Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 611


That well with a diameter of only one meter!

"Go into the well immediately!" Lin Feng drank heavily, his eyes bright.

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong were all startled. At this time, Lin Feng\'s actions startled the martial artists outside the cave at the same time. A strong breath broke out in an instant, and the two women\'s faces changed in an instant. Shuilinglong bit her lips, but she was soft on the outside and hard on the inside and refused to retreat.


"Sister Shui, let\'s go." Qin Qianqian pulled Shui Linglong\'s clothes.

"Ah?" shuilinglong was stunned.

Instantaneous time——

"Hurry!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst and roared.

A small red and green light spot in the middle of the eyebrow of the left eye shines, and suddenly blooms a violent light to illuminate the whole cave. The appearance of the wings filled the air with fragrance, and suddenly thousands of branches danced wildly, completely filling the originally not spacious cave.

"We\'ll drag brother Lin down." Qin Qianqian held Shui Linglong and nodded.

Although his mind is like a girl, Qin Qianqian is very smart and obedient. He won\'t be foolish to show off his strength.

She knows very well that with Lin Feng\'s current strength, she can\'t help.

Shuilinglong\'s face was a little red, but he understood Qin Qianqian\'s meaning. Although this is not pleasant to hear, it is the truth. If they want to help Lin Feng, the best way is not to increase his surplus burden, so that Lin Feng can fight without scruples!

Whew! Whew!

The two women immediately jumped down the well.

The well, which is only one meter in diameter, just holds one person in and out.

In fact, a woman\'s body shape is just right. If it were a man, I\'m afraid it would be a little reluctant.

In any case, as long as the two women arrange their defense underground, no martial artist will jump down foolishly and become a live target.

It can be said that this is an excellent defense zone.

But the premise is——

Lin Feng can win!

Kill! The ember magic gun shines.

"Come on." since the two women entered the well, Lin Feng was no longer under pressure.

Perhaps the strength of the coming ten enemies is not small, but they are not afraid.

From the tianwu continent to the fighting spirit world, along the way, I have never experienced any battles of all sizes. How can I be afraid of this small encounter!

"Want my life?"

"Let\'s see if you have this ability!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold and bright, full of confidence.

Now I am not three months ago!

Strength, already reborn!

"Xingli, seventh gear!" Lin Feng\'s body changed rapidly.

The red halo condenses in front of the body to form a bright brilliance.

"Nine Jiao shot!" Lin Feng suddenly drank, and the sound of dragon singing rang through the whole cave! The nine white dragons, which erupted from dispersion, gathered like the Nine Dragons arching the moon, and condensed in an instant to form a terrible and extreme power.

The same move is displayed by different shooting artistic conception, and its power is different alone!

Gun meaning is more than ten times stronger than before!

Senior gun in one!

The nine white dragons seemed to have come alive. Their strong bodies condensed thick scales and burst into power like nine white meteors. All kinds of original energy burst out in an instant. Ten martial artists of Yanling 10000 families will not wait to die. They are absolutely sure of ten enemies and one!



The whole cave shook.

With the gathering of energy, all kinds of attack and defense techniques appear to resist the huge white dragon.

And now——

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The branches of the wings appear just right and attack the nine warriors directly. The cooperation is very exquisite. The effect is greatly reduced by one point early, and it is useless by one point late. It seems to be connected with Lin Feng\'s heart, and the attack of the wing is perfect.

"Very good!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.


White light column condensation.

Nine white dragons suddenly condensed into a surprisingly strong white dragon.

Go straight to heaven!

The gun Qi gathered by the white dragon is extremely powerful!

Lin Feng, shoot back!

"Die!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright.

Jiujiao\'s shooting is strong, but if the gun power is scattered, it will only take a lot of effort. At present, he has to face ten strong men. It\'s not wise to compete with them.

One by one!

"Chi! ~" the power gathered by the gun tip forms a violent wind.

The warrior who completely fell into the rhythm of Lin Feng was pale at this time, but he didn\'t think all the attacks would fall on him.

Boom!! The power blooms.

A bright light, Lin Feng\'s gun instantly blasted the warrior to pieces.

At this point, the control of the wing just works. Lin Feng trusts Yi very much and puts all his defense into Yi\'s hands. If he is attacked by eight other martial artists at the same time, Lin Feng will be seriously injured if he doesn\'t die.

But there is no if!

Lin Feng didn\'t stop for a moment when he shot the warrior.

Alone in the enemy\'s dense formation, there was no hesitation.

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

What you choose is the breakthrough in the center.

This is a very troublesome position for the Heavenly Master, because if he can\'t hit Lin Feng, he may hurt his companions.

And Lin Feng is really brave!

"Left hand!"

The ember magic gun immediately fell on the left hand, just when the right hand was exhausted.

There is no half point connection. The wind vortex at the right foot instantly adjusts the pace, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash with fine luster. The red star power solidifies, and the shadow of stoneware behind him is ferocious. It brings a touch of strong fire light. Under the burning of star power, the power becomes more terrible.

"Shoot!" Lin Fengshen drank.

Momentum, work hard and climb to the extreme.

The fierce domineering and amazing power are condensed on the gun tip.

Lin Feng\'s goal is the strongest of the ten team, the team leader of Xinghai level 9!

The captain who fell behind the nine did not expect that Lin Feng would find him at the first time. There was a chill in his eyes. At this time, the team leader was difficult to ride a tiger. The fierce golden awn flashed. A King Kong Giant appeared in front of him. He was indeed a true gold martial god.

The golden man\'s light was in full bloom, and he suddenly blew an amazing punch, and his breath burst.

"Peng!" the absolute collision of power.

Lin Feng\'s gun is unstoppable without any obstruction.

At this moment, the killing intention completely burst out. People block killing and Buddha block killing Buddha.

press forward with indomitable will!

A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road!

"Die." Lin Feng\'s people and guns have already reached a terrible state.

Is it that a simple star attack can resist, but the team leader underestimates Lin Feng\'s strength. The tragic voice suddenly sounded. The team leader was defeated like a mountain. In the face of Lin Feng\'s persistent and strong attack, he was seriously injured, but he had several brushes to become a team leader.

The light blooms like a golden mirror, blocking the forest wind.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough for other martial artists to rush up. Although he was seriously injured, he still saved his life.

"Peng!" landed heavily.

"That\'s dangerous." the captain looked pale and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The body was almost unable to move, but within the reach of his eyes, Lin Feng couldn\'t catch up and fell into a heavy siege.

"Haha, haha!!"

"Want to kill me? Don\'t dream!!"

The team leader laughed wildly, and the figure shrouded in black trembled, but for a moment——

"Why, what\'s going on?!" the team leader\'s face changed suddenly. He felt a sharp pain and looked down at his chest. The bloody place was dark at this time. All the viscera were in severe pain. In a moment, the team leader lost consciousness and died thoroughly.

In his body, black beetles are trying to reproduce one by one.

Boom! Boom~

Lin Feng, really in a hard struggle.

Although he killed two strong men in a row, one of them was the strongest team leader among the ten.

However, the two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands. At present, there are still eight martial artists left. They can enter the fourth heavy day, and their strength is not inferior. In particular, the two Xinghai level eighth level warriors are only a little inferior to the Xinghai level ninth level captain.

Worst of all, the cave is too narrow!

The advantages of Lin Feng can\'t be brought into full play.

Speed and avoidance seem completely useless here.

Because everywhere, there are enemy attacks, even

Various control technologies appear!

"Fight to get hurt, start from the weakest!"

"One by one!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes burst and made a decision instantly.

In my mind, I fought with Shifu countless times in the past three months.

Because the master\'s teaching has greatly improved his weakest "defense", not only the use of wind vortices, but also the use and defense construction of star power. This is a great knowledge in confronting the enemy, especially when the enemy can\'t attack for a long time——

It\'s a good opportunity!

"Dead!" Lin Feng\'s gun is like a cunning rabbit.

A sharp pain came from his back, but Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and firm.

There are seven left!



Four people!!!

Lin Feng is like a bloody Shura. The more he kills, the more he rises.

With blood on his face and countless wounds on his body, the whole person has already become a blood man.

But Lin Feng\'s action did not slow down at all, and his eyes were full of strong killing intention.

He is invincible!


Kill another one!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of strong killing intention, and the blood is sparkling.

"Monster, monster!"

"Is this guy still human?!"

The remaining three martial artists were already frightened to the extreme.

Anyone who faces such a scene will be unsustainable and lose confidence.

The enemy in front of us is terrible!

"Kill, kill him!!!"

"He is at the end of a powerful crossbow. Let\'s go!"

The voice was trembling. The three martial artists could not play their original strength, but they also had no way back.

Once you lose, even if you go back, it\'s a dead end!

Because the task failed!

Kill, fight as hard as you can.

One against ten forest winds are not afraid, let alone one against three.

When the battle reaches this point, in fact, the result is obvious. No matter how strong the remaining three fighters are——

There\'s only one way out.

Because what they face is a complete killing God.

Lin Feng!

"No!" the last man in black dilated his pupils.

But I saw a cold light stabbing straight into my head, a roar, and I lost consciousness for a moment.

Peng!!! Violent explosion.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the whole cave was quiet.

A corpse is everywhere, in a mess. Only one person and one tree stand in a pool of blood.
