Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 607

"By the way, what shall we do now?" said Hua SHAOHAO.

"Yes, I\'m a little overwhelmed when I suddenly come to the fourth heavy day." he smiled and touched his head.

Bai Yi and Shui Linglong looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly fell on Lin Feng.

As the captain, Lin Feng decided to take action.

"The fourth heavy day is safer now. We can divide into two groups to improve efficiency." Lin Feng nodded and looked at Ji Xia, "what do you think, brother Ji?"

"It\'s just what I want." Ji Xia said with a smile. "Generally, just entering the fourth heavy day, everyone is busy harvesting star particles, looking for treasure and obtaining points. With good luck, they can also get the \'crystal stone of heaven\'. It\'s too extravagant and wasteful to practice now. It\'s not too late to practice when the 111 days of the first three heavy days are exhausted and the fragments of the earth come."

After hesitating for a while, Ji Xia said again, "in fact, in my opinion, we can divide it a little more carefully, so that the harvest will be greater."

"The risk is too great." Lin Feng shook his head. "Our team is not strong. It is the limit to be divided into two teams. We are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Ji Xia nodded and smiled, "you are the captain and listen to you."

Hua Shao was embarrassed and said, "in fact, what is the \'crystal of heaven\'?"

Lin Feng explained with a smile, "the crystal stone of heaven, as the name suggests, is a kind of crystal stone. There are 100 in the third heavy day and 1000 in the fourth heavy day. Every time you get a crystal stone in the fourth heavy day, you can weaken the strength of the \'Lord of heaven\' by one thousandth. If you get 100, you will get the opportunity to challenge the \'Lord of heaven\'."

Nodding and challenging the "Lord of heaven" is one of the three ways to enter the next heaven.

Hua Shao\'s eyes were bright. "If you get all 1000 \'Heavenly crystals\', won\'t the strength of the Lord of heaven be weakened?"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "it\'s not easy to collect the crystal stones of heaven. Even if it\'s one tenth of a hundred, it may not be able to collect them in a thousand days."

The Lord of heaven is a little weaker than the guardian of the ladder of heaven. Moreover, as long as there are enough "crystal stones of heaven", the power of the "Lord of heaven" can be weakened. The most important thing is that the challenge of the Lord of heaven is to take 20 people as a gradient. In other words, as long as the number of fighters does not exceed 20, there will be only one Lord of heaven!

Compared with the ladder battle, the difficulty is undoubtedly much less.

The real difficulty of this method is to collect the "crystal of heaven".

The fierce fire nodded thoughtfully, "what are the fragments of the land?"

Lin Feng looked lightly, "the fragments of the earth are very similar to the crystal stones of the sky to some extent. There are 1000 fragments of the earth in the fourth heaven. You can imagine the 1000 integrated \'fragments of the earth\' as a big map, and each fragment of the land is a small piece of the map."

Suddenly, the fire said, "this big map is somewhere on the fourth day?"

Lin Feng nodded, "yes, the more pieces of the earth you get, the more refined the map will be. The fourth heavy day, a star general or a treasure, as well as many star soldiers, monsters and so on, will come every day. It\'s not so easy to get the pieces of the earth either on the star general or with the treasure."

Most people know that everyone responds lightly.

It goes without saying that the strength of the star is extraordinary, and the treasure also has a "spirit", which is not so easy to obtain.

Lin Feng zhengse said, "the most difficult place to obtain the fragments of the earth is the last day of the fourth heavy day. Only on the last day of the fourth heavy day will the fragments of the earth with the \'star seal\' in the middle of the map appear, and this\' star seal \'is the only key to open the road to the fifth heavy day."

The fierce fire said, "in other words, it\'s useless to get other 999 pieces of land?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and his eyes were slightly bright, "but it\'s no use just getting the last piece of land with \'star seal\', because the pieces of land don\'t have any map marks. To find a real way out, we must rely on 999 pieces of land."

"It\'s a little easier to get the fragments of the earth than the crystal of the sky."

"But in general, the difficulty of the two is almost the same."

"It depends on luck."

They were divided into two groups according to their strength.

Lin Feng, Qin Qianqian and Shui Linglong, Ji Xia, Bai Yi, Hua Shao and fierce fire.

In terms of strength, the two women may not be poor, especially Qin Qianqian. However, in terms of combat strength, life and death play, but it is too inferior. Qin Qianqian may be stronger than Bai Yi, but if he really wants to fight in life and death, he may be defeated miserably. Shui Linglong, not to mention, was indeed the champion in the talent trial six months ago, but now

After half a year, the strength of Huashao and fierce fire is very close to her.

If they work together, shuilinglong will lose.

"Be careful not to go too far."

"You can support each other when you have something. Safety first."

Lin Feng looked at Ji Xia and said.

At present, although the fourth heavy day is calm, there is a lot of rainstorm. It never waits.

"Don\'t worry." Ji Xia smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "It\'s better to compare. Which group of us has a greater harvest?"

"Our group is sure to win!" Qin Qianqian shook his small fist excitedly, turned his head and looked at Shui Linglong, "isn\'t it, sister Shui?" in terms of generations, Qin Qianqian is really bigger than Shui Linglong. But she was only 16 when she met Lin Feng, and now she is only 17. In terms of age, she is smaller than shuilinglong.

Smiling and nodding, shuilinglong\'s personality is much quieter than Qin Qianqian, like a calm lake.

"Hey, look how our four old men win!" Hua Shao whispered with a feather fan in his hand.

"Right." fierce fire clenched his fist and his eyes were angry. "It\'s only a competition!"

Lin Feng and Ji Xia looked at each other and couldn\'t help laughing.

This kind of benign competition is not a good thing. At least it makes everyone in high morale.

"Let\'s go first." Ji Xia\'s Indigo pupil brightened.

"Be careful," Lin Feng told him.

There was a slight luster in his eyes, and he was inexplicably upset in his heart.

Somehow, I always think of the words my master warned me when I left.

look out!

"Maybe I\'m worried."

"At present, the fourth day monster has not come yet. There is a full 110 day stability period."

Lin Feng smiled, turned his head and looked at Qin Qianqian, who was already trying, and at Shui Linglong, "let\'s go, too?"

"OK!" "HMM." the two women responded with joy.

Standing on the top of white clouds, it is like a fairyland.

The scenery of the fourth day was very beautiful, like a picture scroll. Two women\'s admiration could be heard everywhere on the way.


"Many stars!"

The two women were very excited and picked everywhere.

Lin Feng also smiled calmly, but the three of them were lucky.

As soon as we set out, we found a big "star tree", on which many "star particles" condense, at least hundreds of them.

"Pa!" "pa!" Lin Feng took off two large "star grains" and the identity token of Yanling\'s house in his right hand flashed, and immediately swallowed the "star grains". At this time, behind the identity token, a string of numbers suddenly appeared - 111232

"Increased 232 points." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

These "stars" can be absorbed and converted into points, and there are a lot of them on the fourth day.

On the second day, 1000 points will be awarded; Enter the third day and reward 10000 points; On the fourth day, 100000 points will be awarded.

Their original score is 111000232 points, which is more.

"Brother Lin, I have added more than 4000 points!" Qin Qianxi said.

"I also earned nearly 4000 points." Shui Linglong smiled.

"Well, it\'s almost the same." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Although I kept my hand and deliberately picked it slower, I also earned 3500 points, but it\'s not less.

"It\'s a good omen to win!" Qin Qianqian was very happy.

"Because we are the first to enter the fourth heaven, the efficiency is naturally high." Lin Feng smiled. "With the passage of time, there are more and more martial artists in the fourth heaven, and the efficiency will be slower and slower. At that time, we will enter the \'cloud realm\' or the \'star realm\'."

"Keep going!" Qin Qianlian shouted.


Three people are indeed more efficient than seven people.

In particular, teams in the forest wind belt can often find a large number of "star particles".

"Luck seems good." Lin Feng smiled.

In a short time, my points have exceeded 130000 and are still improving.

"Take advantage of this period of time to make a profit first."

"Points are important to me."

Lin Feng nodded secretly. For this reason, he would rather give up his cultivation time.

Opportunities can be met but not sought. Anyway, there will be a full thousand days to practice at that time, and there is no hurry for the moment.

I want to earn 10 million points as soon as possible.

In Yanling\'s house, the killing continues.

What Lin Feng couldn\'t see was that the disciples of Li Yanmen died miserably in the hands of Yanling wanzu.

Since the first day was blood washed, the second day is also blood washed.

This is a war without gunpowder.

The layout of Yanling wanzu is quite perfect. He skillfully uses Han Lu\'s identity and the perfect plan to stab one knife and another by taking advantage of Li Yanmen\'s negligence! These dead are the elites of Li Yanmen and the pillars of the future.

But for now, the strength is not enough.

"Kill!" no one left!! "Wan Gu\'s eyes were cold and bright, and his killing intention was revealed.

The strongest of the younger generation in Yanling mansion, now he has completely turned into a murderous God and become the Shura of Yanling mansion.

The corpses fell in front of him, and WAN Gu had no mercy. As a well-trained child of Yanling wanzu, he is 100% loyal to the family. As long as the family orders, he will go through fire and water and be alone!

This is loyalty!

"Captain." the children of Wan nationality respectfully handed over a pile of storage rings.

Wan Gu wiped his hand and received it impolitely. A little makes a lot, not to mention the wealth of these liyanmen elites.

"Hurry up and clean the second day as soon as possible."

"I want the second day. I won\'t see any fierce Yanmen warrior again!"

Wan Gu waved fiercely and shouted coldly.

"Yes, Captain!"