Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 606

Peng! A loud explosion.

The guardian of the earth spirit Master turned into nothingness.

Lin Feng\'s gun is powerful enough to break it to pieces.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Bai Yi, Shui Linglong and Ji Xia, staring wide. Ji Xia couldn\'t believe it. He thought Lin Feng was in danger and had no way to go. However, he didn\'t expect that the wind and cloud changed from impossible to possible. That\'s it——

have immense power to change nature or the established order of a country!


"Ah!" Qin Qianqian\'s face was pale with fear.

As Lin Feng killed the guardian of the Earth Spirit master, the huge meteorite fireball also came in an instant.

The fierce fire shrouded the sky, and the forest wind had nowhere to hide.

"Not good!" Ji Xia trembled fiercely.

If this power is implemented, Lin Feng will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

But at present, Lin Feng is powerless to kill the guardian of the Earth Spirit master. He can\'t stop it at all.

And in fact——

Lin Feng has already noticed this huge meteorite fireball.

As a martial artist, it\'s instinct to look around and listen to all directions, not to mention such an amazing meteorite fireball?

I don\'t avoid it because I\'m sure.

Stop it!

"Come on." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Behind him, the shadow of the ferocious stoneware suddenly lit up, which is also the powerful existence of the fire system.

The fire of rebirth is spreading outside the body. Lin Feng\'s star power condenses real light. However, he is now doing his best to protect himself.


"Boom!!" the meteorite fireball landed.

There was a violent fire, forming a semicircular explosion range.

The terrible smell is frightening, and the violent sound alone is extremely terrible.

And what happens to the center of the explosion?

"Brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian felt his head blow and his whole body tremble.

Bai Yi, Shui Linglong and others were completely stunned. The collision of such forces was amazing.

They were like a mole ant, watching two lions and tigers fighting and biting, far beyond their imagination.

Only Ji Xia\'s face was calm, and a pair of indigo pupils flashed bright light.

"No, brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian woke up fiercely and even rushed out.

However, his right hand was firmly clamped. Qin Qianqian fiercely turned back and cried, "let go of me, senior brother Ji!"

"Don\'t be impulsive, Lin Feng didn\'t die." Ji Xia said in a deep voice. The light and fog were diffuse in front of him, and the smell of fire was crazy and blazing. No one could see what had happened. But Ji Xia has a unique indigo pupil that can see through.

"Look here." Ji Xia pointed to the left locator.

The crowd suddenly woke up. Qin Qianqian also opened his beautiful eyes and even looked.

On the locator, all seven light spots exist safely!

Lin Feng, not dead.

How did you die?

If you are not sure, Lin Feng will not take risks.

The power of other sources may not be estimated, but the source of fire is familiar.

Because Lin Feng is also a fire spirit Master.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang exhaled.

"What a powerful power."

"Several successive layers of defense collapse, together with the rebirth fire, is a lot of consumption. Only 30% of the power of this meteorite fireball is still so powerful."

"If I\'m really hit by the front, 100% of the power will explode, even if I have the blood of the Phoenix..."

"I\'m afraid I can\'t escape death."

Lin Feng grinned slightly and put down his crossed arms in front of his head.

His face was as usual, but a little pale. Both hands are bloody, and the injury is obviously not light. After all, it is the main defense. The skin of the body is also "charred" and bleeding, but these are only skin injuries and are not fatal.

"It\'s blocked."

"It\'s not easy."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, with a fine awn.

In the past three months, I have not only learned how to optimize attacks, but also learned how to defend.

According to the master\'s words, a real martial artist must develop in an all-round way.

So there will be no weakness!

"What the master said is true."

"Although my defense is not strong, my physique can make up for everything."

"Overall, my defense is no worse than attack."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that although his body was hurt, it was just a little meaning.

During these three months, I was injured more than once or twice. Not to mention dueling with the master, I was injured several times in the place of experience. But as long as the injury is not fatal, as long as you still have one breath, you can recover smoothly.

No matter how serious the injury is, not to mention now?


"Still coming?"

Lin Feng raised his head, but he sensed a very strong meteorite fire energy.

The guardian of the fire spirit Master finally found that he was not dead!

"Let you first." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

The wind vortex lights up, Lin Feng is not in a hurry for a while, and there is no time limit for the sky ladder challenge.

And yourself, there is no need to attack forcibly, and the injury is added to the injury.

It\'s the only one left at the moment. It\'s just a matter of time.

"That\'s great."

"Lin Feng is really strong."

"I\'m afraid it\'s better than master."

Bai Yi was stunned and suffocated.

They witnessed a battle between real star sea power.

The strength of Lin Feng surprised them.

"Yes," Ji Xianan said.

His eyes were blurred and he looked straight at the battle between Lin Feng and the guardian of fire spirit Master.

At this point, there is no suspense.

Lin Feng would have solved it if the guardian of the earth spirit Master hadn\'t stopped it just now. One of the two enemies can\'t deal with Lin Feng. Now only the guardian of the fire spirit Master is left. How can he be Lin Feng\'s opponent? The wind vortex flashed, and Lin Feng\'s strange body method completely restrained the guardian of the fire spirit Master.

It\'s easy to get close bit by bit.


"Yeah, great!" Qin Qianqian jumped up happily.

The smiling face was full of excitement and reverence, as if it was very different from the appearance of crying into tears just now.

"Won." Ji Xia smiled slightly.

"God, I really won." Hua Shao rubbed her eyes.

"Is He Lin Feng?" the fierce fire looked at the people with a wry smile.

"The gap is really getting farther and farther." Bai Yi sighed, feeling helpless.

Although he hasn\'t slacked off in the past three months and has been practicing hard, he is not on the same level as Lin Feng\'s progress.

"People are more angry than people." Ji Xia shook her head.

The last time he was defeated by Lin Feng, he wanted to practice hard to catch up with Lin Feng.

But now, the idea has completely disappeared.

Lin Feng had already stood on the high mountain he couldn\'t see.


In the battle of the ladder of heaven, defeat your opponent head-on.

Not to mention Li Yanmen, there are 3000 martial artists who have entered Yanling\'s house. Not many of them have entered the fourth heaven with "Heaven ladder war".

But Lin Feng did it!

Moreover, it is the power of one person to pick two guardians of the ladder.

It would be a shock to be known.

"Here is the fourth day." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked around.

Compared with the third day, the aura density is higher and the environment is more quiet. It\'s like standing on the top of white clouds and looking at the small mountains, but there is a strong force hidden, as if this is a land of wealth with infinite crisis.

Danger and opportunity coexist!

"Ha ha, we won the bet!" the fierce fire laughed.

"It\'s great to spend a thousand more days practicing." Hua Shao\'s eyes are bright and excited.

"Thanks to the forest wind," Bai Yi said gratefully.

For them, this trip to Yanling Zunfu is very important.

Because they were born in talent trials, they entered Yanling\'s house for the first time by the token given by the sect, not by their own strength in qualifying. They have only one chance. If they fail to make great progress in Yanling house this time, it will be difficult for them to enter Yanling house again next year, the next year, or even the next year.

After all, there are too many strong people in Liyan gate.

They are a few newcomers. They are really nothing.

But right now

Because of Lin Feng, their opportunity has come.

"A thousand days." Lin Feng tutted softly and felt a little happy.

For myself, every day is very important. A thousand days is enough for my strength to step up to a great level.

"If only we could enter the fifth day." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You really dare to think, brother Lin." Ji Xia came over with a smile. "See the scoreboard? There are only a few martial artists who have entered the fifth heavy day. They will give 100000 points to enter the fourth heavy day, while they will give millions of points to enter the fifth heavy day. With the strength of Ji Xiu, they can\'t enter the fifth heavy day. We can imagine how difficult it is."

"Wait!" Ji Xia suddenly changed the color of the ground, looked at Lin Feng and hesitated, "brother Lin, you won\'t want to start the \'ladder war\'

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked frightened and their eyes converged.

"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I\'m not so overestimated."

I know how much strength I have. I know that the "guardian of the ladder" of the fourth heaven is not unmatched by myself now.

I\'m afraid we can\'t even defeat the No. 1 strongman in Yanling mansion, let alone ourselves?

Self confidence does not mean arrogance.

"Hoo ~ ~" "OK." everyone breathed a sigh of relief and patted their chest.

If Lin Feng wants to fight again, they don\'t know what to do.

"Brother Lin, to enter the fifth heaven, we can choose to collect \'crystal stones of heaven\' and \'fragments of earth\'." Qin Qianqian\'s eyes are bright.

"It\'s not necessary." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "Go with the flow. Instead of wasting time to enter the fifth day, it\'s better to make good use of the 1110 days and practice and find treasure on the fourth day." looking around the people, Lin Feng smiled calmly, "contentment is always happy, enough is enough."

There are only a few martial artists who can enter the fifth heaven.

There is no need to force yourself.

"Brother Lin is right." Ji Xia nodded. "It\'s not so easy to collect \'crystal stones of heaven\' and \'fragments of earth\'. Similarly, with the increase of weight, the difficulty increases greatly."

Everyone agrees. Since captain Lin Feng and vice captain Ji Xia have opened their mouth, what else is there to argue about?

As Lin Feng said, contentment is always happy.

When they first entered Yanling mansion, they could enter the fourth heaven and enjoy 1110 days of cultivation——

Indeed, it\'s time to be satisfied!

People\'s hearts are not enough for snakes to swallow elephants. Many times we should cherish everything we have now.

If not, the bamboo basket will be empty.

There is no joy.