Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 608

Li Yanmen, the crowd is boiling.

Paper can\'t contain fire. The death of six elders and Ling Baofa immediately spread all over the Liyan gate.

Led by the eldest elder, three elders and four elders led the thirty sect leaders and one hundred elite inner sect disciples to Yanling mansion. Followed by a large number of Liyan sect disciples, they formed small teams one after another and volunteered to come.

Li Yanmen, totally angry!

The elder and Dharma protector were killed. The whole Liyan gate has not been so humiliated for a long time.

Most importantly, I don\'t even know who the killer is right now!

"Come on!"

"Go at full speed!"

The elder, the third elder and the fourth elder took the lead and looked solemn.

This time, they have an important task, not only to find out who the murderer is, but also to protect the elite disciples.

No negligence!

Yanling is outside the house.

"Master, they\'re coming." the voice was low. The man in black could not see his face, but a pair of bright black eyes. It was Wan jinghun, the heavenly soul master who led the strong men of Yanling 10000 families to kill the six elders.

"Really?" a short haired man smiled calmly.

It\'s hard to imagine that he was the mastermind behind the annexation of Qiyue palace.

"There are a lot of people, but if the master is willing to fight, I\'m sure I can defeat them!" Wan jinghun arched his hands.

The short haired man shook his head. "It\'s too expensive."

"Defeating doesn\'t mean killing." the short haired man looked at Wan jinghun and said slowly, "are you sure to annihilate them all? Or will you defeat them without paying too much price?"

"This......" Wan jinghun hesitated.

Li Yanmen is as famous as all Yanling families in Yanling mansion, and its strength is obviously extraordinary.

Even if we mobilize the strong of Yanling wanzu to defeat the reinforcements of liyanmen, the price is extremely expensive.

"Don\'t underestimate Li Yanmen." the short haired man scratched lightly at the corners of his mouth. "Don\'t think too simply of the old fox Ji Jin. To tell you the truth, if the previous leaders of Li Yanmen were as smart as Ji Jin\'s old fox, I\'m afraid our Yanling million clan Bureau would have been dismantled today."

For Ji Jin, men with short hair think highly of him.

The whole Yanling mansion is numbered by those who can evaluate the martial arts of Ji Jin.

The identity of the short haired man is ready to come out.

"Master, let\'s just forget it?" Wan jinghun hesitated.

"Enough has been done." the short haired man\'s eyes were burning. "The road has to go step by step. Now the situation in Qiyue palace is uncertain. It will do us no good or harm if Mao rashly goes to war with Li Yanmen. Even if we win, I\'m afraid my Yanling wanzu will lose their strength, and the gains outweigh the losses."

Wan jinghun nodded. If the Yanling Wan clan was really hurt, it would become a struggle between Snipes and mussels, but it would be disadvantageous.

After all, Li Yanmen is not the only one in Yanling mansion. Even if a fierce wild goose gate is defeated, more fierce wild goose gates will appear!

But there is only one Yanling family.

"What master said is reasonable." Wan jinghun said positively.

The short haired man smiled, "don\'t worry, even if we quit for the time being, the battle in Yanling\'s house continues." his eyes flashed with bright luster. The short haired man scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled freehand, "my disciple \'Wan Gu\', has never failed in his task."

Indeed, it has never failed.

The name of Wan Gu is quite loud among the WAN families of Yanling——

cold-blooded killer!

No matter how many people he killed, Wan Gu would not frown.

For him, the family was the only one, even if he sacrificed his life for the family.

On the second day of blood washing, Wan Gu was not in a hurry. Compared with the first day, everyone entered in the same place and did not disperse; The second heaven is completely scattered, but it is difficult to search. As for the third and fourth heaven, it is even more difficult.

"Carpet search, would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one!"

"I\'ll give you the last three hours to kill the Liyan sect disciples in the second day!"

Wan Gu\'s eyes are cold, bright and dark. The whole person is full of evil Qi, which is difficult to approach.

In order to achieve the goal, do not fold the means!

Yanling is outside the house.

"Die!" Han Lu\'s eyes showed cold light.

The chain steel claw in his hand turned into a stack of light and shadow, which immediately pierced the chest of two Li Yan sect disciples, and the blood burst.

"Han Dharma protector, you!" "why, how could it be like this..." the two Li Yan sect disciples didn\'t understand what was going on until they died. In an instant, they were dark, hurt and lost their consciousness. The steel claw in Han Lu\'s hand suddenly disappeared without blood, with a strong evil spirit.

"Stupid people."

"Not qualified to survive."

Han Lu\'s voice was flat and his hands were full of energy.


Peng! Peng!

It covered the two bodies and burst completely.

The flesh and blood became ashes, leaving only two storage rings shining. Han Lu sucked his hands into his pocket.

"Pa! PA!" a loud clap of hands sounded.

"It\'s really clean to destroy the corpse and trace, brother." Wan jinghun came out with a smile. Behind him, many strong people from thousands of families followed, with extraordinary style. Looking at Han Lu, Wan startled and smiled freehand, "do you have a trace of guilt for killing so many fellow disciples?"

Han Lu\'s eyes were cold. "You forgot our last name?"

Wan jinghun smiled, "it\'s really thanks to you that this operation can be so successful."

"Me?" Han Lu said calmly, "you\'re wrong. It\'s the Lord\'s credit."

"What does it have to do with the Lord?" Wan jinghun frowned slightly without thinking too much. He immediately nodded, "I\'ve come to inform you that it\'s almost time to stop. In another quarter of an hour or so, the strong people of liyanmen will arrive. At that time, don\'t forget to make a good play."

"I don\'t need you to teach me," Han Lu said coldly.

Wan jinghun laughed in an uproar. He didn\'t care about Han Lu\'s tone. He just bowed his head gently, "be more careful. I\'ll see you later, brother."

Han Lu closed his eyes.

The fourth day.

"Brother Lin, look, there\'s a cave!" Qin Qianqian said excitedly.

"It is said that in Yanling Zunfu, there are often many harvests in caves, valley bottoms and other strange terrain." Shui Linglong said happily.

"Yes, we should be the first to discover this cave." Lin Feng smiled.

The two women gave a light sigh and looked at Lin Feng curiously.

Lin Feng said with an indifferent smile, "the entrance of each heavy sky, that is, where we first arrive, must be the center. You can imagine the fourth heavy sky as a giant circle, and our first place is the center of the giant circle."

The two women nodded if they knew something.

"So brother Lin, you just walked straight!" Qin Qianqian suddenly said.

"The way we go, \'star grain\' has never been picked up by other martial artists!" Shui Linglong is also very clear.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "let\'s go and see what\'s in the cave."

The eyes of the two women were bright and excited.

The cave is quite empty, and the strange stone walls are painted with all kinds of totem words.

Reaching out and touching, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly, which seemed to be a very wonderful artistic conception, but it was difficult for him to understand. It\'s hard to distinguish the power. In any case, my current strength and experience are really not enough.

"There, there!" said Qin Qianqian with sharp eyes.

Lin Feng smiled calmly. Although the cave was dark, he had already seen it.

At the end of the cave, there is a weak light source. The most important thing is that there is a very familiar faint starlight, which is the light emitted by the "star particles".

With the excited two women, Lin Feng walked forward at the end and smiled lightly.

The two women did have quite a little experience. After finding the "target", the police became much less wary. If something happens at this time, it will be very dangerous for them. Fortunately, it is a "safe period" at present. Except for the "star realm", there will be no danger in other places on the fourth heavy day.


It\'s always the same for yourself.

Caution has long become a habit.

"Wow, a lot!" Qin Qianqian exclaimed.

"There are really a lot of \'star particles\'!" shuilinglong couldn\'t believe it and gently covered his mouth.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and looked straight at the end of the cave. The stars twinkled like stars in the sky. All kinds of stars are embedded in the cave walls. Some grow on the plants in the cave, large and small, at least

"200000, no, 300000 points." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

But it\'s no wonder the two women were so surprised that there were too many "stars".

Up to now, the three have accumulated only about 200000 points on the fourth day.

In contrast, it is undoubtedly dwarfed.

The two women were already acting in an instant. So many "stars" can\'t expose nature. Lin Feng SA ran a smile, just ready to harvest the stars. However, his eyes changed slightly, but he caught a glimpse of the only place with dim luster and made a light noise.

It is a well like existence.

"Oh?" Lin Feng frowned deeply.

In an instant, he crossed the two women and stepped to them.

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled as he stared at the well with a diameter of about one meter.

"What\'s the matter, brother Lin?" Qin Qianqian trotted curiously and looked down Lin Feng\'s eyes, "this well..."

"It looks very ordinary." Shui Linglong\'s eyes flashed, "but this water is different from ordinary well water and groundwater. It contains a strange energy. If you are not careful, you may miss it."

Lin Feng whispered with a smile, "you really deserve to be a water spirit Master."

Just as the fire master is very familiar with and sensitive to all kinds of flames, the water master has a deep understanding of all kinds of "water".

Shuilinglong smiled, showing a pure and beautiful smile, and felt inexplicably sweet in her heart.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." Lin Feng looked at the well water and said slowly, "if it\'s in other places, there\'s nothing strange about this well, but if it falls in this place with dense \'star particles\', it looks independent and meaningful. If I guess correctly..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, "this well is the most precious treasure in this cave!"

The two women\'s breasts fluctuated, and Qin Qianqian\'s eyes showed bright light. "Brother Lin, what shall we do next?"

"It\'s very simple." Lin Feng smiled calmly, "just try."