Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 610

On the fourth day, there was peace.

Those who can break into the fourth heavy day during this period are undoubtedly the best of the three thousand martial arts.

At this time, everyone is busy harvesting, all kinds of stars, all kinds of points, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures hidden in the fourth heaven. This 111 day period is a "reward" for martial artists. It is the purest reward. There is no danger, let alone life and death.

Just luck.

However, none of the disciples of Liyan sect thought of it.

A bloody storm against them is in this tranquility——

Quietly unfold.

Dressed in black.

The Yanling ten thousand people are arranged very neatly.

There are twenty-five teams of ten fighters in each team, all dressed in black, like a ghost shrouded in the night.

"Open \'Yirong Bao\'."

"Remember, never expose your identity."

"Once you expose your identity, if you can\'t kill all your opponents, then -"

"It\'s you who die!"

Thousands of withered bones and sparkling eyes swept through the crowd without half kindness.

This operation should not only cut the roots, but also be thunderous and safe.

Never let Li Yanmen catch anything!

"Yes, vice captain!" the twenty-five captains responded in unison.

Each of them is an elite loyal to Yanling Wan nationality. Naturally, they will not disobey orders.

In fact, this is the advantage of family forces. The structure is stable, and the loyalty of clansmen is far better than that of zongmen forces. No matter Liyan gate or Qiyue palace, no matter how careful, zongmen can easily be sneaked into spies, which is inevitable.


"Ha ha, we sent it. There are many \'star particles\' here."

"Hey, good luck. It\'s worth paying so much for the fourth day."

The two strong young men looked at each other and were very excited.

The shining "stars" in front of us are as bright as stars, and there are countless at a glance.

Like the thirty-two team led by Lin Feng, almost all the liyanmen team entering the fourth heavy day are in groups of two or three to search for all kinds of treasures, which is more efficient and more fruitful. Two strong young men, Han Guang and Jin Ming, flashed a number \'6\' on their left locator. Obviously, they belonged to the sixth team.

Just as they were preparing to collect "stargrains" in high spirits, suddenly——

Boom! A cloud of diffuse smoke condenses.

"There\'s an enemy!" the two were suddenly surprised, and the company was ready to resist.

But what they did not see was that there were twenty men in black around them, divided into two teams, ten against one, with a momentum like a rainbow.

"Look, Xiao Lu, there is a star tree!" a young man in blue shouted in surprise.

"Wow, a lot! Elder martial brother, at least tens of thousands of points can be added." a girl with braids fluttered her big eyes and was happy.

"Well, let\'s go and pick it quickly." the young man in blue said happily.

After that, the young man in blue hurried forward and left quickly——

"Chi!" a harsh voice sounded, and a tragic girl\'s cry came. The young man in blue was stunned and even looked back. He saw that the younger martial sister "Xiao Lu", who was still alive and excited just now, had fallen into a pool of blood. His big eyes were still wide open, but he didn\'t close his eyes.

"Xiao Lu!!" the young man in blue trembled and the blood clotted in his eyes.

It was a man shrouded in black, holding a sharp blade, trampling on Xiaolu\'s body, with a lewd smile on his mouth.

"God damn you!!" the young man in blue is already extremely angry and is preparing to avenge Xiao Lu. Suddenly, there was a huge bang in the head. Suddenly, the pain hit the heart. The whole person seemed to enter a dizzy space. He couldn\'t feel anything else, and his consciousness gradually disappeared.

Wheeze! The long sword goes deeper and runs through the chest.

The young man in blue twitched and blurred his eyes. The last thing I saw was not the deadly sword on my chest, but not far away, my junior sister Xiao Lu was torn open by a man in black, and the harsh laughter was full of obscenity.

Sad scenes emerged everywhere on the fourth day.

All kinds of heinous crimes have sprung up, and the disciples of Liyan sect have been slaughtered. None of them expected that such a shameful thing would happen on this peaceful fourth day, and the goal was directed at themselves.

In groups of two and three, Li Yanmen disciples were completely unprepared.

In fact, such a tragic situation has never happened in more than 10000 years. How can we be wary?


Yanling is outside the house.

"Wow!" "Wow!" countless figures flashed.

Many seriously injured but not dead disciples of the Liyan sect fled from the Yanling mansion.

Some are covered with blood, some have broken arms and legs, and some are dying and hanging in one breath.

"Ji pan!" "disciple!!" "what\'s going on!!!" Li Yanmen\'s eyes are bloodshot and their hearts are breaking. Seeing their disciples injured like this, and seeing the elite disciples of liyanmen almost injured into useless people, they all looked ferocious and distorted, and were already extremely angry.

"Quick, quick treatment!"

"What are you doing? Help immediately!"

The elder shouted angrily, but he was the only one who did not mess in the face of danger.

No matter how painful your heart is at the moment, you must suppress your anger and deal with the situation first.

The elders, Dharma guardians and sect leaders are acting. This is the Liyan sect disciples who escaped. Many of them are their disciples, just like their children and relatives. They love each other more than usual. How could they have suffered such a serious injury? Many women are sad and shed tears.

This situation, this scene, makes people heartache.

"God damn it!"

"Be sure to find the killer!!!"

The three elders were angry and their veins were violent.

"It\'s not that easy." the four elders frowned. "The other party came prepared. These injured disciples can\'t even see the slightest shadow of others."

"Sure enough, as the leader expected, the other party hesitated for preparation and the goal was clear." the eldest elder\'s voice was hoarse and said in a deep voice, "we only saw the disciples who escaped by chance. I\'m afraid that in the Yanling distinguished residence, more than a few times my Liyan sect disciples were killed!"

The three elders clenched their teeth and became angry from their heart. "What should we do? Let\'s wait like this?"

"Do your own thing." the big elder showed a little sadness in his eyes and scolded, "the enemy is dark and I am bright. We must calm down now. Don\'t think of avenging the murderer. From the murder of six elders and Ling protector, Han protector disappeared, and then to the attack on my Liyan sect disciple in Yanling Zunfu, the whole thing is done at one go!"

The Dharma guardians and sect leaders gradually calmed down. Indeed, the whole thing was too close and the means were very cruel.

Obviously, it is a deployed and planned operation.

It\'s for Li Yanmen!

"At present, we have three things to do." the elder\'s eyes are bright.

"The first thing, send someone back to report to the leader immediately." the elder glanced at the third elder and said positively, "third, your character is too hot. You can\'t calm down. I\'ll give you the task."

Although the three elders were unwilling, they still promised, "yes, big elder."

"The second thing is to find Han Dharma protector!" the elder looked at the fourth elder and nodded. "Fourth, Han Dharma protector may be seriously injured. Be sure to find it. If Han Dharma protector is not dead, he is the key person. The whole thing is likely to come out!"

"I must find Han Dharma protector." the four elders said solemnly.

The elder nodded, "I\'ll stay at Yanling\'s house to respond to changes."

Everyone agreed and even acted immediately.

The fourth day.

"How about the harvest?" Lin Feng took the last star and looked at the two women.

"Brother Lin, thousands of more than nearly 100000 points!" Qin Qianqian was as happy as a child.

"Me too." Shui Linglong smiled slightly.

Lin fengsa smiled and scratched at the corner of his mouth, "sure enough, the star particles here are worth nearly 300000 points. We made a lot this time."

"Yes, elder martial brother Ji must be envious." Qin Qianqian\'s nose turned up.

Shuilinglong also smiled with a soft light in her eyes.

Indeed, the harvest this time is by no means ordinary, and the luck is quite good.

"Almost." Lin Feng looked around. Although the cave was large, it looked much empty after removing those stars. At present, it is dark, and there is no other energy breath induction. It looks no different from an ordinary cave.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng looked at the two women, smiled and nodded.

The two women responded lightly and followed Lin Feng. They were just ready to step. Suddenly——

"Pa!" was blocked by a pair of arms.

Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong looked at Lin Feng suspiciously. They were waiting to ask questions, but they saw that Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shining like stars in the darkness. Their index fingers stood up to signal them not to speak. The two women were stunned fiercely. Xiumei frowned slightly and looked at Lin Feng.

"Ten warriors."

"The weakest Xinghai level six, the strongest..."

"Xinghai level 9!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart felt very clear.

Although our human soul is not special, but the life soul is a fusion of the heavenly destiny chart. Even if it is not at the star sea level, the induction is far better than the human soul. The two women just saw Lin Feng\'s eyes shining. It was Lin Feng\'s soul who sensed the existence of danger.

Like a divine beast, it has a clear sense of the environment of heaven and earth!

The enemy is lurking in the cave.

"This is trouble."

"With thousands and exquisite strength, I\'m afraid I can\'t catch it."

"Even the weakest one is probably stronger than them. Once there is a battle, I can\'t take care of them safely."

Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously and his eyebrows tightened.

At present, whether you can defeat these ten enemies is still the second and most important——

It\'s the safety of two women.

"Let \'wing\' protect them?" Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"It\'s a way, but I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for the wing to be alone."

Lin Feng hesitated. In the current situation, he had to choose between two.

One can\'t protect the second.

"Can only let them leave?" Lin Feng said secretly, but he hesitated in his heart. It\'s not easy to come to the fourth heavy day. Yanling\'s house is only open once a year. It\'s really a little sorry to let the two women return without success.

Anyway, if you are the captain, you should take responsibility!

"No more hesitation."

"A decision must be made immediately."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and his heart was very clear. If he stopped for another moment, the enemy outside the cave would be alert.

At present, there seems to be only one way to go

"Thousands, exquisite!" Lin Feng whispered to his ears, turned his head and looked at the two women who were waiting to speak.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

There\'s a way!