Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 609

"The energy contained is not too strong." Shui Linglong\'s eyes are slightly bright.

Hold up your hands gently. In that deep well, a water ball of moderate size rises slowly.

"It\'s very convenient to have a water spirit Master." Lin Feng smiled.

At the very least, I have saved the effort of fetching water and can clearly distinguish the characteristics of this "well water".

"Brother Lin, are you going to..." Qin Qianqian was surprised.

"What\'s special about the well water? You can tell if you take it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright. He looked at Shui Linglong for a moment and nodded, "Linglong, give me the water ball." after getting familiar with each other, his name was no longer so strange. Shui Linglong, like Qin Qianqian, called Lin Feng brother Lin.

"OK." Shui Linglong didn\'t hesitate.

In any case, taking this "well water" will not be dangerous.


Water light waves.

A transparent brilliance appeared, the water ball suddenly entered the belly, and Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Colorless and tasteless, it looks like ordinary well water. However, when it falls into the belly, there is a strange energy that radiates in an instant, making your eyes clear and refreshing. The body stretch is greatly enhanced, and strange energy flows through the meridians and converges into the place where the human soul is located.

In an instant——

Boom~ Heart tremor.

Strange energy is integrated into the body, which increases the star power in an instant.

Although I feel there are many differences with my star power, guiben Shuoyuan has many "similarities".

Like transformation, their original star power slowly assimilates this strange energy.

After half a incense burning time.

"Hoo ~" gently spit out a mouthful of turbid Qi, and Lin Feng opens his eyes.

The two women all showed a look of hope. They looked straight at Lin Feng and waited for half a incense. The two women wanted to know the "answer".

"This well water, taking it can increase the star power." Lin Feng nodded lightly.

"Really?!" the two women were excited.

The water was exquisite and her eyes were bright. She didn\'t hesitate for a moment. His hands condensed, and suddenly the water light fluctuated, and one water ball after another emerged from the deep well and flashed around. When they stare, they all smile with joy. Since they have this "adventure", they can\'t waste it.

All received!

Yanling is outside the house.

Li Yanmen, the strong ones, finally arrived.

The mighty team was like a group of heavenly soldiers. All the martial artists waiting outside Yanling\'s house were startled.

I haven\'t seen such an array for a long time.

However, at this time, the strong men of Yanling 10000 families walked and stayed, leaving no trace, as if the assassination had never happened. In fact, all eyes were sealed with Lingbao, and the thunder of the Yanling people sneaked in. It was a quick decision, not to mention the liyanmen people, that is, none of the martial artists present——

See it with your own eyes!

This is an extremely finely arranged Bureau.

It is doomed to the death of six elders, Ling Dharma protector and the elite disciples of Li Yanmen, and become a headless murder.

Even if Li Yanmen people doubt, but

But there is no evidence.

The second day.

"It\'s time." Wan Gu\'s eyes were bright.

Concentrate, three hours is enough to clean up the second day.

"How\'s it going?" Wan Gu said slowly, with a cold voice and no feelings.

"I\'m lucky to live up to my life." "there\'s no living mouth, captain."... The small captains look just like that.

"Very good." Wan Gu nodded. "About half of the liyanmen disciples in the first and second heavy days occupy. The remaining half of the liyanmen disciples are scattered in the third and fourth heavy days. The reinforcements of liyanmen should have arrived almost, and everything should go according to the original plan."

"Yes, Captain," the team leaders arched their hands.

For today, Yanling wanzu has long been a precise layout.

Every move of Li Yanmen is expected.

Danger is approaching.

However, no one knows Lin Feng, including all the disciples of Liyan sect.

In the cave, Lin Feng and two women "greedily" absorb the well water, and the star power is growing every minute and every second. It\'s like entering a treasure mountain and getting extremely precious wealth at hand. That feeling is quite comfortable.

The only pity is that the "portion" of well water is not much.

Three people absorb it together. In less than four hours, the well water has dried up.

"Wow!" Lin Feng opened his eyes, shining brightly.

"Finally absorbed it all." Lin Feng made a faint stroke at the corner of his mouth.

After absorbing the last well water ball, his star weight has increased significantly.

"Seven and a half, one step closer to starpower eight." Lin Feng nodded secretly, feeling a distraction. But I didn\'t expect that my promotion speed would be so amazing. I thought it would take a very long time to reach Xingli eightfold, but now it seems

Very close!

Close distance!

"Yan Ling respects the house, worthy of the name of the holy land." Lin Feng nodded, feeling very good.

The number of star weights not only affects the amount of star force, but also directly affects the star control force. Even if the control of the star force is stronger, the star control force will stop before the star weight reaches. Lin Feng was like this that day. The star weight number stopped at the fifth weight, but his understanding and control of the star control power actually reached the sixth gear at that time.

However, it is subject to.

For the star sea level strong, star control is very key.

It is not only a necessary requirement to break through and become a star master, but also the strength of star control directly affects the strength of the warrior.

Especially the last seven gears, eight gears, nine gears and ten gears.

The gap between each gear is quite large!

"If Shifu explodes star power, I can\'t even take his move." Lin Feng sighs helplessly.

"At the Chinese New Year celebration three months ago, Ji Xiu\'s star power broke out in the promotion war. If I could have the star power of \'eight levels\' earlier than him, I would be able to make up for the gap in the realm of weapons with him." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clenched his fist. "At that time, I also have a winning chance for last season\'s repair."

The star control force can integrate the star power into every attack since the seventh gear. The star light is attached to the body and can control the star power attack and defense at will.

Compared with the sixth gear, the strength of martial artists is completely different.

Seven gears, six times the body growth; Eighth gear, the body increases eight times!

Moreover, due to the increase of star weight, the original star power is increased ten times, and the star power that can be controlled is also increased ten times.

What concept?

It is equivalent to that you can attach one point of star power when attacking, but now you can attach ten points of star power when attacking!

What a big gap!

As for ninth and tenth

There is not only a star power gap, but also a complete transformation elsewhere.

"The stronger the star sea level, the closer they are to the star master level. Even if there is a small detail gap between them, their strength may be very different." Lin Feng nodded gently and understood clearly. Ji Jin taught him not only the improvement of strength, but also the increase of knowledge and the transformation of all aspects.

It is very important for a martial artist to have a master.

"If it weren\'t for the master, I would never have changed so much in the past three months." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Although it is only three months, his strength has improved dramatically. Lin Feng is full of gratitude to his master.

Without any intention, Shifu sincerely regards himself as a disciple and cultivates him carefully.

Thinking, Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong woke up slowly and completed the absorption of the last well water ball. Both women have changed significantly, and their strength has improved a lot, especially Shui Linglong. Because of the relationship of the water spirit division, Shui Linglong absorbs well water not only quickly, but also fully.

"How do you feel?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Great, brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian was very excited. "The weight of Qianqian star is approaching the sixth weight."

Although she is the one with the worst absorption efficiency among the three, her absorption in the past four hours can not be underestimated.

"What about you, Linglong?" Lin Feng asked.

"Me?" Shui Linglong hesitated slightly. Yu Guang glanced at Qin Qianqian and smiled politely, "it\'s almost like Qianqian\'s sister."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. Seeing the change of water Linglong\'s expression, he suddenly understood in his heart. Nine times out of ten, shuilinglong\'s star weight has exceeded the sixth. After all, her absorption efficiency is second only to herself. She just scruples about Qin Qianqian\'s feelings and doesn\'t say it.

"It\'s considerate." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

Since the water is exquisite, I will not break it.

"Come on, let\'s speed up the \'star grain\', and the next cave is still waiting for us." Lin Feng whispered with a smile.

"How can you have such good luck, brother Lin." Qin Qianqian smiled.

"Who\'s right?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

After saying that, he took the lead and began to harvest "star particles".

Seeing this, the two women were unwilling to fall behind. For a moment, there was a sound of joy in the cave.

Indeed, who is right about what will happen next?

The fourth day.

"Elder martial brother, it\'s time for you at last." the voice was excited, like a long drought meeting manna. It was a very strong man with bright eyes. He knew his strength at a glance. Behind him were many companions dressed in clothes. On his left hand, they were wearing locators with clear numbers - 2.

The second team of liyanmen!

The strong man is the team leader, Fei Luming!

He is an intermediate disciple of the inner sect, the ninth disciple of Han Lu, and a top ten disciple of Xinghai level.

His name was not loud at first, but after this new year\'s celebration, it is well known.

Fei Luming is the only winner of the grand prize "Seven Star Lingbao"!

"What\'s the hurry?" his voice was cold and hoarse.

It was a thin man shrouded in black, like a skeleton.

With a flattering smile, Fei Luming took out several small radar like instruments and handed them to the skinny man, "this is the master who asked me to give it to you by the Lord\'s order." when he gently pressed the radar switch, one light spot after another flashed in the palace like a chessboard, which was very clear.

"Very good." the thin man in black \'Jie Jie\' sneered.

"Unexpectedly, there are quite a few martial artists entering the fourth heavy sky at the Li Yan gate." the skinny man in black hissed as he picked up the radar.

Fei Luming said with a smile, "I believe they will become corpses in a short time."

"Take it and give it to your brothers." the thin man in black was very satisfied. What he threw away was three gold cards. Fei Luming took over and his eyes lit up. Three gold cards of the Qin\'s chamber of commerce were full of 300000 fighting spirit coins. He even arched his hands and said, "thank you, senior brother!"

The thin man in black waved his hand expressionless, and Fei Luming led the people back.

"Elder martial brother withered bones, what shall we do next?" a man in black behind stepped forward.

"How to do it?" ten thousand withered bones\' Jie \'sneered, "ten thousand bees, what do you say I want to do?"

Wan Feng hesitated, "don\'t we wait for the captain?"

"Wait for him? Wait until what year and what month!" Wan kugu\'s eyes were cold and bright, filled with a sparkling murderous spirit. "At present, there is a great opportunity, and I will never tolerate mistakes. I am the vice captain, and I also have the right to perform tasks!" looking around at the crowd, Wan kugu\'s eyes shone fiercely, "listen to my command, later -"

"Kill all the children of the fierce wild goose gate!"