Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 605


The earth is shaking and the sky is very hot.

The two "guardians of the ladder" broke out their real attack power at the moment when Lin Feng crossed the minefield.

One fire, one earth, the original energy integrates the star power, and the power is far from being comparable to the powerful heavenly masters such as Shui Linglong and Bian Ruyu. They are truly star sea level celestial masters with destructive power. They are amazing beings whose star control power exceeds seven levels.

Can integrate the star power into every attack.

Is the real star sea level strong!

"What a terrible power." the water\'s exquisite eyes flashed.

As a water spirit Master, she can clearly feel the strength of the heavenly spirit Master.

Either of the two guardians of the ladder can kill her directly.

Ji Xia is also dripping cold sweat on his forehead and his palms are cold.

This is the first time he has witnessed the strength of the "guardian of the ladder" of the third heaven. He has only heard of it for a long time, and now he has finally experienced it. He was shocked by the power he used at will, but his real strength was unknown.

"This is the existence that even the quarterly repair did not dare to challenge last year."

"But Lin Feng..."

Ji Xia\'s eyes were shining. Originally, he was still thinking about whether to help Lin Feng.

But his feet could not step out at all.

The gap is too big!

The people stood behind the ladder line, which was a diaphragm that isolated the place of battle. As long as the people do not cross the minefield, the two guardians of the ladder will not attack the people. In other words, there is a buffer zone.

But Lin Feng is different.

Face to face, real battle!

The black fog condenses and the speed of forest wind breaks out to the extreme.

The red starlight is dense, the forest wind and Star Force burst, and the whole person transmits the red light.

"Seven gears!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

In three months, his strength has made great progress.

Not only does the number of star weights break through to seven, but the star control force also breaks through the bottleneck and enters the seven level realm.

And I want to thank not only the master, but also the second senior brother.

Body, control freely!

Lin Feng and the guardian of the heavenly ladder are completely equal in the \'star power\'!

Xingli is in the seventh gear, and the physical quality has increased by six times, which has doubled compared with the fifth gear three months ago.

"Whoosh!" the speed of the forest wind broke out in an all-round way.

Suddenly into light and shadow, sharp to the extreme!

"It controls meteorite fire and has strong attack power."

"The other guardian of the ladder is still unclear, but the Earth Spirit master is always good at defense."

"Concentrate on solving the fire spirit master first!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and his heart had made a decision in an instant.

With one against two, you have no room for mistakes. Once you fall into the rhythm of the other party, I\'m afraid you will be exhausted by the wheel battle. At that time, the winning Libra doesn\'t know where to lean. It is the most effective way for a god of war to concentrate on killing one of the two heavenly masters.

Even if you pay a price for it, it\'s worth it!

The earthquake shook the mountain, but in the cloud covered earth, there were inexplicably mounds of earth, blowing the forest wind.

Very fast!

"Boom!" "boom!"

The mounds were dense, like monsters opening their mouths.

If you are caught, your action will be limited. Maybe the earth spirit Master\'s attack is not strong, but the fire spirit Master\'s meteoric fire rain is terrible to the extreme.

"Wind vortex!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright.

The body turns in a \'Z\' shape and disguises quickly.

It\'s like a sensitive civet cat crossing. Every moment, thousands of small holes in the wind vortex are changing directions. The front, rear, left and right holes are divided into four areas for fast rotation. Although the "power" of wind vortex is reduced by 75%, the flexibility is increased by more than several times!

Control body method with wind vortex.

In three months, Lin Feng\'s strength has improved greatly!

Under the guidance of master Ji Jin, Lin Feng not only made up for all the defects in the past, but also deeply tapped his own potential.

"So fast!"

"Where is Lin Fengren?"

Bai Yi\'s people stared, but they only heard the sound, and couldn\'t even see Lin Feng\'s shadow.

At this moment, they knew how strong Lin Feng was.

Have left them far away!

Ji Xia\'s eyes twinkled with indigo pupils, and he couldn\'t believe it. "How could this speed... How could Lin Feng become so strong in just three months? Seven levels of star control, eight levels of star sea, and this body method? How did you do it?"

Completely shocked!

Lin Feng\'s strength is really better than that of three months ago!

But no wonder Ji Xia, Zhu zero and Ji Jin, are shocked by Lin Feng\'s progress.

You know, now Lin Feng has been able to be equal to Ji Jin, who has not exploded star power. What strength is this!

Headmaster Ji Jin, that\'s the first strong man of Li Yanmen!

Get close!

Fast approach!

Lin Feng\'s body method is extremely ghostly, and his explosive power is even more amazing.

The two guardians of the heavenly ladder felt a strong threat in an instant. Few martial artists can avoid such intensive attacks, not to mention two heavenly masters attacking together! After all, the speed of attack is definitely better than the speed of avoidance.

But Lin Feng is different.

Lin Feng\'s avoidance is not controlled by his body, but by his consciousness.

The ability of wind vortex is really displayed at this moment.

In the past, the most insignificant ability of "changing direction" was completely conquered when dealing with the heavenly spirit Master. In fact, Duoduo didn\'t expect that Lin Feng would one day use the strength of the God of war and the wind vortex to deal with the heavenly spirit Master. At that time, the God of war, the God of martial arts, the heavenly spirit division and the heavenly soul division were the weakest in Lin Feng——

Is the power of the God of war.

But right now

But it became his strongest killing move.

Dong Dong! Boom!

A huge wall appeared.

Seeing that Lin Feng could not be stopped, the guardian of the earth spirit Master immediately changed his moves.

Huge earth walls block the way and intercept the forest wind. Since the soft one doesn\'t work, the hard one!

The earth spirit Master\'s guardian\'s hands flash, and the strong earth elements form huge earth walls, which obviously delay the forest wind and consume his strength. Perhaps this is a trick of "harming others but not benefiting yourself", because the Earth Spirit master himself consumes more, but now, it is two to one!

The key lies in cooperation!

For every point blocked, the guardian of the fire spirit Master can quickly open the distance and break out the power of meteoric fire.

It\'s like a meteor bombarding and exploding madly.

Once it falls into the offensive, it will be continuous and never stop.

"Can\'t stop."

"Once you fall into each other\'s rhythm -"

"This war is full of bad luck."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright, and he looked calm.

At present, we are facing an extremely grim situation.

The earth wall must be broken!

The cover is tight, and I don\'t have half a way to go.

However, once the earth wall is destroyed, he will fall into the "trap" of the earth spiritual master\'s guardian and be forced to compete with it, but it is not what he wants. It doesn\'t matter if you are one-on-one, but now one is against two, and what\'s missing is the guardian of the fire spirit Master with strong attack ability.

Yourself, will be very dangerous!

"In that case, it\'s the only way to do it." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The breath explodes, the star power suddenly roars, and the red virtual light condenses.

Strength, limit cohesion!

"No, the forest wind is bad." Ji Xia\'s face was surprised.

Others, including Qin Qianqian, could not understand the situation, but Ji Xia could see it clearly.

Lin Feng, forced into a desperate situation!

"The two guardians of the ladder are very powerful."

"Such cooperation is rare among human warriors."

"Lin Feng, please."

Clenching her teeth, Ji Xia felt anxious, but there was no way.

With his strength, he is not enough to intervene!

Huge fiery fireball, burning wildly.

The guardian of the fire spirit Master has bright eyes and a huge meteorite fireball in his hands. Compared with ordinary fireballs, it is more powerful and destructive.

Meteorite fireball is famous for its instant explosive power.

In front of Lin Feng\'s eyes, the huge wall stands tall, covering the sky and blocking all roads.

Two guardians of the ladder set up a net and waited for Lin Feng to fall!


The forest wind shrouded in black fog condenses a strong gun light and appears in an instant!

The red star power was boiling, and the gun light and lightning were amazing, but no one noticed that Lin Feng didn\'t flash at his right knee.

Most importantly, Lin Feng has a gun——

It\'s the right hand.

"Chi!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright, and the ember magic gun stabbed out in a moment.

All the power erupts in an instant and the power blooms. At this time, the eyes of the guardian of the fire spirit Master are also bright. The meteor fireball in his right hand suddenly blows to the forest wind. The time is very clever. The guardian of the earth spirit Master uses all his strength to solidify the earth wall to the limit.

The strongest collision, imminent!


Everyone, they all miscalculated.

Lin Feng\'s right arm holding the gun seemed to pause in an instant. The gun tip was sharp and stopped with incredible power.

In an instant——

Boom!! The right foot slammed.

The starlight wrapped his feet and stepped on the thick wall with all his strength.

"Is this?!" Ji Xia\'s Indigo pupil twinkled.

Take advantage!

Lin Feng, instead of being hard, is soft.

With the help of this pedal force, the speed broke out several times in an instant.

The violent reaction force flashed. With the dazzling light at the knee of the right foot, Lin Feng rushed to the guardian of the Earth Spirit master!

To everyone\'s surprise!

Including the Earth Spirit guardian.

At this time, it is trying its best to solidify the earth wall, but it did not expect such a sudden change in the situation.

Lin Feng gave up the guardian of fire spirit Master and attacked the guardian of Earth Spirit master first!

Direction, slight deviation.

But the existence of wind vortex makes Lin Feng fearless at all.

The speed suddenly changed. Lin Feng\'s right hand had already lost strength, but his left hand was bright.

Without using the throat wheel, this gun is powerful enough.

"Shoot!" Lin Fengshen drank.

The gun in his hand goes hand in hand, and Lin Feng\'s shooting realm has already reached an amazing level.

The violent force burst out, and the storm force condensed on the gun tip burst out with the intention of the gun. The senior people\'s state of gun integration will the power of Lin Feng\'s gun——

Raise countless levels!

The guardian of the fire spirit Master\'s face changed continuously, and the meteorite fireball in his left hand immediately flew to Lin Feng.

The guardian of the Earth Spirit master even gave up the wall and used all his strength to solidify his own defense, but it was too late.

Just is a cohesive sharp Earth Shield, which can not be formed in the future.

Lin Feng\'s gun has arrived.

With the power of breaking the sky, it comes suddenly!

"Broken!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The power of the ember magic gun is fully displayed, which is like a cloud arrow through all obstacles.

No defense can stop it. It\'s a powerful shot.

Wheeze! Penetrate the heart of the earth spirit Master guardian.

One shot!