coming.