Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 613

The fourth day.

A chaotic rhythm.

There are many disciples of the Liyan clan slaughtered by Yanling wanzu.

"Hmm? How can the cold work? The efficiency is so slow." Wan kugu hoarse voice, low exhortation, deep eyes looking at the radar in his hand, Wan kugu eyebrows raised, "there is only a 32 team, which has not been solved yet. If they are allowed to meet, it will be troublesome."

"Don\'t worry, vice captain. We should make it in time." Wan Feng arched. "Moreover, the \'King of power\' who sniped and killed the other four fighters of the 32 team should almost arrive."

"Kill so many people and grind haw." Wan withered bones hummed coldly, with a faint disdain in his eyes.

"Ha ha, it\'s so rich here!" roared with laughter.

"Unexpectedly, I just found five five-star fairy fruits and one six-star fairy fruit. Now I have a big discovery!" Bai Yi smiled.

"If you let the captain know, don\'t envy the bad?" Hua Shao smiled with a feather fan in his hand.

Ji Xia said with a smile, "well, don\'t say so much, collect it quickly." he looked at a huge garden like valley around him. Ji Xia drew a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but he didn\'t expect to have a good luck this time.

"If brother Lin hadn\'t led the way, he wouldn\'t have entered the fourth heavy day so soon."

"No wonder the points of the strong are high every time. It turned out that the harvest of entering the fourth day early was so great."

Ji Xia said softly in her heart, but she had no regrets.

With his strength, there is a big gap compared with Lin Feng. He has not been able to break the ladder alone.

This time, but take advantage of the situation.

"Wow!" Ji Xia\'s figure flashed and immediately began to collect.

Although this garden like Valley is full of "star particles" and is not dense, it is large enough.

In addition, there are more than 100000 points. Each of the four people can get about 40000 points, which is also quite good.

One person and one corner, four people collect separately, and the efficiency is very high.

Whether it\'s Bai Yi, fierce fire or less flowers, everyone\'s face is filled with a smile. It is definitely a rare opportunity for everyone to enter the fourth day of Yanling Zunfu and enjoy a full 1110 days to find ways and explore treasures!

But what the four didn\'t think of was the crisis——

It\'s coming quietly!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

A cloud of smoke filled the air, and the earthquake was strong.

With the huge dust rising and the amazing black fog condensing and boiling, the situation suddenly changed!

Flames, tsunamis and thunder came almost at the same time.

giant earthquakes and landslides!

"No!" Ji Xia\'s face changed greatly.

He was the most responsive of the four. In an instant, Ji Xia flashed his indigo pupils and stared at everything around him through layers of black fog. It seemed to become a huge blue cloud brilliance, and everything could not hide Ji Xia\'s Indigo eyes.

Around, eight people in black came from four corners, very fast!

"No! There are two more!" Ji Xia fiercely clenched her teeth and her eyes were cold and fierce.

The twin swords come out of their scabbard and shine. Behind him, an extremely powerful vigorous Qi accompanied by the roar of star power came under the cover of a fire spirit Master. It was a giant nearly three meters high, with golden stars all over his body, and his muscles seemed to explode.

Captain, Wanli king!

Not only Ji Xia, but also Bai Yi, fierce fire and less flowers all encounter opponents and the strongest sniper!



No matter which of the three, they were not flustered, but quickly entered the state of battle.

This is the first reaction of a warrior in battle, and the three are undoubtedly well-trained. Despite the sneak attack, they still remain calm and give full play to their strength!

But they didn\'t find out how strong the opponent was this time!

How terrible the strength is!


Ji Xia.

"Go, go!!!" Ji Xia roared like crazy, and his eyes were shining.

The other three couldn\'t see it, but his indigo pupils could see it clearly. Rich experience also told him that the opponent this time is very not simple. If they fight tenaciously, they have no half chance of winning, even if they fight back!

All three heard it in an instant, but the enemy\'s attack was coming.

Peng! Peng!! The amazing sound of fighting. Only when we fight face-to-face can we know how terrible the enemy\'s strength is!

"Poof!" the fire vomited blood wildly. The flower was little, his face was pale, and his chest was like lightning, and he was bleeding. Their strength is at the bottom. Even the weakest two of the ten member team of Yanling wanzu who came to attack are stronger than them.

What\'s more, with more and less, with mental calculation and no intention!



"No!" Ji Xia\'s eyes were red.

The worst thing is to witness the death of your teammates, but you can\'t help!

Exhausted, Ji Xia was in a mess. At this time, the king of power\'s fist power behind him roared, opened the mountain and split the stone, and came in an instant!

Boom!! Ji Xia is like a broken kite and is seriously injured.


Hurt in the body, pain in the heart.

I watched the fierce fire break my heart with a palm, and the feather fan with few flowers burned to ashes. Ji Xia was unwilling and dead in his eyes. Where Yu Guang glanced, Bai Yi was also seriously injured, but his strength was stronger than Hua Shao and fierce fire. He just forcibly blocked the deadly killing move.

And this, thanks to Ji Xia\'s reminder.

"Come on, brother Ji!!" Bai Yi drinks wildly and looks ferocious, "a hundred swords fall!"

The star power completely burst, and the soul skills bloomed. It seemed as if a sword rain was falling in the sky. Bai Yi turned into a blood awn and overdrawn all his power.

In fact, Ji Xia would have escaped long ago had it not been for the three. Ten people in black are like evil spirits. They are ruthless and ruthless. They instantly break the dense sword rain and make Bai Yi\'s body hurt violently again. In any case, Bai Yi\'s strength is still much inferior after all, but it is the delay of this moment that makes them live!

"Wow!" Bai Yi closes his eyes and disappears in place.

King Li\'s ferocious iron fist fell quickly, and the golden starlight condensed into a huge halo and smashed at Ji Xia.

"There\'s no chance." Ji Xia\'s face showed a weak sneer, with unwilling and strong hatred in his eyes, and a false light flashed in his body. He gave up his qualification to leave Yanling\'s house. The indigo pupil was shining with cold light, as if to remember these ten people in black, which was deeply branded in my mind.


"No!" Ji Xia\'s face suddenly changed.

That\'s a kind of fear, a kind of shock, anxious!

At the last moment of leaving, he saw a figure galloping at the speed of Aurora!

"No, Lin Feng!!" Ji Xia wanted to scream, but at this time, the picture in front of him changed rapidly, and there was a noise in his ear.

He\'s out.

The eyes are blood red.

The heart has long been filled with strong anger.

Bai Yi and Ji Xia are not the only ones who witnessed the fierce fire and the death of Hua Shao!!!

And Lin Feng.


"You beasts!"

Lin Feng\'s teeth clenched, but he was extremely angry and his body was trembling.

Although it\'s not too long to get to know fierce fire and spend less time, they have a straightforward and open personality. They have long regarded them as friends. The most important thing is that he is the member of the 32nd team and is responsible for the fierce fire and less flowers!!

Now, he died miserably in the hands of these people in black!

With Ji Xia and Bai Yi seriously injured, they were almost killed.

How can I swallow this breath!

How can this revenge not be repaid!!!

"I want you to die!"

"I want all of you to be buried with me!"

"Today, no one wants to escape!"

The forest wind\'s eyes flickered with flames.

At this moment, he was completely transformed into a fierce ghost.

The shadow of stoneware behind him was more intense and ferocious. The ember magic gun seemed to feel the owner\'s anger to the sky. It screamed and roared. A terrible hurricane roared, making the world change color. At this moment, Lin Feng\'s heart was completely integrated with the ember magic gun.

The cohesion of the heart.

Consciousness, on the verge of destruction.

But at this moment, Lin Feng\'s strength has reached the realm.

People are human because they have seven emotions and six desires, joys, sorrows and joys.

When a person reaches the extreme of his emotions, many times, he will burst out with forces that he can\'t even imagine——

"Boom!!" heaven and earth screamed.

Lin Feng\'s gun is as tall as the sky and as fierce as a meteorite.

The strong flame burns and the violent wind pressure blooms. Lin Feng can\'t see anything except the blood red in his eyes.

Air, solidification.

Like the moment before the storm.

Lin Feng\'s figure disappeared and completely merged with the ember magic gun.

Suddenly, the hurricane roared, and the sky seemed to sound like a dry thunder. Lin Feng\'s gun, wrapped around the crazy flame, brings up the crazy storm pressure and rolls everything around to pieces. The burst of gunfire shocked the earth and made the earth roar.

Target, direct to the team leader \'Wanli King\'!


"What\'s going on?!"

King Li\'s face changed dramatically. I never thought it would develop into such a situation.

Originally, it was only one step away from killing Ji Xia, but I didn\'t expect that Ji Xia didn\'t succeed. Instead, he killed an evil star.

"What a terrible gun!"

"Who is he!"

King Li\'s heart was broken and his momentum against the enemy was completely overwhelmed.

God of war to God of war, the tall and strong king of power, seems to become much smaller.

Lin Feng was powerless to resist under the blow of Mount Tai.

In fact, the angry Lin Feng is really terrible!

Almost instinctively, Lin Feng not only raised the artistic conception of shooting to the mastery level of "senior people\'s gun integration", but also completely released the artistic conception of shooting in the fifth wood carving.

Gun shape, gun intention and gun technique realm are all leaps and bounds.

Can the king of power resist the current forest wind?

There was only one result——


"Boom!" the earth shaking sound of explosion.

Lin Feng\'s gun directly tore King Li into pieces and the air burst.

The violent hurricane, with its energy leaking everywhere, gradually dispersed in the dense fog. Lin Feng stood upright with the ember magic gun in his hand, as indomitable as the God of war.

His blood red eyes looked around him.

At this moment, he is no longer Lin Feng, but——
