Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 612

"Brother Lin!" "brother Lin!"

The anxious voice sounded. Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong had come out of the well.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s appearance, the two women lost their color. Looking at the corpses all over the ground, they were completely stunned in situ.


"This, this..." Shui Linglong was pale, but she had never experienced such a fight.

Qin Qianqian burst into tears. In her eyes, only Lin Feng cried, "brother Lin, you\'re badly hurt. What should I do?!" he was very worried. Qin Qianqian searched for his storage ring and quickly found a brocade box with luxurious packaging, "brother Lin, take it quickly!"

Just waiting to open, Qiao\'s hand was held down by Lin Feng.

"I\'m fine, thousand." Lin Feng smiled weakly.

His body is slowly recovering, but after such a fierce battle, he is covered with blood and looks a little scary.

In fact, his body has recovered a lot in the end.

There is no point in wasting natural materials and earth treasures.

At this time——

"Wow!" a mist sprang up.

The strong water element condenses into an aperture to wrap the forest wind.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s face changed and looked at water Linglong, who was condensing water elements on his face.

"I didn\'t expect Linglong to treat you." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t refuse Shui Linglong\'s kindness. The light water element enters the body and nourishes your skin and meridians, but it has no small curative effect. The most important thing is to ease many pain, as if you were bathed in a warm lake.

Shuilinglong whispered, "brother Lin, this is the only thing Linglong can do for you."

The battle just now can\'t help at all, which makes shuilinglong feel very guilty.

"It\'s already very good, Linglong." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. He immediately looked at Qin Qianqian, who was still very worried. He stroked her small head and said slowly, "don\'t worry, Qianqian, it\'s just a skin injury. The blood stain is not mine."

"Well, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian broke his tears into a smile.

I was too worried just now. Now I\'m calm. The breath of brother Lin she can feel has not weakened too much.

Slightly close your eyes, Lin Feng enjoys the treatment of water element.

With their own Phoenix blood, the recovery speed is very fast, and most of it will recover in a short time.

"The whole thing is strange."

"These people in black don\'t seem to come for treasure, but more like..."

"Come to kill us!"

Lin Feng \'Shua\' opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

If you come here for treasure, the cave is really valuable, but why did these people in black ambush at the cave entrance at first?

Obviously unreasonable!

And most importantly

"One by one in black."

"It\'s so secretive that you can\'t see the light."

"There must be a ghost!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and glanced at the corpses.

"Wing, uncover their black clothes, and find out what they have!" Lin Feng opened his mouth slowly.

"Yes, boss." wing didn\'t hesitate.

The branches danced like arms, and black beetles appeared in an instant.


Black clothes were eaten, and ordinary faces appeared when ponton.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng frowned.

There are only five complete corpses left, but the faces of these five corpses seem to be out of tune with their bodies, and there seems to be something wrong.

"Qianqian, Linglong, do you know them?" Lin Feng said.

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong frowned and stared for a long time, shaking their heads.

"No, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian apologized.

Even Qin Qianqian doesn\'t know him, let alone Shui Linglong, a "newcomer". Lin Feng nodded, his face was calm, and he always felt a pimple in his heart. Many things don\'t understand. Looking at the five complete corpses, Lin Feng looks at the fragmented bodies.


"Wait!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

"I know what\'s wrong!" Lin Fengmeng clapped his hands. "It\'s the look in his eyes!!"

"The expressions were ugly, and there was no fear and unwilling expression before death." Lin Feng nodded heavily. Many of these people had convulsions and distortions on their faces, which looked very painful, but their eyes were completely wrong, as if they were not their own eyes.

The eye is the window of the soul and the embodiment of the soul!

"I see." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"Qianqian." Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Qin Qianqian, "do you know any Lingbao that can change the appearance so that the warrior can\'t recover after death?"

"Well... There are many." Qin Qianqian pondered, "but in Yanling mansion, the more popular one is\' Yirong treasure \', and the three-star Lingbao, which can be mass produced." after a pause, Qin Qianqian continued, "it is generally used for assassination or operational tasks. It is a very expensive one-time Lingbao."

"Sure enough!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright, and he was more sure of his guess.

If these people are motivated by wealth, why should they hide their identity and take great pains.

Obviously, it is an action with deployment and plan!

"Boss, nine storage rings." wing whispered.

"Good." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Take it easily and even explore it.

"I hope there will be harvest in the storage ring." Lin Feng nodded secretly.

However, when searching for the first storage ring, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows have been screwed up and his eyes are bright, "there are only some necessities."

The first storage ring as like as two peas, the second wind rings are opened.

Third, fourth, fifth!

"There\'s nothing. It\'s really deep." Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold and bright.

"These people are really not simple."

There is no doubt that these storage rings are brand new.

A martial artist\'s storage ring must be all inclusive. At least a lot of property and mental skill scripts will exist.

But these storage rings are empty.

No clue!

If they don\'t have ghosts, who believes them?

"Brother Lin, is there something strange?" Qin Qianqian hesitated, as smart as she saw a clue.

"Yes." Lin Feng didn\'t deny it, but his eyes were bright. "I suspect these people in black came specially to assassinate us. They had a premeditated plan."

"But how can they know our location?" asked Shui Linglong.

"I don\'t know." Lin Feng gently pursed his lips. "Maybe the blind cat met the dead mouse, or..." he shook his head. Lin Feng said, "there are many possibilities, which can\'t be confirmed at present, but at least it\'s certain that these people in black are sneaky and sneaky. They must hide secrets!"

While talking, Lin Feng finished checking two storage rings.

"Is it just a coincidence?" water Linglong whispered.

"Yes, brother Lin, maybe it\'s really a coincidence." Qin Qianqian agreed.

Both women are very shallow in mind and experience.

Subconsciously, they are kind-hearted and don\'t want what Lin Feng said to be true.


Facts do not change with man\'s will.

"Coincidentally?" Lin Feng smiled fiercely and threw the eighth storage ring to Qin Qianqian. "Look what\'s in here."

Insist, finally have a harvest.

Search for seven empty storage rings, but Lin Feng didn\'t give up.

Finally, in the eighth storage ring, I got the answer I wanted!

"Is this?!" Qin Qianqian doubted, and a piece of "green jade" suddenly appeared in his hand. The green light flashed bright colors. At a glance, he knew that the price was very high.

"Seems to have seen it somewhere?" Shui Linglong stared at this\' green jade \'carefully and bit cherry lips.

"Me too, just can\'t remember." Qin Qianqian\'s eyes were shining and tried to recall.

Lin Feng sighed, "do you remember being in the Liyan palace before you go out?"

The two women were stunned. For a moment, they looked right at each other. They all showed a look of horror and remembered at the same time.

"This jade is the one hung by Li Wenmo!" Qin Qianqian said in surprise.

"Yes, as like as two peas!" water Linglong mouths.

Feeling the eyes of the two women waiting for confirmation, Lin Feng nodded. This emerald was owned by Li Wenmo, who ridiculed his team in the Liyan palace that day. Perhaps he is not good at distinguishing the texture of jadeite, but he is first-class in memory.

Never wrong!

"Brother Lin, do you mean that these people in black have something to do with \'Li Wenmo\'?" shuilinglong doubted.

"It\'s impossible. How could Li Wenmo bring people to attack us?" Qin Qianqian was also puzzled.

Lin Feng shook his head. "They are not Li Wenmo\'s people." he has seen Li Wenmo\'s people. In terms of strength, they have no comparison with these people in black. They are not at the same level at all. What\'s more, if it were Li Wenmo and his party, at least they had locators, but they didn\'t.

"Not Li Wenmo?" "who are they?" Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong were more and more confused.

It\'s like entering a dead end and drilling into the tip of an ox horn.

"I don\'t know." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Looking at the two women, Lin Feng sighed, "I only know that it is very possible that these people in black killed Li Wenmo."

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong stared at each other and covered their mouths in disbelief.

Lin Feng\'s words completely woke them up.

"No, it won\'t." Qin Qianqian took two steps backward, and Shui Linglong was also staggering. Although they had a little dispute with Li Wenmo and his party, they were all from the same family after all. It was really difficult to accept the bad news from them.

"How could this happen..." Shui Linglong whispered.

Lin Feng also felt helpless and opened the last storage ring in his hand.

For a moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and took out many Dou Ling coins, including even the gold card of the Qin\'s chamber of Commerce.

"A lot of money." Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and had no joy. His intuition told him that this was not the wealth of these people in black. Nine times out of ten, it was the property of Li Wenmo and his party who were killed by them, including all kinds of Lingbao and Xianguo, which were very valuable.

"Eh, what is this?" Lin Feng took out a round instrument.

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong surrounded him. Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling. He felt inexplicable when he saw that one light spot after another flashed on the palace grid screen like a chessboard.

"Curious, these light spots will move." Qin Qianqian was surprised.

"Two or three light spots are scattered around together. What do you mean?" Shui Linglong\'s eyes are shining.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart.

Water Linglong\'s words immediately opened Lin Feng\'s eyes.

"Bad! Brother Ji and Bai Yi are in danger!!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.